Each high school student at SSIS is expected to complete at least 10 community service hours per academic year. SSIS offers diverse opportunities for service both in school and in the local community. To qualify for CAP hours, service activities should involve personal challenge, purposeful activities with significant outcomes, thoughtful consideration such as planning and reflection, and gaining self-awareness and respect for others. Students must brainstorm project ideas by November 30, submit action plans by January 31, record service hours from February to May, and submit final reflections by May 15.
3. Student Responsibilities
Beginning in 2013-2014, each high school student is expected to complete at least 10
community service (CAP) hours for each academic year of attendance at SSIS.
SSIS offers a wide variety of extracurricular programs, both in school and in the local
community that provide students with diverse opportunities to serve others. In order
for the work to be eligible for CAP hours, the service should involve:
>>Personal challenge
>>Purposeful activities, with significant outcomes that have a learning benefit for the
>>Thoughtful consideration, such as planning, reviewing, reporting
>>Reflection on outcome and personal learning experiences that enable students to gain
a sense of self and to develop respect toward others and the world around them
4. November 30 Step One
Begin brainstorming your project and use the brainstorming tool from the
CAP guide you work throug this process.
January 31 Step Two
Submit your action plans to Mrs. Featherstone before January 31.
February-May - Step Three
Do the service and record your service hours.
May 15-Step Four
Final reflections are due to Mrs. Featherstone on or before this date.
Step 3: Do the Service
During your service project, follow your action
plan, take lots of pictures, reflect regularly,
challenge yourself and most importantly have fun.
For this step, you will record your service hours
on your individual CAP Log that is shared with
you through google docs.
8. The CAP log
What did
you do?
Date the
action took
How many
hours? Put
in this
Ongoing reflection
of each action.
automatically if only
numbers are used in
hours column.
12. November 30 Step One
Begin brainstorming your project and use the brainstorming tool from the
CAP guide you work throug this process.
January 31 Step Two
Submit your action plans to Mrs. Featherstone before January 31.
February-May - Step Three
Do the service and record your service hours.
May 15-Step Four
Final reflections are due to Mrs. Featherstone on or before this date.