El documento promociona un producto llamado Thin Slim para bajar de peso, mostrando fotos de antes y despu辿s de usuarios. Proporciona la direcci坦n y n炭meros de tel辿fono de la oficina de ventas en Dallas, Texas y de la f叩brica en Guadalajara, Jalisco, M辿xico para conseguir el producto.
The Back-of-the-Envelope Drawing that Launched a $495 Million Business - With...domainsherpa
Watch the full show: http://domainsherpa.com/john-ferber
John Feber wrote an affiliate-tracking software program in 1997. His brother, Scott Feber, drew a picture of how that software could be used online to pair corporate advertisers and website publishers.
Together, based on Johns software and Scotts drawing, the Ferber brothers built the largest ad network based on an at-the-time new concept of cost-per-click advertising. When they sold the company to AOL/Time Warner in 2004, Advertising.com reached 90 percent of people on the Internet, an average of 20 times per day.
Maximizing Domain Name PPC Income - With Howard Hoffmandomainsherpa
Watch the full show: http://domainsherpa.com/howard-hoffman/
In the midst of a recession and with domain name parking revenue down, what can you do today to maximize your domain name pay-per-click (PPC) income?
Howard Hoffman, president of PPCIncome.com makes a living focused on maximizing the revenue from his portfolio of 9,000 domain names. Actually, that's only half of his living. The other half is O2Cool Oxygen Water, a company he founded in 1998, which was the catalyst for his domain name career.
Shane Wells: How I Went from $50,000 to More Than $250,000 in Sales Per Yeardomainsherpa
Watch the full show:
It's relatively straightforward to build a geodomain into a directory or blog. But where most people fall short in making their venture a successful business is the sales process. Shane Wells, on the other hand, loves to sell. His enthusiasm for sales (and his success) speaks for itself -- he went from $50,000 in sales to more than $250,000 per year in sales.
This document provides a recipe for making fairy cakes. It lists the ingredients needed as butter, sugar, eggs, vanilla aroma, leaven and flour, and milk. The instructions say to beat the butter and sugar until pale, beat in the eggs and vanilla, fold in the flour and milk until soft, bake for 8-10 minutes until golden brown, and cool. It further provides instructions for making an icing by mixing icing sugar, water and food coloring, then drizzling it over the cakes for decoration.
This document lists several Dutch organizations and the services or projects they provide such as youth care cooperation, emergency services, developing nature policies, and social intranets for municipalities. It appears to highlight different groups that are sharing information, participating in community initiatives, or using intranets.
Hackathons - learnings, tips and tricks...Lasse Chor
I've done a number of hackathons around the world - here is what I've learned including a visual guide through do's and don'ts when you do a hackathon. Enjoy!
Fish and chips is a popular meal from several regions that consists of fried fish and potatoes. To make it, potatoes are cut into chips and fried along with whole fish. The ingredients are simply fish and potatoes, which are fried until cooked through, usually every 30 minutes while frying. This simple yet filling dish can be eaten at any time.
This document provides information about archaeological finds in Ephesus, an ancient city in what is now Turkey. It describes various structures and artifacts discovered during excavations, including signs pointing to possible hospitals, ancient advertisements engraved in paving stones, a brothel containing frescoes of naked people and bathing areas, and wealthy homes with intact mosaics, frescoes, and plumbing systems. The excavations have revealed well-preserved layers of the city from both Greek and Roman periods, with the Roman structures incorporating innovations like heated floors.
Presentation focused on critically discussing the future of Internet governance by focusing on debate over multistakeholder versus multilateral approaches. This was presented at the conference Digital Future, organized by the School of Media and Design at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, 10-12 June 2015.
This document provides a list of resources for an article on the transition including videos, documentaries, movies, books, articles, research, organizations, and websites. Some of the resources listed are videos on topics like peak oil and collapse of civilizations, books on issues such as limits to growth and managing declines, and websites for organizations focused on sustainability, climate change, and energy descent planning.
