The document proposes the creation of the Cardiotec Institute, a medical center focused on applying new technologies to cardiology. It includes sections on introducing the goals of the project, providing basic concepts in cardiology, outlining the planning, submitting a letter of application, presenting the budget, discussing advertising and leaflets, showing 5 interviews conducted, and inviting questions on any part of the proposal.
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Cardiotec institute
1. Cardiotec Institute
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Isabel Abell叩n Olmo
Patricia Herrera Valero
Elisa Lilian Jim辿nez Moya
5. Basic concepts
A little introduction to basic concepts in cardiology such as surgeries,
different illnesses and other stuff related, essential to understand our
interest to carry this project out and also the interviews shown later.
8. Letter of application
Granada, October 10th 2011
D ear M r M ayor,
W e are writing to you in order to apply the relevant assignment or grant to acquire the land
necessary to carry out "C ardiotec I nstitute" which is building a medical center based on
new technologies applied to cardiology, in turn of making a treatment center for patients suffering
from diseases to which we can offer a solution.
T he land requested should be in the surroundings of C ampus de la Salud in Granada, in order to be
in constant contact and cooperation with the H ospital located there.
T he proj also Genyo located there as well, assist in our investigations.
W ith no other reason, we salute you with consideration.
T he proj manager
9. Budget
Material resources
-Building (valued according to the national media)..400.000,00
-Institutes equipment
(This number is based on different budgets we found, from hospitals of similar sizes to
ours. To itemize it would be almost impossible.)
10. Human resources
Two facts to care about:
- The building is almost ended up when we acquire it, so we dont have to include
salaries for building workers or carriers added.
- The staff there would be around 214 people. Those workers would have a different
salary depending on their task, itemize this way:
-Doctors (30).57.600, 00 per
-RGN (70)22.680, 00 per
-Anaesthetists (7)..78.000, 00 per
-Surgeon (10)79.000, 00 per
-Operating theatres assistants (25)..25.000, 00 per person/year
-Receptionists (7)14.400, 00 per person/
11. Institutional resources
This part is a little bit difficult to explain, just because the only stuff given would be labs
These projects, known in the whole country or continent, are so relevant so many
companies and enterprises are up to provide their last advanced technology. Their
main reason tends to be to advertise themselves.
Some companies collaborating with us are: Philips, Samsung, Emsor, Maquet,
Berchtold and Dr辰ger.
Because of this, equipment its very difficult to value not even approximately.
So, in the first year including the material needed would be 2 0 . 3 18 . 4 0 5 , 0 0
22. Questions & Suggestions
Now is your turn to ask about every concept that was not clear for you
during the all explanation or just something you are curious about.
Please don卒t hesitate, even if you think your doubt is useless or stupid,
because maybe others have them too.