C++ is an object-oriented programming language that was created as an extension of C programming language. It was created by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1979 at Bell Labs. Some key differences between C and C++ include C++ supporting object-oriented programming concepts like classes, inheritance and polymorphism, while C is a procedural language. Pointers and references are commonly used in C++ to pass arguments to functions by reference rather than by value. Arrays and functions are also important elements of C++ programs.
Here is a potential solution to the problem in C++:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int num1, num2, num3;
cout << "Enter three numbers: ";
cin >> num1 >> num2 >> num3;
int total = num1 + num2 + num3;
float average = total / 3.0;
cout << "The numbers entered were: " << num1 << ", " << num2 << ", " << num3 << endl;
cout << "Their average is: " << average;
return 0;
Some key points:
- Use cin to input the 3 numbers from the
The document provides an introduction to C++ programming. It outlines key learning outcomes which include data types, input/output operators, control statements, arrays, functions, structures, and object-oriented programming concepts. It then discusses some of these concepts in more detail, including an overview of C++, its characteristics as both a high-level and low-level language, object-oriented programming principles, and basic data types.
This document provides an overview of C++ including:
1. What a computer and computer program are, with hardware and software components.
2. The typical development process in C++ including editing, compiling, linking, loading and executing programs.
3. Examples of simple C++ programs that print text, get user input, perform calculations and make decisions.
Functions allow programmers to structure C++ programs into modular segments of code to perform individual tasks. There are two types of functions: library functions and user-defined functions. User-defined functions are defined using a return type, function name, and parameters. Functions can be called by value or by reference and can also be inline, recursive, or friend functions.
The document provides an overview of key concepts in C++, including:
1) C++ adds object-oriented programming capabilities to C while maintaining C's power and flexibility. It was created in 1979 to provide object-oriented programming features to C.
2) Object-oriented programming encourages breaking problems into constituent parts called objects that contain related instructions and data. The three main traits of OOP are encapsulation, polymorphism, and inheritance.
3) C++ supports both traditional and modern styles, with newer headers placed in the std namespace. Keywords like class, public, and virtual allow defining classes and controlling access to members. Functions can be overloaded if their signatures differ.
C++ is an object-oriented programming language that is a superset of C and was created by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs in the early 1980s. C++ supports features like classes, inheritance, and object-oriented design while also being compatible with C. Some key characteristics of C++ include its support for object-oriented programming, portability, modular programming, and C compatibility. C++ programs are made up of tokens like identifiers, keywords, literals, punctuators, and operators.
This document discusses interfaces in Java. It defines an interface as a blueprint of a class that defines static constants and abstract methods. Interfaces are used to achieve abstraction and multiple inheritance in Java. They represent an "is-a" relationship. There are three main reasons to use interfaces - for abstraction, to support multiple inheritance functionality, and to achieve loose coupling. The document provides examples of interfaces, such as a Printable interface and implementations in different classes. It also demonstrates multiple inheritance using interfaces and interface inheritance.
This document discusses the structure of a C++ program. It begins by defining software and the different types. It then discusses key concepts in C++ like classes, objects, functions, and headers. It provides examples of a class declaration with private and public sections, member functions, and a main function. It also discusses practical training resources available for learning C++ including e-learning websites, e-assignments, e-content, and mobile apps.
C++ is an object-oriented programming language that is an extension of C. It was developed in the 1980s to support object-oriented programming. In C++, data and functions can be combined into objects. Data in an object can only be accessed by the object's functions, allowing for encapsulation. The document then provides an overview of key C++ concepts like data types, tokens, operators, and input/output streams to introduce basic C++ syntax and programming.
This document provides an introduction to C++ programming. It discusses key differences between C and C++, shows simple C++ examples, and covers important C++ concepts like input/output streams, header files, inline functions, references, and reference parameters. The document is intended to teach basic C++ syntax and features to someone new to the language.
