This document contains 3 figures modeling irradiation into a cable from a point wireless source. Figure 1 shows a 3D view of a cable path enclosed in a metal enclosure. Figure 2 plots the current induced at various positions along the cable against frequency, showing higher current at 75MHz and 225MHz. The document models irradiation into a cable and the induced currents from a wireless source.
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1. Irradia on into Cable from a
D:/Sricharan/FEKO/Version Viz/7.0 Beta/Cable modelling/Irradia on to a cable over ground plane
2015-08-05 11:58
FEKO is a product of Altair Engineering, Inc.
2. Cable path in a metal Encl
Figure 1: 3D View
Irradia on into Cable from a PWS
2015-08-05 11:58
3. Current induced at various posi on in a cable
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Frequency [MHz]
P1 CableProbe1
(75 MHz, 385 uA)
(75 MHz, 515 uA)
(225 MHz, 315 uA)
(225 MHz, 489 uA)
Figure 2: Current Magnitude - Irradia on_from_cable_enclosed_by_3_metal_walls_PW_Exc
Irradia on into Cable from a PWS
2015-08-05 11:58