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What is Cancer, anyway?
A biological overview of the
mechanisms of malignancy for
computational and system biology
Pedro Romero, PhD.
School of Informatics
Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Indiana University - Indianapolis
The main source
The Biological Basis of Cancer
Robert G. McKinnell, Ralph E. Parchment,
Alan O. Perantoni, G. Barry Pierce
2nd. Ed. 2006
Cambridge University Press
 The Pathology of cancer
 The development of cancer
 The stem cell model of tissue renewal
 Stem cancer cell or cancer stem cell?
 The Importance of a Systemic View
The Pathology of Cancer
What is cancer and what it
looks like
Some Histology
Functional part of
an organ
connective, non-
framework of a
biological cell,
tissue, or organ
tumors also
consist of
and stromaProstate tissue
Some Histology
cells synthesize
factors that
induce the host
to supply
stromal tissue
for it, including
fibroblasts and
vascular cells
Prostate tissue
More Histology
Self-renewing tissue
consists of stem, or
progenitor, cells (basal
layer, arrow) and normal,
differentiated cells
(superficial layer: notice
lack of nuclei in keratin
When normal cells die, stem
cells divide in a controlled
manner to replace them.
Stems cells divide
asymmetrically into a new
stem cell and a normal,
differentiating, cell.
Normal squamous epithelium of skin
Altered states
 Tissue changes:
 Hyperplasia: Reversible tissue growth caused by
environmental stimuli (e.g., hormones: Breasts enlarge
during pregnancy and nursing) Cells grow in size and/or
number. (Atrophy is the opposite effect)
 Metaplasia: Reversible changes in differentiation caused by
environmental stimuli (e.g., change from epithelial to
squamous cells in lungs due to smoke)
 Dysplasia: (Still) Reversible changes in normal maturation
of cells due to persistent stimuli  cells differentiate poorly
and can become malignant with prolonged exposure.
 Neoplasia: Irreversible changes in cell proliferation and
maturation that persist after the stimulus has disappeared.
Neoplasms = Tumors (can be malignant). When restricted to
one location and separated from stromal tissue, the
neoplasm is said to be in situ (non invasive).
Altered states
Dysplasia of squamous
epithelium of skin: Notice
poorly differentiated cells:
Instead of orderly
differentiation of basal
cells into keratin, we see
undifferentiated cells in
the keratin layer
Dysplastic squamous epithelium of skin
Altered states
Carcinoma in situ: No
differentiation between
basal (arrow) and
superficial layer is evident
Lung squamous cell carcinoma in situ
Tumors: Good and Bad
 Benign tumors:
 Slow growing neoplasms
 Designated by tissue + suffix -oma
 Well differentiated cells (rare cell division)
 Similar to normal tissue
 Secretes same proteins, but can do so in
uncontrolled fashion
 Excessive growth can push and compromise
adjacent tissue
Tumors: Good and Bad
 Malignant tumors:
 Neoplasms with malignant tendencies:
 Uncontrolled growth
 Invasion of normal tissue
 Metastasis  Host death
 Malignant cells:
 Pleomorphic (varied size/shape)
 Anaplastic (undifferentiated)
 Atypical nuclei / High nucleus-cytoplasm ratio
 Can also excrete proteins and other molecules as
normal tissue  Potential tumor markers
Tumors: Good and Bad
 Malignant tumors nomenclature (suffixes):
 Epithelial: -carcinoma,
 Mesenchymal (bone, fat, cartilage): -sarcoma
 Embrionic/Child: -blastoma
 Glioma (brain)
 Lymphoma (lymphocytes, always malignant)
 Seminoma (germ cells)
 Skin pigmented cells or melanocytes (melanoma)
Tumors: Good and Bad
 Malignant tumor nomenclature (examples):
Benign tumors
Lipoma of intestine. Notice
appearance similar to
normal fat tissue (yellow
Benign tumors
Left: Leiomyomas of the uterus (Uterine
fibroids). These are well defined nodules of
the uterus muscular wall.
Below: Tissue comparison between a
leiomyoma (left) and a leiomyosarcoma
(malignant, right). Notice well differenciated
cells vs. anaplastic cells.
Malignant tumors
Squamous cell carcinoma
of the bronchus (lungs).
Notice differences
between normal tissue
(right side) and anaplastic
cells on the left.
