Carbon nanotubes were discovered in 1991 and come in two main types: single-walled and multi-walled. They have a unique cylindrical structure that gives them remarkable electronic, thermal, and structural properties depending on their structure. There are several methods for synthesizing carbon nanotubes, such as arc discharge, chemical vapor deposition, and laser ablation, each with their own advantages and disadvantages related to yield, purity, and scalability. Carbon nanotubes have many potential applications due to their low density, high strength, and ability to conduct heat and electricity well. However, they are also very expensive to produce and questions remain about their environmental and health impacts.
3. • Carbon Nanotubes, long, thin cylinders of carbon, were
discovered in 1991 by Sumio Lijima.
• Unique size, shape, and remarkable physical properties.
• Very broad range of electronic, thermal, and structural
properties that change depending on the different kinds of
9. • A carbon nanotube
contains another
nanotube inside it (the
inner nanotube has a
smaller diameter than
the outer nanotube)
Parchment Model
• A single graphene sheet is
rolled around itself
multiple times, resembling
a rolled up scroll of paper
11. Technique Arc Discharge CVD Laser Ablation
Yield 30 to 90 % 20 to 100 % Up to 70 %
Advantages  SWNT’s with
few defects
 MWNTs without
 Relatively
 Open air
 Easiest to scale
 Simple process
 Long length
 SWNT diameter
is controllable
 Quite pure
 Primarily
SWNTs with
good diameter
control and few
 Quite pure
Disadvantages o Randomly short
tube sizes and
o Often needs
o Usually MWNTs
o Often riddled
with defects
o Costly
because of
o High power
12. • Low Density
• High Tensile Strength
• High Resillence
• High Current Carrying Capacity
• High Heat Transmission
• High Temperature Stability
• High Cost [Sorting, Purification]