Industrial Programming Java - Lection Pack 03 - Relational Databases - Lavren...Fedor LavrentyevКурс "Промышленное программирование на Java". Набор лекций 3. "Реляционные базы данных".
Модель предметной области. Подключение к РСУБД из Java.
Spring JDBC.
МФТИ, 2014 год. Лектор - Лаврентьев Федор Сергеевич
Лекция Android. БД SQLite, ContentProvider, LoaderАлександр БричЛекция по БД SQLite, ContentProvider, Loader в Android. Общее знакомство с классами и работой с БД.
Как и зачем мы тестируем UIVyacheslav LyalkinВ презентации на примере конкретного веб-приложения освещается тема автоматизированного тестирования и важность таких тестов в контексте Continuous Integration/Delivery. Рассмотрены азы работы с Selenium WebDriver'ом, область применения этого инструмента и простые примеры использования.
Презентация подготовлена по материалам прошедшего 19.11.2013 витебского митапа (
#3 "Webpack и Vue.JS: Создание больших приложений и их расширение" Кирилл Кай...JSibКирилл Кайсаров рассказывает о сборщике Webpack и фреймворке Vue.js.
Vijay bhosekar published article organic agriculturevijay bhosekarOver 30 years of studies at the Rodale Institute in Pennsylvania found that:
1) Organic systems produced equal yields of corn and soybeans compared to conventional systems, while improving soil quality.
2) Organic systems were more profitable than conventional systems due to lower costs and premium prices for organic crops.
3) Organic systems used less energy and emitted fewer greenhouse gases than conventional systems to produce the same amount of crops.
AdminMgr&IntDesCV_3.30.15Melanie OringerThis document is a resume for Melanie Oringer summarizing her experience in administrative management, interior design, nursing, research, and fashion/graphic design. As an administrative manager, she oversees office operations and provides executive support. Her interior design experience includes residential renovation and new construction projects where she designed spaces, selected materials, and managed vendors. Oringer also has 12 years of experience in clinical research and 8 years as a nurse. She is proficient in MS Office, Mac OS, AutoCAD, and has studied fashion, graphic design, and interior design.
Vijay Bhosekar_ PP_Rodale Institute_Feb 9vijay bhosekarOrganic grain cropping systems aim to improve soil quality, nutrient cycling, and pest management through practices like crop rotations, cover crops, and integrating livestock. Research shows organic systems can increase soil carbon sequestration, nitrogen fertility, and some ecosystem services compared to conventional no-till systems. Effective weed management in organic systems relies on cultural practices, like competitive crop varieties and cover crops, rather than herbicides. Cover crop mixtures may provide greater benefits than individual species by utilizing resources more completely and suppressing weeds through allelopathy. Further research is still needed to fully understand long-term impacts and ensure organic grain production remains sustainable.
Investors | How it worksGREXdotINThe document outlines the onboarding process for investors on the GREX platform. Investors first receive an invitation, then provide KYC documents and complete any necessary account opening. Once documentation is completed, investors are ready to transact and can discover companies of interest, track them, and ultimately invest in companies through the platform.
Production diary 9Laila JaleelThe student completed filming and editing for their Juno Task over several weeks. Their planning involved storyboarding, and filming took multiple weeks but they got enough shots to make the outcome look good. During editing, they had to reuse some shots by zooming or cutting since they did not finish all shots, and they synced the footage to the opening music by cutting, speeding up, or slowing down clips.
Happily_DisconnectedAmber PerkinsThe document outlines a marketing campaign to promote tourism in Pocahontas County, West Virginia by targeting overworked mothers seeking an "unplugged" family vacation where they can disconnect from technology and reconnect with their family. The campaign's key strategy is to position Pocahontas County as the perfect destination for this by leveraging its status within the National Radio Quiet Zone where there is no cell service or WiFi. A variety of tactics are proposed across print, outdoor, radio, digital, non-traditional, and public relations channels to reach mothers and convince them that a vacation in Pocahontas County can help their
Bollywood Movie PosterAkash HossainThis short document promotes Haiku Deck, a presentation creation tool, and encourages the reader to create their own Haiku Deck presentation. It provides a link to get started making a Haiku Deck presentation on ݺߣShare.