Tumor staging
Overall Stage Grouping is also referred to as Roman
Numeral Staging. This system uses numerals I, II, III,
and IV (plus the 0) to describe the progression of cancer.
 Stage 0 carcinoma in situ.
 Stage I cancers are localized to one part of the body.
 Stage II cancers are locally advanced, as are Stage III cancers.
Whether a cancer is designated as Stage II or Stage III can
depend on the specific type of cancer.
 Stage IV cancers have often metastasized, or spread to other
organs or throughout the body.
 A cancer may also be designated as recurrent, meaning that it
has appeared again after being in remission or after all visible
tumor has been eliminated. Recurrence can either be local,
meaning that it appears in the same location as the original, or
distant, meaning that it appears in a different part of the body.
Cancer as a caricature of normal
tissue renewal
The Development of Cancer
From carcinogenesis to
metastasis: The dangerous life
and evolution of bad cells
The processes of cancer
 Initiation: Carcinogen modifies DNA
 Latency: Period between initiation and tumor formation. Need
appropriate environment (promoters) to express phenotype
 Promotion: Application of promoters and other environmental
factors leads to tumor formation. Tumors regress when
promoters are removed.
 Progression: Evolution towards autonomous stage
(independence from environmental factors)
 Conversion: Malignant neoplastic phenotype
 Malignant cell dissemination. Requires autonomous cells
with special abilities (i.e., converted cells)
Endogenous processes
 Chemical carcinogenesis
 Carcinogens usually interact with DNA and
generate adducts that cause copy errors
 Some carcinogens act directly, some have to
be metabolized first into an active form
 Not all carcinogens are mutagenic, and not all
mutagenic substances are carcinogenic
 Naturally occurring
 Free radicals
 Chemical carcinogenesis example
 Promoters are usually not genotoxic, as
opposed to carcinogens
 Promotion seems to be an epigenetic process
related to gene expression and regulation
 Promoters believed to stimulate growth and
prevent apoptosis / differentiation in initiated
 Promoter presence induces proliferation of
initiated cells into tumors
 Withdrawal of promoter at this stage results in
complete regression of these lesions
 Chemical promoters
 Endogenous (hormones, growth factors)
 Promotion processes
 Hyperplasia (selective proliferation)
 Reduction of tissue regulation on initiated cell
 Cytotoxicity (kill surrounding normal cells)
 Inhibition of inter-cellular communication
 Cytotoxicity also promotes growth factor activity
needed for cell repair, which helps proliferation
 Progression enhances aggressiveness of tumor
cells and lead to autonomous cells through
different routes:
 Defects in apoptosis
 Increase in proliferative cell population
 Decrease of tendency to terminally differentiate
 Shift towards autonomous growth
 Genetic instability
 Invasive metastatic behaviors
 Cells show great heterogeneity, which is
gradually reduced through selection
 At the end of the progression phase, cells
have converted to the malignant
 Highly autonomous
 Can erode tissue barriers
 Can escape both physical and regulatory
constraints from surrounding normal tissue
 The metastatic cascade
 Disruption of basal membrane
 Cell detachment (separation)
 Cell motility
 Penetration of vascular system
 Circulating cancer cells
 Arrest (stasis)
 Extravasion and proloferation
The metastatic
Disruption of basal membrane and
stroma invasion
 Basal membrane separates epithelium from stromal
extracellular matrix (ECM)
 Controlled enzymatic digestion of ECM components is a
major step in metastasis
 Type IV collagen-degrading enzymes for basal membrane
 Type I collagenase for stromal tissue
 Other proteolytic enzymes for digestion of fibronectin, elastin,
proteoglycans, among others
 Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) can degrade any proteins in
the ECM. Elevated MMP activity always found in malignant
 Cathepsins hydrolize peptide bonds
 Enzyme inhibitors are promising anti-metastatic agents
Cell detachment
 Reduced cohesion is essential
 Expression of E-cadherin is essential for
conservation of normal epithelial
morphology and non-invasive phenotype
 Lack of E-cadherin produces loss of
morphology and invasiveness
 Transfection of malignant cells with E-
cadherin cDNA blocks invasion
 Detachment is critical for metastasis
Cell detachment
Coman, 1944
Normal lip cells Squamous carcinoma lip cells
Cell Motility
 Amoeboid motility of cancer cells first reported by
Virchow in 1863. Confirmed in vitro in 1939 and 1950,
and in vivo in 1998
 Cells have to migrate individually
 Embryonic cells also have the ability to migrate
 Autocrine motility factor (AMF) and its receptor (AMF-R)
stimulate motility. Their expression in malignant tissue
correlates with aggressiveness
 The tubulin-based cytoplasmic microtubule complex
(CMTC) is implicated in directional migration
 Agents that depolymerize microtubules inhibit invasion
(vinca alkaloids and nocodazole)
Penetration of vascular system
 Invading cells move towards capillaries and
lymphatic vessels in ECM with the help of
digestion enzymes
 Density of capillaries in a tumor is positively
correlated with metastatic behavior
 Newly formed blood vessels have small defects
(gaps and membrane discontinuities)
 Type IV collagenase helps breach capillary
 Most cells are damaged or destroyed upon
entrance to the circulation
Penetration of vascular system
Cancer cell penetrating
the lumen of a capillary
vessel through a process
called diapedesis. Here it
penetrates through a gap
between endothelial cells
Song, et al 1986.
