Cards Against Humanity is a popular card game where players match question and answer cards to be as inappropriate or offensive as possible. It was developed in 2009 among friends and launched on Kickstarter in 2010, raising 400% of its funding goal. Though estimated to have made $12 million profit by 2014, the company prioritizes humor over profits, as seen in their "anti-sale" for Black Friday that year where they intentionally raised prices. Continued expansion packs and a new game have kept the company relevant through humor and vision rather than direct competition.
3. Financials
May of 2014, estimated $12 million profit
PDF downloaded 1.5 million times
Black Friday anti-sale
4. Anyone can do a sale for Black Friday, but nobody but us could get
away with raising their prices and risking a ton of sales just to make a joke.
- Max Temkin
5. History
Developed for New Years 2009 among friends
Kickstarted December 1, 2010
400% pledged by January 2011
June 2011, #1 game on Amazon
7. Secret Sauce
To me a 'company' seems to be something with cost-benefit analysis, and
that tries to make a profit at every turn. Our main priority is to be funny
and to have people like us.
- Max Temkin
8. Story Time
10 Days or whatever of Kwanzaa
Black Friday 2014