Working as a team, the group used a camera and tripod from different angles to film their preliminary task. Through the process, they learned how to properly set up and adjust the tripod height, camera angle, and position. The preliminary task also helped them become familiar with using the camera, playing back videos, and ensuring they captured everything by counting down and leaving the camera rolling at the end, though one clip was found to cut off at the beginning when editing.
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Camera Use
1. Camera Use
Working as a team, we all used the camera and
tripod to capture our videos in different angles, in
order to create our preliminary task.
2. Through the process of filming we learnt
how to set up a tripod correctly and how to
change the height, angle and position of the
The preliminary task also helped us get to grips with the camera. How to use it,
play back videos etc. Whilst filming, we counted down 3,2,1 and started filming
on 2 to make sure that we have the all the video needed. When we had done the
video, we also left it rolling a little at the end.
3. Any mistakes?
Whilst editing we found that one of our clips was tight at
the beginning which cut off Will speaking. Next time, we
know to start filming on 3 to make sure that all of it is