This document summarizes a public health outreach campaign to educate immigrant anglers in the Framingham area about mercury contamination in the Sudbury River. It notes that the river is contaminated from a former industrial site, and that immigrant populations, especially Brazilians and Latinos, actively fish in the river but may be unaware of health risks from consuming contaminated fish. The campaign would include multilingual print, web, radio, and community materials to communicate that people should fish for recreation and not eat fish from the river. Focus groups provided input on effective outreach approaches for these communities.
The document discusses creative climate in Tokyo through examples of small, spontaneous expressions of creativity in public spaces. It notes how people have found creative ways to utilize even narrow spaces, like curbsides and sidewalks, through do-it-yourself fixes and installations. Examples include makeshift seating, gardens along railroad tracks, and shared passions for things like flowers and grapes displayed in small, improvised ways. The document analyzes these examples through the framework of components of creative climate, such as risk-taking, freedom, trust, resources, and playfulness.
1. Al-Qur'an diturunkan secara bertahap selama 22 tahun 2 bulan 22 hari sejak malam 17 Ramadhan tahun ke-41 kelahiran Nabi Muhammad SAW hingga 9 Dzulhijjah tahun ke-10 Hijriah.
2. Al-Qur'an dipertahankan selama masa Nabi SAW melalui penghapalan dan penulisan oleh Nabi beserta para sahabatnya.
3. Penulisan Al-Qur'an pada masa Nabi SAW dil
The document discusses various topics in Ruby including:
1. Singleton classes in Ruby and how to include the Singleton module to define a singleton class.
2. Differences between Time and DateTime in Ruby and how DateTime can represent dates further in the past or future compared to Time.
3. Character encoding conversions in Ruby using the kconv library and examples of converting between UTF-8 and EUC encodings.
Networking is important for securing jobs and opportunities as 70% of jobs are found through networking connections, though discussing networking for long periods can be difficult. Networking provides opportunities and experiences, as explained by penguins, and is most importantly about making valuable connections.
The document provides an overview of a social media workshop that covers topics like engaging audiences on social media, managing social media accounts, generating viral content, and using video. The workshop objectives are to help attendees understand how to generate interest, increase followers, manage accounts and content, and best utilize video. Exercises are included to introduce profiles, listen to online conversations, engage audiences, and schedule posts.
Mairangi Bay School 2013 Junior School Volcano Walka-small-lab
The document discusses observations from a volcano walk with children. It notes how being barefoot allows children to experience different textures of the environment. It also describes how children repurpose everyday objects during play, such as using a lunchbox as an improvised seat. The document contains photos taken during the walk and comments that reflect on the learning potential of the activities seen in the photos, such as collaborative problem-solving or sensory exploration.
This document discusses the rise of the "Fifth Estate" enabled by the Internet. It defines the Fifth Estate as a critical mass of individuals who can source their own information and network with others in ways that support distributed social accountability in various sectors. It outlines how networked individuals are empowering themselves through citizen journalism, political organizing, open data projects, and patient networks. However, it notes the Fifth Estate is not a substitute for institutions and faces challenges from those who oppose its influence. The document draws on various research projects at Oxford University to support its analysis of this emerging concept.
Evan Horowitz: Making Millions Through Adult Domains and an Affiliate Networkdomainsherpa
Watch the full interview:
Evan Horowitz learned about the Internet and honed his sales expertise early in his career. Doing so helped him develop one of the leading domain name brokerages and create an affiliate network worth millions in annual sales. Along the way, Horowitz invented the system and method for Affiliate Pooling, a patent that last year alone brought in $1 million in licensing fees.
In this show, Horowitz shares how he built his businesses, how he enforces his patent, and his views for the future of the domain name industry.
The document summarizes the Oxford e-Social Science Project (OeSS), which aimed to identify challenges and solutions related to emerging digital research infrastructure and practices. The project occurred in two phases from 2005-2012, studying issues like privacy, ethics, and how researchers access data and collaborate in networked environments. It highlights both opportunities and challenges of networked institutions and individual researchers, and calls for a focus on implications for research quality rather than just technical innovation.
Sedo: Building the World's Largest Domain Marketplace - With Tim Schumacherdomainsherpa
1) Sedo has nearly 1.5 million users and lists over 15 million domains, of which 5-6 million are parked domains. It has a large global presence through offices in the US, Europe, and Asia.
2) Schumacher started Sedo while in college after realizing there was no good way to list unused domains for sale. He and his friends built a simple site called Sedo to connect buyers and sellers, and it grew from there.
3) Though now running the world's largest domain marketplace, Schumacher owns only two personal domains -
Paolo DiVincenzo: 4 Steps to Increase Parking Revenue by 70%domainsherpa
Watch the full show:
In this interview, Paolo DiVincenzo describes four steps to increase domain name PPC parking revenue by more than 70 percent, as well as how to implement the four steps in your own portfolio.
Tempdb is created immediately after the master database during SQL Server startup. It is created by copying the structure and contents of the model database and then configuring the tempdb files. Tempdb is used to store temporary user objects like temp tables and table variables as well as internal objects used for sorting and queries. Logging is minimized in tempdb to improve performance, with logging only needed to support transaction rollback. The allocation of objects to tempdb data files uses a round-robin approach to distribute allocations evenly across the files.
The document discusses how traditional education and business management systems are outdated and cannot accommodate new innovations without adopting a new approach. It advocates for a "Type I" operating system that provides autonomy, encourages mastery through engaging tasks, and has a greater purpose in order to better motivate and direct people. This new approach would pour new innovations into new "wine skins" rather than trying to fit them into old models and traditions that are unable to contain contemporary changes.
El aparato genitourinario se forma a partir del mesodermo intermedio. Se desarrolla en tres etapas principales: el pronefros, el mesonefros y el metanefros. El metanefros da origen a los ri?ones definitivos. La yema ureteral se forma a partir del mesodermo metan¨¦frico y da origen al sistema colector renal. El seno urogenital da origen a los genitales externos e internos, la uretra y la vejiga.
Este documento describe la embriolog¨ªa del sistema cardiovascular. Explica c¨®mo se forman inicialmente las c¨¦lulas card¨ªacas progenitoras en el epiblasto y c¨®mo migran para formar el campo cardiog¨¦nico. Luego describe la formaci¨®n del tubo card¨ªaco y c¨®mo se pliega para formar el asa card¨ªaca, con la partici¨®n en cavidades auriculares y ventriculares. Finalmente, explica los procesos de tabicamiento que dividen completamente las cavidades card¨ªacas a trav¨¦s de la formaci¨®n de almohadillas endoc¨¢rdicas.
El documento describe los arcos branquiales y las bolsas far¨ªngeas que se forman durante las 4o y 5o semanas de desarrollo embrionario. Explica que los primeros 6 arcos dan origen a diferentes estructuras de la cabeza y el cuello como los huesos del o¨ªdo medio, el cart¨ªlago hioides y la laringe. Tambi¨¦n describe c¨®mo las 5 bolsas far¨ªngeas dan origen a gl¨¢ndulas como la tiroides, paratiroides e incluso el timo. Finalmente, resume los principales procesos
Cavidades corporales, mesenterios y diafragmabioich
Este documento describe el desarrollo de las cavidades corporales durante las primeras semanas de desarrollo embrionario. Se forman tres cavidades principales - la cavidad peric¨¢rdica, las cavidades pleurales y la cavidad peritoneal - a partir del celoma intraembrionario. La cavidad peritoneal conecta inicialmente el celoma intraembrionario a trav¨¦s del ombligo, pero pierde esta conexi¨®n a la 10a semana cuando el intestino regresa al abdomen. El desarrollo de los pliegues pleuropericardicos y pleuro
1. Al-Qur'an diturunkan secara bertahap selama 22 tahun 2 bulan 22 hari sejak malam 17 Ramadhan tahun ke-41 kelahiran Nabi Muhammad SAW hingga 9 Dzulhijjah tahun ke-10 Hijriah.
2. Al-Qur'an dipertahankan selama masa Nabi SAW melalui penghapalan dan penulisan oleh Nabi beserta para sahabatnya.
3. Penulisan Al-Qur'an pada masa Nabi SAW dil
The document discusses various topics in Ruby including:
1. Singleton classes in Ruby and how to include the Singleton module to define a singleton class.
2. Differences between Time and DateTime in Ruby and how DateTime can represent dates further in the past or future compared to Time.
3. Character encoding conversions in Ruby using the kconv library and examples of converting between UTF-8 and EUC encodings.
Networking is important for securing jobs and opportunities as 70% of jobs are found through networking connections, though discussing networking for long periods can be difficult. Networking provides opportunities and experiences, as explained by penguins, and is most importantly about making valuable connections.
The document provides an overview of a social media workshop that covers topics like engaging audiences on social media, managing social media accounts, generating viral content, and using video. The workshop objectives are to help attendees understand how to generate interest, increase followers, manage accounts and content, and best utilize video. Exercises are included to introduce profiles, listen to online conversations, engage audiences, and schedule posts.
Mairangi Bay School 2013 Junior School Volcano Walka-small-lab
The document discusses observations from a volcano walk with children. It notes how being barefoot allows children to experience different textures of the environment. It also describes how children repurpose everyday objects during play, such as using a lunchbox as an improvised seat. The document contains photos taken during the walk and comments that reflect on the learning potential of the activities seen in the photos, such as collaborative problem-solving or sensory exploration.
This document discusses the rise of the "Fifth Estate" enabled by the Internet. It defines the Fifth Estate as a critical mass of individuals who can source their own information and network with others in ways that support distributed social accountability in various sectors. It outlines how networked individuals are empowering themselves through citizen journalism, political organizing, open data projects, and patient networks. However, it notes the Fifth Estate is not a substitute for institutions and faces challenges from those who oppose its influence. The document draws on various research projects at Oxford University to support its analysis of this emerging concept.
Evan Horowitz: Making Millions Through Adult Domains and an Affiliate Networkdomainsherpa
Watch the full interview:
Evan Horowitz learned about the Internet and honed his sales expertise early in his career. Doing so helped him develop one of the leading domain name brokerages and create an affiliate network worth millions in annual sales. Along the way, Horowitz invented the system and method for Affiliate Pooling, a patent that last year alone brought in $1 million in licensing fees.
In this show, Horowitz shares how he built his businesses, how he enforces his patent, and his views for the future of the domain name industry.
The document summarizes the Oxford e-Social Science Project (OeSS), which aimed to identify challenges and solutions related to emerging digital research infrastructure and practices. The project occurred in two phases from 2005-2012, studying issues like privacy, ethics, and how researchers access data and collaborate in networked environments. It highlights both opportunities and challenges of networked institutions and individual researchers, and calls for a focus on implications for research quality rather than just technical innovation.
Sedo: Building the World's Largest Domain Marketplace - With Tim Schumacherdomainsherpa
1) Sedo has nearly 1.5 million users and lists over 15 million domains, of which 5-6 million are parked domains. It has a large global presence through offices in the US, Europe, and Asia.
2) Schumacher started Sedo while in college after realizing there was no good way to list unused domains for sale. He and his friends built a simple site called Sedo to connect buyers and sellers, and it grew from there.
3) Though now running the world's largest domain marketplace, Schumacher owns only two personal domains -
Paolo DiVincenzo: 4 Steps to Increase Parking Revenue by 70%domainsherpa
Watch the full show:
In this interview, Paolo DiVincenzo describes four steps to increase domain name PPC parking revenue by more than 70 percent, as well as how to implement the four steps in your own portfolio.
Tempdb is created immediately after the master database during SQL Server startup. It is created by copying the structure and contents of the model database and then configuring the tempdb files. Tempdb is used to store temporary user objects like temp tables and table variables as well as internal objects used for sorting and queries. Logging is minimized in tempdb to improve performance, with logging only needed to support transaction rollback. The allocation of objects to tempdb data files uses a round-robin approach to distribute allocations evenly across the files.
The document discusses how traditional education and business management systems are outdated and cannot accommodate new innovations without adopting a new approach. It advocates for a "Type I" operating system that provides autonomy, encourages mastery through engaging tasks, and has a greater purpose in order to better motivate and direct people. This new approach would pour new innovations into new "wine skins" rather than trying to fit them into old models and traditions that are unable to contain contemporary changes.
El aparato genitourinario se forma a partir del mesodermo intermedio. Se desarrolla en tres etapas principales: el pronefros, el mesonefros y el metanefros. El metanefros da origen a los ri?ones definitivos. La yema ureteral se forma a partir del mesodermo metan¨¦frico y da origen al sistema colector renal. El seno urogenital da origen a los genitales externos e internos, la uretra y la vejiga.
Este documento describe la embriolog¨ªa del sistema cardiovascular. Explica c¨®mo se forman inicialmente las c¨¦lulas card¨ªacas progenitoras en el epiblasto y c¨®mo migran para formar el campo cardiog¨¦nico. Luego describe la formaci¨®n del tubo card¨ªaco y c¨®mo se pliega para formar el asa card¨ªaca, con la partici¨®n en cavidades auriculares y ventriculares. Finalmente, explica los procesos de tabicamiento que dividen completamente las cavidades card¨ªacas a trav¨¦s de la formaci¨®n de almohadillas endoc¨¢rdicas.
