Need help navigating the Carlton Community Website? We've compiled a quick user guide for community members, which includes step-by-step instructions on how to submit an events listing in the site's What's On section or organisation listing in the Community Directory.
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Carlton Community Website user guide for community members
12. Submit your own event
Step 1: Access the “What’s on” tab on the main
menu and select “Submit an Event”
13. Step 2: You will be brought to the “Add Event” page.
Fill in the necessary ?elds with details of the event.
14. Step 3: The location of your event is important and
you should be prompted with an address or location
whilst you are typing. This address will generate a
map for the display of your event when it is approved.
Note: All ?elds marked with an *asterisk are compulsory for the event to be submitted.
15. Step 4: Upload an event photo so that users are able to get a
better idea of what your event is about.
Step 5: Once all the details have been entered
correctly, you will be able to submit this event by
click on the “Submit Event” button.
18. Submit a directory listing
Step 1: In the Community Directory page,
click on “Submit a Listing”.
19. Step 2: Select the category that your listing comes
under from the drop-down bar and then select
“Continue”. If your listing doesn’t come under any of the
listed genres, you may select “General” and send an
email to request for a new category to be created.
Step 3: You will be prompted to ?ll in
more details for the listing. Items that are
required have an asterisk next to them
20. Step 4: The next step involves uploading an
image to represent the listing. It is advised
that you do so, this is to ensure consistency
in the website listings as well as to improve
the clarity of the listing.
Step 5: Once you have uploaded an image it should prompt you to
let you know that the process is complete. An email will also be sent
to the person to let them know that their listing has been submitted.