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Student Name: Danielle Raylene Vinson
Student ID: 1231829
Date of Birth: XXXX-06-24
Student Address:
252 Apples Way
Batavia, OH 45103
Capella University
225 S 6th St Fl 9
Minneapolis, MN 55402-4319
Tel: 8882273552
Crs ID Course Title Competency CrAtt CrE Grade/Performance QPts
Beginning of Graduate Record
Fall Quarter 2009
Program: MS in Organizational Dev
Plan: Specialization in General Organizational Development
ORD 5004 Change, Culture, and Complexity 4.00 4.00 A 16.000
Term GPA: 4.000 Term Totals: 4.00 4.00 16.000
Cum GPA: 4.000 Cum Totals: 4.00 4.00 16.000
Winter Quarter 2010
Program: MS in Organizational Dev
Plan: Specialization in General Organizational Development
ORD 5020
Strategic Planning and Organizational
4.00 4.00 A 16.000
ORD 5510
Organizational Development in the Global
4.00 4.00 A 16.000
Term GPA: 4.000 Term Totals: 8.00 8.00 32.000
Cum GPA: 4.000 Cum Totals: 12.00 12.00 48.000
End of Transcript
Parchment Transcript Report
Prepared for: Danielle Vinson on 06/27/2016
Parchment Student ID: 1896064
Page 1 of 2
Kelly Brooks, Registrar
This Parchment transcript report is official when downloaded directly from the Parchment Exchange website. To verify the validity of the Parchment
transcript report, go to exchange.parchment.com/d/, select the Tracking link in the header, and search for DID# T63FNYJ.
Capella University
225 South Sixth Street, Ninth Floor
Minneapolis, MN 55402
1.888.CAPELLA (227.3552)
www.capella.edu FICE = 032673
Name Change
This institution was formerly known as The Graduate School of America. On June 1,
1999 the name of the institution was changed to Capella University.
Capella University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and is a member of
the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA), www.ncahlc.org. Capella
University, 225 South Sixth Street, Ninth Street, Minneapolis, MN 55402,
1.888.CAPELLA (227.3552), www.capella.edu.
Academic Calendar and Credits
Capella University operates on a quarterly academic calendar. The Carnegie standard of
25hours per credit is used to determine the number of quarter credits assigned to each
course. Thus, a 4-credit course is approximately 100 hours of didactic instruction, reading,
writing, projects and associated preparation. Prior to November 12, 2001, all courses taken
at Capella were listed under the quarter in which the course ended. Effective November 12,
2001, all courses taken at Capella are listed under the quarter in which the course began.
This direct assessment delivery model assesses performance to established competencies.
A competency is the knowledge, skills, abilities, and professional attributes required to
successfully perform a task in a given context. At Capella University, courses are designed
based on the competencies necessary to demonstrate a programs learning outcomes. No
credits, grades or quality points are assigned in FlexPath programs. Learners enrolled in
FlexPath programs receive competency evaluations in lieu of traditional letter grades.
Degree progress is measured through a program points system and minimum level of
performance achievement.
FlexPath Performance Scale
Distinguished Earned for course work that demonstrates mastery of the published
competencies at a level exceeding course expectations as defined in the
course syllabus or course learning plan.
Proficient Earned for course work that demonstrates mastery of the published
competencies at a level meeting course expectations as defined in the
course syllabus or course learning plan.
Basic Earned for course work that demonstrates published competencies at a level
of performance minimally meeting course expectations as defined in the
course syllabus or course learning plan.
Non-performance Earned for course work that demonstrates published competencies at a
level which does not meet course expectations as described in the
course syllabus or course learning plan.
Grading System
Grades are provided for courses taken at Capella University. Capella University uses a
four-point grading system. As of January 28, 2008, grade point average is reported
separately for graduate and undergraduate Capella course work. Prior to January 28, 2008,
one cumulative grade point average was reported for all Capella course work.
Grades Quality Points
A High involvement, substantive participation, exceeded expectations. 4
B Active and knowledgeable participation, met expectations. 3
C Adequate and competent participation, minimally met expectations. 2
D Undergraduate only: limited participation, marginally met expectations. 1
F Limited, minimal or no participation, did not meet expectations; also 0
used when an I grade was assigned and course requirements were not
met by the end of the next quarter.
