This document provides information about a computer networks course including details about the lecturer, course content, objectives, and prerequisites. The course covers 12 weeks of material on topics ranging from the history of computer networks and the TCP/IP protocol stack to IP routing, data link layer services, and wireless networking principles. Assessment includes two term exams, a final exam, and a lab component. The goal is for students to gain an understanding of major computer network components, how the Internet works, and networking protocols at each layer of the TCP/IP model.
This document contains icons representing various Cisco products, IBM products, wide area network equipment, local area network devices, media types, buildings, people, multimedia/voice/phone equipment, and miscellaneous items. The icons are intended to be used in presentations and include routers, switches, hubs, servers, workstations, mainframes, phones, buildings, people, and networking equipment like cables and satellites. There are over 100 icons categorized into different sections for easy reference.
FTP is a protocol that allows users to transfer files between computers over a TCP network using an FTP client and server. It uses ports 20 and 21, with port 20 for sending data and port 21 for control commands. FTP supports authentication but sends all data, including usernames and passwords, in clear text. TFTP is a simpler version of FTP that uses UDP port 69 and only supports sending and receiving files. It lacks many of FTP's advanced features but requires fewer resources. TFTP does not support authentication and sends all data in clear text.
The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is used to report issues with the delivery of IP packets. It allows devices on the network to check connectivity and diagnose routing problems. ICMP messages are transmitted as IP packets and used by ping and traceroute utilities. It supports functions like announcing network errors, congestion, and assisting troubleshooting. While providing important feedback, ICMP redirect messages can potentially direct traffic to unauthorized systems if not restricted to trusted sources.
A presentation given by RAD¡¯s CTO, Dr. Yaakov Stein, at the 2012 MPLS and Ethernet World Congress. The presentation compares the two technologies in ten critical categories and grades them on suitability, coverage and maturity
This document provides an introduction to socket programming in C on Linux. Some key points:
- Sockets allow communication between processes over a network and act as an interface between applications and the network. They are represented by file descriptors.
- There are two main types of sockets - stream sockets (TCP) which provide reliable, ordered data transmission and datagram sockets (UDP) which are unreliable but do not require a connection.
- The socket API includes functions like socket(), bind(), listen(), accept(), connect(), recv(), send(), etc. to create and manage sockets and network communication.
- Data structures like sockaddr_in are used to store socket addresses containing IP and port. Byte ordering functions like
O documento descreve a infraestrutura de rede de um pr¨¦dio com 7 switches conectados a um hub central que se conecta a um servidor. Ele fornece detalhes sobre o equipamento necess¨¢rio, esquemas gr¨¢ficos da liga??o entre os dispositivos e explica como a rede fornece conectividade sem fio e a internet para as salas.
The implementation will:
- FORWARD-TSN (0xC0): Silently skip this chunk but continue to process the rest of the chunks in the packet.
- ASCONF (0xC1): Silently skip this chunk but continue to process the rest of the chunks in the packet.
- ASC: This is an incomplete chunk type so I cannot determine how it would be processed.
This document discusses layer 2 switching fundamentals, including communication methods in LANs such as unicast, broadcast, and multicast. It describes how switches operate including forwarding frames based on the destination address and address table lookups. The document also covers collision domains, broadcast domains, and how switches help segment networks to reduce collisions and broadcast traffic.
O documento discute cabos de rede, ferramentas para crimpagem, tipos de conectores e diferen?as entre dispositivos de rede como hubs, switches, roteadores e modems. Explica que hubs distribuem sinais a todos indistintamente, switches criam canais exclusivos e roteadores escolhem a melhor rota para os dados.
This document discusses multicasting and multicast routing protocols. It defines unicast, multicast, and broadcast messages and describes applications of multicasting like accessing distributed databases and teleconferencing. It also explains different multicast routing protocols including MOSPF, DVMRP, CBT, and PIM, covering concepts like shortest path trees, flooding, and pruning. Finally, it describes MBONE which connects isolated multicast routers using tunneling.
This document provides specifications for an IPTV solution for Site 6 consisting of:
1) 130 Motorola VIP1003 set-top boxes for clients
2) An Octopus middleware server to integrate TV channels and video-on-demand
3) An Anevia Flamingo 660S encoder and IP streamer to convert satellite feeds to IP streams
4) Dell and HP servers to provide middleware and storage
5) HP networking switches capable of handling the bandwidth demands of the IPTV system.
