This document appears to be notes from a photography workshop where students took photos of shadows and photos using a cushion. It lists the names of four students and has sections labeled for photos of shadows and photos using a cushion, but indicates an error occurred when trying to access an image.
El documento es un certificado de finalización de un taller de fotografÃa. Contiene los nombres de los participantes del taller y menciona algunos de los temas cubiertos como fotografÃa de sombras y retratos con cojines. Al final, felicita a los participantes y les informa que su calificación fue excelente.
A person went to Henkel and the supermarket. They mailed something to Henkel and then went to the supermarket. They visited two places, Henkel and the supermarket, mailing an item to Henkel first before going to shop.
The document repeats the question "What do you want for Christmas?" along with responses of "Christmas" and "I want a". It appears to be discussing Christmas wishes but does not provide any clear details about specific gifts or intentions.