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                                                                                                                            12 & 13 March 2012

                                                                                                                            19 & 20 March 2012

                                                                                                                            22 & 23 March 2012

                                                                                                                            29 & 30 March 2012

                    Strategic Guidance on Carbon Accounting, Reporting & Pricing
Understand what will $23 a tonne on carbon mean for            Masterclass Leader
your business
                                                                                Andrew Gunst                               Understand
Whether your organisation is one of the top 500
greenhouse gas (GHG) emitters that the Federal
                                                                                President, Australian
                                                                                Institute of Environmental
to a carbon constrained economy is inevitable.
                                                                                CEO, Carbon Intelligence
Organisations need to prepare to operate in a market
environment which has a tax on carbon.
                                                                                Pty Ltd                                  Methodologies
                                                                                     Registered Greenhouse and
To determine and report an organisation’s carbon
liability, accountants need to understand more than
                                                                                     4"*,35'67-%)2,8'9#)*32,5':0'                 and
the fundamentals of what greenhouse gas emissions
consist of. They need to understand; how to prepare a
                                                                                     9#)*32,5';'=*$."%$#&'                Frameworks
carbon inventory, how carbon pricing schemes function,
                                                               Andrew Gunst has over twenty years of experience
                                                               in manufacturing and technology organisations                         of
                                                               in several countries, from startups to major
obligations, determine tax liabilities and balance sheet
                                                               corporations including Fosters and Brambles,                    Carbon
                                                               with a decade of experience at CEO level. He has
Accountants need to provide their organisation’s with          direct experience in carbon pollution measurement           Accounting
!"#"$%#&'()*+#,-(.%/0'1%(%2"'#"-'(),#)*3%$'&*#-*,(.%/'2"'      and reduction. Andrew is a Bachelor of Chemical
the carbon tax.                                                Engineering with Honours, Majoring in Environmental
                                                                                                                           & Reporting
This two day Masterclass provides practical guidance           a Master of Business Administration.
on the incoming mandatory carbon tax. Attendees
will start with the fundamentals of the Carbon tax,                             Bruno Gerrits
greenhouse gasses, reporting and abatement schemes,                             Senior Associate
and conclude with a How To on providing strategic                               Carbon intelligence
advice to CEOs and Boards.                                                      Bruno advises companies in
                                                                                Australia’s carbon industry on their
Learning objectives                                                             business and marketing plans. He
1. Learn Carbon Accounting international best practices,
                                                               and downstream on the markets infrastructure side,
   methodologies and standards                                 as a broker and as a counterparty.
2. Understand how to identify, categorise and calculate        Previous employers include Bureau Veritas, Australian
   greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions                              Climate Exchange and Icap. Prior to these roles,
:;+ + 1*,"#$%+056+,%$81(*+-&8+9$%'1(*+-%$+813$%$&(+.=(+-2*"+
    <                                                          Bruno spent eight years in Europe with various global
                                                               trading platforms including Thomson-Tradeweb and
    complement each other
4. Understand the Carbon Tax legislation                       With this combined background in carbon and in
5. Analyse various Carbon Trading concepts: spot and           trading services he is well placed to help Australian
   forward trades, OTC versus exchange trading                 organisations determine their potential exposure to the
                                                               carbon price and how to mitigate risk. Originally from
6. Understand the impact of Carbon Pricing on                  Belgium, Bruno holds a diploma in Applied Economics
   organisations                                               from Antwerp University, Belgium and a business
7. Evaluate business risks and opportunities in the low        degree from Loughborough University, England.
   carbon future;
8. Identify an organisation’s carbon management options          Group Discounts
                                                                 C+ + $71*($%+:+<$2$7-($*+-&8+%$,$1#$+-&+
9. Examining compliance obligations for Carbon Tax
                                                                 C+ + $71*($%+H+<$2$7-($*+-&8+%$,$1#$+-+
                                                                    5th pass for FREE

     Organized by
                                                                 www.aventedge.com                   Tel. 1300 857 431      Fax: 1300 857 432
Understand how to Integrate Carbon as a New Parameter Into Decision Making

