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Monday,February09, 2015
To Whom It May Concern:
Eugene Gary Pembertonactedasmy trustedcampaignresearcherandadvisor. Iwas approachedby
Gary who volunteeredtolendhisexpertise towardsmycandidacyforOhioHouse of Representatives-
AlthoughGarys personal political leaningswere onthe opposingpartysside,Garywas not only able to
able remainunbiased,buthe gave me anadditional viewpoints toconsider. Garywas able to research
the issuesandwouldadvise me of whatthe Democraticand Republicanplatformwouldbe. He wasalso
able to forewarnme of the issuesinwhichthe opposingside mighttryto use as an attack on my
Gary was available torespondquicklytolastminute issuesandquestions.There were timesonthe
campaigntrail that I neededinformationquickly andhe wasable tocommunicate theminseveral ways.
Whetheritwas a letter,averbal response andsimplybulletpoints,he gotme the informationthatI
I particularlyappreciatedwhenGarywouldnotonlylookatan issue,butwouldinvestigate solutions.
People have tobe willingto provide solutionsandIappreciatedhisforesightintomanyissues.
I wouldhighlyrecommendGaryforany campaign. He ishonest,trustworthy,intelligentand
dependable. He wasan essentialkeytomycampaignand I am so thankful tohave himas part of my
team. I wouldlove toworkwithhimagain.
Tammy Simendinger
Candidate OhioHouse of Representatives29th

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Campaign Advisor Referral G Pemberton

  • 1. Monday,February09, 2015 To Whom It May Concern: Eugene Gary Pembertonactedasmy trustedcampaignresearcherandadvisor. Iwas approachedby Gary who volunteeredtolendhisexpertise towardsmycandidacyforOhioHouse of Representatives- 29th District. AlthoughGarys personal political leaningswere onthe opposingpartysside,Garywas not only able to able remainunbiased,buthe gave me anadditional viewpoints toconsider. Garywas able to research the issuesandwouldadvise me of whatthe Democraticand Republicanplatformwouldbe. He wasalso able to forewarnme of the issuesinwhichthe opposingside mighttryto use as an attack on my campaign. Gary was available torespondquicklytolastminute issuesandquestions.There were timesonthe campaigntrail that I neededinformationquickly andhe wasable tocommunicate theminseveral ways. Whetheritwas a letter,averbal response andsimplybulletpoints,he gotme the informationthatI needed. I particularlyappreciatedwhenGarywouldnotonlylookatan issue,butwouldinvestigate solutions. People have tobe willingto provide solutionsandIappreciatedhisforesightintomanyissues. I wouldhighlyrecommendGaryforany campaign. He ishonest,trustworthy,intelligentand dependable. He wasan essentialkeytomycampaignand I am so thankful tohave himas part of my team. I wouldlove toworkwithhimagain. Tammy Simendinger Candidate OhioHouse of Representatives29th District