Production diary 2Laila JaleelThe presentation included the group's choice of song out of three options and ideas for their music video, such as the theme and possible locations. Creating the presentation provided a starting point for the group to develop their music video concept. The document also notes that the group wrote a copyright permission letter to the song's holder to legally use the song in their video.
Industrial Programming Java - Lection Pack 03 - Relational Databases - Lavren...Fedor LavrentyevКурс "Промышленное программирование на Java". Набор лекций 3. "Реляционные базы данных".
Модель предметной области. Подключение к РСУБД из Java.
Spring JDBC.
МФТИ, 2014 год. Лектор - Лаврентьев Федор Сергеевич
Лекция Android. БД SQLite, ContentProvider, LoaderАлександр БричЛекция по БД SQLite, ContentProvider, Loader в Android. Общее знакомство с классами и работой с БД.
Как и зачем мы тестируем UIVyacheslav LyalkinВ презентации на примере конкретного веб-приложения освещается тема автоматизированного тестирования и важность таких тестов в контексте Continuous Integration/Delivery. Рассмотрены азы работы с Selenium WebDriver'ом, область применения этого инструмента и простые примеры использования.
Презентация подготовлена по материалам прошедшего 19.11.2013 витебского митапа (
#3 "Webpack и Vue.JS: Создание больших приложений и их расширение" Кирилл Кай...JSibКирилл Кайсаров рассказывает о сборщике Webpack и фреймворке Vue.js.
Vijay bhosekar published article organic agriculturevijay bhosekarOver 30 years of studies at the Rodale Institute in Pennsylvania found that:
1) Organic systems produced equal yields of corn and soybeans compared to conventional systems, while improving soil quality.
2) Organic systems were more profitable than conventional systems due to lower costs and premium prices for organic crops.
3) Organic systems used less energy and emitted fewer greenhouse gases than conventional systems to produce the same amount of crops.
AdminMgr&IntDesCV_3.30.15Melanie OringerThis document is a resume for Melanie Oringer summarizing her experience in administrative management, interior design, nursing, research, and fashion/graphic design. As an administrative manager, she oversees office operations and provides executive support. Her interior design experience includes residential renovation and new construction projects where she designed spaces, selected materials, and managed vendors. Oringer also has 12 years of experience in clinical research and 8 years as a nurse. She is proficient in MS Office, Mac OS, AutoCAD, and has studied fashion, graphic design, and interior design.
Vijay Bhosekar_ PP_Rodale Institute_Feb 9vijay bhosekarOrganic grain cropping systems aim to improve soil quality, nutrient cycling, and pest management through practices like crop rotations, cover crops, and integrating livestock. Research shows organic systems can increase soil carbon sequestration, nitrogen fertility, and some ecosystem services compared to conventional no-till systems. Effective weed management in organic systems relies on cultural practices, like competitive crop varieties and cover crops, rather than herbicides. Cover crop mixtures may provide greater benefits than individual species by utilizing resources more completely and suppressing weeds through allelopathy. Further research is still needed to fully understand long-term impacts and ensure organic grain production remains sustainable.
Investors | How it worksGREXdotINThe document outlines the onboarding process for investors on the GREX platform. Investors first receive an invitation, then provide KYC documents and complete any necessary account opening. Once documentation is completed, investors are ready to transact and can discover companies of interest, track them, and ultimately invest in companies through the platform.
Production diary 9Laila JaleelThe student completed filming and editing for their Juno Task over several weeks. Their planning involved storyboarding, and filming took multiple weeks but they got enough shots to make the outcome look good. During editing, they had to reuse some shots by zooming or cutting since they did not finish all shots, and they synced the footage to the opening music by cutting, speeding up, or slowing down clips.
