This document discusses how metal packaging can help reduce food waste and alleviate world hunger in developing regions. It outlines the key features metal packaging should have, such as durability, hermetic sealing, and sterilization capabilities, to protect foods during distribution in harsh conditions where food waste is currently high. Examples of existing metal packaging from several developing countries are provided to illustrate how the packaging is tailored for the local foods and markets. The role of metal packaging is presented as an opportunity for canners and canmakers to help solve global food insecurity issues while gaining a moral high ground for the packaging industry.
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CanMaker Summit UN Presentation
1. 1
Metal Packaging: Solution to Food
Waste and World Hunger ?
- by reducing post-harvest waste in
developing regions
Neil Cormack Robson MA, P.Eng., F.Inst. Pkg.
President, International Packaging Consultants
Ottawa, Canada
October 2007
3. 3
Consumers in Europe are duped into thinking that
recycling charges ensure material recycling
There are proposals worldwide to ban or reduce
use of plastics in packaging
Many states now require, or are proposing, deposits
on all types of beverage packaging
Some jurisdictions now restrict all packaging
considered non-recyclable
In this presentation it is contended that
the entire Packaging Sector is under attack:
4. 4
Packaging is often a Scapegoat
Governments use packaging initiatives to meet public
demand for environmental action, while gaining revenue
from waste material sales and reduced waste collection
Such measures are justified by negative publicity that
discredits the entire packaging industry and ignores its
essential role in product distribution.
The packaging sector could prove its worth by concrete
contributions to third world hunger alleviation and thus
gain the moral high-ground it rightly deserves
5. 5
The Two Views of Waste
In the industrialized world In developing countries
7. 7
Industrialized Countries Less Developed Countries
High packaging waste Low packaging waste
Low food waste High food waste
Low food-borne disease High food-borne disease
Long distribution distances Only local distribution
Season independent Season dependent
Convenient preparation Prepare from scratch
Low preparation waste High preparation waste
Balanced diet possible Balanced diet difficult
Food Distribution around the World
8. 8
Food Availability Customer Attractions
Scarce Customer will buy any available food
Generally available Better product quality attracts some
Quality food abundant Provision of convenience packaging
Food oversupply Graphics emphasis on brands, quality
Extreme consumerism Appeals to lifestyles & fantasies
Package becomes
Package becomes the product
Societal Evolution of Food Packaging
10. 10
mobile fluid
discreet items
high density
viscous fluid
solid/fluid mixture
irregular shape solid
1 - Pack must suit foodstuffs physical form:
Relevant Food Packaging
Features for Developing Regions
11. 11
aseptic - sterile
easily marked
susceptible to odour
2 - Pack has to be compatible with foodstuff that
may be:
Relevant Food Packaging Features
for Developing Regions
12. 12
Effect: Foodstuff types affected:
heat/cold temperature sensitive
shock fragile, compressible
vibration brittle, fragile
compression compressible
oxygen oxygen-susceptible.
moisture moisture sensitive
loss of sterility bacteriologically-sensitive
incompatibility chemically active
biological activity perishable
Distribution Hazards for Foodstuffs
Conditions or Events that can cause Food Wastage
13. 13
Desirable Features of Metal Packaging for
Food Distribution in Developing Regions
Steel can: - durable, heat-sterilizable, recyclable
Steel drum: - durable, reusable
Alu. can: - durable, pressure-holding, recyclable
Extruded aluminum tube: - durable, collapsible
Alu, foil dish/tray: - lightweight, recyclable
Metal/fibre composite can: - durable
Alu. foil/paper/plastic pack: - lightweight,compact
Alu. foil/plastic pouch: - lightweight, compact,
heat sterilizable
(only main positive features are recorded above; drawbacks
may be advantages for competing pack systems)
14. 14
Example of Metal Packaging from
Developing Countries - Kyrgyzstan
In-can retort-
processed fruit and
Paper labeled, 3 piece
soldered 500 grm
tinplate can
Same can for apple,
apricot, peach, pear,
tomato, etc., purees
15. 15
Example of Metal Packaging from
Developing Countries - Tajikistan
laminate stock for
tomato paste,
Stand-up pouch
(Doypack) format
Printed stock supplied
from Dubai
16. 16
Example of Metal Packaging from
Developing Countries - Brazil
3-piece,welded and
beaded, necked-in
can for condensed
milk, Brazil
Wrap-round paper
Brazilian Government
D.A.certified and bar-
coded for export
Graphics imply a
Dutch dairy
17. 17
Example of Metal Packaging from
Developing Countries - Thailand
3-piece welded, litho-
printed necked-in can
for coconut water,
Easy-open alu.
makers end, steel
canners end,
Jamaican company
sourcing from Siam !
18. 18
Example of Metal Packaging from
Developing Countries - Egypt
3-piece welded, litho
printed cans, easy
-open alu. Ends, for
fruit juices (mango,
guava etc,), Egypt
Nutrition information
and bar-code for
19. 19
Example of Metal Packaging from
Developing Countries - Iran
2-piece deep-drawn,
overall litho-printed can
for tuna, Iran
Tinplate end requires
Texts in Farsi, Arabic and
English for mid-east
Illegible batch code over-
printed; no mention of
serving suggestion
20. 20
Example of Metal Packaging from
Developing Countries - Morocco
Drawn alu. can,
unprinted, with easy-
open end, for
sardines, Morocco
Paperboard carton
provides protection
and graphics
Maroc national brand
logo featured
21. 21
Example of Metal Packaging from
Developing Countries - Tunisia
Lined, flexo-printed
alu. tube for harissa
tomato/pimento paste,
Injection-molded PE
screw cap
carton with same
22. 22
Example of Metal Packaging from
Developing Countries - Dubai
Foil-lined fibre can,
tinplate packers end,
alu. easy-open
makers end, for
chips, Dubai.
HACCP certified, bar-
coded and nutrient
information for export
PE overcap
23. 23
Principal Features required to expand Metal
Packagings Role in reducing Food Waste
and alleviating Hunger
Converted pack materials easily, quickly and
economically delivered to packing stations;
Reliable, low-cost pack/product sterilization,
filling and hermetic sealing processes;
Resistance to harsh distribution and storage
Adequate (at least one year) shelf life;
Easy, low-cost pack material recovery and
recycling to ensure sustainability
Minimal decoration !
24. 24
Saving the world through
better packaging!
A Great Opportunity for
Canners and Canmakers
Prepared by Neil Cormack Robson, President,
International Packaging Consultants
Illustrations pp 2-9 courtesy Kenneth S. Marsh,
Executive Director, Woodstock Institute for
Science in Service to Humanity