Alex Diaz is considering career paths in neurology and pharmacy. For neurology, Alex is interested in studying the brain and its workings, and views the required internship as an opportunity to shadow professionals in the field. For pharmacy, Alex sees an appeal in applying science knowledge to help patients, and finds the interaction with people and role in curing illness through substances engaging. Pharmacy is also noted as a well-paying career option.
• Neurology would be a good fit for me because I love biology and psychology
• I am very interested at studying the brain and how it works
• To become a neurologist you have to take part in an internship which would be very
cool because shadowing a professional and getting paid for doing something you are
interested in would be a good experience
• A pharmacist would be a good choice for me also because it involves lots of science,
chemistry and biology
• I am good with people so I would be good at talking to patients
• I am fascinated about how certain substances can make people better and cure
• It is a well paying job