This document provides Latin roots and their derivatives in English. It lists Latin words related to friendship, family, crowds, walking, vision, farming, country, earth, life, size, and excellence. Each Latin word is paired with its English derivatives to show connections between vocabulary words.
7. Triumvirate: three officials joining forces for one task.Virile: having the strength, power, or vigor of a man.Vir: man; hero
8. Multiple: having more than one; many.Multitude: crowd; throng.Multitudinous: crowded; numerous.Multiplicity: a large number.Multus: many
9. Amble: to walk slowly.Preamble: introductory statement.Ambulance: vehicle designed to carry the sick.Perambulate: to walk through.Ambulo: I walk
10. Advise: to counsel.Evidence: something helpful in proving or forming a conclusion.Provide: to supply.Providence: foresight: to prepare in advance.Revise: to reconsider, change, or modify.Supervise: to oversee.Televise: to broadcast.Vision: eyesight.Visual: visible; optical.Invisible: not able to be seen.Video: I see
14. Terrestrial: related to earth and its inhabitants; composed of dirt.Terrace: flat area of ground, often one in a series on a slope.Subterranean: living or situated under the earths surface.Inter: bury.Terra firma: dry land.Terra: earth; land
15. Vital: full of life; necessary for life.Vitality: energy; power to survive.Vitamin: substance essential for growth and activity.Vita: life
16. Magnify: to make large.Magnate: a powerful or influential person.Magnificent: splendid; grand; striking.Magnanimous: noble in mind and heart; generous.Magnus: large; great
17. Minor: lesser in amount, size, rank, age, or importance; little-known.Minimize: to decrease or lessen.Minority: smaller in number of two groups forming a whole.Minor: lesser; smaller
18. Major: greater than others in size, rank , age, or importance.Majority: larger in number of two groups forming a whole.Maior: greater; larger.