Carbon Pricing is the New Reality                     Why all organisations need to attend this course
Regardless of whether your organisation is
required to comply with the Carbon Tax or not,
                                                      Even if your organisation is not directly participating in the
the price of carbon will play in increasingly
important role in investment and business
                                                      by the increase in price of input costs. The cost of energy
                                                                                                                           12 & 13
decisions.                                            but all companies need to understand which of their input
                                                      costs will increase and by how much.
                                                                                                                       March 2012
All senior executives need to understand the
fundamentals of the Carbon Tax, carbon and            This course will help you to clarify the actual cost increase
how carbon markets operate.                           on your upstream suppliers. It will demonstrate how to
                                                      analyse the extent that your suppliers can absorb the CEF
leaders, advisors, analysts, lawyers…those
                                                      Act and the pass through costs for your organisation.               19 & 20
who advise, analyse, prepare, report and need
to comply with the Carbon Tax…this two day              Interested in holding this course In-House?
                                                                                                                       March 2012
Masterclass will clarify the FACTS about how the
and how.
                                                        employees that would like to attend one of our
It will analyse the impact that the Carbon Tax
will have on companies, the options available to
                                                        For the equivalent cost of sending as small group,                22 & 23
                                                        you could run a tailored training course in-house,
them, including the retorting and payment cycles
under the CEF, how to manage carbon within
                                                        at your convenience and for up to 17 people!                   March 2012
supply chains and how to assess cost past               Advantages of in-house training!
through in modelling.
                                                        C+ ?"*(+$N,1$&(+O+P175$%+DQR
                                                        C+ + -12"%$8+,"=%*$+,"&($&(+-&8+0"%B.""B+'-($%1-2
1. Understand the impact that a price on carbon         C+ ?"&#$&1$&(                                                     29 & 30
   will have on your organisation
2. Analyse emission reduction strategies
                                                        C+ A%1#-($+-&8+,"&@8$&(1-2
                                                        Call us on 1300 857 431 for more information
                                                                                                                       March 2012
3. Consider carbon abatement options…in terms
   of risk mitigation and future opportunities
4. Evaluate carbon cost pass-through                    On completion of this Masterclass, participants
   arrangements                                         0122+.$+-.2$+("+,"&@8$&(26+-9926+,-%."&+
5. Role playing exercise: in an operational             accounting frameworks, and principles to account
   Carbon Market                                        for GHG emissions and abatement programs.
6. Understand the regulatory environment:
   including The National Greenhouse and                C+ + %7-&1*-(1"&-2+-&8+9%"S$,(K2$#$2+-,,"=&(1&7
   Energy Reporting Act (NGER), The Clean               C+ + %$-(1&7+,-%."&+1&#$&("%1$*+-&8+18$&(1@61&7+
   Energy Future Act (CEF)                                 appropriate greenhouse gas management
7. ?"&*18$%+5"0+("+8$@&$+(5$+*,"9$+"J+6"=%+1&K             approaches and standards
   house Carbon Accounting capability                   C+ + $2$#-&(+2",-24+&-(1"&-2+-&8+1&($%&-(1"&-2+
8. Appreciate various tax implications and                 emission regulation as well as voluntary
   balance sheet issues                                    opportunities

 Who should attend?
 Upon completion you will be prepared to actively engage in greenhouse gas management and accounting.
 Major Corporations                                    Public Sector
 CFO, Financial Controllers, Company Accountants       C+ + $%1@,-(1"&+"%7-&1*-(1"&*+-&8+8$*17&-($8+
 and Analysts… within the following sectors:              operational entities
 C+ D$*"=%,$+-&8+$/(%-,(1#$+1&8=*(%1$*++
 C+ R&J%-*(%=,(=%$+                                    C+ M22+2$#$2*+"J+7"#$%&'$&(
 C+ >&71&$$%1&7+                                       C+ M,-8$'1,+R&*(1(=(1"&*+
 C+ A"0$%+
 C+ Q12+U+!-*
 C+ ?5$'1,-2                                           Advisors
 C+ M7%1,=2(=%$
                                                       C+ M,,"=&(-&(*+
 C+ V-*($
 C+ W-&=J-,(=%1&7                                      C+ Z-0+L1%'*
 C+ I%-&*9"%(-(1"&                                     C+ ?"&*=2(-&(*+
 C+ D$&$0-.2$+>&$%76
 C+ RI                                                 C+ [=*(-1&-.121(6+M8#1*"%*+
 C+ L""8+U+X$#$%-7$                                    C+ >&#1%"&'$&(-2+-8#1*"%*
 C+ R&8=*(rial process sectors

www.aventedge.com              Tel. 1300 857 431       Fax: 1300 857 432
Understand which and how much input costs will increase due to the Carbon Tax

