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Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com

Thursday, April 5, 2012                                                           1
Cut Through the Clutter
                          Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com

Thursday, April 5, 2012                                                           2
? Social is much more than being social.
                          ? It?s an indispensable and powerful
                            marketing tool that can build brands,
                            create awareness, open global
                            communication for learning or even hiring.

                          ? It also levels the playing ?eld.

                                                           Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com

Thursday, April 5, 2012                                                                                            3
How Do I Make Social Media
                     Work for My Company?

                                    Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com

Thursday, April 5, 2012                                                                     4
? Social Media has changed the way
                            business is conducted.

                          ? It?s changed politics¡­ and countries.
                          ? Even the US president uses Twitter.
                          ? According to a WSJ article on Monday,
                            Internet use is banned in Cuba because
                            social media could topple the current

                          ? But beyond sharing vacation photos via
                            your smart phone ~ how do you make it
                            work for you?

                                                         Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com

Thursday, April 5, 2012                                                                                          5
                                Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com

Thursday, April 5, 2012                                                                 6
? Create. Connect. Consistently.
                          ? The simple 3C rule. It's easy to follow.
                          ? And almost every social media falls under
                            one of these 3 Cs.

                                                          Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com

Thursday, April 5, 2012                                                                                           7

                              Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com

Thursday, April 5, 2012                                                               8
? Create something worth sharing.
          ? Creating interesting and valuable content will set you apart from
                 your competition and make your site ?sticky? which will in turn
                 boost traf?c across your platforms and increase quali?ed leads
                 who are most likely to engage with your product or service.

          ? Loyal users become ambassadors of your brand.
          ? Twitter only allows 140 characters. When creating content, keep
                 it short. Abbreviated words work harder and carry more
                 meaning. Think of what LOL means, or #OWs.

          ? Several sites auto shorten long links. I prefer Bit.Ly because I
                 can track it.

                                                           Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com

Thursday, April 5, 2012                                                                                            9

                                  Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com

Thursday, April 5, 2012                                                                   10
? Marketers and consumers aren?t always aligned in
                 what they want. So creating relevant content should
                 be a priority.

          ? In an IBM customer relationship management study 4
                 months ago, IBM discovered a huge perception gap
                 between consumers and businesses trying to earn
                 their business.

          ? In recessionary times, discount matter most.
          ? Part of Groupon?s huge success was delivering on
                 what customers ranked highest.

          ? Find out what your customers want most, and deliver
                 on that ?rst.
                                                   Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com

Thursday, April 5, 2012                                                                                    11

                              Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com

Thursday, April 5, 2012                                                               12
? Connect to your customers where they already spend
                 their online time.

          ? There is no single social media platform that answers
                 every need.

          ? With a little bit of research, you can ?nd out what
                 platforms will probably yield the best results.

          ? If in doubt, ?nd a ¡°model¡± site or competitor and
                 watch what they do. For an of?ine example, if you
                 were going to invest in a new area, you?d want to ?nd
                 out where Walmart and Costco were building new
                 stores - They?ve spent millions on research which you
                 can leverage. It?s the same online.
                                                      Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com

Thursday, April 5, 2012                                                                                       13

                                   Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com

Thursday, April 5, 2012                                                                    14

                                   Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com

Thursday, April 5, 2012                                                                    14
? For business to consumer companies like retail and
                 hospitality brands, this may include Facebook, Flickr,
                 Tumblr and even Instagram and Pinterest.

          ? For local services like doctors and dentists, Yelp and
                 3rd party community sites like Urban Daddy, 4-
                 square and other geo-based sites may work best.

          ? And for professional service companies, it may be
                 better to reach out through LinkedIn and Google+.

                                                     Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com

Thursday, April 5, 2012                                                                                      15

                                   Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com

Thursday, April 5, 2012                                                                    16
onnect     Follow


                                         Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com

Thursday, April 5, 2012                                                                          16
? The one common ground is blogging - where you can
                 share your post through multiple channels when
                 you?re ?nished. Wherever you have original content,
                 you should give readers easy to use tools that allow
                 them to share what you?ve written.

          ? Most Internet browsers and mobile & tablet devices
                 include sharing apps.

          ? The other important advantage is that you can control
                 the headline text and linked content so you can track
                 what?s been shared.

