Here's the Power Point presentation from the November 17, 2016 Island Health community information meeting at Campbell River's Maritime Heritage Centre
32,316 m2
95 Beds
$274.5 M
40% Comox-Strathcona Regional Hospital
39,826 m2
153 Beds
$331.7 M
40% Comox-Strathcona Regional Hospital District
Campbell River Hospital
375 2nd Avenue
Comox Valley Hospital
101 Lerwick Road
North Island
Site Local* North
Mainland &
Total per
214 2 47 71 334
Comox Valley 239 0 84 36 359
Total 453 2 131 107 693
October, 2016
*Local Campbell River, Comox, Courtenay, Cumberland (& surrounding unincorporated areas)
**North Island North/East/West of Campbell River
Local Hires 65%
Vancouver Island 85%
Campbell River
Painting 80%
Light fixture installation 60%
Parkade and Heliport 90%
Landscaping Underway
What Are We Working On?
Comox Valley
Mechanical and Electrical 95%
Boarding, Priming, Painting 75%
Parkade 85%
Commissioning (both) Underway
Excellent health and care for everyone, everywhere, every time
Community Health & Care
Campbell River
Pauline Bernard, Director, Campbell River/Comox Valley
Many local initiatives:
Campbell River Age-
Friendly Designation
Strathcona Community
Health Network
Partnerships with the CR
Division of Family Practice
Community Partnerships
New Hospital
New directions from
the Ministry of Health
Exciting Time in Campbell River
33. Targeted Populations:
Complex Chronic Conditions
Frail Seniors
Mental Health Substance Use
Vulnerable Children and Youth
Vulnerable Perinatal and
Create a
system of
health and care
that is
to patients and
What We Know:
Present Health System difficult to navigate
Growing and aging population
Rising care needs
We need to look at the social determinants of health
Need to reach out into our community
Next Steps
Preparing for the move into the new hospital
Frail Seniors:
- Community consultation in January
- Physician Consultations
- Development of Primary Care Homes
- Growth of rapid access to home support
Get to know
118,000 people
44 communities
21 First Nation communities
4 Local Health Areas
14 affiliates
44 owner-operated partnernships
1,100 staff
Pt. McNeill
Pt. Hardy
Gold River
#3: Strengthening partnerships is getting easier as Island Health decentralizes and our regional teams sets priorities
Here in Geography 1 our team has established a set of guiding principles that help us navigate every decision we make
A place we want to work and learn
Evidence-based design
Patient-centred care
Around these principles we wrap the over-riding values of cultural safety and cultural humility
Thank-you Charmaine.
Its no surprise to anyone here that the North Island communities are dealing with some significant health challenges. While some of the statistics paint a bleak picture, I think we also know that this region has something that many others dont, which is a real grassroots commitment to improving health and wellness for your entire community
All we have to do is look towards groups like the Mt Waddington Health Network, for example, to see the power of locally-led partnerships
Thanks to this groups leadership the community now has access to an extreme weather shelter and withdrawal management beds, for example.
We still have a long way to go to continue improving health and wellness across the region, and we need to continue working together to do it.
#34: Myriad of Ministry of Health papers available publicly, including the foundational 2014 document Setting the Priorities for BCs Health Care System.
Since 2014, more details of direction has been given to health authorities, Doctors of BC, General Practices Services Committee (GPSC)
Health Authorities, including Island Health, are working closely with GPSC and Divisions of Family Practice to establish the model.
Partnerships and strong links are crucial for model/care approach to be successful.
Theres a great deal of research and endorsement of the Community Health and Care model and approach including from Ministry of Health (information on their website), from other jurisdictions (in Canada and Europe), GPSC, Island Health (concept paper on our Intranet).
#36: Primary Care Home/Patient Medical Home is central to Island Health's Community Health and Care model.
MoH describes MCH/PMH as a full service family practice that is formally linked to health authority-delivered community and primary care services.
PCH network may be a single family practice or a network of family practices linked to health authority services.
These services are delivered by health authority staffed inter-professional teams that work together as a single team to provide the care a patient and community population needs this is called Community Health Services in Island Health.
Services delivered out of the PCH/PMH include:
Health Promotion/Illness prevention (screening, assessments, self management)
Care for minor, episodic illness
Referrals to diagnostics and specialized services
Low risk maternity
Chronic Disease Management (early detection, primary treatment, shared care)
Mental Health and Substance Use (assessment, diagnosis, early support, individualized care planning
Referrals to specialized (higher tier) services and stepped down care when a patient who has had higher tier care is ready for community level services
A key MoH direction is that Specialized Health Care services will be linked directly to the PCH/PMH and accessed through the PCH/PMH as needed in a timely, patient-centred manner.
Specialized Care Services (or Programs) are delivered by the health authority and include: Services for Seniors (complex chronic disease and frailty), Services for Mental Health and Substance Use clients, Surgical Services and Cancer Care.
#38: Geography 1 refers to the region from Deep Bay to the northern tip of the Island and part of the central coast. Its a pretty vast area, with challenges and advantages that are really unique within Island Health
(Go thru slide info) . 118,000 people spread over a vast region that includes 44 communities ranging from cities to remote outposts, etc
Theres some really exciting work happening across this region.
Were embracing new ways of connecting with communities and building partnerships to deliver the best patient-centered care, committing to achieving excellence in cultural safety and making continuous improvements in everything we do.
Were also preparing to open the new North Island Hospitals, which Im sure youd like to here more about.
Before we can look at the future of healthcare, though, we need to know where were at today.
The best person to do that is my colleague, Dr Charmaine Enns, who many of you may know from her work promoting and protecting public health across the North Island
Charmaine is our regions Medical Health Officer, and Im very happy that she is able to join us here today to talk about public health in this region
---- turn over to Dr E ------
#39: Strengthening partnerships is getting easier as Island Health decentralizes and our regional teams sets priorities
Here in Geography 1 our team has established a set of guiding principles that help us navigate every decision we make
A place we want to work and learn
Evidence-based design
Patient-centred care
Around these principles we wrap the over-riding values of cultural safety and cultural humility