My ideas on archaeocosmology. Part one: about archaeography and Maeshowe. Part two is about Treasury of Atreus (a different slide show: /vreijs1/carnac-second03 ).
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Archaeocosmology. Part one: Archaeography and Maeshowe
2. Who am I...
In 1996, I started with Scottish monuments (incl. Maeshowe,
Measured azimuth of the Dutch and German passage graves
Using the Moon, I simulated the Sun of 5000 years ago inside
Newgrange, Ireland
Observed/broadcasted the winter solstice at Maeshowe
Observed/broadcasted the 2006 major standstill limit at
Calanais, Lewis, Scotland
Equinox observations at Treasury of Atreus, Mycenae, Greece
Measured azimuths of Minoan graves, Crete
I am a numbers and observational person; and I like the
scientific approach
I am learning the magical, mystical; and artistic ways of live
4. Archaeography
Formulated by Tom Graves and
Liz Poray-Wilczynska
A method to get a feel for the Spirit of Place
Allowing subjective responses to the past
Experiencing it in the Place
Interaction of Place, time and mind.
5. Archaeography
Allow both mechanical/scientific and
aesthetic experiences
Look at experiences in different ways:
Value and/or Truth
Outer/Objective and/or Inner/Subjective
This gives four roles...
17. Magician
Was it used for:
geometry (3:4:5)?...
predicting eclipses?...
knowing the seasons?...
learning what was in the
19. What time does?
We dont know if our present day thinking
was true and/or valued by former people.
Each epoch has its own truths/values
In Neolithic times the same roles existed,
but they might be totally different.
Even closely related cultures dont have to
have the same truths/values. They can, but
it is not law!
Restriction reduces the wealth of
23. Maeshowe
a neolithic cairn
Build around 2800 BCE
A virtual world of landscape, sun and
monument was made:
first using spreadsheet and later 3D world
This led to re-discovery of reappearing light
in chamber
26. Astronomy aware
3D world
3D landscape
(Neolithic) monuments
Movements of the Moon and the Sun
aim: from 3000 BCE until now
Web accessible: using VRML
Unique in its kind
27. Ring of Brodgar, Watchstone, Standing stones of Stenness,
Maeshowe, Barnhouse Stone, etc.
3D landscape around Maeshowe
Nov. 29th, 2000