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             - Shivani Sharma
Quick Facts about Cadbury!

    Cadbury has been one of the UK and the worlds most beloved sweet
       and chocolate manufacturers since 1824
    US based company Kraft took over Cadbury in February 2010 for an
       estimated 贈 11.6 billion
      Cadburys chocolate became Fairtrade certified in 2008, increasing
       the amount of Fair-trade cocoa sourced from West Africa

In this Presentation You will Learn.

 How Cadbury took an online activity offline to surprise and delight its
   customers to build amazingly huge committed Consumer force.
 How businesses can grow global audience through Social Media Activity
   and increases its sales exponentially.
 How creating the Facebook campaign proves out to be one of the most
   effective tactic to increase engagement to translate customers to
   customer advocates.
 Direct communication with your audience can elevate your brand above
 Why authenticity and transparency delivers great brand engagement and
# 1:
Reaching out to Customers
   Social Media like Facebook is an excellent      Let Your Fans be What They Want To
    way to broadcast your message, but Cadbury      be:

    took the idea of interaction to a whole new     Cadbury treats its fans more than just a
    level with their different As-per-the          customer. The Cadbury movements on
    occasion campaign.                             social media like Facebook indicated
   In this case, quite frequently, consumers are   their strong belief in a fan being a
    made to feel special and tenderly addressed.    creative resource which is a
    The inflation of Consumer Engagement has        spokesperson, a real participant in the
    been caused by the apt use of social media.     evolution and adaptation of your brand.
   Consumers identify strongly with brands,
    particularly young consumers who view their     Cadbury Funda:
    relationship with brands as a reflection of     Get your fans more involved
    self. They approach and interact with them      and let them raise you up on
    in a variety of ways, from social media to      their shoulders
    traditional advertising.
# 02:
The Pigeonhole Technique
(Clear Classification of Products)






   The crisp classification of different       Get Your Fans What They Want
    product lines makes the consumer more
                                                Cadbury relates to the customer more than
    open to the product.
                                                any other chocolate brand. Different
   The differentiation of the products gives
                                                products by the brand like celebrations, 5
    consumer ample options to savour their
                                                star, Eclairs, Bournville and Dairy milk
    taste buds, hence serving different
                                                appeals to different sections of customers at
    delicacies as per the need and choice;
    but using Facebook pages to make them
    (consumers) realise that!
                                                Cadbury Funda:
   Every product has its own fan
                                                Understand your customers choices better
    following, creating overall recognition
                                                than anyone else! Keep innovating.
    of the brand Cadbury.
                                                Innovation is the key to your customers
   Gives a clear understanding and
    speciality of each product.
# 03:
From Local to Global
(O yeah! Just everywhere!)
   Over the past few years, the Facebook has     Let Your Customers emerge above the
    emerged as the a marketing enabler and        Language Barrier:

    significantly lowered the barriers to entry   Making its presence easily reachable for its
    for companies that want to do business in     customer, Cadbury makes sure that any
    the global market.                            customer should not feel the brand
   By creating different Facebook pages for      belonging to only one particular place.
    their different audiences Cadbury has now
                                                  Cadbury Funda!
    reached the huge international base with
                                                  Content localization is the key! But we cannot
    little more than a website and an off the
                                                  misunderstand it with content translation. Adapting to
    shelf E-Commerce Solution!
                                                  consumers preferences in terms of language,
                                                  packaging, taste and product presentation is what
                                                  they devotedly follow.
# 04:
Part of the Society
(Aligning the brand with social causes)
   Cadbury carries their charitable activities   Some of the important social Concerns Cadbury
    with an eye towards enhancing their           has been associated with are: Struggle against
    brands                                        animal cruelty, forming the Animal Friend
   Cadbury commits talent, know how, not         Society, a forerunner of the Royal Society for the
    just dollars to pressing but carefully        Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, A step towards
    chosen social needs and then tells the        the adult school movement to provide education
    world about their cause and their             to the working class.
    dedication to serving it.
                                                  Cadbury Funda:
   Through the association, both the
                                                  Winning hearts is the key this time! Taking an
    businesses and the causes benefit in the
                                                  initiative towards any social cause is an excellent
    ways they could not have otherwise.           step towards connecting with the audience.