This document discusses network architecture and design. It covers component architectures, addressing and routing architectures, network management architecture, performance architecture, and security architecture. Some key points include:
- Component architecture describes how network functions are applied using hardware and software mechanisms.
- Addressing involves applying identifiers to network devices, while routing learns connectivity and forwards packets. Common addressing mechanisms include subnetting, super-netting, dynamic addressing, and private/public addressing.
- Network management architecture provides functions for controlling, planning, and monitoring network resources using mechanisms like monitoring, instrumentation, and configuration.
- Performance architecture allocates network resources to users and applications using mechanisms like quality of service, resource control, service level agreements, and policies.
O documento descreve a evolu??o do padr?o Ethernet desde sua cria??o por Robert Metcalfe nos laborat¨®rios da Xerox em 1972 at¨¦ os padr?es atuais de Fast Ethernet. Detalha os principais tipos de cabos, topologias de rede e caracter¨ªsticas dos quadros Ethernet, incluindo o aumento da velocidade para 100 Mbps no padr?o Fast Ethernet.
Seven years ago at LCA, Van Jacobsen introduced the concept of net channels but since then the concept of user mode networking has not hit the mainstream. There are several different user mode networking environments: Intel DPDK, BSD netmap, and Solarflare OpenOnload. Each of these provides higher performance than standard Linux kernel networking; but also creates new problems. This talk will explore the issues created by user space networking including performance, internal architecture, security and licensing.
Este documento descreve o or?amento para a reestrutura??o da rede de computadores em uma empresa em Belo Horizonte. Ele detalha os itens de cabeamento, montagem do rack de rede, verifica??o dos pontos de rede, valores de cada item e garantia dos servi?os.
Este documento discute conceitos b¨¢sicos sobre conex?es de rede, incluindo hardware e software necess¨¢rios, tipos de redes, e topologias de rede comuns como barramento, estrela e malha. Ele fornece detalhes t¨¦cnicos sobre como cada topologia funciona e suas vantagens e desvantagens.
O documento descreve os dispositivos ativos e passivos de uma rede de computadores. Dispositivos passivos como cabos e conectores fornecem a infraestrutura b¨¢sica, enquanto dispositivos ativos como placas de rede, switches, roteadores e modems realizam fun??es complexas de comunica??o e processamento de sinais.
The document provides an overview of an ONT portfolio, including:
1. Data only ONTs that provide Ethernet interfaces for internet access.
2. Data and voice ONTs that provide both Ethernet and POTS interfaces to support internet, phone, and TV services to residential users.
3. Wireless ONTs that integrate WiFi access point functionality to provide wireless internet in addition to wired Ethernet and phone interfaces.
4. MDU ONTs designed for multi-dwelling units like apartments, providing VDSL interfaces over existing in-building copper wiring to multiple residential units.
O documento discute algoritmos de encaminhamento em redes IP, incluindo vetor de dist?ncia, link state e h¨ªbrido balanceado. Descreve o algoritmo vetor de dist?ncia, que determina a dire??o e dist?ncia para cada link, e exemplos como RIP e IGRP. Tamb¨¦m discute como as tabelas de encaminhamento s?o calculadas e atualizadas.
Switch Cisco Catalyst 9300 Datasheet (2022).pdfSAM Romania
Cisco? Catalyst? 9300 Series switches are Cisco¡¯s lead stackable enterprise access switching platform and as part of the Catalyst 9000 family, are build to transform your network to handle a hybrid world where the workplace is anywhere, endpoints could be anything, and applications are hosted all over the place.Datasheet.
The document discusses switch configuration, including starting the switch, LED indicators, the command-line interface, default settings, hostname and password configuration, VLAN configuration, port settings, and adding or moving switches. The key points are:
- Switches have ports to connect hosts and specialized ports for management. They are typically managed through the console port.
- The default configuration includes the Switch hostname, no passwords, ports in VLAN 1, and auto port settings.
- The CLI is accessed through the console port and has user and privileged modes. Common commands configure the hostname, passwords, IP address, and other settings.
- Port LEDs indicate link status and the mode LEDs show the port mode interpretation
A presentation given by RAD¡¯s CTO, Dr. Yaakov Stein, at the 2012 MPLS and Ethernet World Congress. The presentation compares the two technologies in ten critical categories and grades them on suitability, coverage and maturity
This document provides an introduction to socket programming in C on Linux. Some key points:
- Sockets allow communication between processes over a network and act as an interface between applications and the network. They are represented by file descriptors.
