Conjunto de dispositivos utilizados para a minha comunica??o intitulada ?EU programs and opportunities: 2013 vs. 2014-2020? proferida na 6th International Week do Instituto Polit└cnico de Set┣bal que decorreu em Set┣bal, entre 11 e 15 de mar?o de 2013.
This document provides citations for images and webpages used as references on the topic of drug addiction, relationships, child abuse prevention, and depression. The citations include the URLs and dates for a stock photo of drug addiction, a photo depicting a couple fighting, a webpage with reasons for children to tell about abuse, and an image of a depressed girl.
This document provides tips for using advanced search operators in Google including:
- filetype: to search for specific file types like documents, presentations, spreadsheets
- asterisk and tilde to find variations on search terms
- allintitle:, inurl:, and allinurl: to search for terms appearing in document titles, urls, or both respectively
It also includes examples of searches using each operator type.
The document provides career advice from a communications coordinator. It discusses choosing a public relations major after initially studying chemistry and journalism. It emphasizes the importance of building a portfolio through unpaid work to gain experience. The document recommends having an eye-catching resume that stands out from templates and filling the entire page. It also stresses reading the interviewers and infusing personality during answers.
This document summarizes Kiva's achievements over its first 5 years in microfinancing and its aspirations for the future. Some key highlights include:
- Kiva has raised $165 million in loans to help over 420,000 entrepreneurs across 53 countries.
- It has achieved high repayment rates of 98% and leveraged donations efficiently, raising $10 for every $1 spent.
- Moving forward, Kiva aims to reach $1 billion in loans for 2 million borrowers, become self-sufficient at scale, and expand into new loan categories like students and green loans to help more people lift themselves out of poverty.
A apresenta??o discute solu??es de mobilidade empresarial como m-commerce, m-self service e m-content. Ela destaca a experi┷ncia da Concrete Solutions em projetos como portais m┏veis, autoatendimento via celular para empresas de telecomunica??es e varejo, e aborda desafios e fatores cr┴ticos para o sucesso de implementa??es como usabilidade, plataforma e fatores econ?micos. A apresenta??o tamb└m fornece exemplos de casos de sucesso da empresa.
The document discusses the need for companies to have support for various financial and strategic functions even if they cannot afford a full-time CFO. It lists several areas that a part-time CFO could provide assistance with, such as historical financial statements, budgets, business plans, negotiation support, staff management, and idea generation. It then introduces Lynn Michl, who has over 25 years of experience as a CFO for small and mid-sized companies, and offers his services to help companies operate efficiently and grow.
Sedo: Building the World's Largest Domain Marketplace - With Tim Schumacherdomainsherpa
1) Sedo has nearly 1.5 million users and lists over 15 million domains, of which 5-6 million are parked domains. It has a large global presence through offices in the US, Europe, and Asia.
2) Schumacher started Sedo while in college after realizing there was no good way to list unused domains for sale. He and his friends built a simple site called Sedo to connect buyers and sellers, and it grew from there.
3) Though now running the world's largest domain marketplace, Schumacher owns only two personal domains -
Being productive is all about being in the zone. There are many distractions from that goal, both internal and external. This talk will give you several tips and tricks of the trade to avoid those distractions that are avoidable and tactics to mitigate the effects of those that are unavoidable.
Some of the concepts touched upon include: remote working, co-working, office hours, meeting schedules, the fear of success and the fear of failure.
This isn't a PHP specific talk!
The document summarizes an agenda for a pitch workshop. The agenda includes sections on content, style, and examples of pitches that work. For content, it recommends including the problem, solution, customer validation, competition/business model/monetization, achievements and findings, and conclusion. For style, it mentions using logos, ethos, and pathos. It then provides examples of pitch content and style that have been successful.
1. The document announces an upcoming video game tournament organized by, a non-profit video game community group.
2. The tournament will take place on June 25th, 2011 at E@Curve mall and is expected to attract 150-200 spectators to watch 40+ participants compete.
3. The event aims to promote the Malaysian gaming community and establish E@Curve as a hub for video game tournaments, bringing in crowds from other Malaysian states and Singapore.
The document discusses the ethical implications of digitization and open science research methods. It notes that digitization is changing how qualitative and quantitative research data is collected, archived, and shared. This raises new ethical issues that strain the current research ethics review system. The system may not adequately address issues around complex multi-disciplinary and distributed research involving large datasets and citizen scientists. It proposes that open and distributed accountability methods could help complement traditional institutional research ethics arrangements.
After winning the Ranfurly shield for the first time in its history, the shield was brought to Hill School, to be admired by the whole school. It was a memorable day indeed.
Danny Sullivan: Domain Names and Search Engine Optimizationdomainsherpa
Danny Sullivan discusses the importance of domain names for SEO. He explains that while a keyword-rich domain name can provide some benefit, it is just one minor ranking factor according to his periodic table of SEO. The most important factor is quality content on the site. Sullivan advises developing substantial, unique content that provides real value to users rather than just a few lightweight pages. The goal should be creating a site that search engines and users cannot live without and see as an essential resource on its topic.
A small study on the child's perception of the street.
This document traces the everyday treasures of a rainy day walk to the local sento in suburban Tokyo. It is part of a broader and slightly wonky research and practice agenda on the hand made, everyday creativity, play, and usable environments.
"......These safe and slow pathways are perfect for tiny feet and their larger commute-weary companions. Dense greens and colourful scented collages reside at the height and scale of little eyes and noses. Irrepressible hands thrive on the mixture of gravel, sand, grass, rocks, sticks and fallen fruit that compose Tokyo carpets. In summer developing ears drink in crickets, cicadas and neighbourhood rustlings...."
More Details:
El aparato genitourinario se forma a partir del mesodermo intermedio. Se desarrolla en tres etapas principales: el pronefros, el mesonefros y el metanefros. El metanefros da origen a los ri?ones definitivos. La yema ureteral se forma a partir del mesodermo metan└frico y da origen al sistema colector renal. El seno urogenital da origen a los genitales externos e internos, la uretra y la vejiga.
Este documento describe la embriolog┴a del sistema cardiovascular. Explica c┏mo se forman inicialmente las c└lulas card┴acas progenitoras en el epiblasto y c┏mo migran para formar el campo cardiog└nico. Luego describe la formaci┏n del tubo card┴aco y c┏mo se pliega para formar el asa card┴aca, con la partici┏n en cavidades auriculares y ventriculares. Finalmente, explica los procesos de tabicamiento que dividen completamente las cavidades card┴acas a trav└s de la formaci┏n de almohadillas endoc│rdicas.
El documento describe los arcos branquiales y las bolsas far┴ngeas que se forman durante las 4o y 5o semanas de desarrollo embrionario. Explica que los primeros 6 arcos dan origen a diferentes estructuras de la cabeza y el cuello como los huesos del o┴do medio, el cart┴lago hioides y la laringe. Tambi└n describe c┏mo las 5 bolsas far┴ngeas dan origen a gl│ndulas como la tiroides, paratiroides e incluso el timo. Finalmente, resume los principales procesos
Cavidades corporales, mesenterios y diafragmabioich
Este documento describe el desarrollo de las cavidades corporales durante las primeras semanas de desarrollo embrionario. Se forman tres cavidades principales - la cavidad peric│rdica, las cavidades pleurales y la cavidad peritoneal - a partir del celoma intraembrionario. La cavidad peritoneal conecta inicialmente el celoma intraembrionario a trav└s del ombligo, pero pierde esta conexi┏n a la 10a semana cuando el intestino regresa al abdomen. El desarrollo de los pliegues pleuropericardicos y pleuro
El documento describe las etapas del desarrollo del aparato respiratorio desde la etapa embrionaria hasta la madurez postnatal. Se detalla el desarrollo de las v┴as respiratorias, los pulmones y la vascularizaci┏n a lo largo de las etapas embrionaria, pseudoglandular, canalicular, sacular y alveolar. Tambi└n se describen las diferencias anat┏micas entre el sistema respiratorio del lactante y el adulto.
El documento describe el desarrollo del aparato digestivo y sus estructuras. Se detalla la formaci┏n del es┏fago, est┏mago, duodeno, h┴gado, p│ncreas, bazo, intestino delgado, intestino grueso y conducto anal a partir del intestino anterior y posterior durante las primeras semanas de desarrollo fetal. Tambi└n se mencionan algunas anomal┴as cong└nitas como resultado de defectos en estos procesos de desarrollo.
El documento describe el desarrollo del sistema cardiovascular en el embri┏n humano. En la tercera semana aparecen el coraz┏n y los vasos sangu┴neos. El coraz┏n se desarrolla a partir de una serie de tubos que se fusionan para formar las cavidades card┴acas. Diferentes venas, como las vitelinas, umbilicales y cardinales, drenan sangre en el coraz┏n embrionario y su destino cambia con el desarrollo. El sistema de venas se reorganiza para formar las venas cavas superior e inferior.
This document provides tips for using advanced search operators in Google including:
- filetype: to search for specific file types like documents, presentations, spreadsheets
- asterisk and tilde to find variations on search terms
- allintitle:, inurl:, and allinurl: to search for terms appearing in document titles, urls, or both respectively
It also includes examples of searches using each operator type.
The document provides career advice from a communications coordinator. It discusses choosing a public relations major after initially studying chemistry and journalism. It emphasizes the importance of building a portfolio through unpaid work to gain experience. The document recommends having an eye-catching resume that stands out from templates and filling the entire page. It also stresses reading the interviewers and infusing personality during answers.
This document summarizes Kiva's achievements over its first 5 years in microfinancing and its aspirations for the future. Some key highlights include:
- Kiva has raised $165 million in loans to help over 420,000 entrepreneurs across 53 countries.
- It has achieved high repayment rates of 98% and leveraged donations efficiently, raising $10 for every $1 spent.
- Moving forward, Kiva aims to reach $1 billion in loans for 2 million borrowers, become self-sufficient at scale, and expand into new loan categories like students and green loans to help more people lift themselves out of poverty.
A apresenta??o discute solu??es de mobilidade empresarial como m-commerce, m-self service e m-content. Ela destaca a experi┷ncia da Concrete Solutions em projetos como portais m┏veis, autoatendimento via celular para empresas de telecomunica??es e varejo, e aborda desafios e fatores cr┴ticos para o sucesso de implementa??es como usabilidade, plataforma e fatores econ?micos. A apresenta??o tamb└m fornece exemplos de casos de sucesso da empresa.
The document discusses the need for companies to have support for various financial and strategic functions even if they cannot afford a full-time CFO. It lists several areas that a part-time CFO could provide assistance with, such as historical financial statements, budgets, business plans, negotiation support, staff management, and idea generation. It then introduces Lynn Michl, who has over 25 years of experience as a CFO for small and mid-sized companies, and offers his services to help companies operate efficiently and grow.
Sedo: Building the World's Largest Domain Marketplace - With Tim Schumacherdomainsherpa
1) Sedo has nearly 1.5 million users and lists over 15 million domains, of which 5-6 million are parked domains. It has a large global presence through offices in the US, Europe, and Asia.
2) Schumacher started Sedo while in college after realizing there was no good way to list unused domains for sale. He and his friends built a simple site called Sedo to connect buyers and sellers, and it grew from there.
3) Though now running the world's largest domain marketplace, Schumacher owns only two personal domains -
Being productive is all about being in the zone. There are many distractions from that goal, both internal and external. This talk will give you several tips and tricks of the trade to avoid those distractions that are avoidable and tactics to mitigate the effects of those that are unavoidable.
Some of the concepts touched upon include: remote working, co-working, office hours, meeting schedules, the fear of success and the fear of failure.
This isn't a PHP specific talk!
The document summarizes an agenda for a pitch workshop. The agenda includes sections on content, style, and examples of pitches that work. For content, it recommends including the problem, solution, customer validation, competition/business model/monetization, achievements and findings, and conclusion. For style, it mentions using logos, ethos, and pathos. It then provides examples of pitch content and style that have been successful.
1. The document announces an upcoming video game tournament organized by, a non-profit video game community group.
2. The tournament will take place on June 25th, 2011 at E@Curve mall and is expected to attract 150-200 spectators to watch 40+ participants compete.
3. The event aims to promote the Malaysian gaming community and establish E@Curve as a hub for video game tournaments, bringing in crowds from other Malaysian states and Singapore.
The document discusses the ethical implications of digitization and open science research methods. It notes that digitization is changing how qualitative and quantitative research data is collected, archived, and shared. This raises new ethical issues that strain the current research ethics review system. The system may not adequately address issues around complex multi-disciplinary and distributed research involving large datasets and citizen scientists. It proposes that open and distributed accountability methods could help complement traditional institutional research ethics arrangements.
After winning the Ranfurly shield for the first time in its history, the shield was brought to Hill School, to be admired by the whole school. It was a memorable day indeed.
Danny Sullivan: Domain Names and Search Engine Optimizationdomainsherpa
Danny Sullivan discusses the importance of domain names for SEO. He explains that while a keyword-rich domain name can provide some benefit, it is just one minor ranking factor according to his periodic table of SEO. The most important factor is quality content on the site. Sullivan advises developing substantial, unique content that provides real value to users rather than just a few lightweight pages. The goal should be creating a site that search engines and users cannot live without and see as an essential resource on its topic.
A small study on the child's perception of the street.
This document traces the everyday treasures of a rainy day walk to the local sento in suburban Tokyo. It is part of a broader and slightly wonky research and practice agenda on the hand made, everyday creativity, play, and usable environments.
"......These safe and slow pathways are perfect for tiny feet and their larger commute-weary companions. Dense greens and colourful scented collages reside at the height and scale of little eyes and noses. Irrepressible hands thrive on the mixture of gravel, sand, grass, rocks, sticks and fallen fruit that compose Tokyo carpets. In summer developing ears drink in crickets, cicadas and neighbourhood rustlings...."
More Details:
El aparato genitourinario se forma a partir del mesodermo intermedio. Se desarrolla en tres etapas principales: el pronefros, el mesonefros y el metanefros. El metanefros da origen a los ri?ones definitivos. La yema ureteral se forma a partir del mesodermo metan└frico y da origen al sistema colector renal. El seno urogenital da origen a los genitales externos e internos, la uretra y la vejiga.
Este documento describe la embriolog┴a del sistema cardiovascular. Explica c┏mo se forman inicialmente las c└lulas card┴acas progenitoras en el epiblasto y c┏mo migran para formar el campo cardiog└nico. Luego describe la formaci┏n del tubo card┴aco y c┏mo se pliega para formar el asa card┴aca, con la partici┏n en cavidades auriculares y ventriculares. Finalmente, explica los procesos de tabicamiento que dividen completamente las cavidades card┴acas a trav└s de la formaci┏n de almohadillas endoc│rdicas.
El documento describe los arcos branquiales y las bolsas far┴ngeas que se forman durante las 4o y 5o semanas de desarrollo embrionario. Explica que los primeros 6 arcos dan origen a diferentes estructuras de la cabeza y el cuello como los huesos del o┴do medio, el cart┴lago hioides y la laringe. Tambi└n describe c┏mo las 5 bolsas far┴ngeas dan origen a gl│ndulas como la tiroides, paratiroides e incluso el timo. Finalmente, resume los principales procesos
Cavidades corporales, mesenterios y diafragmabioich
Este documento describe el desarrollo de las cavidades corporales durante las primeras semanas de desarrollo embrionario. Se forman tres cavidades principales - la cavidad peric│rdica, las cavidades pleurales y la cavidad peritoneal - a partir del celoma intraembrionario. La cavidad peritoneal conecta inicialmente el celoma intraembrionario a trav└s del ombligo, pero pierde esta conexi┏n a la 10a semana cuando el intestino regresa al abdomen. El desarrollo de los pliegues pleuropericardicos y pleuro
El documento describe las etapas del desarrollo del aparato respiratorio desde la etapa embrionaria hasta la madurez postnatal. Se detalla el desarrollo de las v┴as respiratorias, los pulmones y la vascularizaci┏n a lo largo de las etapas embrionaria, pseudoglandular, canalicular, sacular y alveolar. Tambi└n se describen las diferencias anat┏micas entre el sistema respiratorio del lactante y el adulto.
El documento describe el desarrollo del aparato digestivo y sus estructuras. Se detalla la formaci┏n del es┏fago, est┏mago, duodeno, h┴gado, p│ncreas, bazo, intestino delgado, intestino grueso y conducto anal a partir del intestino anterior y posterior durante las primeras semanas de desarrollo fetal. Tambi└n se mencionan algunas anomal┴as cong└nitas como resultado de defectos en estos procesos de desarrollo.
El documento describe el desarrollo del sistema cardiovascular en el embri┏n humano. En la tercera semana aparecen el coraz┏n y los vasos sangu┴neos. El coraz┏n se desarrolla a partir de una serie de tubos que se fusionan para formar las cavidades card┴acas. Diferentes venas, como las vitelinas, umbilicales y cardinales, drenan sangre en el coraz┏n embrionario y su destino cambia con el desarrollo. El sistema de venas se reorganiza para formar las venas cavas superior e inferior.
Las cardiopat┴as cong└nitas son anomal┴as del coraz┏n presentes al nacer que ocurren en aproximadamente 6-8 de cada 1000 nacimientos. Pueden ser causadas por factores gen└ticos y ambientales. Algunas de las anomal┴as m│s comunes descritas en el documento incluyen comunicaci┏n interauricular, comunicaci┏n interventricular, transposici┏n de grandes arterias, y tetralog┴a de Fallot.
El documento describe el desarrollo del aparato far┴ngeo durante las 4-7 semanas de desarrollo embrionario. Incluye la formaci┏n de los arcos far┴ngeos, las bolsas y hendiduras far┴ngeas, y sus derivados en los huesos, m┣sculos y ┏rganos de la cabeza y el cuello. Tambi└n describe anomal┴as como senos branquiales y quistes que pueden ocurrir cuando partes del aparato far┴ngeo primitivo persisten en lugar de desaparecer.
El documento describe la estructura y funci┏n de las c└lulas. Explica que las c└lulas est│n constituidas por un nucleo, citoplasma y varios organitos. El nucleo contiene la cromatina, que est│ compuesta de ADN y prote┴nas y es donde se encuentran los cromosomas. Las c└lulas se dividen a trav└s de la mitosis para reproducirse, en un proceso que incluye las fases de profase, metafase, anafase y telofase.
El documento proporciona informaci┏n sobre conceptos b│sicos del metabolismo celular. Explica que el metabolismo consiste en reacciones bioqu┴micas que permiten a las c└lulas crecer, reproducirse y mantenerse. Describe los procesos catab┏licos y anab┏licos, y explica que las principales biomol└culas son los amino│cidos, gl┣cidos y l┴pidos. Adem│s, detalla componentes del citoesqueleto como microfilamentos, filamentos intermedios y microt┣bulos.
La columna vertebral humana est│ compuesta por 7 v└rtebras cervicales, 12 tor│cicas, 5 lumbares, el sacro formado por la fusi┏n de 5 v└rtebras, y 5 v└rtebras cocc┴geas. Las v└rtebras tienen partes como el cuerpo y los procesos transversos y espinosos, y var┴an en tama?o y forma seg┣n su ubicaci┏n. El atlas y el axis son las primeras v└rtebras cervicales y tienen caracter┴sticas ┣nicas como el diente del axis. Las tor│cicas tienen superficies artic
Este documento describe diversas reacciones qu┴micas de compuestos org│nicos como alcanos, alquenos, alcoholes, aldeh┴dos, cetonas y │cidos carbox┴licos. Tambi└n explica la estructura y tipos de carbohidratos como monosac│ridos, disac│ridos y polisac│ridos, as┴ como sus reacciones principales. Finalmente, detalla biopol┴meros importantes como el almid┏n, gluc┏geno, celulosa y quitina que cumplen funciones de almacenamiento y estructura
El documento presenta una introducci┏n a la histolog┴a, la ciencia que estudia la estructura microsc┏pica de los tejidos. Explica que las c└lulas son la unidad b│sica de los organismos y que cuando se agrupan forman tejidos como el epitelial, muscular y nervioso. Luego describe las partes fundamentales de la c└lula como el n┣cleo, citoplasma y organitos, con └nfasis en la estructura y funci┏n del n┣cleo donde se encuentra el material gen└tico. Finalmente, resume los procesos de divisi┏n celular
El documento describe la anatom┴a del sistema nervioso humano. Se divide en sistema nervioso central (enc└falo y m└dula espinal protegidos por las meninges) y sistema nervioso perif└rico (nervios craneales y espinales). Funcionalmente, se clasifica en som│tico (control voluntario), aut┏nomo simp│tico (respuesta de lucha o huida) y aut┏nomo parasimp│tico (funciones involuntarias de reposo).
El documento describe el sistema cardiovascular. Explica que consta de coraz┏n y vasos sangu┴neos que transportan ox┴geno, nutrientes y desechos a todas las c└lulas del cuerpo. Describe la anatom┴a y fisiolog┴a del coraz┏n, incluyendo sus cuatro cavidades, capas, v│lvulas y funci┏n de bombear la sangre a trav└s del cuerpo y los pulmones. Tambi└n explica el mecanismo de control del ritmo card┴aco y c┏mo es afectado por el sistema nervioso aut┏nomo y sustancias qu┴micas como el pot
El documento describe el sistema circulatorio y sus componentes principales. El coraz┏n bombea la sangre a trav└s de arterias y venas para transportar ox┴geno y nutrientes a las c└lulas y recoger di┏xido de carbono y desechos. La sangre sigue dos circuitos: la circulaci┏n pulmonar, que oxigena la sangre, y la circulaci┏n sist└mica, que distribuye la sangre oxigenada por todo el cuerpo.
El documento describe el sistema cardiovascular. Explica que consta de coraz┏n y vasos sangu┴neos que transportan ox┴geno, nutrientes y desechos a todas las c└lulas del cuerpo. Describe la anatom┴a y fisiolog┴a del coraz┏n, incluyendo sus cuatro cavidades, capas, v│lvulas y funci┏n de bombear la sangre a trav└s del cuerpo y los pulmones. Tambi└n explica el mecanismo de control del ritmo card┴aco y c┏mo es afectado por el sistema nervioso aut┏nomo y sustancias qu┴micas como el pot