DAY ONE                                                       DAY TWO
9:30 What Is Carbon?
C+ + &8$%*(-&8+5"0+("+'$-*=%$+-&8+,-($7"%1*$+
                                                              9:00 Carbon Pricing impact on companies
                                                              C+ + 9(1"&*+-#-12-.2$+("+21-.2$+$&(1(1$*_+L"=%+0-6*+("+
   greenhouse gases                                              pay - Two vectors                                           12 & 13
C+ + =%9"*$+-&8+,"'9-%1*"&+"J+1&($%&-2+-&8+$/($%&-2+
   abatement using the Marginal abatement Curve (MAC
                                                              C+ + *(-.21*51&7+6"=%+%$9"%(1&7+-&8+9-6'$&(+,6,2$*+
                                                                 under the CEF                                           March 2012
   curve)                                                     C+ + -&-71&7+6"=%+,-%."&+J""(9%1&(+01(51&+6"=%+*=9926+
C+ + 1*,=**+056+,%$81(*+-&8+9$%'1(*+-%$+813$%$&(+-&8+
   <                                                             chain
   complement each other.                                     C+ + **$**1&7+9-**+(5%"=75+,"*(*_+Z?M+#*+R&9=(`Q=(9=(+
                                                                 M                                                          Sydney
C+ + 5$+T-(1"&-2+!%$$&5"=*$+-&8+>&$%76+D$9"%(1&7+M,(+
                                                                                                                            19 & 20
                                                              10:00 Morning Break
C+ I5$+?2$-&+>&$%76+L=(=%$+M,(+]?>L^
Carbon Trading Basic Concepts                                 10:30 Carbon Management Options: Emissions
                                                                                                                         March 2012
C+ + "0+1*+,-%."&+9%1,$8+-&8+05-(+-%$+(5$+9%1,1&7+%1*B*+("+
   P                                                                  Reductions Planning
C+ + $@&1&7+#"2=&(-%6+#$%*=*+,"'921-&,$+'-%B$(*4+
                                                              C+ <$#$2"91&7+-+9%1,1&7+$/-'92$
                                                              C+ + -1&+9%-,(1,-2+7=18-&,$+"&+5"+("+*$(+=9+6"=%+
   demand side versus supply side and primary market
   versus secondary market
                                                                 reduction projects
                                                              C+ +&($%9%$(1&7+(5$+W-%71&-2+M.-($'$&(+?=%#$+M=*(%-21-+
                                                                                                                            22 & 23
C+ + -*1,+(%-81&7+,"&,$9(*_+*9"(+-&8+J"%0-%8+(%-8$*4+
   OTC versus exchange trading
                                                                 2020                                                    March 2012
C+ + %-,(1,-2+%=2$*+"J+(5$+,-%."&+(%-81&7+'-%B$(_+
   A                                                          12:30 Lunch
   auctioning, grandfathering, banking and borrowing
Understanding How Global Carbon Markets
                                                              1:30 Carbon Trading Simulation
                                                              The Masterclass is split into teams of compliance
C+ + 5$%$+$2*$+5-*+,-%."&+.$$&+9%1,$8+51*("%1,-226+-&8+
                                                              .=6$%*+01(5+#-%1"=*+$'1**1"&*+9%"@2$*4+7"#$%&'$&(+            29 & 30
                                                              assistance, abatement and investment options. Teams
   where else is it being priced right now?
C+ + $-%&+5"0+(5$+72".-2+,-%."&+'-%B$(*+1&($%-,(+-&8+
                                                              then determine a course of action, how many permits        March 2012
                                                              to buy and at what price. Participants must negotiate
   how this will impact on the Australian situation
                                                              and acquire the required permits in consecutive trading
10:00 Morning Break                                           rounds. In each round new parameters are introduced
10:30 Carbon Pricing Impact on Australia                      such as new technology, government policies and
C+ M**$**+(5$+1'921,-(1"&*+"J+(-/+#$%*=*+(%-8$                economic circumstances.
C+ + 13$%$&(1-($+,-%."&+1'9"%(1&7+J%"'+$/9"%(1&7_+*"=%,$+
   <                                                          3:00 Afternoon Break
   or destination taxing
C+ A%-,(1,-2+,-*$+*(=86_+M=*(%-21-+#*+(5$+>=%"9$-&+&1"&      3:30 Roundtable discussions
Carbon Pricing in Australia                                   Following the trading simulation, the Masterclass will
C+ I5$+%"-8+("+(5$+?2$-&+>&$%76+L=(=%$+9-,B-7$                break up into small groups to discuss particular topics
C+ + #-2=-($+M=*(%-21-)*+$'1**1"&*+9%"@2$+1(*+9%"S$,($8+
   >                                                          at the forefront of delegates’ interests. It is an open
   emissions growth                                           format so delegates have the opportunity to sit down
                                                              one-on-one with the trainers to seek further elaboration
12:30 Lunch                                                   on the topics discussed or ask any question they seek
1:30 Australia’s Carbon Pricing Mechanism                     an answer on. Topics may include items such as:
1. Australia’s Clean Energy Future Act                        C+ I5$+?-%."&+L-%'1&7+R&1(1-(1#$
C+ <$($%'1&1&7+(5$+.-*1,+(%-81&7+%=2$*                        C+ + 5$+=(121*-(1"&+"J+1&($%&-(1"&-2+,%$81(*+("+-,51$#$+
C+ M&-26*1&7+(5$+(%$-('$&(+"J+J=$2                               emissions targets
C+ M**1*(-&,$+9%"#18$8+("+-(K%1*B+*$,("%*                     C+ + (121*1&7+WM?+,=%#$*+("+8$($%'1&$+$'1**1"&*+
2. Accounting, Reporting and Trading                             reductions projects
C+ + /-'1&1&7+(5$+%$7=2-("%6+'$,5-&1*'*+-&8+9"21,6+
                                                              5:00 End of Masterclass
C+ &8$%*(-&81&7+T!>D+9=%9"*$4+9%1&,192$*+-&8+21-.121(6
C+ + $($%'1&1&7+?>L+21-.121(6+J"%+"%7-&1*-(1"&+-&8+
C+ ?-%."&+A%1,1&7+'$,5-&1*'+7"#$%&-&,$+*(%=,(=%$
3:00 Afternoon Break
3:30 Integrating Carbon as a New Parameter Into
        Decision Making
C+ >*(-.21*51&7+'"&1("%1&7+-&8+%$9"%(1&7+*6*($'*+
C+ + $@&1&7+(5$+*,"9$+"J+6"=%+1&K5"=*$+?-%."&+
   Accounting capacity
C+ +&($%9%$(1&7+!P!+%$9"%(*+("+-**1*(+1&+*(%-($71,+
   R                                                           Group Discounts
   business planning.                                          C+ + $71*($%+:+<$2$7-($*+-&8+%$,$1#$+-&+$/(%-+
C+ ?-*$+*(=86_++8$,18$+051,5+*1($+("+,2"*$;+                      EFG+"3
C+ + 99%$,1-($+1'9"%(-&(+(-/+1'921,-(1"&*+-&8+.-2-&,$+
   M                                                           C+ + $71*($%+H+<$2$7-($*+-&8+%$,$1#$+-+a(5+9-**+
   sheet issues                                                   for FREE

