Gugulethu residents protest Mzoli and his underhanded business practicesantieviction
Gugulethu residents to protest against new Mall backed the famous Mzoli and Old Mutual.
Gugulethu AEC demands that:
1.The community is meaningfully consulted about the shopping centre.
2.All informal traders are guaranteed space to conduct their business
3.Mzoli immediately ends his intimidation of residents.
Gugulethu Backyarders march on MEC\'s homeantieviction
While attempting to occupy vacant land in Gugulethu (see statement below), residents were interrupted by over 50 police officers who, at gun point, illegally stole residents’ building materials and threatened to attack residents if they resisted. Angry about the situation, residents decided to march on Housing MEC Whitey Jacob’s home in the upscale Malunga Park area of Gugulethu.
Gugulethu residents protest Mzoli and his underhanded business practicesantieviction
Gugulethu residents to protest against new Mall backed the famous Mzoli and Old Mutual.
Gugulethu AEC demands that:
1.The community is meaningfully consulted about the shopping centre.
2.All informal traders are guaranteed space to conduct their business
3.Mzoli immediately ends his intimidation of residents.
Gugulethu Backyarders march on MEC\'s homeantieviction
While attempting to occupy vacant land in Gugulethu (see statement below), residents were interrupted by over 50 police officers who, at gun point, illegally stole residents’ building materials and threatened to attack residents if they resisted. Angry about the situation, residents decided to march on Housing MEC Whitey Jacob’s home in the upscale Malunga Park area of Gugulethu.
1) is a Croatian bookshop that ran a mobile promotional campaign using RenzooPush technology to promote their online store and increase brand awareness.
2) The campaign asked participants to recommend the bookstore to 5 friends via text message in order to receive a surprise book. Over 2000 people opted in and over 400 sent recommendations.
3) The campaign was successful in getting the bookstore's name out to many new people and in acquiring contact information for future campaigns, though some participants felt they should have had a choice in the book received.
The tanks roll in: Symphony Way terrorised by the police - again!antieviction
On October 29th, the city\'s Land Invation Unit along with the Metro Police, Law Enforcement and SAPS invaded Symphony Way Informal Settlement once again. Residents have already been shot by rubber bullets, pepper sprayed, have had their homes destroyed and countless other incidents of intimidation. This time, police came in to open a road that their bosses have officially closed with the simple objective of terrorising residents.
Residents of a neighborhood met to discuss moving forward as police surrounded and locked down the area. The meeting came after rising tensions in the community. Residents sought solutions and common ground while authorities imposed tight security measures on the neighborhood.
Police began evicting over 4,000 residents from their homes in Delft using private security and police officers. As residents peacefully protested the removal of their belongings, police opened fire on the crowd without warning, injuring around 20 people including women, children, and a 3-year-old baby who was shot twice. Doctors refused treatment to victims for hours as security forces surrounded the area and intimidated residents.
This document outlines a proposed study that would examine the effects of supplementary aural exercises via podcasts on students' acquisition of Spanish prepositions. It describes the research questions, methodology, participants, study design, and conclusions. The study would involve undergraduate Spanish students being divided into experimental and control groups, with the experimental groups listening to podcasts and completing written activities in addition to their regular coursework. Both groups would take pre- and post-tests involving cloze activities to measure their knowledge of prepositions. The document discusses challenges with implementing the study and limitations that may arise.