The disturbing trend of online mob "justice" continues to grow. Has the unprecedented power of social media made us more or less free to express ourselves? What can we learn from how social media handled controversies and events like the Newtown shootings, The Boston Marathon bombing and the George Zimmerman case? This entertaining and challenging talk explores these questions, providing clarity and advice on how media experts and ordinary citizens can make a difference.
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Can Free Speech Survive The Social Media Mob?
1. Can Free Speech
Survive The Social
Media Mob?
Scott Berkun
@berkun /
#SMSCSEA, at Seattle City Hall, 1/22/14
Thursday, January 23, 14
2. Image from The Virgin Queen, BBC 2005, Part 1
Thursday, January 23, 14
3. " immoral union, an uneven yoking of
the clean ox to the unclean ass, a thing
forbidden in the law."
- John Stubbs
From his pamphlet titled:
The Discovery of a Gaping Gulf whereunto England is like to be
swallowed by another French Marriage, if the Lord forbid not the banns,
by letting her Majesty see the sin and punishment thereof (1579).
Thursday, January 23, 14
7. If you are willing to pay the
price no one can stop you
from speaking or acting freely
Thursday, January 23, 14
8. Writers in Exile / Anonymous
Thursday, January 23, 14
Thomas Paine, (Common Sense) A
John Adams, Henry Adams, Benjamin Franklin A
Hemingway (Sun Also Rises) E
Voltaire (Various) E
Einstein, (Manhattan Project Letter) E
Oscar Wilde, (Importance of Being Ernest) E
Victor Hugo, (Les Miserables) E
Dante (The Divine Comedy) E
9. 6 questions
1. How has new media changed access to expression?
2. How has this made things better?
3. How has this made things worse?
4. What new challenges are we facing? (and what can we
learn from how we adjusted to previous media
5. What implications does all this have for individuals?
6. What implications does all this have for leaders,
corporations and governments?
Thursday, January 23, 14
10. First Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the
free exercise thereof; or abridging the
freedom of speech, or of the press; or the
right of the people peaceably to assemble,
and to petition the Government for a
redress of grievances.
(45 / ~5000 words in entire Constitution)
Thursday, January 23, 14
11. Who is in charge?
Thursday, January 23, 14
12. Then why does it suck?
Thursday, January 23, 14
13. Examples of human failings
We behave emotionally but judge others rationally
Religious factionalism, double standards, memories of
convenience, egoism
We are lazy as most of you probably skipped down here
We complain about trash media, but are addicted to it
We mostly preach about practicing what we preach
Are easily offended yet surprised by outrage of others
We have dain bramage: cognitive biases, memory is a hack, the
amygdala runs the show
Columbus was an asshole (why does he still have a holiday?)
Thursday, January 23, 14
14. Romanticized history of human
nature: U.S. 1800 election
Jefferson's camp accused President Adams
of having a "hideous hermaphroditical
character, which has neither the force and
鍖rmness of a man, nor the gentleness and
sensibility of a woman."
Adams' men called Vice President Jefferson
"a mean-spirited, low-lived fellow, the son
of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a
Virginia mulatto father."鍖ife/08/22/mf.campaign.slurs.slogans/
Thursday, January 23, 14
a type of journalism that presents little or no
legitimate well-researched news and instead uses
eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers.
Techniques may include exaggerations of news
events, scandal-mongering, or sensationalism
Thursday, January 23, 14
a type of social media that presents little or no
legitimate well-researched news and instead uses
eye-catching headlines to gain more traf鍖c:
techniques may include exaggerations of news
events, scandal-mongering, or sensationalism
Thursday, January 23, 14
21. Misinformation lives on forever,
fueled by our desire for ef鍖ciency
Thursday, January 23, 14
22. We rarely check sources, provide
references, or verify facts, a
fundamental process of protecting
against misinformation
Thursday, January 23, 14
23. Be the change you wish to see in the world.
Gandhi (?)
Thursday, January 23, 14
24. Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
Misattributed Oscar Wilde
Be the change you wish to see in the world.
Misattributed toMahatma Gandhi
Dont cry because its over, smile because it happened.
Misattributed Dr. Seuss
Thursday, January 23, 14
26. Advocacy & Con鍖rmation Bias
Story that 鍖ts agenda
Story that 鍖ts agenda
Story that 鍖ts?
Story that 鍖ts agenda
Story that 鍖ts agenda
Story that 鍖ts agenda
Thursday, January 23, 14
is there a way to tell a
the story or omit facts
so that it does 鍖t?
27. Challenge our own biases:
How might I be
getting this wrong?
Thursday, January 23, 14
31. Levels of endorsement
I read it and think it is good
This is horrible and disgusting but important for you
to see anyway
Im guessing its worthy by the title even though I
know titles are generally misleading but Im sharing it
with you anyway (WTF?)
Im not spreading this (This is the only one thats
not an endorsement of any kind)
I read it and 鍖nd it interesting in some fashion even if I
disagree with some or all of it
Thursday, January 23, 14
32. More accurate pro鍖le
I RT things I have not read
I RT some things I dont agree with
I am an attention manwhore who shares
any trash that will get me more followers
Thursday, January 23, 14
44. Around 7pm on Thursday night, social media
sites like Twitter and Reddit lit up with a
sensational rumor: that Sunil Tripathi, a
student who had vanished weeks ago, was
one of the suspects accused of bombing the
Boston Marathon... Sunil's sister Sangeeta
Tripathi said in an interview yesterday.
"Those night hours were horrible.
