Global collaboration can provide benefits like 24/7 work coverage and increased profits, but also poses challenges such as cultural misunderstandings, lack of trust, and language barriers. Building cultural intelligence through understanding different perspectives can help overcome these challenges. Fostering rapport, shared goals, and competence can build trust in cross-cultural collaborations. Aligning roles, responsibilities, and decision-making helps global teams work effectively together.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan informasi mengenai berbagai program dan layanan yang ditawarkan oleh tabungan BII Woman One untuk memenuhi kebutuhan perempuan, seperti pembelian mobil, persiapan kehamilan dan kelahiran, investasi pendidikan anak, serta program kartu kredit untuk memudahkan berbelanja.
The document discusses how urbanization impacts water bodies. In a forested catchment area, precipitation is slowed by vegetation which allows more water to infiltrate into the soil and groundwater. This maintains water table levels and base flow to rivers. However, with urbanization tree cover is removed, soil is compacted, and impervious surfaces are added. This leads to immediate runoff with limited infiltration. As a result, groundwater recharge is reduced along with water table levels. Rivers then experience sudden flooding during rains but dry out in summer without groundwater flows.
This document provides an overview of key concepts related to contracting and negotiation, cost and finance management, international sourcing, social responsibility, sourcing strategies, supplier relationship management, and developing supplier exit strategies in supply chain management. It discusses preparing competitive bids and proposals, cost analysis techniques, cultural factors in global sourcing, ethics codes and environmental programs, evaluating supplier offerings, developing relationships with suppliers, and qualifications for new and existing suppliers.
The document discusses the basics of negotiation. It defines negotiation as a process where people deal with their differences to seek mutual agreement through dialogue, which can result in a win-win or win-lose outcome. There are two main types of negotiation: distributive, which focuses on individual gain and is a short-term approach; and integrative, which aims for joint gain in a long-term relationship through flexible trade-offs. The document outlines four key concepts in negotiation: best alternative to a negotiated agreement, reservation price, zone of possible agreement, and value creation through trades. It provides explanations of these concepts and their importance in negotiation. Finally, barriers to successful agreement are identified such as lack of trust and cultural/communication
This document provides exercises that can be done at the office using only a chair. It begins by explaining the benefits of exercising at work such as increased energy and productivity. It then outlines stretches and exercises targeting the wrists/arms, lower body, and full body using only a chair. The moves include squats, dips, leg extensions, and bicep curls. Ab exercises like side bends and twists are also described. Precautions are noted and equipment is listed as a chair and optional light weights. The conclusion emphasizes making exercise a permanent routine for health benefits.
KitKat Campaign Digital Campaign - Irfandy HamzahIrfandy Hamzah
This document presents a digital strategy for KitKat in Indonesia. The objectives are to build engagement with KitKat's core target consumers and improve brand awareness, as well as create an integrated social media campaign to increase sales. The strategy involves creating a "ChitChat" application for sharing university life moments, running a storytelling competition on Facebook, producing a video series on YouTube, using hashtags and influencers on Twitter, holding a selfie competition on Instagram, and developing Line stickers. The channels will include owned media like the app and microsite, shared media like Facebook and YouTube, earned media through bloggers and influencers, and paid media like Google Ads and social media advertising.