5:00 End of Day One

www.aventedge.com                Tel. 1300 857 431            Fax: 1300 857 432
                                                                                                               Brisbane – 12 & 13 March 2012                          Perth – 22 & 23 March 2012
                                                                                                               Cliftons, 288 Edward Street,                           Cliftons Perth, Australia Place,
                                                                                                               Brisbane                                               Cnr William Street & St Georges
                                                                                                               Sydney – 19 & 20 March 2012                            Terrace (Enter at 15-17 William
                                                                                                               Cliftons, 190 George Street, Sydney                    Street) Perth
                                                                                                                                                                      Melbourne – 29 & 30 March 2012
                                                                                                                                                                      Cliftons, Level 1, 440 Collins Street,

                                                                                                                    REGISTER NOW - 5 EASY WAYS
DID YOU KNOW THAT THE GROUP DISCOUNTS COMPOUND ON                                                                           Call now on 1300 857 431
IQA+QL+IP>+>MDZbKXRD<+<R[?QTI+O+[Q+bQ+[MY>+WQD>ccc+                                                                       Fax this registration form to 1300 857 432
                                                                                                                            Mail this completed form together with payment to Aventedge at:
Group Discounts
                                                                                                                            PO Box 1654, North Sydney, NSW 2059
 ! D$71*($%+:+<$2$7-($*+-&8+%$,$1#$+-&+$/(%-+EFG+"3
 ! Register 4 Delegates and receive a 5th pass for FREE                                                                     Pay with your credit card online - visit: www.aventedge.com

    Standard Price                                   30 November                                31 December                                     31 January                          28 February
    $2,695                                                 $2,295                                    $2,395                                       $2,495                                 $2,595
    2 Delegates                                                                                                      Extra 5% OFF
    3 Delegates                                                                                                     Extra 10% OFF
    4 Delegates                                                                                          Receive a 5th Pass for FREE
    6 or more Delegates                                                                                                  25% OFF

All prices in AUD and include GST                                                                                                                                                   ABN: 68304874270

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Carbon Accounting Masterclass

