A 50-year-old man developed a widespread pustular rash 48 hours after starting carbimazole treatment for hyperthyroidism. Tests showed neutrophilic leucocytosis. The rash subsided within 5 days of stopping the carbimazole. Carbimazole has been linked to various skin conditions before but acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP) is rare, with only one previous case reported caused by carbimazole. AGEP is characterized by numerous sterile pustules on an erythematous background and involves neutrophil-activating cytokines.
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Carbimazole induced AGEP
Carbimazole induced acute generalised
exanthematous pustulosis
Madhavi Kadambi1*
, santhosh K M2
, murali mohan BV2
, tousheed syed3
From EAACI Skin Allergy Meeting 2014
Krakow, Poland. 18-20 September 2014
Acute generalised exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP) also
known as pustular drug eruption is an unusual drug
induced hypersensitivity skin manifestation, characterized
by acute onset of fever, and numerous non-follicular pin-
head sterile pustules on erythematous background ,
usually over the flexural areas and face [1]. Neutrophils
are involved in the pathogenesis of AGEP. Neutrophil-
activating cytokines like IL-3 and IL-8 have been impli-
cated [2]. Around 90 percent of the times AGEP is caused
by a drug. Reported most often due to antibacterials. Car-
bimazole which is a thiourea antithyroid drug is not one
of the usual suspect.
We report a case of a 50-year-old man with history of
chronic diarrhea since 2 years, subsequently diagnosed as
hyperthyroidism, without a previous history of psoriasis,
developed a widespread, pin head pustular eruption on the
face and extremities 48 hours after starting carbimazole
for hyperthyroidism.His blood investigations revealed neu-
trophilic leucocytosis. The offending drug was stopped on
day 3 and the pustules subsided by day 5. He was started
on propylthiouracil instead of carbimazole, which he toler-
ated well. Patient refused skin biopsy and patch testing.
Carbimazole in the past has been associated with ANCA
associated vasculitis and vasculitic rash, urticaria, alopecia
and maculopapular rashes. Carbimazole causing AGEP is
not a common occurance. Only one case has been
reported till now by Grange-Prunier et al in an 83 year old
lady [2]. AGEP can often be confused with pustular psoria-
sis and clinical distinction between the two is difficult. His-
tologically the presence of spongiosis, eosinophilic
exocytosis, apoptotic keratinocytes and minimal acanthosis
may favor the diagnosis of AGEP [3], whilst the presence
of acanthosis and papillomatosis may support pustular
psoriasis.The most important finding is the disappearance
of the rashes with discontinuation of the drug.
AGEP is a self limmiting disease with generalised sterile
pustulosis. The clue to the diagnosis is the rapidity with
which it developes after starting a drug. The short time for
onset of lesions is thought to be due to previous sensitiza-
tion. The course is usually uneventful and the patient
usually recovers within few days of stopping the drug.
Written informed consent was obtained from the patient
for publication of this abstract and any accompanying
images. A copy of the written consent is available for
review by the Editor of this journal.
Authors details
Narayana Health Mazumdar Shaw Multispecialty Hospital, bangalore; India.
Narayana Health Mazumdar Shaw Multispecialty Hospital, internal medicine,
bangalore; India. 3
Narayana Health Mazumdar Shaw Multispecialty Hospital,
respiratory medicine, Bangalore, India.
Published: 11 March 2015
1. Pecina JL, Cappel MA: Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis.
Skinmed 2010, 8(4):210-214.
2. Grange-Prunier A, Roth B, Kleinclaus I, Fagot JP, Guillaume JC: Acute
generalized exanthematous pustulosis induced by carbimazole
(Neomercazole): first reported case and value of patch tests. Ann
Dermatol Venereol 2006, 133(8-9 Pt 1):708-10.
3. Speeckaert MM, Speeckaert R, Lambert J, Brochez L: Acute generalized
exanthematous pustulosis: an overview of the clinical, immunological
and diagnostic concepts. Eur. J. Dermatol 2010, 20(4):425-433.
Cite this article as: Kadambi et al.: Carbimazole induced acute
generalised exanthematous pustulosis. Clinical and Translational Allergy
2015 5(Suppl 1):P16.
Narayana Health Mazumdar Shaw Multispecialty Hospital, bangalore; India
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
Kadambi et al. Clinical and Translational Allergy 2015, 5(Suppl 1):P16
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