Stabilization with
Arrest (stasis)
Can normal tissue
(Left) Chick embryo
cells become
undifferentiated and
migrate to generate
new tissues during
The metastatic
process is already
encoded in our DNA
The Stem Cell Model of
Tissue Renewal
Avenues for potential therapies
Stem cell-based tissue renewal
Stem cell-based tissue renewal
Therapy through control of trophic
Therapy through control of
differentiation factors
Therapy through destruction of
malignant differentiated cells
Stem cancer cell or cancer
stem cell?
Well both!
Cancer vs stem cell
Cancer stem cells?
Stem cell model revisited almost
The Importance of a
Systemic View
Parting Thoughts
Cancer is a natural selection
 Cancer is based on mutations, but not those
which generate new abilities, but mainly those
which access potential abilities
 Many of these abilities are expressed in
embryonic cells during early development
 Mutations allow for selectively turning on and
off specific processes.
 Genes involved are oncogenes and tumor
supressor genes
Understanding cancer provides
systemic view
 Framework for molecular studies of cancer
 Cancer related pathways
 Cancer related protein interactions
 Put all these in relation to the cancer process as
a whole
 Do not just target genes or pathways: attack
processes or at least be aware of them!
Understanding cancer provides
systemic view
Initiation Promotion Progression Conversion Metastasis

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  • 1. What is Cancer, anyway? A biological overview of the mechanisms of malignancy for computational and system biology researchers Pedro Romero, PhD. School of Informatics Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Indiana University - Indianapolis
  • 2. The main source The Biological Basis of Cancer Robert G. McKinnell, Ralph E. Parchment, Alan O. Perantoni, G. Barry Pierce 2nd. Ed. 2006 Cambridge University Press
  • 3. Outline The Pathology of cancer The development of cancer The stem cell model of tissue renewal Stem cancer cell or cancer stem cell? The Importance of a Systemic View
  • 4. The Pathology of Cancer What is cancer and what it looks like
  • 5. Some Histology Parenchyma: Functional part of an organ Stroma: connective, non- functional supportive framework of a biological cell, tissue, or organ Cancerous tumors also consist of parenchyma and stromaProstate tissue
  • 6. Some Histology Parenchymal cells synthesize angiogenic factors that induce the host to supply supportive stromal tissue for it, including fibroblasts and vascular cells Prostate tissue
  • 7. More Histology Self-renewing tissue consists of stem, or progenitor, cells (basal layer, arrow) and normal, differentiated cells (superficial layer: notice lack of nuclei in keratin cells). When normal cells die, stem cells divide in a controlled manner to replace them. Stems cells divide asymmetrically into a new stem cell and a normal, differentiating, cell. Normal squamous epithelium of skin
  • 8. Altered states Tissue changes: Hyperplasia: Reversible tissue growth caused by environmental stimuli (e.g., hormones: Breasts enlarge during pregnancy and nursing) Cells grow in size and/or number. (Atrophy is the opposite effect) Metaplasia: Reversible changes in differentiation caused by environmental stimuli (e.g., change from epithelial to squamous cells in lungs due to smoke) Dysplasia: (Still) Reversible changes in normal maturation of cells due to persistent stimuli cells differentiate poorly and can become malignant with prolonged exposure. Neoplasia: Irreversible changes in cell proliferation and maturation that persist after the stimulus has disappeared. Neoplasms = Tumors (can be malignant). When restricted to one location and separated from stromal tissue, the neoplasm is said to be in situ (non invasive).
