Capacity planning for a wireless network involves estimating the number of devices and users that will be connecting, determining the bandwidth requirements of applications being used based on location and data flows, monitoring network growth over time, and ensuring the network has sufficient bandwidth to handle traffic from hosted internet servers and expected data flows from both internal and external users.
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1. Capacity is about ensuring that wireless clients get sufficient bandwidth to use
their network applications to a satisfactory level of performance
When designing the WLAN:
How many devices/users will be in the coverage area?
Most users average 3 devices each now and its increasing
Provide extra access points for large numbers of connections and heavy use (average
25 devices per access point for internet browsing)
What data rate is required by users?
What network applications do they use? And where are they located?
How much bandwidth is required by these applications?
Discover the data flows and calculate the bandwidth used and by how many users?
Pay attention to peak usage times (does everyone logon at the same time?)
Monitor the network for growth
Are more users/devices connecting
Have the network applications and therefore data flows changed?
Hosting Internet Servers from the inside network
What services will be hosted? What data flows will be created? How much use of
these data flows is expected? FTP data requests from the outside what effect?
Does the Wireless Router have the capacity/ bandwidth to move the traffic?