This presentation introduces Java packages, including system packages that are part of the Java API and user-defined packages. It discusses how packages organize related classes and interfaces, the structure of package names and directories, and how to create and access packages. Packages provide advantages like grouping related code, preventing name collisions, and improving reusability.
This document discusses data types in Java. There are two main types: primitive data types (boolean, char, byte, etc.) and non-primitive types (classes, interfaces, arrays). It explains each of the eight primitive types and provides examples of non-primitive types like classes and arrays. The document also covers type casting (converting between data types), autoboxing/unboxing of primitive types to their corresponding wrapper classes, and the differences between implicit and explicit type casting.
The aim of this list of programming languages is to include all notable programming languages in existence, both those in current use and ... Note: This page does not list esoteric programming languages. .... Computer programming portal ...
Everything about OOPs (Object-oriented programming) in this slide we cover the all details about object-oriented programming using C++. we also discussed why C++ is called a subset of C.
Variables in C programming can have local, global, or formal (parameter) scope. [1] Local variables are declared within a function and can only be accessed within that function. [2] Global variables are declared outside of functions and can be accessed anywhere. [3] Formal parameters declared in a function signature take precedence over global variables of the same name within that function.
An overview of object oriented programming including the differences between OOP and the traditional structural approach, definitions of class and objects, and an easy coding example in C++. This presentation includes visual aids to make the concepts easier to understand.
C++ is most often used programming language. This slide will help you to gain more knowledge on C++ programming. In this slide you will learn the fundamentals of C++ programming. The slide will also help you to fetch more details on Object Oriented Programming concepts. Each of the concept under Object Oriented Programming is explained in detail and in more smoother way as it will helpful for everyone to understand.
Operator overloading allows user-defined types in C++ to behave similarly to built-in types when operators are used on them. It allows operators to have special meanings depending on the context. Some key points made in the document include:
- Operator overloading enhances the extensibility of C++ by allowing user-defined types to work with operators like addition, subtraction, etc.
- Common operators that can be overloaded include arithmetic operators, increment/decrement, input/output, function call, and subscript operators.
- To overload an operator, a member or friend function is declared with the same name as the operator being overloaded. This function performs the desired operation on the class type.
C++ functions require prototypes that specify the return type and parameters. Function overloading allows multiple functions to have the same name but different signatures. Default arguments allow functions to be called without providing trailing arguments. Inline functions expand the function body at the call site for small functions to reduce overhead compared to regular function calls.
Classes allow users to bundle data and functions together. A class defines data members and member functions. Data members store data within each object, while member functions implement behaviors. Classes support access specifiers like public and private to control access to members. Objects are instances of classes that allocate memory for data members. Member functions can access object data members and are called on objects using dot notation. Friend functions allow non-member functions to access private members of classes.
This document discusses object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts like classes, objects, inheritance, encapsulation, abstraction, and polymorphism in C++. It provides examples of how each concept is implemented in C++. It explains that classes are user-defined data types that contain data fields and methods. Objects are instances of classes. Inheritance allows classes to inherit attributes from other classes. Encapsulation binds data to the methods that operate on it. Abstraction hides unnecessary details and displays only essential information. Polymorphism allows one message to have multiple implementations.
The document provides an overview of C++ vs C# by Shubhra Chauhan. It discusses the key object-oriented programming concepts like classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, and how they are implemented in C++ and C#. It includes code examples to demonstrate class usage and inheritance in both languages. The document also compares some similarities and differences between C++ and C# like support for pointers, preprocessors, structures, and goto statements.
C++ is an object-oriented programming language that is a superset of C and was created by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs in the early 1980s. C++ supports features like classes, inheritance, and object-oriented design while also being compatible with C. Some key characteristics of C++ include its support for object-oriented programming, portability, modular programming, and C compatibility. C++ programs are made up of tokens like identifiers, keywords, literals, punctuators, and operators.