Happily_DisconnectedAmber PerkinsThe document outlines a marketing campaign to promote tourism in Pocahontas County, West Virginia by targeting overworked mothers seeking an "unplugged" family vacation where they can disconnect from technology and reconnect with their family. The campaign's key strategy is to position Pocahontas County as the perfect destination for this by leveraging its status within the National Radio Quiet Zone where there is no cell service or WiFi. A variety of tactics are proposed across print, outdoor, radio, digital, non-traditional, and public relations channels to reach mothers and convince them that a vacation in Pocahontas County can help their
Bollywood Movie PosterAkash HossainThis short document promotes Haiku Deck, a presentation creation tool, and encourages the reader to create their own Haiku Deck presentation. It provides a link to get started making a Haiku Deck presentation on ݺߣShare.
Production diary 2Laila JaleelThe presentation included the group's choice of song out of three options and ideas for their music video, such as the theme and possible locations. Creating the presentation provided a starting point for the group to develop their music video concept. The document also notes that the group wrote a copyright permission letter to the song's holder to legally use the song in their video.
Nowhere But NiigataSteve GillickAutumn is one of the best times to visit Niigata. The leaves are so unbelievably colourful and complement the scenery so well. We visited Shibata, Tsukioka Onsen (sake tasting), the Niigata Central market, Murasugi (outdoor onsen), Lake Hyoko (Swan Lake) and Agano, before heading to Niigata city.
Km1karolinadiaz2015El documento presenta una tabla que resume los principales períodos históricos, los desarrollos tecnológicos significativos de cada período y los cambios estructurales que ocurrieron como resultado. Entre los hitos tecnológicos se encuentran el uso del fuego en el Paleolítico, la agricultura y ganadería en el Neolítico, la construcción de pirámides en las culturas antiguas de Egipto y Mesopotamia, y el telégrafo durante la primera revolución industrial.
16 FACTS ABOUT CHOCOLATENisha ThinishaThis document is a collection of photo credits from various photographers and sources used in a Haiku Deck presentation on ݺߣShare. The photos are credited to individuals and organizations including Moyan_Brenn, RubioBuitrago,, EverJean, ginnerobot, peter pearson, Lauren Manning, kevin dooley, timsackton, get directly down, 427, djwtwo, and Andy.Schultz. The document encourages the reader to get started creating their own Haiku Deck presentation.
Simon ElliottSimechanicalThis portfolio contains various creative projects from Simon Elliott's studies including radio projects, upcycling designs, 3D modeling, casting works, and initial ideas and research for an A2 final design project. The portfolio showcases Simon's drawings, models, and work through different stages of the creative process from inspiration to prototyping and manufacturing.
Pest & Fumi-(Shiva Resume)Shivakumar JayaramanMJ.SHIVAKUMAR is seeking assignments in pest control and fumigation. He has over 20 years of experience in pest control and fumigation services. He is currently working as a manager of preservation and general pest management at Origo Commodities India Private Limited in Hyderabad. He has extensive experience managing pest control operations and services for both commercial and residential customers.
PPC Masters February 2015LucaSenatoreGbPresentation delivered at PPC Masters - Berlin in February 2015 by Luca Senatore, Head of Strategy at Genie Goals and mind coach.
objetosproblemas18Este documento enumera diferentes tipos de objetos como tablas, gráficos y SmartArt que pueden usarse en presentaciones. También lista elementos de hardware comunes como mouse, teclado, escáner y monitor. Además, incluye ejemplos de medios como imágenes en línea y videos en línea.
Your Five SensesMichelle Wines-LynchThis short document contains 6 photos credited to different photographers and encourages the reader to create their own Haiku Deck presentation on ݺߣShare by getting started. It showcases images while promoting the ability to make image-based presentations using Haiku Deck on ݺߣShare.
Production diary 20Laila Jaleel1) The production diary details editing techniques learned throughout the process such as overlapping shots and changing opacity levels.
2) Group members each had their own editing tasks but learned from observing one another, such as how to place text over a shot or put video inside text.
3) After reviewing a first draft, the group agreed more lip syncing shots were needed to meet their aim of using varied shot types in the music video.
