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Let's talk about good partnership
CADprofi Group
CADprofi is an international company engagedCADprofi is an international company engaged
in the development of CAD applications working in ARESin the development of CAD applications working in ARES
Commander, AutoCAD, BricsCAD, GstarCAD, progeCAD,Commander, AutoCAD, BricsCAD, GstarCAD, progeCAD,
ZWCAD and other based CAD programs.ZWCAD and other based CAD programs.
About CADprofi
About CADprofi
 1996  CADprofi was founded in Poland
M.Sc. Jacek Kosiorek - CAD-sales and marketing
M.Sc. Adam Czubek - CAD-design and development
 1997  First international experiences
CAD localization and distribution for Polish market
 2000  Decision about the developing
of a new CAD-software for 2遜 D
 2001  First stable version CP-System HVAC
a new CAD add-on for AutoCAD based on ARX
About CADprofi
 2002  Additional modules for CP-System
Mechanical, Architectural and Electrical
 2003  First agreements with the industry
CP-Manufacturer as CAD-catalog for the industry
 2003  New software released - CP-Symbols
 2005  CADprofi goes international
the international distribution started in Germany
 2006  First international version  German
English and Russian interface follows this year
About CADprofi
 2007  Multiplatform, Unicode, parametrics
AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, Intellicad
 2008  More languages for CP-System
the interface translated to the further 14 languages
2009  Decision about the world wide sales
new company image, new name of the software
 2010  New international internet website
partnership with many CAD-core distributors for
4M-CAD, AutoCAD, BricsCAD, GstarCAD,
ZWCAD and other IntelliCAD brands
About CADprofi
 2013  New Partnership2013  New Partnership
ARES Commander + many new industry
partners (CP-Manufacturers)
 2014  Record year  the highest total2014  Record year  the highest total
the best year in the company historythe best year in the company history
 2015  Time to intensify the most successful2015  Time to intensify the most successful
CADprofi today
 Two branches in Poland and
 CAD add-on in 22 languages
 Big base of international customers
 More than 100 international resellers
About CADprofi
CADprofi team in Poland
Our applications are translated into 24 languages
French Hungarian
Greek Dutch
Russian English
CADprofi references
Over 83.000 activated licenses
Czech Republic
United States
United Kingdom
Industrial partners
How does it work?
CADprofi branding technology in examples
What is CADprofi software?
General functions:
Plans, cross-sections
Schemes, isometrics
Variant construction
Specific contents:
Parametrical objects
Internat. standards
Legrand Group
WILO Group
many other...
HVAC & PipingHVAC & Piping ElectricalElectrical
CADprofi Mechanical
CADprofi Architectural
CADprofi HVAC & Piping
CADprofi Electrical
Price structure
CADprofiCADprofi -- a professionala professional
parametric CADparametric CAD
application that vastlyapplication that vastly
accelerates design work.accelerates design work.
CCP-SymbolsP-Symbols -- aa
library of symbolslibrary of symbols
integrated directlyintegrated directly
with CAD program.with CAD program.
a library of productsa library of products
from many knownfrom many known
Corporate licensesCorporate licenses
(free for users)(free for users)
5050 for 1for 1 librarylibrary
100100 forfor 11 SSerieseries
420420 for 1 modulefor 1 module
840840 for Suitefor Suite
(all 4 modules)(all 4 modules)
200200 forfor SuiteSuite
(all 4 Series)(all 4 Series)
Partners about CADprofi
 We are happy to say that CADprofi has proved to be a veryWe are happy to say that CADprofi has proved to be a very
popular Add On for our customers.popular Add On for our customers.
 CADprofi applications together with ZWCAD are theCADprofi applications together with ZWCAD are the
perfect bundle.perfect bundle.
 We are pleased to have named CADprofi GmbH our #1We are pleased to have named CADprofi GmbH our #1
firm add-ons development.firm add-ons development.
 I sell CADprofi for many years ...And I'm really happy.I sell CADprofi for many years ...And I'm really happy.
 CADprofi efficient helps in successful distribution.CADprofi efficient helps in successful distribution.