- There are two main types of sockets - stream sockets (TCP) which provide reliable, ordered data transmission and datagram sockets (UDP) which are unreliable but do not require a connection.
- The socket API includes functions like socket(), bind(), listen(), accept(), connect(), recv(), send(), etc. to create and manage sockets and network communication.
- Data structures like sockaddr_in are used to store socket addresses containing IP and port. Byte ordering functions like
O documento descreve a infraestrutura de rede de um pr¨¦dio com 7 switches conectados a um hub central que se conecta a um servidor. Ele fornece detalhes sobre o equipamento necess¨¢rio, esquemas gr¨¢ficos da liga??o entre os dispositivos e explica como a rede fornece conectividade sem fio e a internet para as salas.
The implementation will:
- FORWARD-TSN (0xC0): Silently skip this chunk but continue to process the rest of the chunks in the packet.
- ASCONF (0xC1): Silently skip this chunk but continue to process the rest of the chunks in the packet.
- ASC: This is an incomplete chunk type so I cannot determine how it would be processed.
This document discusses layer 2 switching fundamentals, including communication methods in LANs such as unicast, broadcast, and multicast. It describes how switches operate including forwarding frames based on the destination address and address table lookups. The document also covers collision domains, broadcast domains, and how switches help segment networks to reduce collisions and broadcast traffic.
O documento discute cabos de rede, ferramentas para crimpagem, tipos de conectores e diferen?as entre dispositivos de rede como hubs, switches, roteadores e modems. Explica que hubs distribuem sinais a todos indistintamente, switches criam canais exclusivos e roteadores escolhem a melhor rota para os dados.
This document discusses multicasting and multicast routing protocols. It defines unicast, multicast, and broadcast messages and describes applications of multicasting like accessing distributed databases and teleconferencing. It also explains different multicast routing protocols including MOSPF, DVMRP, CBT, and PIM, covering concepts like shortest path trees, flooding, and pruning. Finally, it describes MBONE which connects isolated multicast routers using tunneling.
This document provides specifications for an IPTV solution for Site 6 consisting of:
1) 130 Motorola VIP1003 set-top boxes for clients
2) An Octopus middleware server to integrate TV channels and video-on-demand
3) An Anevia Flamingo 660S encoder and IP streamer to convert satellite feeds to IP streams
4) Dell and HP servers to provide middleware and storage
5) HP networking switches capable of handling the bandwidth demands of the IPTV system.
This document discusses network architecture and design. It covers component architectures, addressing and routing architectures, network management architecture, performance architecture, and security architecture. Some key points include:
- Component architecture describes how network functions are applied using hardware and software mechanisms.
- Addressing involves applying identifiers to network devices, while routing learns connectivity and forwards packets. Common addressing mechanisms include subnetting, super-netting, dynamic addressing, and private/public addressing.
- Network management architecture provides functions for controlling, planning, and monitoring network resources using mechanisms like monitoring, instrumentation, and configuration.
- Performance architecture allocates network resources to users and applications using mechanisms like quality of service, resource control, service level agreements, and policies.
O documento descreve a evolu??o do padr?o Ethernet desde sua cria??o por Robert Metcalfe nos laborat¨®rios da Xerox em 1972 at¨¦ os padr?es atuais de Fast Ethernet. Detalha os principais tipos de cabos, topologias de rede e caracter¨ªsticas dos quadros Ethernet, incluindo o aumento da velocidade para 100 Mbps no padr?o Fast Ethernet.
Seven years ago at LCA, Van Jacobsen introduced the concept of net channels but since then the concept of user mode networking has not hit the mainstream. There are several different user mode networking environments: Intel DPDK, BSD netmap, and Solarflare OpenOnload. Each of these provides higher performance than standard Linux kernel networking; but also creates new problems. This talk will explore the issues created by user space networking including performance, internal architecture, security and licensing.
Este documento descreve o or?amento para a reestrutura??o da rede de computadores em uma empresa em Belo Horizonte. Ele detalha os itens de cabeamento, montagem do rack de rede, verifica??o dos pontos de rede, valores de cada item e garantia dos servi?os.
Este documento discute conceitos b¨¢sicos sobre conex?es de rede, incluindo hardware e software necess¨¢rios, tipos de redes, e topologias de rede comuns como barramento, estrela e malha. Ele fornece detalhes t¨¦cnicos sobre como cada topologia funciona e suas vantagens e desvantagens.
O documento descreve os dispositivos ativos e passivos de uma rede de computadores. Dispositivos passivos como cabos e conectores fornecem a infraestrutura b¨¢sica, enquanto dispositivos ativos como placas de rede, switches, roteadores e modems realizam fun??es complexas de comunica??o e processamento de sinais.
The document provides an overview of an ONT portfolio, including:
1. Data only ONTs that provide Ethernet interfaces for internet access.
2. Data and voice ONTs that provide both Ethernet and POTS interfaces to support internet, phone, and TV services to residential users.
3. Wireless ONTs that integrate WiFi access point functionality to provide wireless internet in addition to wired Ethernet and phone interfaces.
4. MDU ONTs designed for multi-dwelling units like apartments, providing VDSL interfaces over existing in-building copper wiring to multiple residential units.
O documento discute algoritmos de encaminhamento em redes IP, incluindo vetor de dist?ncia, link state e h¨ªbrido balanceado. Descreve o algoritmo vetor de dist?ncia, que determina a dire??o e dist?ncia para cada link, e exemplos como RIP e IGRP. Tamb¨¦m discute como as tabelas de encaminhamento s?o calculadas e atualizadas.
Switch Cisco Catalyst 9300 Datasheet (2022).pdfSAM Romania
Cisco? Catalyst? 9300 Series switches are Cisco¡¯s lead stackable enterprise access switching platform and as part of the Catalyst 9000 family, are build to transform your network to handle a hybrid world where the workplace is anywhere, endpoints could be anything, and applications are hosted all over the place.Datasheet.
The document discusses switch configuration, including starting the switch, LED indicators, the command-line interface, default settings, hostname and password configuration, VLAN configuration, port settings, and adding or moving switches. The key points are:
- Switches have ports to connect hosts and specialized ports for management. They are typically managed through the console port.
- The default configuration includes the Switch hostname, no passwords, ports in VLAN 1, and auto port settings.
- The CLI is accessed through the console port and has user and privileged modes. Common commands configure the hostname, passwords, IP address, and other settings.
- Port LEDs indicate link status and the mode LEDs show the port mode interpretation
7. ISO 11898-1
ISO 11898-1,2
CiA DRP 303
§¡§â§ç§Ú§ä§Ö§Ü§ä§å§â§Ñ §å§ã§ä§â§à§Û§ã§ä§Ó CANOpen §Ó §Ü§à§ß§ä§Ö§Ü§ã§ä§Ö OSI §Þ§à§Õ§Ö§Ý§Ú
CAN ¡Ù CANopen !!!
CiA DSP-401
I/O §®§à§Õ§å§Ý?
CiA DSP-402
CiA DSP-406
CiA DSP-403
CiA DSP-405
§µ§é§Ö§Ò§ß§í§Û §è§Ö§ß§ä§â §®§à§Õ§Ú§Ü§à§ß-§¬§Ú§Ö§Ó
NET CanOpen
BOSH CAN 2.0 A/B (Robert BOSH) ¨C 2 §å§â§à§Ó§ß§ñ OSI (§Ü§Ñ§ß§Ñ§Ý§î§ß§í§Û + §é§Ñ§ã§ä§î §æ§Ú§Ù§Ú§é§Ö§ã§Ü§à§Ô§à)
CANopen (CiA - CAN in Automation)¨C 3 §å§â§à§Ó§ß§ñ + §ã§Ý§à§Ó§Ñ§â§î §à§Ò§ì§Ö§Ü§ä§à§Ó+§á§â§à§æ§Ú§Ý§Ú §å§ã§ä§â§à§Û§ã§ä§Ó
ISO 11898-1= BOSH CAN 2.0 A
ISO 11898-2 ¨C (§á§â§Ú§Ö§Þ§Ö§á§Ö§â§Ñ§Õ§Ñ§ä§é§Ú§Ü§Ú, §ã§Ü§à§â§à§ã§ä§î, §á§Ñ§â§Ñ§Þ§Ö§ä§â§í §Ý§Ú§ß§Ú§Û §ã§Ó§ñ§Ù§Ú)
CiA DRP 303 ¨C §ã§ä§Ñ§ß§Õ§Ñ§â§ä §ß§Ñ §ã§à§Ö§Õ§Ú§ß§Ú§ä§Ö§Ý§Ú
CiA DSP-40X ¨C §á§â§à§æ§Ú§Ý§Ú §å§ã§ä§â§à§Û§ã§ä§Ó