Cultural Competency Research -- Jenn Chin's presentationinterculturalpg
Jennifer Chin, with adviser Julian Agyeman, conducted research on cultural competency curriculum within accredited planning schools. The results are outlined in this PowerPoint presentation.
Scott Edmunds: Data Dissemination: Difficulties, Data Citation, DOI's (and Gi...Scott Edmunds
This document discusses difficulties in data dissemination and the need for data citation and DOIs. It notes that while sequencing costs have decreased dramatically, data storage and publication/dissemination have not seen similar decreases. The document proposes using Digital Object Identifiers and data citation to properly attribute data sources and incentivize data sharing. It announces a new large-scale data journal that will use DOIs and standards to publish datasets and promote reproducibility.
Google Chrome is a web browser developed by Google that has several advantages over other browsers including an integrated task manager, default search functionality, independently running tabs, tracking of recently visited sites, and an incognito mode. However, it also lacks a menu bar and requires Windows service pack 2 or higher. In conclusion, Google Chrome is a fast, secure, simple browser with an efficient user interface.
This document provides information about Toshiba's viral marketing campaign objectives. It discusses Toshiba as a brand, highlighting its innovation. It outlines the campaign's goals of working with creative teams to produce viral videos that create desire for Toshiba products and sell items. The target audience is identified as those interested in technology and media. Successful viral video features discussed include humor, playfulness, mystery, online/offline integration, and personalization. Examples are given of past successful viral marketing campaigns.
Richard Swerdlow: The Global Internet Real Estate Developerdomainsherpa
Watch the full show:
Anticipating the oversupply of condominiums in the United States, Richard Swerdlow bought Condo.com in 2005, and later added Houses.com and Property.com to his portfolio. He developed these premium domains into the worlds largest online marketplaces for real estate.
Fred Mercaldo: The Tycoon of Geodomainsdomainsherpa
Watch the full show: http://domainsherpa.com/fred-mercaldo
Fred Mercaldo understands city.com geographic domain names (geodomains) better than most other domain name investors. He has built multiple companies and platforms in the geodomain space, including a software company, a marketing services company and a call center.
In this show, Mercaldo describes his experiences building successful geodomain name properties and shares tactics others can use to develop geodomains profitably.
En un entorno cada vez m叩s competitivo y a veces hostil, donde la complejidad aumenta constantemente, es necesario optimizar los recursos, distinguirse de los dem叩s e identificar soluciones eficaces, eficientes, flexibles y simples que permitan alcanzar los objetivos establecidos.
El documento proporciona consejos para ayudar a los estudiantes a hablar en p炭blico. Explica 5 situaciones clave: 1) C坦mo motivar a los estudiantes a hablar, como ped鱈rselo con tiempo y apoyarse en voluntarios. 2) Ayudarles a prepararse reflexionando y escribiendo ideas. 3) Incentivar el esfuerzo, por ejemplo, pidiendo objetivos de mejora. 4) Dar retroalimentaci坦n para que se conozcan, enfoc叩ndose primero en lo positivo. 5) Gestionar negativas con afecto, acl
This document lists several Dutch organizations and the services or projects they provide such as youth care cooperation, emergency services, developing nature policies, and social intranets for municipalities. It appears to highlight different groups that are sharing information, participating in community initiatives, or using intranets.
Hackathons - learnings, tips and tricks...Lasse Chor
I've done a number of hackathons around the world - here is what I've learned including a visual guide through do's and don'ts when you do a hackathon. Enjoy!
Fish and chips is a popular meal from several regions that consists of fried fish and potatoes. To make it, potatoes are cut into chips and fried along with whole fish. The ingredients are simply fish and potatoes, which are fried until cooked through, usually every 30 minutes while frying. This simple yet filling dish can be eaten at any time.
This document provides information about archaeological finds in Ephesus, an ancient city in what is now Turkey. It describes various structures and artifacts discovered during excavations, including signs pointing to possible hospitals, ancient advertisements engraved in paving stones, a brothel containing frescoes of naked people and bathing areas, and wealthy homes with intact mosaics, frescoes, and plumbing systems. The excavations have revealed well-preserved layers of the city from both Greek and Roman periods, with the Roman structures incorporating innovations like heated floors.
