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12 november | december 2015
alabama insider
The gift of music is a beautiful one and should be shared.
Unfortunately, many of us cannot carry a tune, and are left
cringing at the sound of our family members confidently
bellowing out each wrong note into our ear.The Christmas
Carolers, Inc., is an a cappella group that performs through-
out the state of Alabama and beyond. Started in 1996, the
group has roots in Birmingham and has paved its way as
the first nationwide holiday entertainment company, with
locations as far away as NewYork and California.
Adults and children alike can enjoy the peaceful, soothing
music from the quartets expansive song list ranging from the
traditional AngelsWe Have Heard on High to the cheekier
Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer.The carolers
Victorian-style costumes add to the old-fashioned charm.
Most carolers come in an SATB quartet (Soprano,Alto,
Tenor, Base), typically with two women and two men.
We can accommodate any event, large or small, says
Kenyon Ross, president of The Christmas Carolers, Inc.
We have had restaurateurs hire larger groups to meander
from table to table, we have corporations who request the
standard quartet to add that special ambience to a holiday
party, and of course we have people who hire us to come
to their homes and neighborhoods to create the special
memories for their families and children.	
The holiday calendar can fill up fast, Ross notes, with
some organizations booking as far as a year in advance.
However, we will do everything we can to accommodate
all holiday bookings, says Ross. Carolers typically run $100
per singer, per hour. For more information or to submit an
inquiry, visit thechristmascarolers.com.
Text by Elizabeth Yontz
The Christmas Carolers

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  • 1. 12 november | december 2015 alabama insider The gift of music is a beautiful one and should be shared. Unfortunately, many of us cannot carry a tune, and are left cringing at the sound of our family members confidently bellowing out each wrong note into our ear.The Christmas Carolers, Inc., is an a cappella group that performs through- out the state of Alabama and beyond. Started in 1996, the group has roots in Birmingham and has paved its way as the first nationwide holiday entertainment company, with locations as far away as NewYork and California. Adults and children alike can enjoy the peaceful, soothing music from the quartets expansive song list ranging from the traditional AngelsWe Have Heard on High to the cheekier Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer.The carolers Victorian-style costumes add to the old-fashioned charm. Most carolers come in an SATB quartet (Soprano,Alto, Tenor, Base), typically with two women and two men. We can accommodate any event, large or small, says Kenyon Ross, president of The Christmas Carolers, Inc. We have had restaurateurs hire larger groups to meander from table to table, we have corporations who request the standard quartet to add that special ambience to a holiday party, and of course we have people who hire us to come to their homes and neighborhoods to create the special memories for their families and children. The holiday calendar can fill up fast, Ross notes, with some organizations booking as far as a year in advance. However, we will do everything we can to accommodate all holiday bookings, says Ross. Carolers typically run $100 per singer, per hour. For more information or to submit an inquiry, visit thechristmascarolers.com. Text by Elizabeth Yontz The Christmas Carolers