This document discusses interfaces in Java. It defines an interface as a blueprint of a class that defines static constants and abstract methods. Interfaces are used to achieve abstraction and multiple inheritance in Java. They represent an "is-a" relationship. There are three main reasons to use interfaces - for abstraction, to support multiple inheritance functionality, and to achieve loose coupling. The document provides examples of interfaces, such as a Printable interface and implementations in different classes. It also demonstrates multiple inheritance using interfaces and interface inheritance.
This document discusses the structure of a C++ program. It begins by defining software and the different types. It then discusses key concepts in C++ like classes, objects, functions, and headers. It provides examples of a class declaration with private and public sections, member functions, and a main function. It also discusses practical training resources available for learning C++ including e-learning websites, e-assignments, e-content, and mobile apps.
C++ is an object-oriented programming language that is an extension of C. It was developed in the 1980s to support object-oriented programming. In C++, data and functions can be combined into objects. Data in an object can only be accessed by the object's functions, allowing for encapsulation. The document then provides an overview of key C++ concepts like data types, tokens, operators, and input/output streams to introduce basic C++ syntax and programming.
This document provides an introduction to C++ programming. It discusses key differences between C and C++, shows simple C++ examples, and covers important C++ concepts like input/output streams, header files, inline functions, references, and reference parameters. The document is intended to teach basic C++ syntax and features to someone new to the language.
This presentation introduces Java packages, including system packages that are part of the Java API and user-defined packages. It discusses how packages organize related classes and interfaces, the structure of package names and directories, and how to create and access packages. Packages provide advantages like grouping related code, preventing name collisions, and improving reusability.
This document discusses data types in Java. There are two main types: primitive data types (boolean, char, byte, etc.) and non-primitive types (classes, interfaces, arrays). It explains each of the eight primitive types and provides examples of non-primitive types like classes and arrays. The document also covers type casting (converting between data types), autoboxing/unboxing of primitive types to their corresponding wrapper classes, and the differences between implicit and explicit type casting.
The aim of this list of programming languages is to include all notable programming languages in existence, both those in current use and ... Note: This page does not list esoteric programming languages. .... Computer programming portal ...
Everything about OOPs (Object-oriented programming) in this slide we cover the all details about object-oriented programming using C++. we also discussed why C++ is called a subset of C.
Variables in C programming can have local, global, or formal (parameter) scope. [1] Local variables are declared within a function and can only be accessed within that function. [2] Global variables are declared outside of functions and can be accessed anywhere. [3] Formal parameters declared in a function signature take precedence over global variables of the same name within that function.
An overview of object oriented programming including the differences between OOP and the traditional structural approach, definitions of class and objects, and an easy coding example in C++. This presentation includes visual aids to make the concepts easier to understand.
C++ is most often used programming language. This slide will help you to gain more knowledge on C++ programming. In this slide you will learn the fundamentals of C++ programming. The slide will also help you to fetch more details on Object Oriented Programming concepts. Each of the concept under Object Oriented Programming is explained in detail and in more smoother way as it will helpful for everyone to understand.
Operator overloading allows user-defined types in C++ to behave similarly to built-in types when operators are used on them. It allows operators to have special meanings depending on the context. Some key points made in the document include:
- Operator overloading enhances the extensibility of C++ by allowing user-defined types to work with operators like addition, subtraction, etc.
- Common operators that can be overloaded include arithmetic operators, increment/decrement, input/output, function call, and subscript operators.
- To overload an operator, a member or friend function is declared with the same name as the operator being overloaded. This function performs the desired operation on the class type.
C++ functions require prototypes that specify the return type and parameters. Function overloading allows multiple functions to have the same name but different signatures. Default arguments allow functions to be called without providing trailing arguments. Inline functions expand the function body at the call site for small functions to reduce overhead compared to regular function calls.
