1) El documento describe el desarrollo de una muleta antifatiga para mejorar la comodidad de quienes usan muletas. 2) El objetivo es reducir la fatiga, permitir plegarla f叩cilmente para transportarla y que sea segura, barata y no pese m叩s del 30% que una convencional. 3) Los resultados de las pruebas mostraron que la muleta antifatiga redujo el dolor y cansancio en comparaci坦n con las muletas convencionales.
The document discusses various narrative theories that can be applied to film trailers, including Todorov's theory of narrative cycles, Barthes' narrative codes, and Levi-Strauss' concept of binary oppositions driving narratives. It explains how the student aims to incorporate elements of mystery, suspense and conflict in their trailer through the use of lighting, camera angles, character presentations and by leaving the narrative on a cliffhanger without resolution.
The trailer for the neo-noir film "3 Days to Kill" uses various techniques to establish genre conventions and build intrigue. It begins with an establishing shot of Paris at dusk and includes voiceover from the main character. The trailer challenges expectations through a comedic scene and uses lighting, editing, and camerawork to depict tension. It also features icons of the genre like a female fatale and weapons to position the film as fitting within the neo-noir tradition.
1) The student learned the importance of in-depth audience research and feedback when developing their music magazine from their preliminary task to the final project.
2) They learned about properly capturing the tone and style of the magazine through the photo shoot, like ensuring the models' clothing matched the genre.
3) Planning and drafting was more important for the final project, including a complete contents page that engaged readers through additional details and features typically found in magazines.
This document discusses different types of music magazines, including those published by major companies like Bauer Media Group and Time Inc UK, and independent magazines. It notes positives and negatives of independent magazines, such as having more specialized content but potential bias. It also discusses magazine convergence with digital platforms and how Q magazine promotes itself through music events. Major recording artists are usually featured on the covers of magazines like Q. The document concludes with information about the UK Press Complaints Commission and its role in regulating magazines.
Business communication skills: meetings & negotiationsErik Oravec
The document appears to be an agenda for a meeting that includes discussions about an annual celebration foundation for a business, marketing activities for launching a new product, various projects, and time for questions and comments. The agenda also includes times for appetizers, dessert, and recapping discussions.
Fastboy Marketing provides digital marketing services including website design and development, social media marketing, email marketing, search engine optimization, and coupon creation. They can be contacted at 1-888-416-2944 or Sale@fastboymarketing.com and offer promotions such as gift certificates. Their services help businesses engage customers online through listings, ads, emails and responses.
"Strategies That Promote Effective Supports and Mentors include providing mentors, ensuring mentors are available from within and outside the organization, offering travel assistance and accommodations, and providing materials in accessible formats."
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang lingkungan hidup dan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Lingkungan hidup merupakan tempat interaksi antara manusia, hewan dan tumbuhan yang dapat menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan. Untuk itu diperlukan pelestarian lingkungan hidup. Pembangunan selama ini cenderung mengeksploitasi sumber daya alam dan mengakibatkan kerusakan lingkungan.
The BBFC is the independent regulator for film and video content classifications in the UK. They aim to protect the public, especially children, from potentially harmful content, while also respecting adult freedom of choice. Films for theatrical release are typically classified by two examiners, who observe issues like violence, language, sex, and more. Examiners then classify the film according to ratings like U, PG, 12, 15, 18. The BBFC website allows users to search for a movie and see its classification and insights.
The document discusses the importance of planning for organizations. It states that not planning means planning to fail. It also covers analyzing the internal and external environment of an organization, setting goals and being responsible for achieving them. Additionally, it mentions portfolio activities, BCG matrix, GE matrix, and marketing control. The document provides an overview of planning, analysis, goal setting, and evaluation tools for organizations.
Zarla Ludin's talk from the UXPA 2014 Ignite session "Are you a Super Hero or a Super Villain? Using Design Psychology for Good (and Evil)."
Design Psychology is a powerful tool to wield and can be used to the benefit or detriment of our users; motivating them to behave in ways that can be in their interest, or our own. Our panel of experienced professionals, each with an interest in different facets of design psychology, will choose a white hat or black hat - some taking the side of good and honest intentions, with others taking the dark side where manipulation and coercion reign. On which side will you fall?
El documento describe las actividades de una lecci坦n sobre piratas. Los objetivos incluyen aprender sobre las diferentes clases de piratas, c坦mo se visten y sus armas, partes de un barco pirata y construir un modelo de barco pirata. Tambi辿n cubre lo que es un esqueleto y calavera y las canciones y juegos sobre piratas.
