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The German Era has at last come to an end and we hope those concerned about it will realize
that. For one to appreciate the name change one has to realize the past changes that took place
without the express consultation of the people. When Liyeyi changed to Buseca and finally to
Caprivi there has been no single consultation with the then dwellers of the area. In 1964
CANU made an attempt to rename it Intenge, thanks to the SWAPO Party and Government
inclusively for opening the eyes of the CANU leaders and making them realize Caprivi was part
of Namibia and thanks to CANU for their conversion. Lets not go back where we started and
repented from; it is Forward Ever, Backward Never.
The previous attempts to change the name resumed again in 1976 during the Homeland
Administration of Caprivi to rename it Lozi, but could not work because there was no proper
consultation. If the early dwellers could not retain the original name what would stop the
government of the day in consultation with the willing participants to restore the area to a
locally relevant name that ties with our heritage, history and social life. In my view the people of
the Zambezi Region had no racial or tribal ties with Germany and therefore uncalled for to cry
over an imposed name.
Lets take a short close look to the name Caprivi. Georg Leo von Caprivi de Caprara de
Montecuccoli (Count George Leo of Caprivi, Caprara, and Montecuccoli) was a German Major
General and statesman from 24 February 1831to 6 February 1899, he
succeeded Otto von Bismack as Chancellor of Germany and served for a four
term 1890 to 1894. He was born in Charlottenburg-Berlin to a family of
Slovenian origin, he joined the army in 1849 and served in the Austro-Prussian
War in 1866 and the Franco-Prussian War in 1870 as corps Chief of staff, the
military people would understand this better than me a lay person.
From 1883 to 1888 he served as Chief of the Imperial Admiralty, a position in which he showed
significant administrative talent. He was briefly appointed to the Command of the Tenth Army
Corps in Hanover before being summoned to Berlin by Wilhelm II in February, 1890. Upon
Bismacks dismissal on 18 March, Caprivi became Chancellor. His administration was marked by
what was known to historians as the New Course in both foreign and domestic policy, with
moves towards conciliation of the Social Democrats on the domestic front, and towards a pro-
British foreign policy, exemplified by the Zanzibar Treaty of July, 1890 in which the British
ceded the Island of Heligoland to Germany in exchange for control of Zanzibar. This led to
animosity from the colonialist pressure-groups in Germany, while Caprivis free trading policies
led to opposition from conservative agrarian protectionists. In the process he managed to
obtain the Caprivi Strip, which was added to German South West Africa, thus linking that
territory with the Zambezi River. He resigned in 1892 and was succeeded by Count Botho zu
This is the Caprivi some of us are shading tears for he even never set his foot in the strip as it
was just given in his honour by Captain Streitwolf who was resident in the area since 1909. Can
one compare such a name with a local name like Liyeyi, Zambezi or any other name that has
been genuinely associated with the region, No, never. Fellow brothers and sisters from the
Zambezi Region we have no connection with German why cant we cherish that which is ours
and be proud of it rather than priding ourselves in the heritage and cultures of others which are
foreign to our tradition and practices. What is it that German is going to give to the Region
which could not be given in 104 years of the existence of the name in the area.
Now back to the Zambezi name which is local even a child at elementary school would talk
about it. Its benefits in the region are innumerable, proximity in this regard is very irrelevant
even Namibians as far as Oshana, and Karas Regions cannot completely deny the benefits of the
Zambezi in the Country as a whole and the Region in particular. The M in the Zambezi entails
Mafwe, Mayeyi, Masubia, Mambukushu, Matotela, Makwengo, Malozi unlike the Caprivi which
can only relate to Caprara, Count and Chancellors of another World. Zambezi is lekker let it
It is surprising for those who are complaining about the Caprivi name after losing part of the
land to Botswana in 2004 where we lost Kasikili and Zibalyanja these were areas anciently been
known as part of Namibia we lost them to Botswana and no one was concerned now we have
lost West Caprivi (Caprivi Game Park) to Kavango, and no one of the concerned is talking
about it what will the name be for; if you lost land. What would Caprivi be for without land, it
is because of the name Caprivi that that we lost land to Botswana because the name has no
connectedness to Africa. Let Caprivi go and let Zambezi come in as long as we are at peace
with our neighbours. In my view I would support anyone who is concerned about the piece of
land ceded to Kavango a vast piece of land compared to Caprivi. Logically one would expect
such piece of land taken from Kavango and added to the Zambezi. This was a serious
irregularity that deserves to be looked at seriously. The point up to Thipanana was to be the
area of dermacation rather than Bwabwata which is way deep in the Zambezi area. What did
the Delimitation Commission want to achieve here, can be the question of the century?
Colleagues lets be focused and cease being tribalistic support the Governors efforts to restore
lost history and heritage, hail to the Governor of the Zambezi Region. The next the Governor
should look to is the slapping of Lyaboloma over the Mayeyi what connection does Lyaboloma
have with the Mayeyi this to me was a serious blind spot overlooked by the 4th
Commission. How can one ignore such a fact of life and impose a tribal name over another
tribal group. Totally denying them of their rich heritage, history, environmental connectedness
and interfering with the natural link tied to the name Linyandi. These are the issues the
concerned groups should take into consideration Heritage in an African context is best.
The issue of consultation in my view should be blamed on the shoulders of the local Councilors
I recall clearly in the meeting of the 11th
February 2013 the Governor instructing the
Councilors to hold at least four meetings in each Constituency to inform the various
Communities about the name change and the advent of the 4th
Delimitation Commission. Not
one councilor in the meeting of 25 February, 2013 reported having called a meeting to such
effect. Some members were worse off as their Constituency leaders took sides and could not
bring the divided members together. The introduction of a new proposal opposing the re-
dermacation of the Linyanti Constituency adopted from another Constituency was more
embarrassing to the members and a disgrace to the Constituency as a whole. In this light it was
logical for those who could not attend the consultation meeting in town to have done so in
their Constituencies, this was also an express indication that time has come for the electorate
to start making their leaders answerable to them and not let them become masters over them.
Government or the Delimitation Commission are in this matter not to blame, let the
Councilors responsible answer the question why the people were not informed.
In the discussion on Caprivi name change in 2008 I said this and I want to repeat it here that
 Caprivi is therefore unAfrican and thus infringes on African identity as well as our National
association as a region with other regions in Namibia. Dr Sazita had this to say about the name
Caprivian mention is alien to the sovereignty of Namibia as a state and which has the Caprivi
as one of its constituencies. Lets have a change of heart and embrace the name Zambezi and
forge on with our hard won independence and lift up high the banner of economic and social
development. Hoping that government will have a change of heart and re-cede back western
Zambezi (former Western Caprivi and Caprivi Game Park) from Kavango Region which is
already having enough land than the Zambezi Region; and to seriously divorce the Mayeyi from
Lyaboloma to Linyanti in the very near future and as proposed by the two Parties (Mashi and
Mayeyi Traditional Authority) subjects and who are the legitimate dwellers in the Constituency.
Views from the media in regard to the name Zambezi are conflicting and confusing to an
ordinary Namibian. One confusing aspect is that of the concerned Caprivians and the
Concerned Group are these one in the same group or are they different. Do they have the
interest of Namibia at heart or bear the interests of cessationists; in my view no one who
addresses himself or herself as Caprivian should speak on behalf of the people of the region
because we know their base and their interest which is borne from tribalism, cessationism,
defiance, tribal discrimination and perpetration of hatred among and between tribal groups in
the region and they should not be given a chance to hijack this noble development.
The Concerned Group in the region has flatly rejected the name change, Namibian 23 August
2013, this is not new in the region there is a group of people who will never initiate anything
than conflict but still very loud in opposing developmental change remember the Pidico Story. I
take my hat off for the governor for his stand for the change and I now call all genuine people
of Zambezi to rally behind him and give him the support he deserves.
The comment made by one of the opposers of the re-dermacation of the Linyanti Constituency
leaves much to be desired and I quote  the family lauded the regional leadership for bestowing
the name on a Constituency which is inhabited predominantly by a different ethnic group 
reference was also made to the Constituency as  inhabited mostly by people from the Mayeyi
ethnic group (New Era 23 August, 2013) this was a recognition the 4th
Commission failed to realize and refused dismally to recognize the proposal submitted to them
as an express feeling of the majority; but leaned more to a proposal handed from another
Constituency supported by an authority residing outside the boundaries of the Constituency.
As an individual I regard this as extraordinary and a purposeful stripping of our heritage as
attempted before in 1971 and 1909. This in my view cannot go unchallenged and Government
should note it in their statutes that they Mayeyi are more connected with Linyandi than with
Lyaboloma. As indicated above this will always be used as a slap in the face by the honored
group, and will not that will not be tolerated for long. We appeal to the Government to
reconsider this.
It was well and good for the President as his prerogative to declare the boundaries of the
different Constituencies but I am tempted to believe the 4th
Delimitation Commission erred
somewhere by not recommending the proposal on Mukwe, Bwabwata, and partly Linyanti
Constituency. Firstly I similarly applaud the 4th
Delimitation Commision for recommending the
the redermacation of the Linyanti Constituence with the
exception of a few technical errors that occurred, the map
marked A-B seemed to have been ignored as a result the
re-dermacation was not done as proposed and indicated on
the map (inserted). The map used was not part of the
proposal rather part of a secret map used by the opposing
group. The aim was to reduce distance but on the
recommended map distance and access to services remains the same for the areas elaborated
during the discussions. The New Era of the 9th
August 2013 President Divides the Kavango
into two came as a surprise as well as an occasion filled with unhappiness and joy. One would
have expected the larger Kavango to be reduced rather than the smaller Zambezi to be cut and
added to Kavango. As a gesture of empowerment Bwabwata would have been recommended as
a Constituency to empower the marginalized San people in the Western Zambezi, the then
Caprivi Game Park. One would have expected the area beyond the Kavango River to be ceded
to the Zambezi Region as a recognized ancient part of this region. All in all the exercise was
long overdue and remains hopeful that errors observed would be reversed into positive points.
Zambezi, Luhonono nothing new New Era 16 August 2013, is the only positive comment to
have been emulated by all Zambezi Region residents. As alluded to above it is unAfrican to be
called Caprivian more so not even Namibian to do so. Where has one ever seen a country in a
country, Caprivian sounds very foreign why should people choose to be foreigners in their
country of birth this is what can be referred to as mistaken choices and such choices can be a
threat to the Namibian identity and sovereignty. Viva Zambezi. We are independent now,
some regions and not communities need rebaptism.
The exiled Muchali has fervescent desire for home, in his article of 16 August 2013 in The
Namibian have Caprivians been stripped of their domestic rights? The response can be in the
affirmative No. In the view that no Caprivian exists in Namibia, in this view, no one has been
stripped of any rights. The new name has restored back the heritage of the region and this
should be appreciated by even those with mistaken choices. From the 9th
August, 2013 Caprivi
is now Zambezi; take it or leave it or else change will overtake you.
The article in the New Era Zambezi name fuels heated debate of the 15th
August 2013 seems
to have come from an informed source. Our academics are expected to lead the discussion
with researched items. When change comes there may be expenses or no expenses and most
of all if government is ready for that change residents have nothing to worry as the same
government can provide for them. If you call for mobile services for identity cards no resident
would be expected to spend money on new identity cards unless he or she chooses to do so.
Fellow Zambezi people and compatriots lets embrace the change together and go forward;
what more if you were the one slapped with a strange tribal name! Fellow academics Caprivi is
indeed foreign it is another persons name it is not even a river, lake or forest not even from
the continent of Africa. Culturally you only get a name if you succeed someone, who did we
succeed in this regard? If you are worried about studying in Germany these days education is
money you can do so anywhere in the world if you have money. One thing to note our
relationship with Germany is still intact and it was not based on Caprivi, so you have nothing to
The news came that Friday
morning in a way that was not
expected. It was then hopeful
that Linyanti Constituency
would remain and the new
Lyaboloma Constituency would
Caprivi is No More go up to a little beyond Ngenda. Caprivi off the map
The Namibian 09/08/2013 Surprisingly the news sent shock Namibian Sun 09/08/2013
waves in every resident of the Constituency at learning that some communities fell under
Lyaboloma and others under the Linyanti Constituency. The first reactions were like we are
divided and separated. We are Mafwe again. These are some of the reactions around. This
was not only a division it was a loss of heritage and mistaken identity we hope to be corrected
The renaming of the Caprivi Region is heartily welcome yet the renaming of part of the Linyanti
Constituency as Lyaboloma which was not part of the proposal is still hard to swallow as it
goes with infringement over the heritage, history and natural identity of the Mayeyi people in
the region. It is our hope that the cry of the Mayeyi over this sudden change would not fall on
deaf ears and that the government popularly known as the government of the people would
turn their listening ear to the genuine cries of the people.