  • 9. Altered states Dysplasia of squamous epithelium of skin: Notice poorly differentiated cells: Instead of orderly differentiation of basal cells into keratin, we see undifferentiated cells in the keratin layer Dysplastic squamous epithelium of skin
  • 10. Altered states Carcinoma in situ: No differentiation between basal (arrow) and superficial layer is evident Lung squamous cell carcinoma in situ
  • 11. Tumors: Good and Bad Benign tumors: Slow growing neoplasms Designated by tissue + suffix -oma Well differentiated cells (rare cell division) Similar to normal tissue Secretes same proteins, but can do so in uncontrolled fashion Excessive growth can push and compromise adjacent tissue
  • 12. Tumors: Good and Bad Malignant tumors: Neoplasms with malignant tendencies: Uncontrolled growth Invasion of normal tissue Metastasis Host death Malignant cells: Pleomorphic (varied size/shape) Anaplastic (undifferentiated) Atypical nuclei / High nucleus-cytoplasm ratio Can also excrete proteins and other molecules as normal tissue Potential tumor markers
  • 13. Tumors: Good and Bad Malignant tumors nomenclature (suffixes): Epithelial: -carcinoma, Mesenchymal (bone, fat, cartilage): -sarcoma Embrionic/Child: -blastoma Other: Glioma (brain) Lymphoma (lymphocytes, always malignant) Seminoma (germ cells) Skin pigmented cells or melanocytes (melanoma) Leukemias
  • 14. Tumors: Good and Bad Malignant tumor nomenclature (examples):
  • 15. Benign tumors Lipoma of intestine. Notice appearance similar to normal fat tissue (yellow center).
  • 16. Benign tumors Left: Leiomyomas of the uterus (Uterine fibroids). These are well defined nodules of the uterus muscular wall. Below: Tissue comparison between a leiomyoma (left) and a leiomyosarcoma (malignant, right). Notice well differenciated cells vs. anaplastic cells.
  • 17. Malignant tumors Squamous cell carcinoma of the bronchus (lungs). Notice differences between normal tissue (right side) and anaplastic cells on the left.
  • 18. Tumor staging Overall Stage Grouping is also referred to as Roman Numeral Staging. This system uses numerals I, II, III, and IV (plus the 0) to describe the progression of cancer. Stage 0 carcinoma in situ. Stage I cancers are localized to one part of the body. Stage II cancers are locally advanced, as are Stage III cancers. Whether a cancer is designated as Stage II or Stage III can depend on the specific type of cancer. Stage IV cancers have often metastasized, or spread to other organs or throughout the body. A cancer may also be designated as recurrent, meaning that it has appeared again after being in remission or after all visible tumor has been eliminated. Recurrence can either be local, meaning that it appears in the same location as the original, or distant, meaning that it appears in a different part of the body.
  • 19. Cancer as a caricature of normal tissue renewal
  • 20. The Development of Cancer From carcinogenesis to metastasis: The dangerous life and evolution of bad cells
  • 21. The processes of cancer Carcinogenesis Initiation: Carcinogen modifies DNA Latency: Period between initiation and tumor formation. Need appropriate environment (promoters) to express phenotype Promotion: Application of promoters and other environmental factors leads to tumor formation. Tumors regress when promoters are removed. Progression: Evolution towards autonomous stage (independence from environmental factors) Conversion: Malignant neoplastic phenotype Metastasis Malignant cell dissemination. Requires autonomous cells with special abilities (i.e., converted cells)
  • 23. Initiation Chemical carcinogenesis Carcinogens usually interact with DNA and generate adducts that cause copy errors Some carcinogens act directly, some have to be metabolized first into an active form Not all carcinogens are mutagenic, and not all mutagenic substances are carcinogenic Exogenous Man-made Naturally occurring Endogenous Free radicals
  • 25. Promotion Promoters are usually not genotoxic, as opposed to carcinogens Promotion seems to be an epigenetic process related to gene expression and regulation Promoters believed to stimulate growth and prevent apoptosis / differentiation in initiated cells Promoter presence induces proliferation of initiated cells into tumors Withdrawal of promoter at this stage results in complete regression of these lesions
  • 26. Promotion Chemical promoters Exogenous Endogenous (hormones, growth factors) Promotion processes Hyperplasia (selective proliferation) Reduction of tissue regulation on initiated cell Cytotoxicity (kill surrounding normal cells) Inhibition of inter-cellular communication Cytotoxicity also promotes growth factor activity needed for cell repair, which helps proliferation
