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Task 1
There are differentkeyelementsonacamera whichisessential as
it enablesthe cameratoworkproperlyandsufficientlyaspossible.
These keypartsare; the lens,aperture,electronicsensor,shutter
Firstlythe lenscanbe usednot justfor a camera butit can be used
alsofor a telescope orfora microscope althoughtheyare different
as there are differenttypesof lens. The cameralensis
manufacturedwithglassandelements.Itsrole inthe camera isto
focuson to the picture whichisthendigitallycensoredandthen
savedinstorage. There are twotypesof camera modesto usthis on,manual or automatic.
The benefits of manual mode isthatyou can adjustanyof the settingstohow you wantit and not
relyingonhowthe camera defaulthassetitout for youalready.Thiscouldbe adjustingthe lightings
inthe image takenforexample adimmerbackgroundanda brighterfocusoncentre image. Or
anotherexample controllingthe depthof fieldwhen takingashotof a landscape. A huge advantage
isthat these type of camera tendto be much cheaperthanthe automatic.Usingmanual mode also
getsyou accessto more of the settingonthe camera for example if youchange settingsyouwont
have to leave yourlens.Lastlyusingmanual mode will helpyou
improve usingacamera andbuildyourself-esteemratherthanan
automaticthat assistyou.
The drawbacksof manual mode is that firstly asmuch as youthink
it couldbuildyourconfidence,itcouldreallyloweryour
confidence asitisverydifficulttouse.The possibilityof missing
shotincreasesif youre amateur.
Automaticmode isneverabad thingto use mainlyasyou are
allowingthe cameratoassistyouon usingit whichdecreasesthe
possibilityof mistakeswhentakingphotos.Thismode alsoallowsyoutoconcentrate onwhattarget
your takinga photoof meaningyouwontto tweakor adjustthingssuchas lightning.
Smartphone cameraare veryuseful asthere are manybenefitsthat
come withit.It is portable andeasyto access,it isalsocheapand
affordable where asabuyinga cameracan be veryexpensive so
justgettinga normal smartphone canbe good enough.However
the qualityisnotas good as a propercamera.
Viewfinder(screen)- Thisisthe screenthatthe photographerviews
and focusesthe target.
Lens(functions,types)- Thispiece of mechanismscreatesapiece of photographywhichcanalsobe
Image sensor- Dealswithinformationaboutaninformation.
Aperture- Thisisa small hole whichlightsgothrough
Shutter-There are twodifferenttypesof shutterthatfitsintodifferentpartsof the camera.
Memorycard- Where informationandsaveddataisstored.
Flash- lightingusedtoilluminate the darknesssurroundedaroundthe setting.
Exposure- The amountof lightperunit.
Colour- Showingthe contrastof an image
White balance- Thisistakenfroma specificlightingsettingtomake the
picture brighter
Supportof Camera
Handheldisa method,of filmmakingandisveryuseful asyougetthe freedomof motionasyouwill
be movingaround.It isalsoverycommon.The majorityof professional camerasare designedtobe
Tripodis anothermethodthatsupportsthe cameraby keepingitstill decreasingitsflexibility.This
has 3 stands, thissupportsweightandmaintainsthe stability.
File storage
Thisis the data of the camerastoredin a memorycard. It couldalsobe storedina jpeg.

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Camera research

  • 1. Task 1 There are differentkeyelementsonacamera whichisessential as it enablesthe cameratoworkproperlyandsufficientlyaspossible. These keypartsare; the lens,aperture,electronicsensor,shutter release,datadisplayandviewfinder. Firstlythe lenscanbe usednot justfor a camera butit can be used alsofor a telescope orfora microscope althoughtheyare different as there are differenttypesof lens. The cameralensis manufacturedwithglassandelements.Itsrole inthe camera isto focuson to the picture whichisthendigitallycensoredandthen savedinstorage. There are twotypesof camera modesto usthis on,manual or automatic. The benefits of manual mode isthatyou can adjustanyof the settingstohow you wantit and not relyingonhowthe camera defaulthassetitout for youalready.Thiscouldbe adjustingthe lightings inthe image takenforexample adimmerbackgroundanda brighterfocusoncentre image. Or anotherexample controllingthe depthof fieldwhen takingashotof a landscape. A huge advantage isthat these type of camera tendto be much cheaperthanthe automatic.Usingmanual mode also getsyou accessto more of the settingonthe camera for example if youchange settingsyouwont have to leave yourlens.Lastlyusingmanual mode will helpyou improve usingacamera andbuildyourself-esteemratherthanan automaticthat assistyou. The drawbacksof manual mode is that firstly asmuch as youthink it couldbuildyourconfidence,itcouldreallyloweryour confidence asitisverydifficulttouse.The possibilityof missing shotincreasesif youre amateur. Automaticmode isneverabad thingto use mainlyasyou are allowingthe cameratoassistyouon usingit whichdecreasesthe possibilityof mistakeswhentakingphotos.Thismode alsoallowsyoutoconcentrate onwhattarget your takinga photoof meaningyouwontto tweakor adjustthingssuchas lightning. Smartphone cameraare veryuseful asthere are manybenefitsthat come withit.It is portable andeasyto access,it isalsocheapand affordable where asabuyinga cameracan be veryexpensive so justgettinga normal smartphone canbe good enough.However the qualityisnotas good as a propercamera. Viewfinder(screen)- Thisisthe screenthatthe photographerviews and focusesthe target. Lens(functions,types)- Thispiece of mechanismscreatesapiece of photographywhichcanalsobe stored. Image sensor- Dealswithinformationaboutaninformation. Aperture- Thisisa small hole whichlightsgothrough Shutter-There are twodifferenttypesof shutterthatfitsintodifferentpartsof the camera. Memorycard- Where informationandsaveddataisstored.
  • 2. Lighting Flash- lightingusedtoilluminate the darknesssurroundedaroundthe setting. Exposure- The amountof lightperunit. Colour- Showingthe contrastof an image White balance- Thisistakenfroma specificlightingsettingtomake the picture brighter Supportof Camera Handheldisa method,of filmmakingandisveryuseful asyougetthe freedomof motionasyouwill be movingaround.It isalsoverycommon.The majorityof professional camerasare designedtobe handheld. Tripodis anothermethodthatsupportsthe cameraby keepingitstill decreasingitsflexibility.This has 3 stands, thissupportsweightandmaintainsthe stability. File storage Thisis the data of the camerastoredin a memorycard. It couldalsobe storedina jpeg.