  • 1. Brisbane 12 & 13 March 2012 Sydney 19 & 20 March 2012 Perth 22 & 23 March 2012 Melbourne 29 & 30 March 2012 Strategic Guidance on Carbon Accounting, Reporting & Pricing Understand what will $23 a tonne on carbon mean for Masterclass Leader your business Andrew Gunst Understand Whether your organisation is one of the top 500 greenhouse gas (GHG) emitters that the Federal President, Australian Institute of Environmental the !"#$%&'$&()*+,-%."&+(-/+0122+-3$,(+"%+&"(4+(5$+(%-&*1(1"&+ to a carbon constrained economy is inevitable. Accounting CEO, Carbon Intelligence Accounting Organisations need to prepare to operate in a market environment which has a tax on carbon. Pty Ltd Methodologies Registered Greenhouse and To determine and report an organisation’s carbon liability, accountants need to understand more than 4"*,35'67-%)2,8'9#)*32,5':0' and 9#)*32,5';'<2"'=*$."%$#&0' the fundamentals of what greenhouse gas emissions consist of. They need to understand; how to prepare a 9#)*32,5';'=*$."%$#&' Frameworks carbon inventory, how carbon pricing schemes function, -&-26*$+"3*$(+*(%-($71$*4+-85$%$+01(5+,"'921-&,$+ Andrew Gunst has over twenty years of experience in manufacturing and technology organisations of in several countries, from startups to major obligations, determine tax liabilities and balance sheet implications. corporations including Fosters and Brambles, Carbon with a decade of experience at CEO level. He has Accountants need to provide their organisation’s with direct experience in carbon pollution measurement Accounting !"#"$%#&'()*+#,-(.%/0'1%(%2"'#"-'(),#)*3%$'&*#-*,(.%/'2"' and reduction. Andrew is a Bachelor of Chemical the carbon tax. Engineering with Honours, Majoring in Environmental >&71&$$%1&74+1*+-+?$%(1@$8+A%-,(1,1&7+>&71&$$%4+-&8+1*+ & Reporting This two day Masterclass provides practical guidance a Master of Business Administration. on the incoming mandatory carbon tax. Attendees will start with the fundamentals of the Carbon tax, Bruno Gerrits greenhouse gasses, reporting and abatement schemes, Senior Associate and conclude with a How To on providing strategic Carbon intelligence advice to CEOs and Boards. Bruno advises companies in Australia’s carbon industry on their Learning objectives business and marketing plans. He 5-*+0"%B$8+=9*(%$-'+1&+,$%(1@,-(1"&+ 1. Learn Carbon Accounting international best practices, and downstream on the markets infrastructure side, methodologies and standards as a broker and as a counterparty. 2. Understand how to identify, categorise and calculate Previous employers include Bureau Veritas, Australian greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions Climate Exchange and Icap. Prior to these roles, :;+ + 1*,"#$%+056+,%$81(*+-&8+9$%'1(*+-%$+813$%$&(+.=(+-2*"+ < Bruno spent eight years in Europe with various global trading platforms including Thomson-Tradeweb and complement each other Bloomberg. 4. Understand the Carbon Tax legislation With this combined background in carbon and in 5. Analyse various Carbon Trading concepts: spot and trading services he is well placed to help Australian forward trades, OTC versus exchange trading organisations determine their potential exposure to the carbon price and how to mitigate risk. Originally from 6. Understand the impact of Carbon Pricing on Belgium, Bruno holds a diploma in Applied Economics organisations from Antwerp University, Belgium and a business 7. Evaluate business risks and opportunities in the low degree from Loughborough University, England. carbon future; 8. Identify an organisation’s carbon management options Group Discounts C+ + $71*($%+:+<$2$7-($*+-&8+%$,$1#$+-&+ D 9. Examining compliance obligations for Carbon Tax $/(%-+EFG+"3 participants. C+ + $71*($%+H+<$2$7-($*+-&8+%$,$1#$+-+ D 5th pass for FREE Organized by www.aventedge.com Tel. 1300 857 431 Fax: 1300 857 432