Grades Not Affecting Grade Point Average
CC (Credential Credit) Assigned to credit awarded based on documentation of successful
attainment of a specific credential.
HD (Disaster Hold) Assigned to courses for learners who must discontinue a course due to
a nationally recognized disaster.
HM (Military Hold) Assigned to courses during which learners have been called to active
duty; serves as a placeholder until they return to the course.
I (Incomplete) Indicates that the course requirements have not yet been fulfilled.
IP (In Progress) Assigned to comprehensive examination or dissertation courses for which
learners require additional quarters to complete the components of the course. Also
assigned to some internship and practicum courses.
IS (Incomplete) Indicates that the course requirements have not yet been fulfilled for a
satisfactory/not satisfactory course.
MW (Military Withdrawal) Assigned to courses from which the learner has been
withdrawn due to active duty. Prior to June 2009, these are reflected as grades of W.
NC (No Credit) Assigned to courses prior to April 1, 2003.
NG (No Grade) Assigned to comprehensive examination or dissertation courses for all
course registrations subsequent to the initial registration, or to course registrations for which
the registrar has determined that due to university curricular changes NG is the
appropriate final grade. Also assigned to some internship and practicum courses.
NP (Non-participation) Assigned to courses prior to April 1, 2003.
NR (No record) Assigned to courses awaiting official grade from instructor.
NS (Not Satisfactory) Limited, minimal, or no course participation and/or materials did
not meet expectations. Also used when an IS grade has been assigned and course
requirements were not met by the end of the following quarter.
PC (Petition for Credit) Assigned to courses for which learners successfully petitioned for
credit of previous educational or work experience.
R (Required) Assigned to doctoral dissertation courses at the successful conclusion of each
quarters course.
S (Satisfactory) Active and knowledgeable course participation; materials met
expectations. Equivalent to a grade of B or better.
VR (Verified Residency) Assigned to a completed residency requirement.
W (Withdrawal) Assigned to a course dropped by the learner within the authorized time
Learners at the undergraduate and graduate levels (excluding FlexPath learners)
may be eligible to graduate with honors upon meeting various stipulations
including earning the following grade point averages:
Undergraduate Level
Graduation with Honor (Cum Laude): 3.500  3.749
Graduation with High Honor (Magna Cum Laude): 3.750  3.849
Graduation with Highest Honor (Summa Cum Laude): 3.850 or above
Graduate Level
Graduation with Distinction: 3.850 or above
Withdrawal and Incompletes
A learner may drop a course during the first twelve calendar days of the course without
transcript notation. If a learner drops a course on or after the thirteenth calendar day of the
course through the last day to withdraw from the course, a grade of W will be assigned.
Learners who discontinue a course after the last day to withdraw will be assigned a grade of
F or NS, or a performance rating Non-Performance for direct assessment programs. If a
learner receives an incomplete and the final papers/projects are not completed prior to the
end of the following quarter, the learner will be assigned a grade of F or NS.
Previous college-level work submitted by applicants will be evaluated for transfer credit.
Undergraduate programs require grades of C- or better for transfer. Graduate programs
require grades of B- or better for transfer. Course work should be from regionally
accredited institutions; however, Capella may consider transfer credit from international
institutions and some non-regionally accredited institutions based on alternate
accreditations. As of January 28, 2008, transfer credits reflect only those applied to current
Course Numbering System
Course levels determined by prefix:
9 Graduate course
8 Graduate course
7 Graduate course
6 Graduate course (Prior to January 28, 2008, course numbers beginning with a 6 were
professional development courses.)
5 Graduate course
4 Upper-division undergraduate course
3 Upper-division undergraduate course
2 Lower-division undergraduate course
1 Lower-division undergraduate course
FS Residency (course prefix)
Any course with the prefix -R includes a face-to-face component.
Any course with the prefix -FP was taken within a direct assessment program.
Harold Abel School of Psychology course numbering system prior to Jan. 28, 2008:
5500  5999 Graduate course
6000  6999 Non-credit residency and colloquium
7000  9999 Graduate course
PSY-R Psychology residency and colloquium (course prefix)
FS Residency (course prefix) prior to September 2003
Release of Information
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), as amended, prohibits
the release of this record or disclosure of its contents to any third party without the written
consent of the learner.
Alteration or forgery of this document is a criminal offense.