Classes allow users to bundle data and functions together. A class defines data members and member functions. Data members store data within each object, while member functions implement behaviors. Classes support access specifiers like public and private to control access to members. Objects are instances of classes that allocate memory for data members. Member functions can access object data members and are called on objects using dot notation. Friend functions allow non-member functions to access private members of classes.
This document discusses object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts like classes, objects, inheritance, encapsulation, abstraction, and polymorphism in C++. It provides examples of how each concept is implemented in C++. It explains that classes are user-defined data types that contain data fields and methods. Objects are instances of classes. Inheritance allows classes to inherit attributes from other classes. Encapsulation binds data to the methods that operate on it. Abstraction hides unnecessary details and displays only essential information. Polymorphism allows one message to have multiple implementations.
The document provides an overview of C++ vs C# by Shubhra Chauhan. It discusses the key object-oriented programming concepts like classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, and how they are implemented in C++ and C#. It includes code examples to demonstrate class usage and inheritance in both languages. The document also compares some similarities and differences between C++ and C# like support for pointers, preprocessors, structures, and goto statements.
The document discusses inheritance in C++. It defines inheritance as creating new classes from existing classes where the new classes inherit properties of the existing classes. There are different types of inheritance including single, multiple, hierarchical and multilevel inheritance. The relationship between base and derived classes is described. Access specifiers like public, private and protected are also discussed which determine how members of base classes can be accessed in derived classes. Examples of code implementing single inheritance between two classes are provided.
The document discusses different types of inheritance in C++ including single, multiple, hierarchical, and multilevel inheritance. Single inheritance involves one base class and derived class. Multiple inheritance allows a class to inherit from multiple base classes. Hierarchical inheritance uses a single base class to derive multiple classes. Multilevel inheritance involves a derived class acting as a base class to further derived classes. Examples of code implementing these inheritance types are provided.
Classes allow binding of data and functions together through encapsulation. A class declaration specifies the data members and member functions, dividing them into private and public sections. Objects of a class are instantiated, allocating memory for each object. Member functions can access private data, while public functions are accessible to outside code. Friend functions declared in a class can also access private members but are not class members.
Classes extend the built-in capabilities of C++ able you in representing and solving complex, real-world problems. A class is an organization of data and functions which operate on them. Data structures are called data members and the functions are called member functions, the combination of data members and member functions constitute a data
object or simply an object.
Class is a group of data member and member functions. Another word class is a collection of objects of similar type.
To create a class, use the class keyword followed by a name for the object. Like any other declared variable, the class declaration ends with a semi-colon. The name of a class follows the rules we have applied for variable and function names.
The genetic characters transmitted from parent to offspring, taken collectively.
Something, as a quality, characteristic, or other immaterial possession, received from progenitors or predecessors as if by succession.
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The document discusses structures and classes in C++. It defines a structure called student with data members like name and roll number. It then defines a class called person with data members name and number and demonstrates creating an object of the class and accessing its members. The document also discusses concepts like defining member functions inside and outside classes, access specifiers, nesting member functions, and making outside member functions inline.
The document provides information about object-oriented programming concepts in C++ including class, object, constructor, destructor, access specifiers, data members, member functions, static members, and friend functions. It defines each concept, provides syntax examples, and explains how to create a class, make objects, and access members. Constructors are used to initialize objects while destructors deallocate memory. Access specifiers determine public, private, and protected access.
Introduction to object oriented programming conceptsGanesh Karthik
OOPS concepts such as class, object, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism are introduced. A class is a collection of objects that defines common properties and behaviors. An object is an instance of a class. Encapsulation binds data and methods together, abstraction hides implementation details, and inheritance allows deriving new classes from existing classes. Polymorphism allows the same message to be processed in different ways. Constructors and destructors are special methods used for object initialization and cleanup.