  • 27. Progression Progression enhances aggressiveness of tumor cells and lead to autonomous cells through different routes: Defects in apoptosis Increase in proliferative cell population Decrease of tendency to terminally differentiate Shift towards autonomous growth Genetic instability Invasive metastatic behaviors Cells show great heterogeneity, which is gradually reduced through selection
  • 28. Conversion At the end of the progression phase, cells have converted to the malignant phenotype Invasive Highly autonomous Can erode tissue barriers Can escape both physical and regulatory constraints from surrounding normal tissue
  • 29. Metastasis The metastatic cascade Disruption of basal membrane Cell detachment (separation) Cell motility Invasion Penetration of vascular system Circulating cancer cells Arrest (stasis) Extravasion and proloferation
  • 32. Disruption of basal membrane and stroma invasion Basal membrane separates epithelium from stromal extracellular matrix (ECM) Controlled enzymatic digestion of ECM components is a major step in metastasis Type IV collagen-degrading enzymes for basal membrane Type I collagenase for stromal tissue Other proteolytic enzymes for digestion of fibronectin, elastin, proteoglycans, among others Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) can degrade any proteins in the ECM. Elevated MMP activity always found in malignant tissue Cathepsins hydrolize peptide bonds Enzyme inhibitors are promising anti-metastatic agents
  • 33. Cell detachment Reduced cohesion is essential Expression of E-cadherin is essential for conservation of normal epithelial morphology and non-invasive phenotype Lack of E-cadherin produces loss of morphology and invasiveness Transfection of malignant cells with E- cadherin cDNA blocks invasion Detachment is critical for metastasis
  • 34. Cell detachment Coman, 1944 Normal lip cells Squamous carcinoma lip cells
  • 35. Cell Motility Amoeboid motility of cancer cells first reported by Virchow in 1863. Confirmed in vitro in 1939 and 1950, and in vivo in 1998 Cells have to migrate individually Embryonic cells also have the ability to migrate Autocrine motility factor (AMF) and its receptor (AMF-R) stimulate motility. Their expression in malignant tissue correlates with aggressiveness The tubulin-based cytoplasmic microtubule complex (CMTC) is implicated in directional migration Agents that depolymerize microtubules inhibit invasion (vinca alkaloids and nocodazole)
  • 36. Penetration of vascular system (Intravasion) Invading cells move towards capillaries and lymphatic vessels in ECM with the help of digestion enzymes Density of capillaries in a tumor is positively correlated with metastatic behavior Newly formed blood vessels have small defects (gaps and membrane discontinuities) Type IV collagenase helps breach capillary membranes Most cells are damaged or destroyed upon entrance to the circulation
  • 37. Penetration of vascular system (Intravasion) Cancer cell penetrating the lumen of a capillary vessel through a process called diapedesis. Here it penetrates through a gap between endothelial cells (arrow) Song, et al 1986.
  • 39. Can normal tissue metastasize? (Left) Chick embryo cells become undifferentiated and migrate to generate new tissues during development The metastatic process is already encoded in our DNA
  • 40. The Stem Cell Model of Tissue Renewal Avenues for potential therapies
  • 43. Therapy through control of trophic factors
  • 44. Therapy through control of differentiation factors
  • 45. Therapy through destruction of malignant differentiated cells
  • 46. Stem cancer cell or cancer stem cell? Well both!
  • 49. Stem cell model revisited almost
  • 50. The Importance of a Systemic View Parting Thoughts
  • 51. Cancer is a natural selection process Cancer is based on mutations, but not those which generate new abilities, but mainly those which access potential abilities Many of these abilities are expressed in embryonic cells during early development Mutations allow for selectively turning on and off specific processes. Genes involved are oncogenes and tumor supressor genes
  • 52. Understanding cancer provides systemic view Framework for molecular studies of cancer Oncogenes Cancer related pathways Metabolic Regulatory Signaling Cancer related protein interactions Put all these in relation to the cancer process as a whole Do not just target genes or pathways: attack processes or at least be aware of them!
  • 53. Understanding cancer provides systemic view Initiation Promotion Progression Conversion Metastasis