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Careers in Chemistry Jobs and Opportunties for  Chemists
Biochemists Study chemical processes and chemical transformations in living organisms. This includes biological process, the effects of chemicals to living organisms, food, and drugs. They could be researchers in biotechnology laboratories. They could also work in the medical field, food and drug industry, agriculture and for health agencies.
Analytical Chemists Analytical chemists typically use a diverse range of methods to investigate the chemical nature of substances. They identify and understand the substance and how it behaves in different conditions. The techniques are more on measurement and quantifying materials then observing effects and behavior.
Analytical Chemists Analytical chemists may be involved in : chemical or forensic analysis process development product validation quality control toxicology drug formulation and development
Analytical Chemists
Forensic Chemists They apply chemistry in law enforcement, solving crimes and even in failure of products and process where substances are involved. They also help in the sequencing of events in a crime or incident by checking the remains of materials.
Forensic Chemists Some techniques in Forensic Science where chemistry is applied: DNA Tests, Paraffin Tests (Gunshot Residue) Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (used in identifying unknown substances, fire and explosives investigation, and drug detection) Luminol Chemiluminescence (Blood traces)
Forensic Chemists
Inorganic Chemists Conduct researches on substances that do not have carbon (inorganic compounds). They are more on metals, salts, bases and inorganic acids. Inorganic compounds are mostly salts and they are naturally synthesize in the environment without the intervention of a living organism.
Inorganic Chemists The nature of their work is more on manufacturing and industry of metals, inorganic chemicals and minerals. Innovations of their work contributes more on factories, construction materials and in industrial settings.
Organic Chemists Conduct researches on carbon based substances, hydrocarbons and their derivatives. Usually these substances are related to living organisms. Substances may be derived or have resemblance to substances found in life forms. Organic compounds油are structurally diverse.  The range of application of organic  compounds is enormous.
Organic Chemists They work more on innovations of food and drugs as well as in producing materials from organic substances. A larger scope is working in the medical field where in organic matter is involved. They also contribute in agriculture and livestock industries.
Physical Chemists Conduct researches about the behavior and physical properties of matter. They are more on observing the physics (radiation, motion and different forms of energy) of matter. They observe matter in an atomic level dealing with particles.
Physical Chemists Their usually employed in nuclear power plants. Their researches contributes in improving technology and products. They do the theoretical explanations and calculations to be applied in a certain technology.  They also perform experiments for these cases.
Physical Chemists
Chemical Engineer They work in the chemical industry taking part of the conversion of raw materials to  commercial chemicals, materials and substances.  They apply Physics and Chemistry in creating machineries and in the development of processes of converting materials to something valuable.
Chemical Engineer
Pharmacists  They are Health Professionals wherein they are more involved with pharmaceutical drugs. They measure and dispense medicines and see to it that they are appropriate for the patient. They also orient and give instructions on the proper usage and effects of a certain drug. They are now also involved in research and  improvements of medicines.
Other Careers Chemical Technician  Works under a supervision of a Chemist. They maintain the apparatuses and chemicals related to chemical laboratory work. Industrial Research Chemist  Searches for improving products and gadgets that involves chemicals and chemical processes.
References http://portal.acs.org Wikipedia.org About.com http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos049.htm  (Bureau of Labor Statistics: United States Department of Labor) Google Search

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Careers in chemistry

  • 1. Careers in Chemistry Jobs and Opportunties for Chemists
  • 2. Biochemists Study chemical processes and chemical transformations in living organisms. This includes biological process, the effects of chemicals to living organisms, food, and drugs. They could be researchers in biotechnology laboratories. They could also work in the medical field, food and drug industry, agriculture and for health agencies.
  • 4. Analytical Chemists Analytical chemists typically use a diverse range of methods to investigate the chemical nature of substances. They identify and understand the substance and how it behaves in different conditions. The techniques are more on measurement and quantifying materials then observing effects and behavior.
  • 5. Analytical Chemists Analytical chemists may be involved in : chemical or forensic analysis process development product validation quality control toxicology drug formulation and development
  • 7. Forensic Chemists They apply chemistry in law enforcement, solving crimes and even in failure of products and process where substances are involved. They also help in the sequencing of events in a crime or incident by checking the remains of materials.
  • 8. Forensic Chemists Some techniques in Forensic Science where chemistry is applied: DNA Tests, Paraffin Tests (Gunshot Residue) Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (used in identifying unknown substances, fire and explosives investigation, and drug detection) Luminol Chemiluminescence (Blood traces)
  • 10. Inorganic Chemists Conduct researches on substances that do not have carbon (inorganic compounds). They are more on metals, salts, bases and inorganic acids. Inorganic compounds are mostly salts and they are naturally synthesize in the environment without the intervention of a living organism.
  • 11. Inorganic Chemists The nature of their work is more on manufacturing and industry of metals, inorganic chemicals and minerals. Innovations of their work contributes more on factories, construction materials and in industrial settings.
  • 12. Organic Chemists Conduct researches on carbon based substances, hydrocarbons and their derivatives. Usually these substances are related to living organisms. Substances may be derived or have resemblance to substances found in life forms. Organic compounds油are structurally diverse. The range of application of organic compounds is enormous.
  • 13. Organic Chemists They work more on innovations of food and drugs as well as in producing materials from organic substances. A larger scope is working in the medical field where in organic matter is involved. They also contribute in agriculture and livestock industries.
  • 14. Physical Chemists Conduct researches about the behavior and physical properties of matter. They are more on observing the physics (radiation, motion and different forms of energy) of matter. They observe matter in an atomic level dealing with particles.
  • 15. Physical Chemists Their usually employed in nuclear power plants. Their researches contributes in improving technology and products. They do the theoretical explanations and calculations to be applied in a certain technology. They also perform experiments for these cases.
  • 17. Chemical Engineer They work in the chemical industry taking part of the conversion of raw materials to commercial chemicals, materials and substances. They apply Physics and Chemistry in creating machineries and in the development of processes of converting materials to something valuable.
  • 19. Pharmacists They are Health Professionals wherein they are more involved with pharmaceutical drugs. They measure and dispense medicines and see to it that they are appropriate for the patient. They also orient and give instructions on the proper usage and effects of a certain drug. They are now also involved in research and improvements of medicines.
  • 21. Other Careers Chemical Technician Works under a supervision of a Chemist. They maintain the apparatuses and chemicals related to chemical laboratory work. Industrial Research Chemist Searches for improving products and gadgets that involves chemicals and chemical processes.
  • 22. References http://portal.acs.org Wikipedia.org About.com http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos049.htm (Bureau of Labor Statistics: United States Department of Labor) Google Search