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TIIE PHNOM PliNl I t'OS'l' tt ' Nti 7.20l3
In Cambodin,personalbanking ser-
vicesare expanding and customers
are increasinglyexpectingmore out
of the institution that handles their
money.Oneof the keyplayersin the
counny is ANZ RoyalBank, a joint
uenturebetweenAustralia and New
ZeglnndBanking GroupLimited and
Cambodin'sRoyal Group of Com-
panies.Anne Renzenbrinksat down
witk ANZ's managing director for
retail banking in the Asia Pacific,
SanjoySen,to get a fuller picture of
Where woutd you say Gmbodia
stands comparedto other ASEAN
Ifyou lookatourANZretailbusiness
in theAsiaPacific,we canclusterthe
countries into some markets which
Iwouldput Cambodiaasaverystrong
emergingmarket.It isastrongareaof
focusfor us.Fronraretailperspective,
I think that eonstnner spending in
Cambodiais signfficantlylower and
lags behind other $SEAN markets.
Spendingon groceries,jewelry,travel,
tourism,vehiclepurcbases,it's grolrr-
ing but it's still behind marketslike
SanjoySen,ManagingDirectorfor RetaitBankingAsiaPacificfor ANZ,at theANZ
officeattheOceanFinanciatCentrein Singapore.pHorosuppLrED
ers intoptasticratherthankeeping
This isvery much a casheconomy.
Asin many of the emergingmarkets,
people iire very wary about using
educatecustomersand increasethe
usageof cards,e:cplainto customers
that cardsare actually a convenient
wayof paying,ratherthanusingcash.
Becausewhether it's cards,whether
it's opening an account,whether it's
giving loans,whether its mortgages,
youhaveto build trust.
Howwoutdyou comparethe chat-
tengesof the moredevelopedmar-
Let's take, specifically,challenges
between Indonesia and Cambodia
becausewe have a largeretail busi-
nessin Indonesia.The revenuepool
in Indonesiais much biggerbecause
allproduct linesarethere,thereisin-
lengeis,becausethe revenuepool is
bigger,thereis that much more stiff
competition. In a market like Cam-
And when you educatethe custom-
ers in that process,customerloyalty
is easierachievedthan in placeslike
choicesthereand the custornersare
sosawythat theykeep switching.To
get customer satisfaction is tough-
er; to get loyalty from customersis
customet's expectation benchmark
is much higher.Youcannot in anyof
thoseother marketsexpectthe cus-
tomer to wait for 45minutes to with-
Whatdo youexpectwitt happento
the retait bankingsector and the
bankingsectorin generatin Cam-
Bankingpenetrationhas to go up.
More and more people will open
bankaccounts,companieswill refuse
to paybycash.Aswagesincleaseand
salariesincreaseit will be important
for peopleto havebank accounts.At
the samespeedasbanking penetra-
tion goesup, I think tliere will be a
leapfrogefrectwith the intemet and
mobile revolutions, and that's what
I've seen in emerging markets. Re-
causethere are customersthat have
lal mobilebut'they dort'thaveabank
account.tr thepastit wasaverystep
by stepprocess.Thecustomerwould
first go to the branch, then get edu-
catedabout intemet or how to usea
mobile.I think in amarketlike Cam-
bodia,retail bankswith stronginter-
net andmobile strategies.willbesuc-
cessfrrl.That'spartofour strategytoo.
This interviow lns been editd, for
lzngthandclnrity. I
Ipdonesiaby significantproportions,
not just 10percentbehind,but mul-
What about the tevel of progress
in the sestor?Wherecanimprove-
a young population, people are get-
tingmore educatedandemployment
levels are higfr. Where there is less
progressis investnent in infrastuc-
ture, which is really something that
spursthe growthof theeconomy.The
in Cambodia is signiflcantly lower
andlaggingbehind many othermar-
resswhenit comesto equitymarkets,
products and insurance.These are
very basic products.We are geiting
there,but still stepsbehind.