Budovania znaky pomocou nov箪ch trendov v marketinguErik Oravec
The task of the bachelor dissertation named Brand building through new trends in marketing is to describe definition and substance of the branding, and also process and procedure of brand building by mobile, viral, guerilla, and social media marketing. The dissertation consists of three parts - theoretical, analytical, and draft part. In theoretical part, apart from providing the definition of new marketing mix tools, we also offer realistic use of those tools in a case study. In analytical part, we focus on possibilities of using mobile marketing on academic ground through the process of brand-building of University of Presov in Presov. Thorugh the survey, we gain essential information which, afterwards, will be interpreted in graphic and text form. Based on the survey results, we evaluate potential of using the mobile application for purpose of supporting study, and strengthening the quality of name and brand of University of Presov in Presov. We also create a concept of user environment of the mobile application and its individual attributes and functional components.
Business communication skills: meetings & negotiationsErik Oravec
The document appears to be an agenda for a meeting that includes discussions about an annual celebration foundation for a business, marketing activities for launching a new product, various projects, and time for questions and comments. The agenda also includes times for appetizers, dessert, and recapping discussions.
Fastboy Marketing provides digital marketing services including website design and development, social media marketing, email marketing, search engine optimization, and coupon creation. They can be contacted at 1-888-416-2944 or Sale@fastboymarketing.com and offer promotions such as gift certificates. Their services help businesses engage customers online through listings, ads, emails and responses.
"Strategies That Promote Effective Supports and Mentors include providing mentors, ensuring mentors are available from within and outside the organization, offering travel assistance and accommodations, and providing materials in accessible formats."
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang lingkungan hidup dan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Lingkungan hidup merupakan tempat interaksi antara manusia, hewan dan tumbuhan yang dapat menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan. Untuk itu diperlukan pelestarian lingkungan hidup. Pembangunan selama ini cenderung mengeksploitasi sumber daya alam dan mengakibatkan kerusakan lingkungan.
The BBFC is the independent regulator for film and video content classifications in the UK. They aim to protect the public, especially children, from potentially harmful content, while also respecting adult freedom of choice. Films for theatrical release are typically classified by two examiners, who observe issues like violence, language, sex, and more. Examiners then classify the film according to ratings like U, PG, 12, 15, 18. The BBFC website allows users to search for a movie and see its classification and insights.
The document discusses the importance of planning for organizations. It states that not planning means planning to fail. It also covers analyzing the internal and external environment of an organization, setting goals and being responsible for achieving them. Additionally, it mentions portfolio activities, BCG matrix, GE matrix, and marketing control. The document provides an overview of planning, analysis, goal setting, and evaluation tools for organizations.
Zarla Ludin's talk from the UXPA 2014 Ignite session "Are you a Super Hero or a Super Villain? Using Design Psychology for Good (and Evil)."
Design Psychology is a powerful tool to wield and can be used to the benefit or detriment of our users; motivating them to behave in ways that can be in their interest, or our own. Our panel of experienced professionals, each with an interest in different facets of design psychology, will choose a white hat or black hat - some taking the side of good and honest intentions, with others taking the dark side where manipulation and coercion reign. On which side will you fall?
El documento describe las actividades de una lecci坦n sobre piratas. Los objetivos incluyen aprender sobre las diferentes clases de piratas, c坦mo se visten y sus armas, partes de un barco pirata y construir un modelo de barco pirata. Tambi辿n cubre lo que es un esqueleto y calavera y las canciones y juegos sobre piratas.
Budovania znaky pomocou nov箪ch trendov v marketinguErik Oravec
The task of the bachelor dissertation named Brand building through new trends in marketing is to describe definition and substance of the branding, and also process and procedure of brand building by mobile, viral, guerilla, and social media marketing. The dissertation consists of three parts - theoretical, analytical, and draft part. In theoretical part, apart from providing the definition of new marketing mix tools, we also offer realistic use of those tools in a case study. In analytical part, we focus on possibilities of using mobile marketing on academic ground through the process of brand-building of University of Presov in Presov. Thorugh the survey, we gain essential information which, afterwards, will be interpreted in graphic and text form. Based on the survey results, we evaluate potential of using the mobile application for purpose of supporting study, and strengthening the quality of name and brand of University of Presov in Presov. We also create a concept of user environment of the mobile application and its individual attributes and functional components.