  • 2. Understand how to Integrate Carbon as a New Parameter Into Decision Making Carbon Pricing is the New Reality Why all organisations need to attend this course Regardless of whether your organisation is required to comply with the Carbon Tax or not, Even if your organisation is not directly participating in the ?2$-&+>&$%76+L=(=%$+M,(4+-22+"%7-&1*-(1"&*+0122+.$+-3$,($8+ Brisbane the price of carbon will play in increasingly important role in investment and business by the increase in price of input costs. The cost of energy 1*+(5$+'"*(+*17&1@,-&(+1&9=(+,"*(+("+'-&6+"%7-&1*-(1"&*+ 12 & 13 decisions. but all companies need to understand which of their input costs will increase and by how much. March 2012 All senior executives need to understand the fundamentals of the Carbon Tax, carbon and This course will help you to clarify the actual cost increase how carbon markets operate. on your upstream suppliers. It will demonstrate how to analyse the extent that your suppliers can absorb the CEF Sydney I-%7$($8+-(+*$&1"%+$/$,=(1#$*+-&8+@&-&,$+ leaders, advisors, analysts, lawyers…those Act and the pass through costs for your organisation. 19 & 20 who advise, analyse, prepare, report and need to comply with the Carbon Tax…this two day Interested in holding this course In-House? March 2012 Masterclass will clarify the FACTS about how the <"+6"=+5-#$+-+*9$,1@,+(%-1&1&7+&$$8+"%+7%"=9+"J+ &$0+?-%."&+I-/+0122+J=&,(1"&4+05"+1(+0122+-3$,(+ and how. employees that would like to attend one of our events? Perth It will analyse the impact that the Carbon Tax will have on companies, the options available to For the equivalent cost of sending as small group, 22 & 23 you could run a tailored training course in-house, them, including the retorting and payment cycles under the CEF, how to manage carbon within at your convenience and for up to 17 people! March 2012 supply chains and how to assess cost past Advantages of in-house training! through in modelling. Take-outs C+ ?"*(+$N,1$&(+O+P175$%+DQR C+ + -12"%$8+,"=%*$+,"&($&(+-&8+0"%B.""B+'-($%1-2 I Melbourne 1. Understand the impact that a price on carbon C+ ?"&#$&1$&( 29 & 30 will have on your organisation 2. Analyse emission reduction strategies C+ A%1#-($+-&8+,"&@8$&(1-2 Call us on 1300 857 431 for more information March 2012 3. Consider carbon abatement options…in terms of risk mitigation and future opportunities 4. Evaluate carbon cost pass-through On completion of this Masterclass, participants arrangements 0122+.$+-.2$+("+,"&@8$&(26+-9926+,-%."&+ 5. Role playing exercise: in an operational accounting frameworks, and principles to account Carbon Market for GHG emissions and abatement programs. Understand: 6. Understand the regulatory environment: including The National Greenhouse and C+ + %7-&1*-(1"&-2+-&8+9%"S$,(K2$#$2+-,,"=&(1&7 Q Energy Reporting Act (NGER), The Clean C+ + %$-(1&7+,-%."&+1&#$&("%1$*+-&8+18$&(1@61&7+ ? Energy Future Act (CEF) appropriate greenhouse gas management 7. ?"&*18$%+5"0+("+8$@&$+(5$+*,"9$+"J+6"=%+1&K approaches and standards house Carbon Accounting capability C+ + $2$#-&(+2",-24+&-(1"&-2+-&8+1&($%&-(1"&-2+ D 8. Appreciate various tax implications and emission regulation as well as voluntary balance sheet issues opportunities Who should attend? T"+*9$,1-2+($,5&1,-2+*B122*+-%$+&$,$**-%64+-2(5"=75+*"'$+=&8$%*(-&81&7+"J+,21'-($+,5-&7$+1*+.$&$@,1-2;+ Upon completion you will be prepared to actively engage in greenhouse gas management and accounting. Major Corporations Public Sector CFO, Financial Controllers, Company Accountants C+ + $%1@,-(1"&+"%7-&1*-(1"&*+-&8+8$*17&-($8+ Y and Analysts… within the following sectors: operational entities C+ D$*"=%,$+-&8+$/(%-,(1#$+1&8=*(%1$*++ C+ R&J%-*(%=,(=%$+ C+ M22+2$#$2*+"J+7"#$%&'$&( C+ >&71&$$%1&7+ C+ M,-8$'1,+R&*(1(=(1"&*+ C+ A"0$%+ C+ Q12+U+!-* C+ ?5$'1,-2 Advisors C+ M7%1,=2(=%$ C+ M,,"=&(-&(*+ C+ V-*($ C+ W-&=J-,(=%1&7 C+ Z-0+L1%'* C+ I%-&*9"%(-(1"& C+ ?"&*=2(-&(*+ C+ D$&$0-.2$+>&$%76 C+ RI C+ [=*(-1&-.121(6+M8#1*"%*+ C+ L""8+U+X$#$%-7$ C+ >&#1%"&'$&(-2+-8#1*"%* C+ R&8=*(rial process sectors www.aventedge.com Tel. 1300 857 431 Fax: 1300 857 432
