The video shows a man who is blind being guided through an obstacle course by a companion dog. The dog leads the man safely around and over various obstacles on the course without running into anything. It demonstrates how well-trained guide dogs can help those who are blind maintain their independence and mobility by safely navigating them through both familiar and unfamiliar environments.
This 4 minute YouTube video provides a tutorial on how to tie a tie knot. It shows step-by-step instructions with illustrations and descriptions for making a basic windsor knot, considered by many to be the easiest knot for most neck sizes and styles of dress shirts. Viewers are guided through loosening the tie, placing it around the neck, crossing and twisting the wide and thin ends of the tie to form the knot, and tightening it snugly against the shirt collar.
Inscri巽探es Abertas Ingl棚s Online - Fica a dica! Eliane Quint達o
This document contains two YouTube video links but provides no other context or information about the videos. The videos are not watched so their content and purpose cannot be determined for summarization.
This YouTube video provides a 3 minute tutorial on how to tie a tie knot. It demonstrates the process step by step with clear instructions and graphics. The presenter explains that learning to tie a tie properly is an important life skill and this video makes it easy to learn the basic knot with practice.
The video discusses how to properly perform a squat exercise to work the legs and glutes. It emphasizes lowering your body until your hips are below your knees and pushing through your heels to return to the starting position in a controlled motion. Maintaining a straight back and core engagement throughout the movement is important to get the most benefit from this full-body strengthening exercise.
Here's wishing all our followers a very Happy and Prosperous New Year! Here's a short video which have a couple of pointers to help you have the most successful year, yet!
This document contains links to two online resources. The first link is to a YouTube video that presumably contains content related to time travel or time machines. The second link directs to an interactive game on the Science Channel website where users can build their own virtual time machine. Both resources allow users to engage with concepts around time travel in an entertaining and educational manner.
The video discusses how to discover our true selves by looking inward through meditation and self-reflection. It encourages people to set aside distractions and quiet the mind in order to connect with our inner wisdom and spiritual nature, which will guide us towards peace and fulfillment.
La discriminaci坦n es un acto de maltrato f鱈sico o mental hacia otra persona basado en criterios como la edad, color de piel, nivel educativo, riqueza u orientaci坦n sexual. Se discrimina desde hace mucho tiempo en todas partes del mundo y ocurre verbalmente o f鱈sicamente. Las razones m叩s comunes son el nivel social, la ropa, el color de piel u ojos, y la falta de respeto. La mayor鱈a de las personas discriminan y piensan que pueden hacerlo por estar en un nivel social m叩s alto, aunque todos somos iguales y nos debemos respetar
Palm Beach Symphony Benefits from Lois Popes GenerosityLois Pope
Lois Pope, based in South Florida, donated $100,000 to the Palm Beach Symphony in March 2013. The donation will fund the symphony's International Maestro Chair and help attract renowned guest conductors for special performances. The symphony accepted the gift at a gala concert featuring the talents of Russian-American pianist Lola Astanova and Brazilian tenor Thiago Arancam.
This YouTube video provides a 3 minute tutorial on how to tie a tie knot. It demonstrates the process step by step with clear instructions and graphics. The presenter explains that learning to tie a tie properly is an important life skill and this video makes it easy to learn the basic knot with practice.
The video discusses how to properly perform a squat exercise to work the legs and glutes. It emphasizes lowering your body until your hips are below your knees and pushing through your heels to return to the starting position in a controlled motion. Maintaining a straight back and core engagement throughout the movement is important to get the most benefit from this full-body strengthening exercise.
Here's wishing all our followers a very Happy and Prosperous New Year! Here's a short video which have a couple of pointers to help you have the most successful year, yet!
This document contains links to two online resources. The first link is to a YouTube video that presumably contains content related to time travel or time machines. The second link directs to an interactive game on the Science Channel website where users can build their own virtual time machine. Both resources allow users to engage with concepts around time travel in an entertaining and educational manner.
The video discusses how to discover our true selves by looking inward through meditation and self-reflection. It encourages people to set aside distractions and quiet the mind in order to connect with our inner wisdom and spiritual nature, which will guide us towards peace and fulfillment.