Presentation focused on critically discussing the future of Internet governance by focusing on debate over multistakeholder versus multilateral approaches. This was presented at the conference Digital Future, organized by the School of Media and Design at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, 10-12 June 2015.
This document provides a list of resources for an article on the transition including videos, documentaries, movies, books, articles, research, organizations, and websites. Some of the resources listed are videos on topics like peak oil and collapse of civilizations, books on issues such as limits to growth and managing declines, and websites for organizations focused on sustainability, climate change, and energy descent planning.
Cultural Competency Research -- Jenn Chin's presentationinterculturalpg
Jennifer Chin, with adviser Julian Agyeman, conducted research on cultural competency curriculum within accredited planning schools. The results are outlined in this PowerPoint presentation.
Scott Edmunds: Data Dissemination: Difficulties, Data Citation, DOI's (and Gi...Scott Edmunds
This document discusses difficulties in data dissemination and the need for data citation and DOIs. It notes that while sequencing costs have decreased dramatically, data storage and publication/dissemination have not seen similar decreases. The document proposes using Digital Object Identifiers and data citation to properly attribute data sources and incentivize data sharing. It announces a new large-scale data journal that will use DOIs and standards to publish datasets and promote reproducibility.
Google Chrome is a web browser developed by Google that has several advantages over other browsers including an integrated task manager, default search functionality, independently running tabs, tracking of recently visited sites, and an incognito mode. However, it also lacks a menu bar and requires Windows service pack 2 or higher. In conclusion, Google Chrome is a fast, secure, simple browser with an efficient user interface.
This document provides information about Toshiba's viral marketing campaign objectives. It discusses Toshiba as a brand, highlighting its innovation. It outlines the campaign's goals of working with creative teams to produce viral videos that create desire for Toshiba products and sell items. The target audience is identified as those interested in technology and media. Successful viral video features discussed include humor, playfulness, mystery, online/offline integration, and personalization. Examples are given of past successful viral marketing campaigns.
Richard Swerdlow: The Global Internet Real Estate Developerdomainsherpa
Watch the full show:
Anticipating the oversupply of condominiums in the United States, Richard Swerdlow bought Condo.com in 2005, and later added Houses.com and Property.com to his portfolio. He developed these premium domains into the worlds largest online marketplaces for real estate.
Fred Mercaldo: The Tycoon of Geodomainsdomainsherpa
Watch the full show: http://domainsherpa.com/fred-mercaldo
Fred Mercaldo understands city.com geographic domain names (geodomains) better than most other domain name investors. He has built multiple companies and platforms in the geodomain space, including a software company, a marketing services company and a call center.
In this show, Mercaldo describes his experiences building successful geodomain name properties and shares tactics others can use to develop geodomains profitably.
En un entorno cada vez m叩s competitivo y a veces hostil, donde la complejidad aumenta constantemente, es necesario optimizar los recursos, distinguirse de los dem叩s e identificar soluciones eficaces, eficientes, flexibles y simples que permitan alcanzar los objetivos establecidos.
El documento proporciona consejos para ayudar a los estudiantes a hablar en p炭blico. Explica 5 situaciones clave: 1) C坦mo motivar a los estudiantes a hablar, como ped鱈rselo con tiempo y apoyarse en voluntarios. 2) Ayudarles a prepararse reflexionando y escribiendo ideas. 3) Incentivar el esfuerzo, por ejemplo, pidiendo objetivos de mejora. 4) Dar retroalimentaci坦n para que se conozcan, enfoc叩ndose primero en lo positivo. 5) Gestionar negativas con afecto, acl
Este documento presenta tres casos sobre c坦mo diferenciar objetivos y mensajes al comunicarse. En cada caso, el objetivo es convencer a alguien para que haga algo, mientras que el mensaje es la idea principal que se transmite para lograr el objetivo. Por ejemplo, el objetivo podr鱈a ser convencer a los padres para ir a una fiesta, y el mensaje ser鱈a "pueden confiar en m鱈, estudiar辿 y aprobar辿". El objetivo es lo que se quiere lograr, mientras que el mensaje es la idea central que se transmite para alcanzar el objetivo.