Apache maven in java projectsAsya DudnikСамый простой и распространенный способ сборки приложения - это сборка с помощью файла pom.xml. т.е. с помощью Maven.
Мавен - это инструмент для сборки Java проекта: компиляции, создания jar, создания дистрибутива программы, генерации документации.
Сборка проекта происходит в любой операционной системе. Файл проекта один и тот же.
Редко какие проекты пишутся без использования сторонних библиотек(зависимостей). Эти сторонние библиотеки зачастую тоже в свою очередь используют библиотеки разных версий. Мавен позволяет управлять такими сложными зависимостями. Что позволяет разрешать конфликты версий и в случае необходимости легко переходить на новые версии библиотек.
Ruby on Rails. Пользовательский интерфейсDigital-агентство МэйкЗанятие №6 в рамках Курсов программирования Ruby on Rails.
Группа курсов «ВКонтакте»:
Организатор — Агентство интернет-маркетинга Мэйк Курсы проводятся на базе Кузбасского государственного технического университета, кафедры «Информационные и автоматизированные производственные системы».
Azure - облачные сервисы и приложенияAlexander BabichМой тренинг по разработке в Azure с использованием DevOps, созданный на основе официальных материалов Microsoft
Использование сторонних библиотек в веб-приложенииDenis LatushkinОбщие сведения о сторонних библиотеках. jQuery. Lodash. Yandex Maps API. Youtube iFrame API. CKEditor. Highcharts.
Переводим без интернета: как мы делали Яндекс.Перевод для iOS, Иван МоскалёвYandexРассказ о том, как удалось портировать сервис машинного перевода на мобильное устройство, какие сопутствующие задачи пришлось решить и какие грабли поджидали на пути. Обсудим также, насколько современные мобильные приложения зависимы от наличия сети и как проектировать архитектуру так, чтобы в будущем не набить шишек при добавлении офлайн-режима.
1. Темы лекции: ASP.NET. Web Forms. Часть 4.
Практическое задание: ASP.NET. Web Forms.
Тренер: Игорь Шкулипа, к.т.н.
Разработка Веб-приложений на платформе
Microsoft .NET Framework.
Занятие 8
2. 2
Варианты локализации приложения
1. На уровне реализации приложения.
Для каждого языка в БД создается отдельная таблица, содержащая
поля требующие перевода.
2. За счет внешних подключаемых модулей (Google translate, Bing
translate, etc.)
1. На уровне ресурсных файлов.
3. 3
Ресурсы в глобальных файлах ресурсов также являются строго типизированными на
случай, если потребуется вызывать эти файлы программным образом.
При внесении изменений в глобальный или локальный файл ресурсов по умолчанию
ASP.NET перекомпилирует эти ресурсы и заново запускает приложение ASP.NET.
Это может повлиять на общую производительность веб-узла. Если же
добавляются вспомогательные файлы ресурсов, то перекомпиляция ресурсов не
выполняется, но приложение ASP.NET перезапускается.
В ASP.NET можно создавать файлы ресурсов с
разными областями действия. Можно создавать
глобальные файлы ресурсов, т. е. файлы ресурсов,
которые может читать любая страница или любой
код конкретного веб-узла. Можно также создавать
локальные файлы ресурсов, хранящие ресурсы для
одной страницы ASP.NET (ASPX-файла).
В веб-приложении можно использовать любую
комбинацию глобальных и локальных файлов
ресурсов. Если предполагается использование
одних и тех же ресурсов несколькими страницами,
то обычно эти ресурсы добавляются в глобальный
файл ресурсов.
4. 4
Способы локализации приложений
На странице ASP.NET можно использовать следующие способы чтения
значений из файлов ресурсов:
• Неявная локализация. ASP.NET берет значения для свойств из
локального файла ресурсов, основываясь на сопоставлении ключей со
• Явная локализация. Создается выражение, которое считывает
конкретный ресурс из локального или глобального файла ресурсов.
Необходимо создать выражения для каждого свойства элемента
управления, которое требуется установить с помощью ресурса.