encee CAD/CAM Systeme GmbH, GERMANYencee CAD/CAM Systeme GmbH, GERMANY
Become a distributor
We invite distributors to our profitably partnership:
 Distributors have the local sales competence
 We have the global technology for verticals
CADprofi movie
Thank you for attention

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  • 1. Let's talk about good partnership CADprofi Group
  • 2. CADprofi is an international company engagedCADprofi is an international company engaged in the development of CAD applications working in ARESin the development of CAD applications working in ARES Commander, AutoCAD, BricsCAD, GstarCAD, progeCAD,Commander, AutoCAD, BricsCAD, GstarCAD, progeCAD, ZWCAD and other based CAD programs.ZWCAD and other based CAD programs. About CADprofi
  • 3. About CADprofi 1996 CADprofi was founded in Poland M.Sc. Jacek Kosiorek - CAD-sales and marketing M.Sc. Adam Czubek - CAD-design and development 1997 First international experiences CAD localization and distribution for Polish market 2000 Decision about the developing of a new CAD-software for 2遜 D 2001 First stable version CP-System HVAC a new CAD add-on for AutoCAD based on ARX
  • 4. About CADprofi 2002 Additional modules for CP-System Mechanical, Architectural and Electrical 2003 First agreements with the industry CP-Manufacturer as CAD-catalog for the industry 2003 New software released - CP-Symbols 2005 CADprofi goes international the international distribution started in Germany 2006 First international version German English and Russian interface follows this year
  • 5. About CADprofi 2007 Multiplatform, Unicode, parametrics AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, Intellicad 2008 More languages for CP-System the interface translated to the further 14 languages 2009 Decision about the world wide sales new company image, new name of the software 2010 New international internet website partnership with many CAD-core distributors for 4M-CAD, AutoCAD, BricsCAD, GstarCAD, progeCAD, ZWCAD and other IntelliCAD brands
  • 6. About CADprofi 2013 New Partnership2013 New Partnership ARES Commander + many new industry partners (CP-Manufacturers) 2014 Record year the highest total2014 Record year the highest total revenue!revenue! the best year in the company historythe best year in the company history 2015 Time to intensify the most successful2015 Time to intensify the most successful PartnershipsPartnerships
  • 7. CADprofi today Two branches in Poland and Germany CAD add-on in 22 languages Big base of international customers More than 100 international resellers
  • 9. Languages Our applications are translated into 24 languages Bulgarian Chinese Czech German Danish Spanish Finnish French Hungarian Italian Croatian Greek Dutch Polish Portuguese Romanian Turkish Slovenian Swedish Russian English Serbian Korean Latvian
  • 10. CADprofi references 100 1000 10000 100000 Over 83.000 activated licenses Poland Germany Russia Romania France Ukraine Mexico Italy Turkey Czech Republic Spain Hungary Bulgaria Colombia Slovakia Serbia United States Portugal United Kingdom
  • 12. How does it work? CADprofi branding technology in examples
  • 13. What is CADprofi software? CADprofi Suite General functions: Plans, cross-sections Schemes, isometrics Variant construction BOM Specific contents: Parametrical objects Languages Internat. standards CP-Symbols Manufacturers: Legrand Group WILO Group Viessmann many other...
  • 14. Modules MechanicalMechanical HVAC & PipingHVAC & Piping ElectricalElectrical ArchitecturalArchitectural
  • 17. CADprofi HVAC & Piping
  • 19. Price structure CADprofiCADprofi -- a professionala professional parametric CADparametric CAD application that vastlyapplication that vastly accelerates design work.accelerates design work. CCP-SymbolsP-Symbols -- aa library of symbolslibrary of symbols integrated directlyintegrated directly with CAD program.with CAD program. CCP-ManufacturersP-Manufacturers a library of productsa library of products from many knownfrom many known manufacturersmanufacturers.. Corporate licensesCorporate licenses (free for users)(free for users) 5050 for 1for 1 librarylibrary 100100 forfor 11 SSerieseries 420420 for 1 modulefor 1 module 840840 for Suitefor Suite (all 4 modules)(all 4 modules) 200200 forfor SuiteSuite (all 4 Series)(all 4 Series)
  • 20. Partners about CADprofi We are happy to say that CADprofi has proved to be a veryWe are happy to say that CADprofi has proved to be a very popular Add On for our customers.popular Add On for our customers. Perico AS, NORWAYPerico AS, NORWAY CADprofi applications together with ZWCAD are theCADprofi applications together with ZWCAD are the perfect bundle.perfect bundle. "SZANSA", POLAND"SZANSA", POLAND We are pleased to have named CADprofi GmbH our #1We are pleased to have named CADprofi GmbH our #1 firm add-ons development.firm add-ons development. BiroCom2000 (SLOVENIA / AUSTRIA)BiroCom2000 (SLOVENIA / AUSTRIA) I sell CADprofi for many years ...And I'm really happy.I sell CADprofi for many years ...And I'm really happy. TECHSOFT s.r.o., SLOVAKIA / CZECH REPUBLICTECHSOFT s.r.o., SLOVAKIA / CZECH REPUBLIC CADprofi efficient helps in successful distribution.CADprofi efficient helps in successful distribution. encee CAD/CAM Systeme GmbH, GERMANYencee CAD/CAM Systeme GmbH, GERMANY
  • 21. Become a distributor We invite distributors to our profitably partnership: Distributors have the local sales competence We have the global technology for verticals
  • 23. Thank you for attention