Transcript key revised December 2013
Page 2 of 2

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Capella Official Transcript

  • 1. Student Name: Danielle Raylene Vinson Student ID: 1231829 Date of Birth: XXXX-06-24 Student Address: 252 Apples Way Batavia, OH 45103 Capella University 225 S 6th St Fl 9 Minneapolis, MN 55402-4319 Tel: 8882273552 Crs ID Course Title Competency CrAtt CrE Grade/Performance QPts Beginning of Graduate Record Fall Quarter 2009 Program: MS in Organizational Dev Plan: Specialization in General Organizational Development ORD 5004 Change, Culture, and Complexity 4.00 4.00 A 16.000 Term GPA: 4.000 Term Totals: 4.00 4.00 16.000 Cum GPA: 4.000 Cum Totals: 4.00 4.00 16.000 Winter Quarter 2010 Program: MS in Organizational Dev Plan: Specialization in General Organizational Development ORD 5020 Strategic Planning and Organizational Development 4.00 4.00 A 16.000 ORD 5510 Organizational Development in the Global Environment 4.00 4.00 A 16.000 Term GPA: 4.000 Term Totals: 8.00 8.00 32.000 Cum GPA: 4.000 Cum Totals: 12.00 12.00 48.000 End of Transcript Parchment Transcript Report Prepared for: Danielle Vinson on 06/27/2016 DID#: T63FNYJ Parchment Student ID: 1896064 Page 1 of 2 Kelly Brooks, Registrar This Parchment transcript report is official when downloaded directly from the Parchment Exchange website. To verify the validity of the Parchment transcript report, go to exchange.parchment.com/d/, select the Tracking link in the header, and search for DID# T63FNYJ.
  • 2. Capella University 225 South Sixth Street, Ninth Floor Minneapolis, MN 55402 1.888.CAPELLA (227.3552) www.capella.edu FICE = 032673 Name Change This institution was formerly known as The Graduate School of America. On June 1, 1999 the name of the institution was changed to Capella University. Accreditation Capella University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and is a member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA), www.ncahlc.org. Capella University, 225 South Sixth Street, Ninth Street, Minneapolis, MN 55402, 1.888.CAPELLA (227.3552), www.capella.edu. Academic Calendar and Credits Capella University operates on a quarterly academic calendar. The Carnegie standard of 25hours per credit is used to determine the number of quarter credits assigned to each course. Thus, a 4-credit course is approximately 100 hours of didactic instruction, reading, writing, projects and associated preparation. Prior to November 12, 2001, all courses taken at Capella were listed under the quarter in which the course ended. Effective November 12, 2001, all courses taken at Capella are listed under the quarter in which the course began. FlexPath This direct assessment delivery model assesses performance to established competencies. A competency is the knowledge, skills, abilities, and professional attributes required to successfully perform a task in a given context. At Capella University, courses are designed based on the competencies necessary to demonstrate a programs learning outcomes. No credits, grades or quality points are assigned in FlexPath programs. Learners enrolled in FlexPath programs receive competency evaluations in lieu of traditional letter grades. Degree progress is measured through a program points system and minimum level of performance achievement. FlexPath Performance Scale Distinguished Earned for course work that demonstrates mastery of the published competencies at a level exceeding course expectations as defined in the course syllabus or course learning plan. Proficient Earned for course work that demonstrates mastery of the published competencies at a level meeting course expectations as defined in the course syllabus or course learning plan. Basic Earned for course work that demonstrates published competencies at a level of performance minimally meeting course expectations as defined in the course syllabus or course learning plan. Non-performance Earned for course work that demonstrates published competencies at a level which does not meet course expectations as described in the course syllabus or course learning plan. Grading System Grades are provided for courses taken at Capella University. Capella University uses a four-point grading system. As of January 28, 2008, grade point average is reported separately for graduate and undergraduate Capella course work. Prior to January 28, 2008, one cumulative grade point average was reported for all Capella course work. Grades Quality Points A High involvement, substantive participation, exceeded expectations. 4 B Active and knowledgeable participation, met expectations. 3 C Adequate and competent participation, minimally met expectations. 2 D Undergraduate only: limited participation, marginally met expectations. 1 F Limited, minimal or no participation, did not meet expectations; also 0 used when an I grade was assigned and course requirements were not met by the end of the next quarter. Grades Not Affecting Grade Point Average CC (Credential Credit) Assigned to credit awarded based on documentation of successful attainment of a specific credential. HD (Disaster Hold) Assigned to courses for learners who must discontinue a course due to a nationally recognized disaster. HM (Military Hold) Assigned to courses during which learners have been called to active duty; serves as a placeholder until they return to the course. I (Incomplete) Indicates that the course requirements have not yet been fulfilled. IP (In Progress) Assigned to comprehensive examination or dissertation courses for which learners require additional quarters to complete the components of the course. Also assigned to some internship and practicum courses. IS (Incomplete) Indicates that the course requirements have not yet been fulfilled for a satisfactory/not satisfactory course. MW (Military Withdrawal) Assigned to courses from which the learner has been withdrawn due to active duty. Prior to June 2009, these are reflected as grades of W. NC (No Credit) Assigned to courses prior to April 1, 2003. NG (No Grade) Assigned to comprehensive examination or dissertation courses for all course registrations subsequent to the initial registration, or to course registrations for which the registrar has determined that due to university curricular changes NG is the appropriate final grade. Also assigned to some internship and practicum courses. NP (Non-participation) Assigned to courses prior to April 1, 2003. NR (No record) Assigned to courses awaiting official grade from instructor. NS (Not Satisfactory) Limited, minimal, or no course participation and/or materials did not meet expectations. Also used when an IS grade has been assigned and course requirements were not met by the end of the following quarter. PC (Petition for Credit) Assigned to courses for which learners successfully petitioned for credit of previous educational or work experience. R (Required) Assigned to doctoral dissertation courses at the successful conclusion of each quarters course. S (Satisfactory) Active and knowledgeable course participation; materials met expectations. Equivalent to a grade of B or better. VR (Verified Residency) Assigned to a completed residency requirement. W (Withdrawal) Assigned to a course dropped by the learner within the authorized time period. Honors Learners at the undergraduate and graduate levels (excluding FlexPath learners) may be eligible to graduate with honors upon meeting various stipulations including earning the following grade point averages: Undergraduate Level Graduation with Honor (Cum Laude): 3.500 3.749 Graduation with High Honor (Magna Cum Laude): 3.750 3.849 Graduation with Highest Honor (Summa Cum Laude): 3.850 or above Graduate Level Graduation with Distinction: 3.850 or above Withdrawal and Incompletes A learner may drop a course during the first twelve calendar days of the course without transcript notation. If a learner drops a course on or after the thirteenth calendar day of the course through the last day to withdraw from the course, a grade of W will be assigned. Learners who discontinue a course after the last day to withdraw will be assigned a grade of F or NS, or a performance rating Non-Performance for direct assessment programs. If a learner receives an incomplete and the final papers/projects are not completed prior to the end of the following quarter, the learner will be assigned a grade of F or NS. Transfer Previous college-level work submitted by applicants will be evaluated for transfer credit. Undergraduate programs require grades of C- or better for transfer. Graduate programs require grades of B- or better for transfer. Course work should be from regionally accredited institutions; however, Capella may consider transfer credit from international institutions and some non-regionally accredited institutions based on alternate accreditations. As of January 28, 2008, transfer credits reflect only those applied to current program. Course Numbering System Course levels determined by prefix: 9 Graduate course 8 Graduate course 7 Graduate course 6 Graduate course (Prior to January 28, 2008, course numbers beginning with a 6 were professional development courses.) 5 Graduate course 4 Upper-division undergraduate course 3 Upper-division undergraduate course 2 Lower-division undergraduate course 1 Lower-division undergraduate course FS Residency (course prefix) Any course with the prefix -R includes a face-to-face component. Any course with the prefix -FP was taken within a direct assessment program. Harold Abel School of Psychology course numbering system prior to Jan. 28, 2008: 5500 5999 Graduate course 6000 6999 Non-credit residency and colloquium 7000 9999 Graduate course PSY-R Psychology residency and colloquium (course prefix) FS Residency (course prefix) prior to September 2003 Release of Information The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), as amended, prohibits the release of this record or disclosure of its contents to any third party without the written consent of the learner. Alteration or forgery of this document is a criminal offense. Transcript key revised December 2013 DID# T63FNYJ Page 2 of 2