Spoke internally this week about my career and getting into Creative strategy.
After talking about it all out loud and answering a few questions it made me reflect on a few key observations.
Tweeted those thoughts.... but they're better as slides and it's been a while since publishing a 狠狠撸share.
2. GAP
Show up on time.
Do the work.
Get on with people.
Setting a good foundation for ‘work’
3. The peak of UK magazine sales.
The early 00s.
A chapped named Mark (not me) talked of growth in ‘digital’ ‘websites’ ‘tablets.
They’ll become a threat to the magazine business.
He was there to help future proof.
Very few listened.
Many of those magazines no longer exist.
I’ve always remembered him and those talented smart naysayers.
4. Learnt the most about counter culture and
contemporary design rules and language
sitting within the oldest of those companies*
*doesn’t mean I knew / know how to use it :)
5. The grass isn’t always greener.
Industry headlines and coverage can be filtered thirst traps.
6. Job titles are mostly designated labels to help others
understand where you sit and what you’re there for.
These labels don’t always have to define what you do or the
value you give or take.
7. You never know who is watching and when
a brilliant job offer might show up.
8. The best briefs and work are not always with the biggest most sexy or exciting companies.
9. Work can be fun.
And if you’re genuinely having fun, savour that moment.