This document provides Latin roots and their derivatives in English. It covers terms relating to dominance, importance, cities, modification, harm, beauty, scarcity, sound, calmness, and calling. Many of the Latin roots and their English derivatives have similar or related meanings.
2. Dominate: to control, govern, rule, or influence.Dominant: exercising the most influence or control.Domineering: overbearing.Dominus: master
3. Paramount: of chief concern of importance.Tantamount: equivalent in effect or value.Surmount: overcome, conquer.Mons: mountain
4. Suburb: community outlying a city.Interurban: connecting urban areas.Urban: relating to a city.Urbanity: polished courtesy.Urbs: city
5. Alter: to change; modify.Alteration: modification.Altercation: heated argument.Alternate: to proceed by turns.Subaltern: lower in position or rank.Altruistic: concerned for the welfare of others.Altera: another
6. Dismal: causing gloom or depression.Maladjustment: in adequate adjustment.Malady: disease; ailment.Malaria: disease transmitted by mosquitoes.Malcontent: dissatisfied.Malediction: a curse.Malefactor: an evildoer.Malevolent: malicious; wishing to do harmMalice: a desire to do harm; spite.Malus: bad
7. Malicious: deliberately harmful or spiteful.Malign: to speak evil of; to slander.Malignant: causing great harm.Malnutrition: having a poorly balanced diet.Maltreat: to treat in a cruel way; abuse.Malus (continued)
10. Audio: sound signal.Audible: able to be heard.Audience: spectators or listeners at a performance.Auditory: relating to hearing.Inaudible: unable to be heard.Audit: hear
11. Sedate: to calm.Sedative: having a soothing or calming effect.Sedentary: requiring much sitting; inactive.Sediment: material that settles to the bottom of a liquid.Sedimentary: rocks formed when sediment is deposited and compacted.Sedet: sit
12. Advocate: supporter; defender.Convocation: calling together.Equivocal: ambiguous.Evoke: to summon or call forth.Invoke: to call on a higher power for help.Provoke: to call to anger.Vocal: relating to the voice.Vocation: a calling; career.Revoke: to cancel; to call back.Vociferous: loud; noisy.Vocabulary: all the words of a language.Vocat: calls