- ANZ Royal Bank is a major player in Cambodia's growing retail banking sector as a joint venture between ANZ and Cambodia's Royal Group of Companies.
- Compared to other ASEAN countries, Cambodia has a much lower consumer spending level and still lags significantly behind markets like Indonesia. However, its economy is growing steadily.
- While credit card usage is still low due to a preference for cash transactions, ANZ is working to educate customers about alternative payment methods and build trust in the banking system.
- Retail banking in Cambodia faces fewer competitors than in more developed markets, allowing ANZ to achieve stronger customer loyalty, but expectations are also growing as the economy and sector develops.
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Cambodia - April 2013
1. TIIE PHNOM PliNl I t'OS'l' tt ' Nti 7.20l3
In Cambodin,personalbanking ser-
vicesare expanding and customers
are increasinglyexpectingmore out
of the institution that handles their
money.Oneof the keyplayersin the
counny is ANZ RoyalBank, a joint
uenturebetweenAustralia and New
ZeglnndBanking GroupLimited and
Cambodin'sRoyal Group of Com-
panies.Anne Renzenbrinksat down
witk ANZ's managing director for
retail banking in the Asia Pacific,
SanjoySen,to get a fuller picture of
Where woutd you say Gmbodia
stands comparedto other ASEAN
Ifyou lookatourANZretailbusiness
in theAsiaPacific,we canclusterthe
countries into some markets which
Iwouldput Cambodiaasaverystrong
emergingmarket.It isastrongareaof
focusfor us.Fronraretailperspective,
I think that eonstnner spending in
Cambodiais signfficantlylower and
lags behind other $SEAN markets.
Spendingon groceries,jewelry,travel,
tourism,vehiclepurcbases,it's grolrr-
ing but it's still behind marketslike
SanjoySen,ManagingDirectorfor RetaitBankingAsiaPacificfor ANZ,at theANZ
officeattheOceanFinanciatCentrein Singapore.pHorosuppLrED
ers intoptasticratherthankeeping
This isvery much a casheconomy.
Asin many of the emergingmarkets,
people iire very wary about using
educatecustomersand increasethe
usageof cards,e:cplainto customers
that cardsare actually a convenient
wayof paying,ratherthanusingcash.
Becausewhether it's cards,whether
it's opening an account,whether it's
giving loans,whether its mortgages,
youhaveto build trust.
Howwoutdyou comparethe chat-
tengesof the moredevelopedmar-
Let's take, specifically,challenges
between Indonesia and Cambodia
becausewe have a largeretail busi-
nessin Indonesia.The revenuepool
in Indonesiais much biggerbecause
allproduct linesarethere,thereisin-
lengeis,becausethe revenuepool is
bigger,thereis that much more stiff
competition. In a market like Cam-
And when you educatethe custom-
ers in that process,customerloyalty
is easierachievedthan in placeslike
choicesthereand the custornersare
sosawythat theykeep switching.To
get customer satisfaction is tough-
er; to get loyalty from customersis
customet's expectation benchmark
is much higher.Youcannot in anyof
thoseother marketsexpectthe cus-
tomer to wait for 45minutes to with-
Whatdo youexpectwitt happento
the retait bankingsector and the
bankingsectorin generatin Cam-
Bankingpenetrationhas to go up.
More and more people will open
bankaccounts,companieswill refuse
to paybycash.Aswagesincleaseand
salariesincreaseit will be important
for peopleto havebank accounts.At
the samespeedasbanking penetra-
tion goesup, I think tliere will be a
leapfrogefrectwith the intemet and
mobile revolutions, and that's what
I've seen in emerging markets. Re-
causethere are customersthat have
lal mobilebut'they dort'thaveabank
account.tr thepastit wasaverystep
by stepprocess.Thecustomerwould
first go to the branch, then get edu-
catedabout intemet or how to usea
mobile.I think in amarketlike Cam-
bodia,retail bankswith stronginter-
net andmobile strategies.willbesuc-
cessfrrl.That'spartofour strategytoo.
This interviow lns been editd, for
lzngthandclnrity. I
Ipdonesiaby significantproportions,
not just 10percentbehind,but mul-
What about the tevel of progress
in the sestor?Wherecanimprove-
a young population, people are get-
tingmore educatedandemployment
levels are higfr. Where there is less
progressis investnent in infrastuc-
ture, which is really something that
spursthe growthof theeconomy.The
in Cambodia is signiflcantly lower
andlaggingbehind many othermar-
resswhenit comesto equitymarkets,
products and insurance.These are
very basic products.We are geiting
there,but still stepsbehind.
HowwiLl,ANZtry to steerits custom-