I salute the royal Chiefs of the Zambezi Region for their unison expression of the acceptance of
the name change from Caprivi to Zambezi let us be in unison over western Zambezi (Caprivi
Game Park) in its entirety. I also call on the residents of the then Linyanti Constituency to
speak in one voice to resist the imposition of the Lyaboloma name over us.
Diagram of the proposed map and agreed on by two majority communities and supported
by the respective Traditional Authorities of the Mashi and Mayeyi as legitimate residents of
the Linyanti Constituency.
Just three days before the announcement of our Mayeyi cultural celebrations as a showcase
celebration of a rich heritage of culture at Sangwali we are now shattered by the announcement
of Lyaboloma over us. This reminds us of the year 1971, when the colonial South Africa in
agreement with the local oppressive Tribal leaders imposed the collective Mafwe name over the
us from which we divorced ourselves in 1992, we do not know how long this will take us now.
God have mercy on us.
We hail the republic though, for a job well done.
Bashupi B Maloboka
Heart Broken and disappointed Resident
1. www.worldstatesmen.org,
2. www.answers.com/leo-von-caprivi,
3. Renaming of the Caprivi Region August, 2008, Dr Sazita
4. Proposal for Caprivi name 20 August 2001, Mr Maloboka
5. A word of advice to Namibians on the renaming of Caprivi 2001, Mr Maloboka
6. New Era, 6 August, 2013- Mayeyi Showcase rich heritage at Sangwali,
7. Confidante 08-14 August, 2013- The early settlers of the Caprivi (Part 1)- Mr Shiremo
8. Namibian Sun 09 August, 2013, Caprivi off the map
9. The Namibian 09 August, 2013, Caprivi is no more, Pohamba saves voters roll
10. New Era 09 August, 2013, President divides Kavango into two
11. New Era 15 August, 2013, Zambezi name fuels heated debate
12. New Era 16 August, 2013, Zambezi, Luhonono nothing new
13. The Namibian 16 August, 2013, Have Caprivians been stripped of their democratic rights
14. New Era 21 August, 2013, Zambezi name still causing waves
15. New Era 23 August, 2013, Recognition pleases Lyaboloma family
16. The Namibian 23 August, 2013, Zambezi name change to stay-Sampofu

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Caprivi is no more

  • 1. 1 CAPRIVI GOES, LYABOLOMA COMES! The German Era has at last come to an end and we hope those concerned about it will realize that. For one to appreciate the name change one has to realize the past changes that took place without the express consultation of the people. When Liyeyi changed to Buseca and finally to Caprivi there has been no single consultation with the then dwellers of the area. In 1964 CANU made an attempt to rename it Intenge, thanks to the SWAPO Party and Government inclusively for opening the eyes of the CANU leaders and making them realize Caprivi was part of Namibia and thanks to CANU for their conversion. Lets not go back where we started and repented from; it is Forward Ever, Backward Never. The previous attempts to change the name resumed again in 1976 during the Homeland Administration of Caprivi to rename it Lozi, but could not work because there was no proper consultation. If the early dwellers could not retain the original name what would stop the government of the day in consultation with the willing participants to restore the area to a locally relevant name that ties with our heritage, history and social life. In my view the people of the Zambezi Region had no racial or tribal ties with Germany and therefore uncalled for to cry over an imposed name. Lets take a short close look to the name Caprivi. Georg Leo von Caprivi de Caprara de Montecuccoli (Count George Leo of Caprivi, Caprara, and Montecuccoli) was a German Major General and statesman from 24 February 1831to 6 February 1899, he succeeded Otto von Bismack as Chancellor of Germany and served for a four term 1890 to 1894. He was born in Charlottenburg-Berlin to a family of Slovenian origin, he joined the army in 1849 and served in the Austro-Prussian War in 1866 and the Franco-Prussian War in 1870 as corps Chief of staff, the military people would understand this better than me a lay person. From 1883 to 1888 he served as Chief of the Imperial Admiralty, a position in which he showed significant administrative talent. He was briefly appointed to the Command of the Tenth Army Corps in Hanover before being summoned to Berlin by Wilhelm II in February, 1890. Upon Bismacks dismissal on 18 March, Caprivi became Chancellor. His administration was marked by what was known to historians as the New Course in both foreign and domestic policy, with moves towards conciliation of the Social Democrats on the domestic front, and towards a pro- British foreign policy, exemplified by the Zanzibar Treaty of July, 1890 in which the British ceded the Island of Heligoland to Germany in exchange for control of Zanzibar. This led to animosity from the colonialist pressure-groups in Germany, while Caprivis free trading policies led to opposition from conservative agrarian protectionists. In the process he managed to obtain the Caprivi Strip, which was added to German South West Africa, thus linking that
  • 2. 2 territory with the Zambezi River. He resigned in 1892 and was succeeded by Count Botho zu Eulenburg. This is the Caprivi some of us are shading tears for he even never set his foot in the strip as it was just given in his honour by Captain Streitwolf who was resident in the area since 1909. Can one compare such a name with a local name like Liyeyi, Zambezi or any other name that has been genuinely associated with the region, No, never. Fellow brothers and sisters from the Zambezi Region we have no connection with German why cant we cherish that which is ours and be proud of it rather than priding ourselves in the heritage and cultures of others which are foreign to our tradition and practices. What is it that German is going to give to the Region which could not be given in 104 years of the existence of the name in the area. Now back to the Zambezi name which is local even a child at elementary school would talk about it. Its benefits in the region are innumerable, proximity in this regard is very irrelevant even Namibians as far as Oshana, and Karas Regions cannot completely deny the benefits of the Zambezi in the Country as a whole and the Region in particular. The M in the Zambezi entails Mafwe, Mayeyi, Masubia, Mambukushu, Matotela, Makwengo, Malozi unlike the Caprivi which can only relate to Caprara, Count and Chancellors of another World. Zambezi is lekker let it stay. It is surprising for those who are complaining about the Caprivi name after losing part of the land to Botswana in 2004 where we lost Kasikili and Zibalyanja these were areas anciently been known as part of Namibia we lost them to Botswana and no one was concerned now we have lost West Caprivi (Caprivi Game Park) to Kavango, and no one of the concerned is talking about it what will the name be for; if you lost land. What would Caprivi be for without land, it is because of the name Caprivi that that we lost land to Botswana because the name has no connectedness to Africa. Let Caprivi go and let Zambezi come in as long as we are at peace with our neighbours. In my view I would support anyone who is concerned about the piece of land ceded to Kavango a vast piece of land compared to Caprivi. Logically one would expect such piece of land taken from Kavango and added to the Zambezi. This was a serious irregularity that deserves to be looked at seriously. The point up to Thipanana was to be the area of dermacation rather than Bwabwata which is way deep in the Zambezi area. What did the Delimitation Commission want to achieve here, can be the question of the century? Colleagues lets be focused and cease being tribalistic support the Governors efforts to restore lost history and heritage, hail to the Governor of the Zambezi Region. The next the Governor should look to is the slapping of Lyaboloma over the Mayeyi what connection does Lyaboloma have with the Mayeyi this to me was a serious blind spot overlooked by the 4th Delimitation Commission. How can one ignore such a fact of life and impose a tribal name over another tribal group. Totally denying them of their rich heritage, history, environmental connectedness and interfering with the natural link tied to the name Linyandi. These are the issues the concerned groups should take into consideration Heritage in an African context is best.
  • 3. 3 The issue of consultation in my view should be blamed on the shoulders of the local Councilors I recall clearly in the meeting of the 11th February 2013 the Governor instructing the Councilors to hold at least four meetings in each Constituency to inform the various Communities about the name change and the advent of the 4th Delimitation Commission. Not one councilor in the meeting of 25 February, 2013 reported having called a meeting to such effect. Some members were worse off as their Constituency leaders took sides and could not bring the divided members together. The introduction of a new proposal opposing the re- dermacation of the Linyanti Constituency adopted from another Constituency was more embarrassing to the members and a disgrace to the Constituency as a whole. In this light it was logical for those who could not attend the consultation meeting in town to have done so in their Constituencies, this was also an express indication that time has come for the electorate to start making their leaders answerable to them and not let them become masters over them. Government or the Delimitation Commission are in this matter not to blame, let the Councilors responsible answer the question why the people were not informed. In the discussion on Caprivi name change in 2008 I said this and I want to repeat it here that Caprivi is therefore unAfrican and thus infringes on African identity as well as our National association as a region with other regions in Namibia. Dr Sazita had this to say about the name Caprivian mention is alien to the sovereignty of Namibia as a state and which has the Caprivi as one of its constituencies. Lets have a change of heart and embrace the name Zambezi and forge on with our hard won independence and lift up high the banner of economic and social development. Hoping that government will have a change of heart and re-cede back western Zambezi (former Western Caprivi and Caprivi Game Park) from Kavango Region which is already having enough land than the Zambezi Region; and to seriously divorce the Mayeyi from Lyaboloma to Linyanti in the very near future and as proposed by the two Parties (Mashi and Mayeyi Traditional Authority) subjects and who are the legitimate dwellers in the Constituency. Views from the media in regard to the name Zambezi are conflicting and confusing to an ordinary Namibian. One confusing aspect is that of the concerned Caprivians and the Concerned Group are these one in the same group or are they different. Do they have the interest of Namibia at heart or bear the interests of cessationists; in my view no one who addresses himself or herself as Caprivian should speak on behalf of the people of the region because we know their base and their interest which is borne from tribalism, cessationism, defiance, tribal discrimination and perpetration of hatred among and between tribal groups in the region and they should not be given a chance to hijack this noble development. The Concerned Group in the region has flatly rejected the name change, Namibian 23 August 2013, this is not new in the region there is a group of people who will never initiate anything than conflict but still very loud in opposing developmental change remember the Pidico Story. I take my hat off for the governor for his stand for the change and I now call all genuine people of Zambezi to rally behind him and give him the support he deserves.
  • 4. 4 The comment made by one of the opposers of the re-dermacation of the Linyanti Constituency leaves much to be desired and I quote the family lauded the regional leadership for bestowing the name on a Constituency which is inhabited predominantly by a different ethnic group reference was also made to the Constituency as inhabited mostly by people from the Mayeyi ethnic group (New Era 23 August, 2013) this was a recognition the 4th Delimitation Commission failed to realize and refused dismally to recognize the proposal submitted to them as an express feeling of the majority; but leaned more to a proposal handed from another Constituency supported by an authority residing outside the boundaries of the Constituency. As an individual I regard this as extraordinary and a purposeful stripping of our heritage as attempted before in 1971 and 1909. This in my view cannot go unchallenged and Government should note it in their statutes that they Mayeyi are more connected with Linyandi than with Lyaboloma. As indicated above this will always be used as a slap in the face by the honored group, and will not that will not be tolerated for long. We appeal to the Government to reconsider this. It was well and good for the President as his prerogative to declare the boundaries of the different Constituencies but I am tempted to believe the 4th Delimitation Commission erred somewhere by not recommending the proposal on Mukwe, Bwabwata, and partly Linyanti Constituency. Firstly I similarly applaud the 4th Delimitation Commision for recommending the the redermacation of the Linyanti Constituence with the exception of a few technical errors that occurred, the map marked A-B seemed to have been ignored as a result the re-dermacation was not done as proposed and indicated on the map (inserted). The map used was not part of the proposal rather part of a secret map used by the opposing group. The aim was to reduce distance but on the recommended map distance and access to services remains the same for the areas elaborated during the discussions. The New Era of the 9th August 2013 President Divides the Kavango into two came as a surprise as well as an occasion filled with unhappiness and joy. One would have expected the larger Kavango to be reduced rather than the smaller Zambezi to be cut and added to Kavango. As a gesture of empowerment Bwabwata would have been recommended as a Constituency to empower the marginalized San people in the Western Zambezi, the then Caprivi Game Park. One would have expected the area beyond the Kavango River to be ceded to the Zambezi Region as a recognized ancient part of this region. All in all the exercise was long overdue and remains hopeful that errors observed would be reversed into positive points. Zambezi, Luhonono nothing new New Era 16 August 2013, is the only positive comment to have been emulated by all Zambezi Region residents. As alluded to above it is unAfrican to be called Caprivian more so not even Namibian to do so. Where has one ever seen a country in a country, Caprivian sounds very foreign why should people choose to be foreigners in their country of birth this is what can be referred to as mistaken choices and such choices can be a
  • 5. 5 threat to the Namibian identity and sovereignty. Viva Zambezi. We are independent now, some regions and not communities need rebaptism. The exiled Muchali has fervescent desire for home, in his article of 16 August 2013 in The Namibian have Caprivians been stripped of their domestic rights? The response can be in the affirmative No. In the view that no Caprivian exists in Namibia, in this view, no one has been stripped of any rights. The new name has restored back the heritage of the region and this should be appreciated by even those with mistaken choices. From the 9th August, 2013 Caprivi is now Zambezi; take it or leave it or else change will overtake you. The article in the New Era Zambezi name fuels heated debate of the 15th August 2013 seems to have come from an informed source. Our academics are expected to lead the discussion with researched items. When change comes there may be expenses or no expenses and most of all if government is ready for that change residents have nothing to worry as the same government can provide for them. If you call for mobile services for identity cards no resident would be expected to spend money on new identity cards unless he or she chooses to do so. Fellow Zambezi people and compatriots lets embrace the change together and go forward; what more if you were the one slapped with a strange tribal name! Fellow academics Caprivi is indeed foreign it is another persons name it is not even a river, lake or forest not even from the continent of Africa. Culturally you only get a name if you succeed someone, who did we succeed in this regard? If you are worried about studying in Germany these days education is money you can do so anywhere in the world if you have money. One thing to note our relationship with Germany is still intact and it was not based on Caprivi, so you have nothing to worry. The news came that Friday morning in a way that was not expected. It was then hopeful that Linyanti Constituency would remain and the new Lyaboloma Constituency would Caprivi is No More go up to a little beyond Ngenda. Caprivi off the map The Namibian 09/08/2013 Surprisingly the news sent shock Namibian Sun 09/08/2013 waves in every resident of the Constituency at learning that some communities fell under Lyaboloma and others under the Linyanti Constituency. The first reactions were like we are divided and separated. We are Mafwe again. These are some of the reactions around. This was not only a division it was a loss of heritage and mistaken identity we hope to be corrected soon. The renaming of the Caprivi Region is heartily welcome yet the renaming of part of the Linyanti Constituency as Lyaboloma which was not part of the proposal is still hard to swallow as it goes with infringement over the heritage, history and natural identity of the Mayeyi people in
  • 6. 6 the region. It is our hope that the cry of the Mayeyi over this sudden change would not fall on deaf ears and that the government popularly known as the government of the people would turn their listening ear to the genuine cries of the people. I salute the royal Chiefs of the Zambezi Region for their unison expression of the acceptance of the name change from Caprivi to Zambezi let us be in unison over western Zambezi (Caprivi Game Park) in its entirety. I also call on the residents of the then Linyanti Constituency to speak in one voice to resist the imposition of the Lyaboloma name over us. Diagram of the proposed map and agreed on by two majority communities and supported by the respective Traditional Authorities of the Mashi and Mayeyi as legitimate residents of the Linyanti Constituency. Just three days before the announcement of our Mayeyi cultural celebrations as a showcase celebration of a rich heritage of culture at Sangwali we are now shattered by the announcement of Lyaboloma over us. This reminds us of the year 1971, when the colonial South Africa in agreement with the local oppressive Tribal leaders imposed the collective Mafwe name over the us from which we divorced ourselves in 1992, we do not know how long this will take us now. God have mercy on us. We hail the republic though, for a job well done. Bashupi B Maloboka Heart Broken and disappointed Resident Lyaboloma
  • 7. 7 References: 1. www.worldstatesmen.org, 2. www.answers.com/leo-von-caprivi, 3. Renaming of the Caprivi Region August, 2008, Dr Sazita 4. Proposal for Caprivi name 20 August 2001, Mr Maloboka 5. A word of advice to Namibians on the renaming of Caprivi 2001, Mr Maloboka 6. New Era, 6 August, 2013- Mayeyi Showcase rich heritage at Sangwali, 7. Confidante 08-14 August, 2013- The early settlers of the Caprivi (Part 1)- Mr Shiremo 8. Namibian Sun 09 August, 2013, Caprivi off the map 9. The Namibian 09 August, 2013, Caprivi is no more, Pohamba saves voters roll 10. New Era 09 August, 2013, President divides Kavango into two 11. New Era 15 August, 2013, Zambezi name fuels heated debate 12. New Era 16 August, 2013, Zambezi, Luhonono nothing new 13. The Namibian 16 August, 2013, Have Caprivians been stripped of their democratic rights 14. New Era 21 August, 2013, Zambezi name still causing waves 15. New Era 23 August, 2013, Recognition pleases Lyaboloma family 16. The Namibian 23 August, 2013, Zambezi name change to stay-Sampofu