2017/9/7 db tech showcase Tokyo 2017(JPOUG in 15 minutes)にて発表した内容です。
1. The document discusses RESTful APIs and gRPC, comparing their characteristics and use cases.
2. RESTful APIs typically use HTTP and JSON to access resources via URLs while gRPC uses protocol buffers and HTTP/2 for efficient streaming and RPC.
3. gRPC is better suited for microservices and mobile apps due to its ability to handle streaming and performance, while REST is more widely used due to its simplicity and support in most languages.
2017/9/7 db tech showcase Tokyo 2017(JPOUG in 15 minutes)にて発表した内容です。
1. The document discusses RESTful APIs and gRPC, comparing their characteristics and use cases.
2. RESTful APIs typically use HTTP and JSON to access resources via URLs while gRPC uses protocol buffers and HTTP/2 for efficient streaming and RPC.
3. gRPC is better suited for microservices and mobile apps due to its ability to handle streaming and performance, while REST is more widely used due to its simplicity and support in most languages.
This document contains links to MongoDB documentation pages about sharding, databases, collections, inserting, querying, updating, indexing, replication, and backups. It includes a link to a slideshare presentation on MongoDB sharding and links to pages explaining replica set internals and operations.
YAPC::Asia 2008 Tokyo - Pathtraq - building a computation-centric web serviceKazuho Oku
The talk describes the architecture of Pathtraq, one of Japan's largest web access statistics service, covering from database compression techniques to embedded SQL in perl.
SQL Server 使いのための Azure Synapse Analytics - Spark 入門Daiyu Hatakeyama
Japan SQL Server Users Group - 第35回 SQL Server 2019勉強会 - Azure Synapese Analytics - SQL Pool 入門 のセッション資料です。
Spark の位置づけ。Synapse の中での入門編の使い方。そして、Synapse ならではの価値について触れてます。
Infra Study Meetup #5「企業に必要とされているインフラ技術とこれから」(https://forkwell.connpass.com/event/183909/)
本来であれば、↑こちらのOnline Meetupで発表するはずだったのですが、台風9号で自宅が危険な状況&停電リスクがありキャンセルしました。
This document describes a swarm cluster with an overlay network containing multiple containers running various Docker services and images. The cluster has one container manager and three worker containers running the dind image. Services like HAProxy, a registry, nginx-proxy, and echo are distributed across the worker containers and load balanced with an overlay network for high availability.
This document discusses using Amazon Rekognition to index faces from images stored in an S3 bucket into a collection. It describes calling the IndexFaces API to index the full image, as well as cropped left, right, top-left, top-right, bottom-left, and bottom-right regions of faces. Promises are used to index the different regions concurrently. The document also mentions storing face metadata like bounding box coordinates and assigning external IDs to each indexed face for later searching by the SearchFacesByImage API.