          ? With so many little icons, it may seem redundant but
                 do not get confused with follow versus share. You
                 need both.
                                                    Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com

Thursday, April 5, 2012                                                                                     17

                                Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com

Thursday, April 5, 2012                                                                 18
? In social media, consistency is the frequency of how often you
                engage on a regular basis which also includes timing.
         ? The majority of social media activity takes place on the east coast
                - that?s 3 hours ahead of us.
         ? The frequency of your social media activities will impact your
         ? Use a social media management site like Hootsuite
                or TweetDeck let you schedule your posts.
         ? Set up a team. Most travel related brands have a
                dedicated team to maintain a 24-7-365 social media presence.
         ? Create a monthly calendar to schedule the most
                important activities at one time and delegate.
         ? Smart phones and tablets are time saving investments
                because they come with the most important social apps
                and tools to help manage your social media efforts from wherever
                you are.
                                                            Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com

Thursday, April 5, 2012                                                                                             19
        Posting Submissions During High-Activity Hours (day time)

                                              Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com

Thursday, April 5, 2012                                                                                             20
        Posting Submissions During High-Activity Hours (day time)

                                              Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com

Thursday, April 5, 2012                                                                                             20
? Since timing is important, you should have 5 social
                engagements throughout your day.

         ? Generally, peaks occur mid day, and again at the end of the day.

         ? Timing ?uctuates based on the channel, type of user,
                product or service and even gender.

         ? For Facebook, Saturday is the most important sharing day.

         ? And it makes sense that high peak hours
                make it more dif?cult for your message to push through,
                but it also translates to more commentary.

                                                          Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com

Thursday, April 5, 2012                                                                                           21
Google is ubiquitous. A must in social media success.
                                            Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com

Thursday, April 5, 2012                                                                             22
Google is ubiquitous. A must in social media success.
                                            Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com

Thursday, April 5, 2012                                                                             22
? Google has something to do with everything you do online.

         ? Having a gMail account and a Google+ Page is important to
                online success.

         ? Facebook?s Timeline change for Business Pages is this Friday.
                Be prepared.

                                                     Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com

Thursday, April 5, 2012                                                                                      23
                                Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com

Thursday, April 5, 2012                                                                 24
? Remember the 3 Cs. Create - Connect - Consistently!

         ? Create something worth sharing. Keep it short.

         ? Connect on relevant social media platforms.

         ? Where your customers already engage.

         ? Consistency keeps you in front. Make frequency part of your
                social media plan.

                                                     Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com

Thursday, April 5, 2012                                                                                      25
Thank You
                                                 Capstone Studios, Inc.
                                                   Email: jar@capstonestudios.com

                                                 Phone: 949-888-9911 ~ 213-716-6087

                                    Twitter: @joanneredwood & @CapstoneStudios & @TweetsMexico
                                                   Blog: www.capstonestudios.com/blog
                                                    Google + ~ www.gplus.to/Capstone


                          Smart Strategies. Brilliant Creativity. Flawless Execution. Delighted Clients.

                                                                                      Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com

Thursday, April 5, 2012                                                                                                                       26

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Capstone studios 3Cs of Social Mediaapril2012

