New Media is nothing without human beings to give it shape. But if you don't recognize our own self worth how can you expect your audience to recognize it. Build your brand on a solid foundation of you. www.misslori.TV
2. New Media is the great equalizer. For the first time big brands
and individual entrepreneurs are on equal marketing footing. It
all comes down to effort.
@MissLori #MissLoriTV
3. Like fashion, new
media is nothing
without a human
being to give it shape.
@MissLori #MissLoriTV
4. The social in social media is the moment
of truth, and we are driving it.
via Sammy Haroon
@GlobalCognition #SOBCon
5. I cant capitalize ON me
until I capitalize ME,
making myself
important in my own
life, recognizing my self
@MissLori #MissLoriTV
6. When you look in the lens
what do you see?
@MissLori #MissLoriTV
7. For the longest time this is who I saw in my lens. My
poor self image blinded me to my true self worth.
@MissLori #MissLoriTV
8. If you dont value what you have to
offer why should anyone else?
@MissLori #MissLoriTV
9. Even the smallest light shines in the
darkness. Have the courage to shine.
@MissLori #MissLoriTV
10. Even the smallest light shines in the
darkness. Have the courage to shine.
Dont let someone else dim your light
just because they dont know how to
illuminate their own.
@MissLori #MissLoriTV
11. Even the smallest light shines in the
darkness. Have the courage to shine.
Dont let someone else dim your light
just because they dont know how to
illuminate their own.
Light the way for others. For everyone
benefits when paths of opportunity and
progress are illuminated.
@MissLori #MissLoriTV
12. Close your eyes and
keep moving. You dont
have to see the light to
reach it.
@MissLori #MissLoriTV
13. There is always a way forward,
but no one said it had to be a
straight line.
@MissLori #MissLoriTV
14. If you know who you are
you can envision where
you are going and plot a
path to get there.
@MissLori #MissLoriTV
16. Your identity is in your hand. Dont let go.
@MissLori #MissLoriTV
17. Let your SMILE Shine On!
@MissLori #MissLoriTV
Editor's Notes
#9: Free is a four letter word. Dont ever work for free, only waive your fee.
#10: It doesnt matter if your blog is big or small, someone is listening to you and that is not inconsequential. 1 is a substantial number.
#11: Sometimes people hold their mirror up to you because they dont want to face something within themselves. Dont let them. #Reflecturself
#12: If you dont share your balloon with others it will deflate. Share your oxygen with the community, then we all benefit.
#16: I always say its not enough to learn to stand tall we have to learn what to do when we fall. But dont let that awareness stop you from preparing for success.