El documento describe los arcos branquiales y las bolsas far¨ªngeas que se forman durante las 4o y 5o semanas de desarrollo embrionario. Explica que los primeros 6 arcos dan origen a diferentes estructuras de la cabeza y el cuello como los huesos del o¨ªdo medio, el cart¨ªlago hioides y la laringe. Tambi¨¦n describe c¨®mo las 5 bolsas far¨ªngeas dan origen a gl¨¢ndulas como la tiroides, paratiroides e incluso el timo. Finalmente, resume los principales procesos
Cavidades corporales, mesenterios y diafragmabioich
Este documento describe el desarrollo de las cavidades corporales durante las primeras semanas de desarrollo embrionario. Se forman tres cavidades principales - la cavidad peric¨¢rdica, las cavidades pleurales y la cavidad peritoneal - a partir del celoma intraembrionario. La cavidad peritoneal conecta inicialmente el celoma intraembrionario a trav¨¦s del ombligo, pero pierde esta conexi¨®n a la 10a semana cuando el intestino regresa al abdomen. El desarrollo de los pliegues pleuropericardicos y pleuro
El documento describe las etapas del desarrollo del aparato respiratorio desde la etapa embrionaria hasta la madurez postnatal. Se detalla el desarrollo de las v¨ªas respiratorias, los pulmones y la vascularizaci¨®n a lo largo de las etapas embrionaria, pseudoglandular, canalicular, sacular y alveolar. Tambi¨¦n se describen las diferencias anat¨®micas entre el sistema respiratorio del lactante y el adulto.
El documento describe el desarrollo del aparato digestivo y sus estructuras. Se detalla la formaci¨®n del es¨®fago, est¨®mago, duodeno, h¨ªgado, p¨¢ncreas, bazo, intestino delgado, intestino grueso y conducto anal a partir del intestino anterior y posterior durante las primeras semanas de desarrollo fetal. Tambi¨¦n se mencionan algunas anomal¨ªas cong¨¦nitas como resultado de defectos en estos procesos de desarrollo.
El documento describe el desarrollo del sistema cardiovascular en el embri¨®n humano. En la tercera semana aparecen el coraz¨®n y los vasos sangu¨ªneos. El coraz¨®n se desarrolla a partir de una serie de tubos que se fusionan para formar las cavidades card¨ªacas. Diferentes venas, como las vitelinas, umbilicales y cardinales, drenan sangre en el coraz¨®n embrionario y su destino cambia con el desarrollo. El sistema de venas se reorganiza para formar las venas cavas superior e inferior.
Las cardiopat¨ªas cong¨¦nitas son anomal¨ªas del coraz¨®n presentes al nacer que ocurren en aproximadamente 6-8 de cada 1000 nacimientos. Pueden ser causadas por factores gen¨¦ticos y ambientales. Algunas de las anomal¨ªas m¨¢s comunes descritas en el documento incluyen comunicaci¨®n interauricular, comunicaci¨®n interventricular, transposici¨®n de grandes arterias, y tetralog¨ªa de Fallot.
El documento describe el desarrollo del aparato far¨ªngeo durante las 4-7 semanas de desarrollo embrionario. Incluye la formaci¨®n de los arcos far¨ªngeos, las bolsas y hendiduras far¨ªngeas, y sus derivados en los huesos, m¨²sculos y ¨®rganos de la cabeza y el cuello. Tambi¨¦n describe anomal¨ªas como senos branquiales y quistes que pueden ocurrir cuando partes del aparato far¨ªngeo primitivo persisten en lugar de desaparecer.
El documento describe la estructura y funci¨®n de las c¨¦lulas. Explica que las c¨¦lulas est¨¢n constituidas por un nucleo, citoplasma y varios organitos. El nucleo contiene la cromatina, que est¨¢ compuesta de ADN y prote¨ªnas y es donde se encuentran los cromosomas. Las c¨¦lulas se dividen a trav¨¦s de la mitosis para reproducirse, en un proceso que incluye las fases de profase, metafase, anafase y telofase.
El documento proporciona informaci¨®n sobre conceptos b¨¢sicos del metabolismo celular. Explica que el metabolismo consiste en reacciones bioqu¨ªmicas que permiten a las c¨¦lulas crecer, reproducirse y mantenerse. Describe los procesos catab¨®licos y anab¨®licos, y explica que las principales biomol¨¦culas son los amino¨¢cidos, gl¨²cidos y l¨ªpidos. Adem¨¢s, detalla componentes del citoesqueleto como microfilamentos, filamentos intermedios y microt¨²bulos.
La columna vertebral humana est¨¢ compuesta por 7 v¨¦rtebras cervicales, 12 tor¨¢cicas, 5 lumbares, el sacro formado por la fusi¨®n de 5 v¨¦rtebras, y 5 v¨¦rtebras cocc¨ªgeas. Las v¨¦rtebras tienen partes como el cuerpo y los procesos transversos y espinosos, y var¨ªan en tama?o y forma seg¨²n su ubicaci¨®n. El atlas y el axis son las primeras v¨¦rtebras cervicales y tienen caracter¨ªsticas ¨²nicas como el diente del axis. Las tor¨¢cicas tienen superficies artic
Este documento describe diversas reacciones qu¨ªmicas de compuestos org¨¢nicos como alcanos, alquenos, alcoholes, aldeh¨ªdos, cetonas y ¨¢cidos carbox¨ªlicos. Tambi¨¦n explica la estructura y tipos de carbohidratos como monosac¨¢ridos, disac¨¢ridos y polisac¨¢ridos, as¨ª como sus reacciones principales. Finalmente, detalla biopol¨ªmeros importantes como el almid¨®n, gluc¨®geno, celulosa y quitina que cumplen funciones de almacenamiento y estructura
El documento presenta una introducci¨®n a la histolog¨ªa, la ciencia que estudia la estructura microsc¨®pica de los tejidos. Explica que las c¨¦lulas son la unidad b¨¢sica de los organismos y que cuando se agrupan forman tejidos como el epitelial, muscular y nervioso. Luego describe las partes fundamentales de la c¨¦lula como el n¨²cleo, citoplasma y organitos, con ¨¦nfasis en la estructura y funci¨®n del n¨²cleo donde se encuentra el material gen¨¦tico. Finalmente, resume los procesos de divisi¨®n celular
El documento describe la anatom¨ªa del sistema nervioso humano. Se divide en sistema nervioso central (enc¨¦falo y m¨¦dula espinal protegidos por las meninges) y sistema nervioso perif¨¦rico (nervios craneales y espinales). Funcionalmente, se clasifica en som¨¢tico (control voluntario), aut¨®nomo simp¨¢tico (respuesta de lucha o huida) y aut¨®nomo parasimp¨¢tico (funciones involuntarias de reposo).
El documento describe el sistema cardiovascular. Explica que consta de coraz¨®n y vasos sangu¨ªneos que transportan ox¨ªgeno, nutrientes y desechos a todas las c¨¦lulas del cuerpo. Describe la anatom¨ªa y fisiolog¨ªa del coraz¨®n, incluyendo sus cuatro cavidades, capas, v¨¢lvulas y funci¨®n de bombear la sangre a trav¨¦s del cuerpo y los pulmones. Tambi¨¦n explica el mecanismo de control del ritmo card¨ªaco y c¨®mo es afectado por el sistema nervioso aut¨®nomo y sustancias qu¨ªmicas como el pot
El documento describe el sistema circulatorio y sus componentes principales. El coraz¨®n bombea la sangre a trav¨¦s de arterias y venas para transportar ox¨ªgeno y nutrientes a las c¨¦lulas y recoger di¨®xido de carbono y desechos. La sangre sigue dos circuitos: la circulaci¨®n pulmonar, que oxigena la sangre, y la circulaci¨®n sist¨¦mica, que distribuye la sangre oxigenada por todo el cuerpo.
El documento describe el sistema cardiovascular. Explica que consta de coraz¨®n y vasos sangu¨ªneos que transportan ox¨ªgeno, nutrientes y desechos a todas las c¨¦lulas del cuerpo. Describe la anatom¨ªa y fisiolog¨ªa del coraz¨®n, incluyendo sus cuatro cavidades, capas, v¨¢lvulas y funci¨®n de bombear la sangre a trav¨¦s del cuerpo y los pulmones. Tambi¨¦n explica el mecanismo de control del ritmo card¨ªaco y c¨®mo es afectado por el sistema nervioso aut¨®nomo y sustancias qu¨ªmicas como el pot