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  • 2. Quick Facts about Cadbury! Cadbury has been one of the UK and the worlds most beloved sweet and chocolate manufacturers since 1824 US based company Kraft took over Cadbury in February 2010 for an estimated 贈 11.6 billion Cadburys chocolate became Fairtrade certified in 2008, increasing the amount of Fair-trade cocoa sourced from West Africa In this Presentation You will Learn. How Cadbury took an online activity offline to surprise and delight its customers to build amazingly huge committed Consumer force. How businesses can grow global audience through Social Media Activity and increases its sales exponentially. How creating the Facebook campaign proves out to be one of the most effective tactic to increase engagement to translate customers to customer advocates. Direct communication with your audience can elevate your brand above competitors. Why authenticity and transparency delivers great brand engagement and sentiment.
  • 3. # 1: PERSONAL TOUCH Reaching out to Customers
  • 4. Social Media like Facebook is an excellent Let Your Fans be What They Want To way to broadcast your message, but Cadbury be: took the idea of interaction to a whole new Cadbury treats its fans more than just a level with their different As-per-the customer. The Cadbury movements on occasion campaign. social media like Facebook indicated In this case, quite frequently, consumers are their strong belief in a fan being a made to feel special and tenderly addressed. creative resource which is a The inflation of Consumer Engagement has spokesperson, a real participant in the been caused by the apt use of social media. evolution and adaptation of your brand. Consumers identify strongly with brands, particularly young consumers who view their Cadbury Funda: relationship with brands as a reflection of Get your fans more involved self. They approach and interact with them and let them raise you up on in a variety of ways, from social media to their shoulders traditional advertising.
  • 5. # 02: The Pigeonhole Technique (Clear Classification of Products) [ T y p e a q u o t e f r o m t h e d o
  • 6. The crisp classification of different Get Your Fans What They Want product lines makes the consumer more Cadbury relates to the customer more than open to the product. any other chocolate brand. Different The differentiation of the products gives products by the brand like celebrations, 5 consumer ample options to savour their star, Eclairs, Bournville and Dairy milk taste buds, hence serving different appeals to different sections of customers at delicacies as per the need and choice; large. but using Facebook pages to make them (consumers) realise that! Cadbury Funda: Every product has its own fan Understand your customers choices better following, creating overall recognition than anyone else! Keep innovating. of the brand Cadbury. Innovation is the key to your customers Gives a clear understanding and heart! speciality of each product.
  • 7. # 03: From Local to Global (O yeah! Just everywhere!)
  • 8. Over the past few years, the Facebook has Let Your Customers emerge above the emerged as the a marketing enabler and Language Barrier: significantly lowered the barriers to entry Making its presence easily reachable for its for companies that want to do business in customer, Cadbury makes sure that any the global market. customer should not feel the brand By creating different Facebook pages for belonging to only one particular place. their different audiences Cadbury has now Cadbury Funda! reached the huge international base with Content localization is the key! But we cannot little more than a website and an off the misunderstand it with content translation. Adapting to shelf E-Commerce Solution! consumers preferences in terms of language, packaging, taste and product presentation is what they devotedly follow.
  • 9. # 04: Part of the Society (Aligning the brand with social causes)
  • 10. Cadbury carries their charitable activities Some of the important social Concerns Cadbury with an eye towards enhancing their has been associated with are: Struggle against brands animal cruelty, forming the Animal Friend Cadbury commits talent, know how, not Society, a forerunner of the Royal Society for the just dollars to pressing but carefully Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, A step towards chosen social needs and then tells the the adult school movement to provide education world about their cause and their to the working class. dedication to serving it. Cadbury Funda: Through the association, both the Winning hearts is the key this time! Taking an businesses and the causes benefit in the initiative towards any social cause is an excellent ways they could not have otherwise. step towards connecting with the audience.