  • 1. Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com Thursday, April 5, 2012 1
  • 2. Cut Through the Clutter Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com Thursday, April 5, 2012 2
  • 3. ? Social is much more than being social. ? It?s an indispensable and powerful marketing tool that can build brands, create awareness, open global communication for learning or even hiring. ? It also levels the playing ?eld. Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com Thursday, April 5, 2012 3
  • 4. How Do I Make Social Media Work for My Company? Date Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com Thursday, April 5, 2012 4
  • 5. ? Social Media has changed the way business is conducted. ? It?s changed politics¡­ and countries. ? Even the US president uses Twitter. ? According to a WSJ article on Monday, Internet use is banned in Cuba because social media could topple the current regime. ? But beyond sharing vacation photos via your smart phone ~ how do you make it work for you? Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com Thursday, April 5, 2012 5
  • 6. reate onnect onsistently Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com Thursday, April 5, 2012 6
  • 7. ? Create. Connect. Consistently. ? The simple 3C rule. It's easy to follow. ? And almost every social media falls under one of these 3 Cs. Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com Thursday, April 5, 2012 7
  • 8. reate Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com Thursday, April 5, 2012 8
  • 9. ? Create something worth sharing. ? Creating interesting and valuable content will set you apart from your competition and make your site ?sticky? which will in turn boost traf?c across your platforms and increase quali?ed leads who are most likely to engage with your product or service. ? Loyal users become ambassadors of your brand. ? Twitter only allows 140 characters. When creating content, keep it short. Abbreviated words work harder and carry more meaning. Think of what LOL means, or #OWs. ? Several sites auto shorten long links. I prefer Bit.Ly because I can track it. Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com Thursday, April 5, 2012 9
  • 10. reate Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com Thursday, April 5, 2012 10
  • 11. ? Marketers and consumers aren?t always aligned in what they want. So creating relevant content should be a priority. ? In an IBM customer relationship management study 4 months ago, IBM discovered a huge perception gap between consumers and businesses trying to earn their business. ? In recessionary times, discount matter most. ? Part of Groupon?s huge success was delivering on what customers ranked highest. ? Find out what your customers want most, and deliver on that ?rst. Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com Thursday, April 5, 2012 11
  • 12. onnect Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com Thursday, April 5, 2012 12
  • 13. ? Connect to your customers where they already spend their online time. ? There is no single social media platform that answers every need. ? With a little bit of research, you can ?nd out what platforms will probably yield the best results. ? If in doubt, ?nd a ¡°model¡± site or competitor and watch what they do. For an of?ine example, if you were going to invest in a new area, you?d want to ?nd out where Walmart and Costco were building new stores - They?ve spent millions on research which you can leverage. It?s the same online. Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com Thursday, April 5, 2012 13
  • 14. onnect Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com Thursday, April 5, 2012 14
  • 15. onnect Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com Thursday, April 5, 2012 14
  • 16. ? For business to consumer companies like retail and hospitality brands, this may include Facebook, Flickr, Tumblr and even Instagram and Pinterest. ? For local services like doctors and dentists, Yelp and 3rd party community sites like Urban Daddy, 4- square and other geo-based sites may work best. ? And for professional service companies, it may be better to reach out through LinkedIn and Google+. Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com Thursday, April 5, 2012 15
  • 17. onnect Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com Thursday, April 5, 2012 16
  • 18. onnect Follow Share Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com Thursday, April 5, 2012 16
  • 19. ? The one common ground is blogging - where you can share your post through multiple channels when you?re ?nished. Wherever you have original content, you should give readers easy to use tools that allow them to share what you?ve written. ? Most Internet browsers and mobile & tablet devices include sharing apps. ? The other important advantage is that you can control the headline text and linked content so you can track what?s been shared. ? With so many little icons, it may seem redundant but do not get confused with follow versus share. You need both. Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com Thursday, April 5, 2012 17
  • 20. onsistently Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com Thursday, April 5, 2012 18
  • 21. ? In social media, consistency is the frequency of how often you engage on a regular basis which also includes timing. ? The majority of social media activity takes place on the east coast - that?s 3 hours ahead of us. ? The frequency of your social media activities will impact your success. ? Use a social media management site like Hootsuite or TweetDeck let you schedule your posts. ? Set up a team. Most travel related brands have a dedicated team to maintain a 24-7-365 social media presence. ? Create a monthly calendar to schedule the most important activities at one time and delegate. ? Smart phones and tablets are time saving investments because they come with the most important social apps and tools to help manage your social media efforts from wherever you are. Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com Thursday, April 5, 2012 19
  • 22. onsistency onsistently Posting Submissions During High-Activity Hours (day time) http://hobhub.biz Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com Thursday, April 5, 2012 20
  • 23. onsistency onsistently Posting Submissions During High-Activity Hours (day time) http://hobhub.biz Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com Thursday, April 5, 2012 20
  • 24. ? Since timing is important, you should have 5 social engagements throughout your day. ? Generally, peaks occur mid day, and again at the end of the day. ? Timing ?uctuates based on the channel, type of user, product or service and even gender. ? For Facebook, Saturday is the most important sharing day. ? And it makes sense that high peak hours make it more dif?cult for your message to push through, but it also translates to more commentary. Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com Thursday, April 5, 2012 21
  • 25. Google is ubiquitous. A must in social media success. Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com Thursday, April 5, 2012 22
  • 26. Google is ubiquitous. A must in social media success. Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com Thursday, April 5, 2012 22
  • 27. ? Google has something to do with everything you do online. ? Having a gMail account and a Google+ Page is important to online success. ? Facebook?s Timeline change for Business Pages is this Friday. Be prepared. Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com Thursday, April 5, 2012 23
  • 28. reate onnect onsistently Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com Thursday, April 5, 2012 24
  • 29. ? Remember the 3 Cs. Create - Connect - Consistently! ? Create something worth sharing. Keep it short. ? Connect on relevant social media platforms. ? Where your customers already engage. ? Consistency keeps you in front. Make frequency part of your social media plan. Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com Thursday, April 5, 2012 25
  • 30. Thank You Capstone Studios, Inc. Email: jar@capstonestudios.com Phone: 949-888-9911 ~ 213-716-6087 Twitter: @joanneredwood & @CapstoneStudios & @TweetsMexico Blog: www.capstonestudios.com/blog Google + ~ www.gplus.to/Capstone Facebook.com/CapstoneStudios www.capstonestudios.com www.dismukes.com Smart Strategies. Brilliant Creativity. Flawless Execution. Delighted Clients. Capstone Studios, Inc. ? 2012 www.capstonestudios.com Thursday, April 5, 2012 26