The document discusses an estate planning attorney who attended a meeting with a financial planner and client. The financial planner unveiled an innovative wealth replacement strategy using permanent life insurance. This intrigued the attorney, as it could help clients recover from stock market losses and ensure retirement income. The strategy guarantees a death benefit, allows spending principal, and increases retirement income and flexibility. The attorney adopted the strategy and it eased his fears about having enough money in retirement.
Nagios Conference 2014 - Anna-Sofia Lejman - The Experience of Inheriting a N...Nagios
Anna-Sofia Lejman's presentation on The Experience of Inheriting a Nagios Monitored Environment.
The presentation was given during the Nagios World Conference North America held Oct 13th - Oct 16th, 2014 in Saint Paul, MN. For more information on the conference (including photos and videos), visit:
The Game Industry - contractual, legal & ethicalVictory Media
This document discusses various contractual, legal, and ethical obligations in the games industry, including regulations and compliance, intellectual property rights, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, licenses, and industry regulation. It provides examples and explanations of these concepts as they relate to video game development and publishing.
This document summarizes a presentation about protecting photographic work. It discusses copyright, which protects original works from being copied or distributed without permission. The presentation covers the bundle of rights copyright provides, such as reproduction and distribution rights. Other topics include public domain works, fair use, Creative Commons licenses, the Visual Artists Rights Act, and addressing copyright infringement. Cases were discussed and resources provided for further information.
The document outlines the top 10 legal issues game developers should consider: (1) ideas cannot be protected but their expression can; (2) intellectual property rights over copyright, trademarks; (3) determining authorship and work-for-hire agreements; (4) sale versus licensing of rights; (5) registering copyrights; (6) business models regarding payments and monetization; (7) music licensing and publicity rights; (8) distribution platforms; (9) privacy policies and terms of use; (10) freedom of speech versus censorship issues. The document recommends seeking legal counsel to navigate these complex legal areas of game development.
The document discusses several topics related to video games:
1) Violence in games and their rating systems aim to inform consumers but are often ignored, particularly by teenagers. While games don't cause violence, parents must teach morals.
2) Games can be educational by improving skills like reflexes, multitasking and micro-management. However, some claim they "rot brains" without evidence.
3) Stereotyping is a minor problem for younger gamers but most find stereotypes humorous between friends from different cultures.
Claudia Porchietto, candidata del centrodestra alla presidenza della provincia di Torino, si ¨¨ fatta promotrice di due inchieste riguardanti la distanza tra politica e cittadini e la creativit¨¤ di Torino; la testimonianze del web sono state raccolte in un e-book scaricabile dal suo sito
Zoom fa pi¨´ grande la natura: un giorno ai laghi Baite per divertirsi imparando. Gita gratuita per i pi¨´ piccoli accompagnati da famiglie, nonni o zii
Il Governo decide di investire un miliardo e mezzo per la fibra ottica e Claudia Porchietto dichiara ¡°Necessit¨¤ di banda larga per tutta la provincia torinese¡±
Zoom fa pi¨´ grande la natura: un giorno ai laghi Baite per divertirsi imparando. Gita gratuita per i pi¨´ piccoli accompagnati da famiglie, nonni o zii
Il Governo decide di investire un miliardo e mezzo per la fibra ottica e Claudia Porchietto dichiara ¡°Necessit¨¤ di banda larga per tutta la provincia torinese¡±