This document discusses factors to consider when choosing a career, including definitions of career and the different theories of career choice. It outlines six stages of a career path and six common reasons for making a career change. The document also lists and debunks ten common myths about choosing a career, emphasizing that career selection is a complex process that requires self-reflection and research rather than following simplistic assumptions. Overall, the key information provided relates to understanding the various internal and external influences on career decisions over the course of one's working life.
2. Career is defined by the
Oxford English Dictionary as
A person's
"course or progress through life
(or a distinct portion of life)".
It also includes occupation or a profession that usually
involves special training or formal education
and is considered to be a persons lifework.
3. Let's look at what factors go into choosing a career :
8. 6 Reasons to Make a Career Change
You Want to Earn
More Money
You Find Your
Work Boring
The Job Outlook in
Your Field Has
Your Job is
Too Stressful
You Are
Experiencing Job
Your Life Has
9. Ten Myths About Choosing a Career
1. Choosing a career is simple
2. A career counselor can tell me what occupation to pick
3. I can't make a living from my hobby
4. I should choose a career from a "Best Careers" list
5. Making a lot of money will make me happy
6. Once I choose a career I'll be stuck in it forever
7. If I change careers my skills will go to waste
8. If my best friend (or sister, uncle, or neighbor) is happy in a particular field, I will be too
9. All I have to do is pick an occupation... Things will fall into place after that
10. There's very little I can do to learn about an occupation without actually working in it