Thursday, January 23, 14
52. Whats new is ordinary citizens who
publish sometimes enter the public
sphere unintentionally
Thursday, January 23, 14
53. Quick summary of case studies*
Initial Target
AIDS joke
Threatened, apologized, 鍖red
Threatened, site hacked, 鍖red
Fired (1/2) & Apologized
wrongly harassed
wrongly harassed
Spike Lee
wrongly harassed
Silence & Respect
Apologized, Fired
*Each of these cases is complex and this chart only serves as a brief introduction
Thursday, January 23, 14
54. 1. How has new media
changed access?
Unprecedented speed and access = fast, free
publishing of anything from anywhere
An idealists dream: we can see everyone!
Thursday, January 23, 14
A cynics nightmare: we can see everyone!
Anyone who publishes can become a media
55. Freedom of speech works both ways.
If you publish you will possibly be
criticized by people who:
Know nothing about you
Have an opposing agenda
Will take your work out of context
Are not very smart
Are not very nice
And make unfair arguments
Thursday, January 23, 14
59. More people can share
more ___ things faster
(good, bad, mean, friendly, genuine,
helpful, offensive, safe, provocative...)
Thursday, January 23, 14
60. Mob mentality or
When part of a group people lose self-awareness.
People feel anonymous within a large group,
defusing natural sense of responsibility and
Thursday, January 23, 14
Being in a group heightens emotional states
Behaviors normally believed to be unacceptable
become acceptable when within a group
performing them
61. The line is crossed
Threats are made (violence)
Efforts are made to suppress the free speech
of others (Donglegate)
Its unamerican to want to take away another
Americans right to speak
Thursday, January 23, 14
64. Advocacy & Con鍖rmation Bias
Story that 鍖ts agenda
Story that 鍖ts agenda
Story that 鍖ts?
Story that 鍖ts agenda
Story that 鍖ts agenda
Story that 鍖ts agenda
Thursday, January 23, 14
is there a way to tell
the story or omit facts
so that it does 鍖t?
65. 4. What new challenges
are we facing?
Thursday, January 23, 14
Theyre old challenges rediscovered
More of us are exposed to them
Children have more tech savvy than their parents
Its not a technological problem (will we ever learn
66. 4. What new challenges
are we facing?
We can be exposed to threats from people
weve never met
Public 鍖gures have always had hate mail, but now
ordinary citizens are exposed
Most people dont realize threats are exceptions
to free speech:
Thursday, January 23, 14
67. 5. Implications for you
Thursday, January 23, 14
Read what you RT / Share
Ask what is the source?
Dont tweet and run
No drunk tweeting
Prepare to be taken out of context
The law always trails society (by design!)
68. We are empowered but
unaware of the consequences
Being taken out of context (This comes
with the territory if you publish anything
Skimming / Blind RT contributes to poor
context (Arguably Twitter itself too)
Casual vs. Formal: publishing has different
implications when consumed by public at
Thursday, January 23, 14
71. 6. Implications for
Itd be nice, for once, for a company to stand
behind an employee
But organizations are not obligated to
protect free speech
De鍖ne clear policy on distinguishing the
personal from the professional (enforcing is
another matter)
Thursday, January 23, 14
72. References, pt 1
The Next Civil Rights Issue: Why Women Aren't Welcome on the Internet - Paci鍖c Standard: The Science of
U.S. court says 'Liking' something on Facebook is free speech -
Natasha Leggero's Stunning 'Not Sorry' Response Over Controversial Pearl Harbor Joke
Fired Over Facebook: 13 Posts That Got People CANNED
Thursday, January 23, 14
The War Over Free Speech, Harassment, and Trolls Hits Another Social-Media Site | Mother Jones
Be careful what you post: Social media and freedom of speech | | Campbell Law ObserverCampbell Law
Don't Ignore the Trolls. Feed Them Until They Explode.
Bill Keller's Column on Cancer: A Reaction : The New Yorker
Guardian Deletes Column About a Cancer Patient -
Dear Bill Keller: I Have Cancer. Is That OK?
The problem with retweets & how journalists can solve it | Poynter.
Lindsey Stone: Woman Fired For Posting Facebook Photo of Her Flipping off Tomb of Unknown Soldier |
Fired Over Twitter: 13 Tweets That Got People CANNED
73. References, pt 2
Judge: Prosecution of Online Critic Under Anti-Stalking Law Is Unconstitutional | Electronic Frontier
Court Finds Juvenile Delinquent Based on Allegedly Offensive Instant Messages In re Alex C. | Technology
& Marketing Law Blog
Washington State 'Cyberstalking' Case Based on Unconstitutional Law | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Thursday, January 23, 14
Carpet Bombing: How One Business Is Trying to Get Rid of Bad Reviews -
Teen in jail for months over 'sarcastic' Facebook threat -
Threats, abuse part of online life for women | Toronto Star
Twitter harassment case lands in Toronto court - Toronto - CBC News
Woman testi鍖es at alleged Twitter harassers trial | 680News
Dennis Markuze - RationalWiki
Facebook Posting That Someone Has Herpes Is Criminal HarassmentPennsylvania v. Cox | Technology &
Marketing Law Blog
People still don't understand social media behavior affects jobs | Digital Trends
Free Speech Does Not Include The Right to Be Free of Criticism | Popehat
74. Image credits / References
Graf鍖ti wall (title slide), http://www.鍖
Stubbs hand,
Finger in pond / ripples, http://www.鍖
Paint the Town Red,
King Arthur sword,
Mob behavior explained:
Thursday, January 23, 14
Lyin King
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