Computer Aided Design (CAD) is used in product, architectural, graphic, and engineering design and in industries as varied as aerospace engineering,landscape architecture, and manufacturing. CAD enables designers to lay out and develop their work onscreen, print it out, and save it for future editing.
Solidworks is a 3D mechanical CAD program. Solidworks is used by over 1.3 million engineers and designers at more than 130,000 companies worldwide.
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CAD 2d, 3D and Solidworks Fall 2012
1. Computer Assisted
Design (CAD) Fall 2012
S o f t w a r e h a s b e e n u p g r a d e d t o A u t o C A D 2 0 1 2 !
2D Fundamentals 3D Modeling CAREERLINK APPROVED!
Dates: Wednesdays, September 12 Dates: Wednesdays, November 28 -足
November 7, 2012 January 30, 2013 WHY SHOULD I TAKE THIS PROGRAM?
(No class September 26) (No classes December 16, January 2)
Learn a new, marketable new skill
Time: 6:009:00 p.m. Time: 6:009:00 p.m.
Become more valuable to your current
Fee: $575 Fee: $575
Hands-足on class for beginning students. For those seeking to expand their experience
Topics include basic object construction with 2D AutoCAD into the 3D realm.
and dynamic input, geometric construction Topics include user coordinate systems and
Work experience and computer-足aided design
and editing tools, object properties and the z-足axis, viewports, wireframe modeling,
(CAD) skills are a students best friends when it
organization, orthographic views in constructive solid geometry modeling, region
comes to landing a job and commanding a higher
multiview drawings, basic dimensioning and modeling, extrusion, multiview drawings
wage. Fifteen years ago, 30 percent of firms had
notes, templates and plotting. Covers the from 3D models, symmetric features in
CAD drafting abilities. That figure now stands at
performance tasks found on the AutoCAD designs, and advanced modeling tools and
93 percent.
2011 Certified Associate Examination. techniques.
Nearly 30 percent of firms want students with
SolidWorks CAD skills, [and] 18 percent want graduates with
computer modeling/animation ability.
SolidWorks Essentials for Engineering Design
Source: Design/Build
Dates: Mondays, October 15December 3, 2012
Time: 6:009:00 p.m. C O N T A C T I N F O R M A T I O N
Fee: $575
Through demonstrations, tutorials, and hands-足on, in-足class exercises, students can learn to use
Assistant Director Continuing
the SolidWorks computer-足aided design software to create 3D solid models of parts. In addi-足 Education Eva Klein:
tion, students can learn how to modify these parts, generate engineering drawings from them,
and build assemblies from individual parts. This is a beginner level class for those with no prior WWW.ABINGTON.PSU.EDU/CE
SolidWorks experience.
CAD_2012 This publication is available in alternative media on request. Penn State encourages qualified persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and
activities. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation or have questions about the physical access provided, please contact Eva Klein at 215-足881-足7387 in
advance of your participation or visit. Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity, and the diversity of its workforce. U. Ed ABO 12-足115