  • 3. Understand which and how much input costs will increase due to the Carbon Tax DAY ONE DAY TWO 9:30 What Is Carbon? C+ + &8$%*(-&8+5"0+("+'$-*=%$+-&8+,-($7"%1*$+ 9:00 Carbon Pricing impact on companies C+ + 9(1"&*+-#-12-.2$+("+21-.2$+$&(1(1$*_+L"=%+0-6*+("+ Q Brisbane greenhouse gases pay - Two vectors 12 & 13 C+ + =%9"*$+-&8+,"'9-%1*"&+"J+1&($%&-2+-&8+$/($%&-2+ A abatement using the Marginal abatement Curve (MAC C+ + *(-.21*51&7+6"=%+%$9"%(1&7+-&8+9-6'$&(+,6,2$*+ > under the CEF March 2012 curve) C+ + -&-71&7+6"=%+,-%."&+J""(9%1&(+01(51&+6"=%+*=9926+ W C+ + 1*,=**+056+,%$81(*+-&8+9$%'1(*+-%$+813$%$&(+-&8+ < chain complement each other. C+ + **$**1&7+9-**+(5%"=75+,"*(*_+Z?M+#*+R&9=(`Q=(9=(+ M Sydney C+ + 5$+T-(1"&-2+!%$$&5"=*$+-&8+>&$%76+D$9"%(1&7+M,(+ I (NGER) Modelling 19 & 20 10:00 Morning Break C+ I5$+?2$-&+>&$%76+L=(=%$+M,(+]?>L^ Carbon Trading Basic Concepts 10:30 Carbon Management Options: Emissions March 2012 C+ + "0+1*+,-%."&+9%1,$8+-&8+05-(+-%$+(5$+9%1,1&7+%1*B*+("+ P Reductions Planning consider? C+ + $@&1&7+#"2=&(-%6+#$%*=*+,"'921-&,$+'-%B$(*4+ < C+ <$#$2"91&7+-+9%1,1&7+$/-'92$ C+ + -1&+9%-,(1,-2+7=18-&,$+"&+5"+("+*$(+=9+6"=%+ ! Perth demand side versus supply side and primary market versus secondary market reduction projects C+ +&($%9%$(1&7+(5$+W-%71&-2+M.-($'$&(+?=%#$+M=*(%-21-+ R 22 & 23 C+ + -*1,+(%-81&7+,"&,$9(*_+*9"(+-&8+J"%0-%8+(%-8$*4+ X OTC versus exchange trading 2020 March 2012 C+ + %-,(1,-2+%=2$*+"J+(5$+,-%."&+(%-81&7+'-%B$(_+ A 12:30 Lunch auctioning, grandfathering, banking and borrowing Understanding How Global Carbon Markets 1:30 Carbon Trading Simulation The Masterclass is split into teams of compliance Melbourne Interact C+ + 5$%$+$2*$+5-*+,-%."&+.$$&+9%1,$8+51*("%1,-226+-&8+ V .=6$%*+01(5+#-%1"=*+$'1**1"&*+9%"@2$*4+7"#$%&'$&(+ 29 & 30 assistance, abatement and investment options. Teams where else is it being priced right now? C+ + $-%&+5"0+(5$+72".-2+,-%."&+'-%B$(*+1&($%-,(+-&8+ Z then determine a course of action, how many permits March 2012 to buy and at what price. Participants must negotiate how this will impact on the Australian situation and acquire the required permits in consecutive trading 10:00 Morning Break rounds. In each round new parameters are introduced 10:30 Carbon Pricing Impact on Australia such as new technology, government policies and C+ M**$**+(5$+1'921,-(1"&*+"J+(-/+#$%*=*+(%-8$ economic circumstances. C+ + 13$%$&(1-($+,-%."&+1'9"%(1&7+J%"'+$/9"%(1&7_+*"=%,$+ < 3:00 Afternoon Break or destination taxing C+ A%-,(1,-2+,-*$+*(=86_+M=*(%-21-+#*+(5$+>=%"9$-&+&1"& 3:30 Roundtable discussions Carbon Pricing in Australia Following the trading simulation, the Masterclass will C+ I5$+%"-8+("+(5$+?2$-&+>&$%76+L=(=%$+9-,B-7$ break up into small groups to discuss particular topics C+ + #-2=-($+M=*(%-21-)*+$'1**1"&*+9%"@2$+1(*+9%"S$,($8+ > at the forefront of delegates’ interests. It is an open emissions growth format so delegates have the opportunity to sit down one-on-one with the trainers to seek further elaboration 12:30 Lunch on the topics discussed or ask any question they seek 1:30 Australia’s Carbon Pricing Mechanism an answer on. Topics may include items such as: 1. Australia’s Clean Energy Future Act C+ I5$+?-%."&+L-%'1&7+R&1(1-(1#$ C+ <$($%'1&1&7+(5$+.-*1,+(%-81&7+%=2$* C+ + 5$+=(121*-(1"&+"J+1&($%&-(1"&-2+,%$81(*+("+-,51$#$+ I C+ M&-26*1&7+(5$+(%$-('$&(+"J+J=$2 emissions targets C+ M**1*(-&,$+9%"#18$8+("+-(K%1*B+*$,("%* C+ + (121*1&7+WM?+,=%#$*+("+8$($%'1&$+$'1**1"&*+ 2. Accounting, Reporting and Trading reductions projects C+ + /-'1&1&7+(5$+%$7=2-("%6+'$,5-&1*'*+-&8+9"21,6+ > 5:00 End of Masterclass frameworks C+ &8$%*(-&81&7+T!>D+9=%9"*$4+9%1&,192$*+-&8+21-.121(6 C+ + $($%'1&1&7+?>L+21-.121(6+J"%+"%7-&1*-(1"&+-&8+ < management C+ ?-%."&+A%1,1&7+'$,5-&1*'+7"#$%&-&,$+*(%=,(=%$ 3:00 Afternoon Break 3:30 Integrating Carbon as a New Parameter Into Decision Making C+ >*(-.21*51&7+'"&1("%1&7+-&8+%$9"%(1&7+*6*($'*+ C+ + $@&1&7+(5$+*,"9$+"J+6"=%+1&K5"=*$+?-%."&+ < Accounting capacity C+ +&($%9%$(1&7+!P!+%$9"%(*+("+-**1*(+1&+*(%-($71,+ R Group Discounts business planning. C+ + $71*($%+:+<$2$7-($*+-&8+%$,$1#$+-&+$/(%-+ D C+ ?-*$+*(=86_++8$,18$+051,5+*1($+("+,2"*$;+ EFG+"3 C+ + 99%$,1-($+1'9"%(-&(+(-/+1'921,-(1"&*+-&8+.-2-&,$+ M C+ + $71*($%+H+<$2$7-($*+-&8+%$,$1#$+-+a(5+9-**+ D sheet issues for FREE 5:00 End of Day One www.aventedge.com Tel. 1300 857 431 Fax: 1300 857 432