Este documento presenta una introducci坦n al dise単o de imagen corporativa y logotipos. Explica que la imagen corporativa es el conjunto de elementos que identifican a una empresa, como marcas y logotipos. Luego, define el logotipo como la representaci坦n visual de una empresa y cubre los tipos de logotipos, elementos a considerar en su dise単o como la tipograf鱈a, forma y color, y herramientas inform叩ticas para su creaci坦n. El objetivo es proporcionar una gu鱈a b叩sica sobre estos conceptos clave de identidad corporativa.
The document provides information about the components of a typical fuel-powered car engine. It includes a diagram labeling various engine parts and their locations. Accompanying activities have students identify part locations, match components to their functions, and physically label an engine. Key vocabulary focuses on engine part names and prepositions of location. The purpose is to teach students to identify internal combustion engine components and understand their basic functions.
The document summarizes a conversation between a receptionist and a customer at a garage. The customer calls asking to speak to Sam Johnson, spells their name as G坦mez, and leaves a message saying there is no petrol in the tank after it was full, the mechanic isn't friendly, the radio doesn't work properly, they had to wait 5 days to get the car back, and the seats are dirty and greasy. The receptionist apologizes for the mistakes and says they will check the electric system to repair the radio, fill the tank with petrol, and clean the interior seats immediately.
1. CFGM Fabricaci坦 i Ennobliment
de Productes T竪xtils
INS Terrassa
Montse Fav
2. Don
surt la idea?
Com ens organitzem?
Quin 辿s lestat actual?
Reptes i oportunitats
Per m辿s informaci坦...
3. A
les empreses t竪xtils es percep la necessitat
de treballadors formats
TEXFOR (Gremi de Fabricants de Sabadell)
canalitza aquest moviment
INS Terrassa acull el cicle formatiu
UPC col揃labora amb espais i maquinria per
les prctiques.
Busca empreses
UPC: Gestiona la part m辿s prctica del CF
INS Terrassa: Gestiona la part te嘆rica del CF
i fa de pont entre les empreses, la UPC i els
5. Durant
el 1r curs: (actualment alumnes de 2n)
18 alumnes van comen巽ar el curs
14 van arribar a les prctiques
3 alumnes no compleixen requisits per FCT
11 alumnes van a fer FCT
6 alumnes continuen FPdual
1 alumnes susp竪n la FCT i no fa FPdual
4 alumnes lempresa no fan FPdual
2 alumne no FP dual
2 alumne fan FP dual en una empresa
6. Situaci坦
de les empreses
7 empreses
6 empreses al Vall竪s Occidental
1 empresa al Bages
5 empreses continuen amb la Fpdual
2 empreses continuen amb el mateix alumne
3 empreses de 2 alumnes sen queden 1
2 empreses no continuen amb FPdual
1 empresa planteja empresa alternativa
1 empresa no planteja alternativa
1 empresa sincorpora directament amb FPdual
7. Durant
el 2n curs: (actualment alumnes de 1r)
26 alumnes comencen el curs
2 persones sincorporen al primer mes i mig
2 persones s坦n absentistes
20 alumnes candidats a arribar a la FCT
Situaci坦 de les empreses
3 empreses noves (9 alumnes)
1 empresa FP dual repeteixen (3 alumnes)
1 empresa FP dual no repeteixen
8. Reptes
Gestionar hores Fpdual alumnes sense empresa.
Gestionar franja horria i dies assist竪ncia a les
Gestionar el tema contractual (TEXFOR)
Recerca dempreses disposades a col揃laborar.
Gesti坦 dels alumnes que no continuen a lempresa.
Les empreses:
Coneixen els alumnes.
Participen activament en el disseny del curr鱈culum.
Participen activament en la formaci坦.
Coneix el m坦n laboral.
Apr竪n all嘆 que realment necessitar per treballar.
9. a la pgina web de linstitut: