The document discusses the concept of "boutique data" in writing studies and related fields. It outlines current and future projects including developing a boutique data repository called to store, preserve, and visualize metadata from peer-reviewed publishing. The repository would provide APIs and tools for accessing, analyzing, and publishing specialized humanities data.
5. Further Metadata Research
Technology descriptions/Design abstracts
Accessible documentation
Controlled vocabulary for genre types
Submissions/acceptance rates
Changes in peer review discussions
Start w a failed project with an unexpected deliverable and how it turned into a major project for the field. (Thanks to Karl Stolley for introducing me to the term boutique data, as opposed to big data)
32 fields across webtext and media-elementAbstracts new
Page titles and alt tags = missingAccessibility (part of comp process; changing design guidelines)
how do we release this data to the public? Heres where things get a little more RAW.NWC as practiceLeads to bigger questions about publication venues, storage, and management
All work together plan is to start a multi-year, multi-national, multi-million $ grant-writing campaign to bring together the 20 or 30 thought-leaders (ha!) to see what we can accomplish.Going to focus briefly on the top two portions
Joan & JennMike P. WACKristin arola
NHUK: doug, michael, collin, derek, tarez, karl (boutique), me + Michele (input/output)
The mission of this project is to provide an institutionally independent, centralized location for writing researchers to make their own datasets public. By publicizing our datasets, other researchers as well as the non-academic public can find and further writing research through analysis, remix, visualizations, and other uses of boutique data.
publishing an app to collect brief info on dataset types and possible collaborators- Masters Degree in Rhetoric consortium survey data- FSU Postcard Archive- database of female pedagogues- CCC archive- establish specs for lightweight data serialization/distribution in JSON (can be processed in the browser; faster than XML: ask Karl for specs)- publish a spec to teach people how to share and consume data in JSONcreate a site that publishes pointers to data sets- Kairos metadata