La discriminaci坦n es un acto de maltrato f鱈sico o mental hacia otra persona basado en criterios como la edad, color de piel, nivel educativo, riqueza u orientaci坦n sexual. Se discrimina desde hace mucho tiempo en todas partes del mundo y ocurre verbalmente o f鱈sicamente. Las razones m叩s comunes son el nivel social, la ropa, el color de piel u ojos, y la falta de respeto. La mayor鱈a de las personas discriminan y piensan que pueden hacerlo por estar en un nivel social m叩s alto, aunque todos somos iguales y nos debemos respetar
Palm Beach Symphony Benefits from Lois Popes GenerosityLois Pope
Lois Pope, based in South Florida, donated $100,000 to the Palm Beach Symphony in March 2013. The donation will fund the symphony's International Maestro Chair and help attract renowned guest conductors for special performances. The symphony accepted the gift at a gala concert featuring the talents of Russian-American pianist Lola Astanova and Brazilian tenor Thiago Arancam.
Intravenozni kontrastni pregled s tehnologijo CnTIMIDEAS
1) The study aimed to determine if intravenous contrast ultrasound using contrast-tuned imaging (CnTITM) and SonoVue is superior to gray-scale or power Doppler ultrasound for differentiating benign and malignant adnexal masses.
2) 134 patients underwent standard transvaginal ultrasound followed by contrast ultrasound, and time intensity curves were analyzed.
3) Contrast signal intensity and area under the curve were significantly higher in malignant tumors compared to benign and borderline tumors, but overlap existed between benign and borderline tumors.
This document contains 13 charts summarizing housing market trends in Toronto over multiple years:
- Sales, new listings, and average home prices fluctuated seasonally but generally increased from 2010 to 2013.
- The sales-to-new listings ratio correlated with annual price changes, indicating the housing market balance of supply and demand.
- Time series trend lines showed directional changes in sales, new listings, and prices require sustained shifts over many months.
- Charts on affordability and income levels demonstrated housing costs as a percentage of average household income.
Urban climates differ from rural climates due to factors like increased surface area from buildings absorbing heat, lack of vegetation and evapotranspiration, and additional heat from human activities. This can lead to urban heat islands where temperatures are warmer in cities. While some effects are negative like increased heat stress, others are positive like reduced energy demands. Urban climatologists first systematically studied these effects in the 19th century, and interest has grown with increasing urbanization globally. Mitigation strategies aim to reduce heat absorption and increase shading and evaporation to minimize urban warming.
A picture of Spanish society for Settlement movement. Autumn 2013Oscar Fresan Landibar
Presentation I made on the social situation in Spain in Autumn 2013 from for the European Settlement movement. Surely incomplete - suggestions are welcome. My self, I would have liked to have the time to research on domestic violence (is it bigger problem in Spain than elsewhere in Europe) and the state of different ecosystems in Spain.
1) The document reports on a computational study of the chemical mechanism and kinetics of the ocimene ozonolysis reaction in the atmosphere. Rate constants and lifetimes of reaction intermediates were calculated.
2) RRKM theory and canonical variational transition state theory (CVTST) were used to derive kinetic equations and calculate microcanonical rate constants for the elementary reaction steps.
3) Results show ocimene has a short lifetime of 86 minutes, while some intermediates have longer lifetimes of days. The kinetic data provides insight into secondary organic aerosol formation from biogenic monoterpene oxidation.
Becoming A Networked Nonprofit: Effective Strategy - Santa Maria, CABeth Kanter
This document summarizes a workshop on developing an effective integrated social media strategy for nonprofits. The workshop covered developing a networked nonprofit mindset and culture, mapping networks, creating SMART objectives and key performance indicators, developing an editorial calendar and content strategy, measuring results, and tips for fitting social media into busy schedules. Attendees worked in groups to map their networks, develop social media objectives and strategies, and shared ideas on measuring content and engagement. The goal was for nonprofits to take small steps to improve their social media strategy and get better results from their efforts.