HowwiLl,ANZtry to steerits custom-

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Cambodia - April 2013

  • 1. TIIE PHNOM PliNl I t'OS'l' tt ' Nti 7.20l3 AI{ZofficialonCarrrbodidsbanks CEOTatk In Cambodin,personalbanking ser- vicesare expanding and customers are increasinglyexpectingmore out of the institution that handles their money.Oneof the keyplayersin the counny is ANZ RoyalBank, a joint uenturebetweenAustralia and New ZeglnndBanking GroupLimited and Cambodin'sRoyal Group of Com- panies.Anne Renzenbrinksat down witk ANZ's managing director for retail banking in the Asia Pacific, SanjoySen,to get a fuller picture of retailbanking. Where woutd you say Gmbodia stands comparedto other ASEAN countries? Ifyou lookatourANZretailbusiness in theAsiaPacific,we canclusterthe countries into some markets which areveryevolvedanddeveloped,such asSingapore,ThiwanandHongKong. Iwouldput Cambodiaasaverystrong emergingmarket.It isastrongareaof focusfor us.Fronraretailperspective, I think that eonstnner spending in Cambodiais signfficantlylower and lags behind other $SEAN markets. Spendingon groceries,jewelry,travel, tourism,vehiclepurcbases,it's grolrr- ing but it's still behind marketslike SanjoySen,ManagingDirectorfor RetaitBankingAsiaPacificfor ANZ,at theANZ officeattheOceanFinanciatCentrein Singapore.pHorosuppLrED ers intoptasticratherthankeeping cashunderthepittow? This isvery much a casheconomy. Asin many of the emergingmarkets, people iire very wary about using creditcards.Ourroleaspioneersibto educatecustomersand increasethe usageof cards,e:cplainto customers that cardsare actually a convenient wayof paying,ratherthanusingcash. Becausewhether it's cards,whether it's opening an account,whether it's giving loans,whether its mortgages, youhaveto build trust. Howwoutdyou comparethe chat- tengesof the moredevelopedmar- ketswathCambodia's? Let's take, specifically,challenges between Indonesia and Cambodia becausewe have a largeretail busi- nessin Indonesia.The revenuepool in Indonesiais much biggerbecause allproduct linesarethere,thereisin- vestrnent,thereisinsurance,thereisa stockmarket,mutualfunds.Thechal- lengeis,becausethe revenuepool is bigger,thereis that much more stiff competition. In a market like Cam- bodia,wehavealeadershipposition. And when you educatethe custom- ers in that process,customerloyalty is easierachievedthan in placeslike Indonesiabecausetherearesomany choicesthereand the custornersare sosawythat theykeep switching.To get customer satisfaction is tough- er; to get loyalty from customersis tougher.Anotherchallengeisthatthe customet's expectation benchmark is much higher.Youcannot in anyof thoseother marketsexpectthe cus- tomer to wait for 45minutes to with- drawmoney.Here,youcan. Whatdo youexpectwitt happento the retait bankingsector and the bankingsectorin generatin Cam- bodia? Bankingpenetrationhas to go up. More and more people will open bankaccounts,companieswill refuse to paybycash.Aswagesincleaseand salariesincreaseit will be important for peopleto havebank accounts.At the samespeedasbanking penetra- tion goesup, I think tliere will be a leapfrogefrectwith the intemet and mobile revolutions, and that's what I've seen in emerging markets. Re- causethere are customersthat have lal mobilebut'they dort'thaveabank account.tr thepastit wasaverystep by stepprocess.Thecustomerwould first go to the branch, then get edu- catedabout intemet or how to usea mobile.I think in amarketlike Cam- bodia,retail bankswith stronginter- net andmobile strategies.willbesuc- cessfrrl.That'spartofour strategytoo. This interviow lns been editd, for lzngthandclnrity. I Ipdonesiaby significantproportions, not just 10percentbehind,but mul- tiplesbehind. What about the tevel of progress in the sestor?Wherecanimprove- mentsbemade? TherehasbeenrobustGDPgrowth, a young population, people are get- tingmore educatedandemployment levels are higfr. Where there is less progressis investnent in infrastuc- ture, which is really something that spursthe growthof theeconomy.The percentageofpeoplethatarebanked in Cambodia is signiflcantly lower andlaggingbehind many othermar- kets.Cambodiastillhastomakeprog- resswhenit comesto equitymarkets, stockexchange,wealthmanagement products and insurance.These are very basic products.We are geiting there,but still stepsbehind. HowwiLl,ANZtry to steerits custom-