This document discusses inheritance in C++. It defines inheritance as a process where new classes called derived classes are created from existing classes called base classes. The derived classes have all the features of the base class and can add new specific features. Inheritance allows for code reusability and saves time by reusing features of the base class. The document then provides examples of single inheritance with a base class and derived class, and examples of different types of inheritance like multilevel, multiple, hierarchical, and hybrid inheritance.
Inheritance allows classes to inherit attributes and behaviors from other classes. In C++, a derived class inherits from a base class. The derived class inherits all public and protected members of the base class and can add additional members or override inherited members. Constructors and destructors are not inherited, so derived classes must define their own. When a derived class object is instantiated, the base class constructor is called first to initialize the base portion, followed by the derived portion.
Inheritance allows classes to inherit attributes and behaviors from other classes. In C++, a derived class inherits from a base class. The derived class inherits all public and protected members of the base class and can add its own data members and member functions. Constructors and destructors are not inherited by the derived class, so they must be defined separately. When a derived class object is instantiated, the base class constructor is called first to initialize the base portion, followed by the derived portion.
Access controlaspecifier and visibilty modesVinay Kumar
Access modifiers in C++ allow restricting access to classes, members, and inherited members. The three main access modifiers are public, private, and protected. Public members can be accessed anywhere, private members only within the class, and protected members within the class and subclasses. The scope resolution operator :: is used to access members when names are hidden, define functions outside classes, access static members, and resolve multiple inheritance conflicts.
The document discusses various concepts related to inheritance in C++ including types of inheritance (single, multiple, hierarchical, multilevel, hybrid), defining derived classes, visibility modes (private, public), constructors and destructors in derived classes, virtual base classes, virtual functions, pure virtual functions, and abstract base classes. It provides examples and explanations for each concept.
Inheritance allows one class to acquire the properties and behaviors of another class, known as the base or parent class, allowing code reuse and extension of existing classes without modification. There are different types of inheritance like simple, multilevel, and multiple inheritance that build upon the base class in various ways. Inheritance provides benefits like code reuse, extension of existing classes, and ability to override methods of the base class in the derived class.
Here are the key principles of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Java:
1. Encapsulation: It wraps code and data together into a single unit called class. The data in a class can be accessed and manipulated only through the methods of the class. This prevents data from direct modification which is called data hiding.
2. Inheritance: It allows one class to acquire properties of another class. The child class inherits attributes and behaviors of the parent class. This allows code reusability and is-a relationship between classes.
3. Polymorphism: It allows different classes to have same method name but with different implementations. This is achieved by method overriding in Java. Polymorphism allows one
The document discusses inheritance in object-oriented programming. It defines inheritance as a class deriving from an existing class, allowing the derived class to access members of the base class. It describes three types of inheritance: public, private, and protected. It provides examples of single and multiple inheritance, and discusses how constructors are handled in derived classes.
1. The document introduces classes, explaining concepts like data hiding, abstraction, and encapsulation. It defines a class as a way to bind data and associated functions together to represent real-world entities.
2. A class has four attributes - data members to describe characteristics, member functions for behaviors, an access level to control access, and a class name used to create objects. An example class Account is given with attributes like account number, type, balance and functions like deposit and withdraw.
3. Objects are instances of a class that allow manipulating the data and calling the functions of the class. Some examples of class objects are given.
This document discusses key concepts of inheritance in C++ including:
1. A derived class inherits data members and member functions from its parent class, but not constructors/destructors. It can add new members.
2. Constructors and destructors are called in order of derivation - base class constructor first, then derived, and destructor calls are in reverse order.
3. Inheritance allows polymorphism through virtual functions, where the appropriate version is chosen at runtime based on the actual object type.
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C++ Is Developed by Bjarne stroustrup in 1979 at Bell labs.
All the programs written in c language can be run in all c++
In c++, input and output are performed using stream. If you
want to output something, you put it into an output stream,
and when you want something to be input , you get it from an
input stream. The standard output and input streams in c++ are
called cout and cin and they use your computers screen and
keyboard respectively . The code above outputs the character
string The best place to start is at the beginning to your
screen by placing it in the output stream with insertion
operator <<, when we come to write programs that involve
input using the extraction operator >>.
The name cout is defined in the header file iostream.h . This is
a standard header file that provides the definition necessary for
you to use the standard input and output facilities in c++.
6. It is a way of combining data and functions into an independent entity called
class. A class is like a blueprint of object.
A class is a user defined datatype which has data members and member functions
used to access the data members.
A class can be defined by the keyword class. The format of class declaration is given
Class class_name
variable declarations
function declarations
public :
variable declarations
function declarations
7. The variables and functions declared in a class under keyword
private are not accessible to any outside function. This feature
of class declaration is called data hiding.
Access specifiers :
The keywords private and public are called access specifiers. In
the absence of a specifier , all declaration defined in a class by
default private.
Member function definition :
The member functions can be defined inside as well as outside
the class declaration. If a member function is very small then it
can be defined inside the class itself. And if a member function is
large then it can be defined outside the class.
using namespace std;
class class _name
Void function_name()
Statement 2;
using namespace std;
class class_name
Void function_name();
void class_name :: function_name()
Statement 2;
10. The operator :: is known as scope resolution operator.
This is used to access member functions to their corresponding
class in following form.
Type class_name::function_name(parameter list)
function body
where :
type : is the data type of value to be returned.
class_name : is the name of the class to which the
function belongs.
function_name : is the name of the function being
parameter list : list of formal arguments.
11. It is an activity of defining a new class in terms of an existing class. The
existing class is known as a base class.( i.e. super class) and the new class is
known as derived class ( ie. Sub class ) .
In c++, a derived class can be obtained by adding some new data structures and
functions to base class. The derived class inherits the members of its base class
without the need to redefine them. The format for defining a derived class is
given below:
Class <derived class> : Visibility mode < base class>
class: is a reserved word
<derived class > : is the name of the subclass or new class being derived.
Visibility mode : is the mode of access to items from the base class.
The access mode is optional and can be either of the following type:
Private , public & protected
12. Accessible from /
Access mode
Base Class Derived class Outside
Public Yes Yes Yes
Protected Yes Yes No
Private Yes No No
The action of visibility mode or access specifiers as follows:
13. The inheritances are classified in following categories:
Single inheritance
Hierarchical inheritance
Multilevel inheritance
Multiple inheritance
SINGLE INHERITANCE : In this the single derived class is present.
In hierarchical inheritance, using one super or
base class & multiple derived /sub classes.
We know that a derived class with a single base class is said to form
single inheritance. The derived class can also become a base class for
some other derived class.
This type of chain of deriving classes can go on as for as necessary.The
inheritance of this tupe is known as multilevel inheritance.
A class can inherit properties from more than one base class. this type of
inheritance is called as multiple inheritance. Please notice that this inheritance is
different from hierarchical inheritance wherein subclasses share the same base
class. It is also different from multilevel inheritance wherein a subclass is derived
from a class which itself is derived from another class and so on .
Z Object
Base class Base class
Derived class
or Sub Class
17. Constructors:
A class constructor is a special member function of a class that is executed whenever
we create new objects of that class.
A constructor will have exact same name as the class and it does not have any return type
at all, not even void. Constructors can be very useful for setting initial values for certain
member variables.
The constructor function can also be used by a programmer to initialize the internal data
members of the object. In C++ , there are three types of constructors:
1. The default constructor
2. Parameterized constructors
3. The copy constructor
Destructors :
A destructor is a special member function of a class that is executed whenever an
object of it's class goes out of scope or whenever the delete expression is applied to a
pointer to the object of that class.
A destructor will have exact same name as the class prefixed with a tilde (~) and it can
neither return a value nor can it take any parameters. Destructor can be very useful for
releasing resources before coming out of the program like closing files, releasing
memories etc.