The document summarizes a project to understand what skills and competencies companies want from MBA graduates in the current global labor market. It outlines the following:
1) The project will involve interviews with executives, HR professionals, alumni and faculty to understand needed technical, managerial and behavioral skills. Questionnaires will be developed for interviews.
2) External factors like globalization, technology and ethics that influence company needs will be examined.
3) Existing MBA programs will be reviewed to identify strengths and areas for improvement.
4) Insights will inform proposals for a new MBA program design that better equips graduates for leadership roles and meets changing company demands.
El documento describe las propiedades y usos del asfalto. El asfalto es un hidrocarburo obtenido de la destilaci坦n del petr坦leo que es altamente impermeable, adherente y resistente a esfuerzos. Se usa com炭nmente en la construcci坦n de pavimentos donde impermeabiliza y une los agregados.
This document discusses various systems for classifying malocclusion. It begins by defining malocclusion and explaining the need for classification systems. It then covers Angle's original 1899 classification system, which categorizes malocclusions based on molar relationships. Several modifications to Angle's system are also presented, including the British Standard classification of incisor relationships. Other classification systems discussed include Andrew's Six Keys, skeletal classification, canine classification, Simon's classification, and Ackerman and Proffit's classification.
La resoluci坦n establece nuevos requisitos y plazos para la presentaci坦n de planillas salariales trimestrales y otros documentos laborales ante el Ministerio de Trabajo. Los empleadores deben presentar dichos documentos dentro de los 30 d鱈as posteriores al cierre de cada periodo, adjuntando la documentaci坦n requerida. Se fijan tambi辿n multas por d鱈a de retraso en la presentaci坦n, calculadas como un porcentaje del monto total de sueldos de la planilla.
El documento describe la estructura del sistema de salud en Ecuador y el rol de la atenci坦n primaria en la salud mental. Explica que problemas comunes como el maltrato infantil, bebedores problem叩ticos, depresi坦n y ansiedad pueden ser abordados en el nivel primario. Proporciona gu鱈as para identificar y tratar estos problemas, incluyendo protocolos para evaluar el riesgo de suicidio. El objetivo es que el personal de atenci坦n primaria pueda brindar apoyo inicial y referir casos m叩s graves a especialistas.
Este documento propone un nuevo silabo para la asignatura "Evaluaci坦n por Competencias en la Universidad" con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad de la ense単anza y el aprendizaje mediante evaluaciones basadas en competencias. El silabo incluye 4 unidades de aprendizaje que abordan temas como los paradigmas actuales de la educaci坦n, el dise単o de la acci坦n docente, la planificaci坦n de programas educativos y de sesiones de aprendizaje, e incorpora evaluaciones peri坦dicas.
El documento argumenta que usar el humor para abordar asuntos serios no significa tratarlos a la ligera. Cita a Wilhelm Raabe diciendo que el humor es un salvavidas en la corriente de la existencia. Luego define varios tipos de humor, como la parodia, iron鱈a, absurdo y negro, y t辿cnicas como la paradoja, hip辿rbole, equ鱈voco y ant鱈tesis.
El documento describe la Web 2.0 y la segunda generaci坦n de la web, la cual fomenta la colaboraci坦n y el intercambio de informaci坦n a trav辿s de redes sociales, blogs y wikis. Se basa en comunidades de usuarios y servicios especializados, y sustenta cuatro pilares: aprender haciendo, aprender interactuando, aprender buscando y aprender compartiendo. Tambi辿n describe los tipos de medios de comunicaci坦n masivos y auxiliares, as鱈 como canales de comunicaci坦n s鱈ncronos unidireccionales y bidireccionales.
El documento describe la Web 2.0 y la segunda generaci坦n de la web, la cual fomenta la colaboraci坦n y el intercambio de informaci坦n a trav辿s de redes sociales, blogs y wikis. Se basa en comunidades de usuarios y servicios especializados que sustentan cuatro pilares: aprender haciendo, aprender interactuando, aprender buscando y aprender compartiendo. Algunas de sus aplicaciones m叩s populares son Facebook, YouTube y Google.