  • 4. REGISTRATION FORM Brisbane – 12 & 13 March 2012 Perth – 22 & 23 March 2012 Cliftons, 288 Edward Street, Cliftons Perth, Australia Place, Brisbane Cnr William Street & St Georges Sydney – 19 & 20 March 2012 Terrace (Enter at 15-17 William Cliftons, 190 George Street, Sydney Street) Perth Melbourne – 29 & 30 March 2012 Cliftons, Level 1, 440 Collins Street, Melbourne REGISTER NOW - 5 EASY WAYS info@aventedge.com DID YOU KNOW THAT THE GROUP DISCOUNTS COMPOUND ON Call now on 1300 857 431 IQA+QL+IP>+>MDZbKXRD<+<R[?QTI+O+[Q+bQ+[MY>+WQD>ccc+ Fax this registration form to 1300 857 432 Mail this completed form together with payment to Aventedge at: Group Discounts PO Box 1654, North Sydney, NSW 2059 ! D$71*($%+:+<$2$7-($*+-&8+%$,$1#$+-&+$/(%-+EFG+"3 ! Register 4 Delegates and receive a 5th pass for FREE Pay with your credit card online - visit: www.aventedge.com Standard Price 30 November 31 December 31 January 28 February $2,695 $2,295 $2,395 $2,495 $2,595 2 Delegates Extra 5% OFF 3 Delegates Extra 10% OFF 4 Delegates Receive a 5th Pass for FREE 6 or more Delegates 25% OFF All prices in AUD and include GST ABN: 68304874270 DELEGATE AND COMPANY DETAILS RESEARCHED AND ORGANISED BY 1 2 Name: ......................................................... Name: ......................................................... M#$&($87$+1*+-+9%"#18$%+"J+.=*1&$**+1&J"%'-(1"&+"3$%1&7+ timely conferences and workshops. Celebrated for Job title: ...................................................... Job title: ...................................................... its structured research benchmarks and for being produced by sector-specialists, we guarantee you gain Tel: .............................................................. 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Aventedge takes due care and diligence in producing Tel: .............................................................. Tel: .............................................................. its products. However, given circumstances beyond its control, Aventedge reserves the right to change any Email: ......................................................... conference programme without notice. Email: ......................................................... TERMS & CONDITIONS Travel & Accommodation Company name:................................................................................................................... Delegates are responsible for the arrangement and payment of their own travel and accommodation. We have arranged a special room rate for delegates at a Contact person: ................................................................................................................... number of hotels. Please contact us for further details. Cancellations Tel: ....................................................................................................................................... Should you be unable to attend, a substitute delegate is welcome at no additional charge. Alternatively a full refund, less a $250 service charge, will be made for Email: ................................................................................................................................... cancellations received in writing up to 28 days prior to the event. Regrettably no refunds can be made less Address: .............................................................................................................................. than 28 days prior to the event, however, you may receive a voucher to use on a event in the future to the same or lesser value. Non-payment or non-attendance ............................................................................................................................................. does not constitute cancellation. If, for any reason, ‘Aventedge’ decides to cancel or postpone this conference, ‘Aventedge’ is not responsible for covering PAYMENT METHODS consequential costs’ (airfare, hotel, or other travel costs) incurred by clients. Data Protection ! Bank Transfers_+]92$-*$+(1,B+O+0$+0122+*$&8+6"=+8$(-12*+1&+(5$+1&#"1,$^ If you are receiving multiple mailings or you would like us to change any of your details, or remove your name ! Credit Card_+A2$-*$+#1*1(+000;-#$&($87$;,"'`5%2'`+("+9-6+01(5+6"=%+,%$81(+,-%8 from our database, please contact us a 1300 857 431 or email compliance@Aventedge.com ! Cheque: Mail your cheque to: PO Box 1654, North Sydney, NSW 2059 Please quote CARB and your company name when making payment. VIP CODE: