Carolina Housing is facing declining occupancy rates as more students choose to live off-campus. While Carolina Housing has made improvements like renovating dorms and creating single rooms, students are still drawn to cheaper rent, closer proximity to Franklin Street, and the independence of living off-campus. Carolina Housing needs to better communicate its initiatives to students and address major factors like cost and parking availability in order to increase its competitiveness against off-campus housing options.
This document discusses the rising costs of textbooks and their negative impact on student access and success. It notes that textbook prices have increased 812% since 1978, far outpacing inflation, and that high costs often lead students to not purchase required books or take fewer courses. The document advocates for open textbooks, which are freely accessible online and can be legally adapted and distributed, as a way to significantly reduce costs for students while maintaining quality. It provides several examples of universities and states that have implemented open textbook programs, finding improved access and equal or better student outcomes compared to traditional textbooks.
This dissertation examines differences in achievement and dropout rates between online charter high school students and traditional high school students in California. The study compares test scores and dropout data from 10 online charter schools and 10 traditional schools that serve similar percentages of economically disadvantaged students. The dissertation aims to determine if at-risk students are disproportionately enrolled in online charter schools and if these students experience more success compared to traditional schools.
Open Textbooks: Access, affordability and academic successBdelosArcos
ݺߣs for workshop on open textbook adoption in Ireland, as part of the UK Open Textbook Project. Adapted from work by David Ernst, University of Minnesota.
This document summarizes the presentation given by Dr. Jing Luan about the San Mateo Colleges of Silicon Valley. It highlights the colleges' attractive location, guaranteed transfer programs to top universities, low tuition costs, and comprehensive support services for international students. The presentation provides an overview of the three community colleges, their academic programs, housing options, and transfer pathways to complete a bachelor's degree in 2+2 years.
This document discusses the high cost of textbooks and its negative impact on students. It notes that textbook prices have risen much faster than inflation over the past 30 years, with the average student now spending $1,200 per year on textbooks. This cost deters many students from purchasing required textbooks, leading some to earn poor grades, drop or fail courses. The document advocates for open textbooks, which are available online for free under open licenses, as a way to reduce costs and improve access and academic success for students. It provides some examples of open textbooks and their benefits, such as a free online college physics textbook used by over 300,000 students.
This document profiles Rajiv Jhangiani, a psychology instructor and open education advocate. It provides information on his roles promoting open educational resources and practices. The document discusses the benefits of open education in increasing access and affordability for students. It notes that the cost of textbooks and tuition has risen much faster than inflation and minimum wage. Surveys found students reporting negative impacts on their learning like not purchasing required texts or dropping courses due to costs. The document advocates open pedagogical approaches and lists examples of open educational projects and their positive impacts on students and learning.
- Higher education costs have risen dramatically in recent decades, putting college out of reach for many students. Open educational resources (OER) provide an opportunity to lower costs while maintaining or improving educational outcomes.
- Research has found that students using open textbooks have lower withdrawal rates, higher pass rates, and are more likely to enroll in subsequent semesters compared to similar students using traditional textbooks. This can help address the barrier of cost and improve access and success.
- While open textbooks save students money, open pedagogies focus on empowering students as creators and sharers of knowledge. This shifts education away from a "banking" model where students are passive receivers toward one where they actively participate in knowledge creation.
Este documento presenta el proceso de enfermera para un paciente de 71 a?os diagnosticado con Alzheimer. Describe la valoracin del paciente que incluye la evaluacin de patrones funcionales como cognicin, nutricin, eliminacin y actividad fsica. Se identifican diagnsticos de enfermera como deterioro de la memoria y falta de actividad fsica. Se recomiendan intervenciones como ejercicios y mejorar la movilidad del paciente. El objetivo es que el paciente aumente su actividad fsica diaria y mantenga su coordinacin
The document is a sermon outline on false teachers and counterfeit Christians based on passages from 2 Peter 2 and Jude. It discusses seven characteristics of false teachers, including having a different source, message, position, character, appeal, fruit, and end than true teachers. False teachers are compared to wolves in sheep's clothing. The sermon warns that false teachers will be among the church and outlines how to identify them. It also provides criteria for determining if one's own faith is real based on being distressed over sin. The outcome of judgment is also contrasted for the unrighteous and godly.
This document provides a summary of 1 Samuel 3:1-21 from the Bible. It discusses how God calls Samuel at a young age while he is serving under Eli at the tabernacle. Though Eli's eyesight is dimming, the lamp of God has not gone out. God calls Samuel three times, but Samuel thinks it is Eli each time. Eventually Eli realizes it is God calling Samuel and tells him to respond. God then tells Samuel about his plans to judge Eli's house for his sons' wicked behavior. As a result, Samuel becomes recognized as a prophet throughout Israel. The document also provides background information on the tabernacle, Eli and his sons, and the roles of priests, prophets and judges in
Este documento presenta informacin sobre el Tringulo de las Bermudas, un rea triangular en el Ocano Atlntico conocida por misteriosas desapariciones de aviones y barcos. Explica que el Tringulo de las Bermudas se forma conectando las Bermudas, Puerto Rico y Miami, y cubre un rea de aproximadamente 1.1 millones de km2. Tambin proporciona detalles sobre algunos de los casos ms famosos de desapariciones en la zona, como el Vuelo 19 de 1945, y concluye
Este documento presenta el proceso de enfermera para un paciente de 71 a?os diagnosticado con Alzheimer. Describe la valoracin del paciente que incluye evaluaciones cognitivas, nutricionales, de eliminacin, actividad fsica y riesgo de cadas. Se identifican diagnsticos de enfermera como deterioro de la memoria y falta de actividad fsica. Se recomiendan intervenciones como ejercicios y mejorar la movilidad. El objetivo es que el paciente aumente su actividad fsica diaria y mantenga su coordinacin
?Con qu propsito escuchan msica los ni?os y ni?as de hoy?SXndo
Encuesta realizada a un grupo de ni?os y ni?as de entre 6 y 12 a?os para determinar las causas y/o motivos por los que escuchan msica
The document contains 13 math problems involving functions. The problems cover topics such as:
- Finding the image and object of elements under a given function
- Finding inverse functions
- Determining the type of relation between sets
- Evaluating composite functions
- Solving for unknown constants in function definitions
- Finding the value of x when a composite function equals a given value
The document provides the problems and blank spaces for the answers. The answers section gives the solutions to each of the 13 problems.
Este documento presenta el proceso de enfermera para un paciente de 71 a?os diagnosticado con Alzheimer. Describe la valoracin del paciente que incluye evaluaciones cognitivas, nutricionales, de eliminacin, actividad fsica y riesgo de cadas. Se identifican diagnsticos de enfermera como deterioro de la memoria y falta de actividad fsica. Se recomiendan intervenciones como ejercicios y mejorar la movilidad. El objetivo es que el paciente aumente su actividad fsica diaria y mantenga su coordinacin
This document provides an overview of internet marketing and search engine optimization. It defines internet marketing as promoting and selling products or services online. The two step process for internet marketing is outlined as getting online through establishing a website or online presence, and getting found through search engine optimization and marketing to increase visibility. Key aspects of search engine optimization discussed include keyword research, establishing an online presence, making content consistent, using relevant keywords, and repeating optimization efforts. The importance of market research to understand target customers and relevant search terms is also highlighted.
The GPS Driver Tracker provided by Teletrac Navman has helped Domino's pizza stores improve fleet operations, customer experience, and boost revenue. The tracker allows customers to follow delivery routes in real-time, and provides store managers with data on routes, times, driver breaks, and vehicle usage to streamline processes and monitor safety. Over 13 million orders have been tracked globally, with benefits including reduced delivery times, improved on-time performance, and a 15% revenue increase in Australia.
This document provides guidance on writing a narrative essay. A narrative essay recreates a personal experience through descriptive details. It tells a story and communicates a lesson learned. When writing a narrative essay, identify a significant experience and draft details of what happened. Create an outline and use vivid language to immerse readers in the experience. Communicate the importance of the experience either at the beginning or end of the essay. Revise by ensuring the experience is effectively recreated and significance is clear. Potential essay topics include childhood memories, achievements, failures, realizations, and life changes.
"Presentation on the Impact of Higher Education on Real Estate Assets: Mergers, Consolidations, Closings and Expansions" given at the Annual Meeting of the Counselors of Real Estate in October 2019, in Nashville, Tennessee
This document discusses establishing an internal community at Clark University through unofficial social media groups. It provides examples of how current students use Facebook groups to buy/sell items, organize events, and complain about the university. It then outlines the change to Clark's admissions policy from need-blind to need-aware and the negative student reaction on Facebook and through protests. While the administration did not respond, the document argues they should engage in respectful conversation on social media to explain their perspective, address student concerns, and have a two-way dialogue to improve the situation.
Kurogo Higher Ed Mobile Conference 2017: The Real ROI - Best Practices in Ad...modolabs
Colonel Deborah J. McDonald, Director of Admissions, United States Military Academy at West Point; David Rose, VP of Enrollment & Marketing, Indiana Wesleyan Universitys National and Global Campus; and Matt Willmore, mobileND Program Manager, University of Notre Dame
EducationUSA Weekly Update, #353, November 4, 2013EducationUSA
Accredited U.S. educational institutions can publicize their financial aid opportunities and campus news to the EducationUSA network of over 400 centers in 170 countries through our free service: EdUSA Weekly Update. EducationUSA advising centers will, in turn, circulate this information through a multitude of international channels via social media, newsletters, bulletin boards, websites, and more!
This document summarizes the results of a housing survey conducted by the Princeton University Graduate Student Government. It finds that the university has historically provided significant housing assistance but that supply is limited. It identifies opportunities to expand housing resources and improve communication between students and the housing office. Recommendations include improving the off-campus housing website, developing a roommate matching platform, and having the housing office proactively contact students about housing status.
Admit or Die: Addressing Admission Decision Factors on Websites mStoner, Inc.
Debt burdens, the amenities "arms race," and technology are all changing the admissions landscape for colleges and universities. The annual cost of attending college at four-year institutions has risen three times faster than the rate of inflation. Many institutions are fighting harder than ever before for admissions growth.
Is your web site communicating the vital information for decision-making, and are you following usability practices that will lead to conversions?
This session will focus on:
Programs, rankings, location, and costs -- how the best .edu websites are presenting this information.
Content and features that help demonstrate the value of education at specific institutions.
The document provides information about recruiting students from Northern Virginia and DC to West Virginia University. It discusses statistics on current students from the region and opportunities for alumni to participate in recruitment events like college fairs and phone campaigns. It also summarizes campus renovations and highlights academic programs to share with prospective students.
Our goal is to ensure that more children find jobs by being academically and socially ready for their first year of college. The "College Ready" High School to College Pipeline program allows colleges and universities to enroll students that have been acculturated to college, both socially and academically. This program will increase their retention and graduation rates, while decreasing the institution's drop-out rates.
Dr. King
The document is a sermon outline on false teachers and counterfeit Christians based on passages from 2 Peter 2 and Jude. It discusses seven characteristics of false teachers, including having a different source, message, position, character, appeal, fruit, and end than true teachers. False teachers are compared to wolves in sheep's clothing. The sermon warns that false teachers will be among the church and outlines how to identify them. It also provides criteria for determining if one's own faith is real based on being distressed over sin. The outcome of judgment is also contrasted for the unrighteous and godly.
This document provides a summary of 1 Samuel 3:1-21 from the Bible. It discusses how God calls Samuel at a young age while he is serving under Eli at the tabernacle. Though Eli's eyesight is dimming, the lamp of God has not gone out. God calls Samuel three times, but Samuel thinks it is Eli each time. Eventually Eli realizes it is God calling Samuel and tells him to respond. God then tells Samuel about his plans to judge Eli's house for his sons' wicked behavior. As a result, Samuel becomes recognized as a prophet throughout Israel. The document also provides background information on the tabernacle, Eli and his sons, and the roles of priests, prophets and judges in
Este documento presenta informacin sobre el Tringulo de las Bermudas, un rea triangular en el Ocano Atlntico conocida por misteriosas desapariciones de aviones y barcos. Explica que el Tringulo de las Bermudas se forma conectando las Bermudas, Puerto Rico y Miami, y cubre un rea de aproximadamente 1.1 millones de km2. Tambin proporciona detalles sobre algunos de los casos ms famosos de desapariciones en la zona, como el Vuelo 19 de 1945, y concluye
Este documento presenta el proceso de enfermera para un paciente de 71 a?os diagnosticado con Alzheimer. Describe la valoracin del paciente que incluye evaluaciones cognitivas, nutricionales, de eliminacin, actividad fsica y riesgo de cadas. Se identifican diagnsticos de enfermera como deterioro de la memoria y falta de actividad fsica. Se recomiendan intervenciones como ejercicios y mejorar la movilidad. El objetivo es que el paciente aumente su actividad fsica diaria y mantenga su coordinacin
?Con qu propsito escuchan msica los ni?os y ni?as de hoy?SXndo
Encuesta realizada a un grupo de ni?os y ni?as de entre 6 y 12 a?os para determinar las causas y/o motivos por los que escuchan msica
The document contains 13 math problems involving functions. The problems cover topics such as:
- Finding the image and object of elements under a given function
- Finding inverse functions
- Determining the type of relation between sets
- Evaluating composite functions
- Solving for unknown constants in function definitions
- Finding the value of x when a composite function equals a given value
The document provides the problems and blank spaces for the answers. The answers section gives the solutions to each of the 13 problems.
Este documento presenta el proceso de enfermera para un paciente de 71 a?os diagnosticado con Alzheimer. Describe la valoracin del paciente que incluye evaluaciones cognitivas, nutricionales, de eliminacin, actividad fsica y riesgo de cadas. Se identifican diagnsticos de enfermera como deterioro de la memoria y falta de actividad fsica. Se recomiendan intervenciones como ejercicios y mejorar la movilidad. El objetivo es que el paciente aumente su actividad fsica diaria y mantenga su coordinacin
This document provides an overview of internet marketing and search engine optimization. It defines internet marketing as promoting and selling products or services online. The two step process for internet marketing is outlined as getting online through establishing a website or online presence, and getting found through search engine optimization and marketing to increase visibility. Key aspects of search engine optimization discussed include keyword research, establishing an online presence, making content consistent, using relevant keywords, and repeating optimization efforts. The importance of market research to understand target customers and relevant search terms is also highlighted.
The GPS Driver Tracker provided by Teletrac Navman has helped Domino's pizza stores improve fleet operations, customer experience, and boost revenue. The tracker allows customers to follow delivery routes in real-time, and provides store managers with data on routes, times, driver breaks, and vehicle usage to streamline processes and monitor safety. Over 13 million orders have been tracked globally, with benefits including reduced delivery times, improved on-time performance, and a 15% revenue increase in Australia.
This document provides guidance on writing a narrative essay. A narrative essay recreates a personal experience through descriptive details. It tells a story and communicates a lesson learned. When writing a narrative essay, identify a significant experience and draft details of what happened. Create an outline and use vivid language to immerse readers in the experience. Communicate the importance of the experience either at the beginning or end of the essay. Revise by ensuring the experience is effectively recreated and significance is clear. Potential essay topics include childhood memories, achievements, failures, realizations, and life changes.
"Presentation on the Impact of Higher Education on Real Estate Assets: Mergers, Consolidations, Closings and Expansions" given at the Annual Meeting of the Counselors of Real Estate in October 2019, in Nashville, Tennessee
This document discusses establishing an internal community at Clark University through unofficial social media groups. It provides examples of how current students use Facebook groups to buy/sell items, organize events, and complain about the university. It then outlines the change to Clark's admissions policy from need-blind to need-aware and the negative student reaction on Facebook and through protests. While the administration did not respond, the document argues they should engage in respectful conversation on social media to explain their perspective, address student concerns, and have a two-way dialogue to improve the situation.
Kurogo Higher Ed Mobile Conference 2017: The Real ROI - Best Practices in Ad...modolabs
Colonel Deborah J. McDonald, Director of Admissions, United States Military Academy at West Point; David Rose, VP of Enrollment & Marketing, Indiana Wesleyan Universitys National and Global Campus; and Matt Willmore, mobileND Program Manager, University of Notre Dame
EducationUSA Weekly Update, #353, November 4, 2013EducationUSA
Accredited U.S. educational institutions can publicize their financial aid opportunities and campus news to the EducationUSA network of over 400 centers in 170 countries through our free service: EdUSA Weekly Update. EducationUSA advising centers will, in turn, circulate this information through a multitude of international channels via social media, newsletters, bulletin boards, websites, and more!
This document summarizes the results of a housing survey conducted by the Princeton University Graduate Student Government. It finds that the university has historically provided significant housing assistance but that supply is limited. It identifies opportunities to expand housing resources and improve communication between students and the housing office. Recommendations include improving the off-campus housing website, developing a roommate matching platform, and having the housing office proactively contact students about housing status.
Admit or Die: Addressing Admission Decision Factors on Websites mStoner, Inc.
Debt burdens, the amenities "arms race," and technology are all changing the admissions landscape for colleges and universities. The annual cost of attending college at four-year institutions has risen three times faster than the rate of inflation. Many institutions are fighting harder than ever before for admissions growth.
Is your web site communicating the vital information for decision-making, and are you following usability practices that will lead to conversions?
This session will focus on:
Programs, rankings, location, and costs -- how the best .edu websites are presenting this information.
Content and features that help demonstrate the value of education at specific institutions.
The document provides information about recruiting students from Northern Virginia and DC to West Virginia University. It discusses statistics on current students from the region and opportunities for alumni to participate in recruitment events like college fairs and phone campaigns. It also summarizes campus renovations and highlights academic programs to share with prospective students.
Our goal is to ensure that more children find jobs by being academically and socially ready for their first year of college. The "College Ready" High School to College Pipeline program allows colleges and universities to enroll students that have been acculturated to college, both socially and academically. This program will increase their retention and graduation rates, while decreasing the institution's drop-out rates.
Dr. King
Modern off-campus college housing has become highly developed, featuring luxury apartment-style units
with amenities like private bedrooms and bathrooms, granite countertops, fitness centers, and resort-like
recreational facilities. Developers are investing heavily in off-campus housing due to growing student populations
and constrained university budgets. Rents range from $400-900 per month for four-bedroom units or $450-1,200 for
single units, depending on location and amenities. Students report that modern off-campus housing offers
convenience and prepares them for independent living better than dorms.
NCII Guided Pathways: Urgency and Transformations VCCS_ASR
This document discusses guided pathways reforms and the need for institutional transformations in community colleges. It provides an overview of how guided pathways would rethink key areas like program mapping, student onboarding, advising, teaching and learning, and financial supports. Specific changes discussed include providing clear program maps and career pathways, holistic student assessment and support from the start, integrated advising and student services, contextualized general education, and bundling integrated financial and social supports for students. Breakout discussion questions are provided to help colleges identify next steps and changes needed in these areas for guided pathways implementation.
The Value of Fit: Helping First-Generation Students Find Their Path After Hig...Naviance
A live presentation from two district leaders who have achieved dramatic results in helping first-generation college-going students transition to college. With college readiness a strategic priority, Chicago Public Schools increased 2- and 4-year college enrollment from 50% to 63% of graduates district-wide and more than tripled scholarship dollars received. You will learn about their strategies that helped first-generation students, best practices for defining future-ready milestones, and implementing measurable postsecondary goals.
The Value of Fit: Helping First-Generation Students Find Their Path After Hig...Nicole Hornsby
A live presentation from two district leaders who have achieved dramatic results in helping first-generation college-going students transition to college. With college readiness a strategic priority, Chicago Public Schools increased 2- and 4-year college enrollment from 50% to 63% of graduates district-wide and more than tripled scholarship dollars received. You will learn about their strategies that helped first-generation students, best practices for defining future-ready milestones, and implementing measurable postsecondary goals.
EducationUSA Weekly Update, #345, September 9, 2013EducationUSA
Accredited U.S. educational institutions can publicize their financial aid opportunities and campus news to the EducationUSA network of over 400 centers in 170 countries through our free service: EdUSA Weekly Update. EducationUSA advising centers will, in turn, circulate this information through a multitude of international channels via social media, newsletters, bulletin boards, websites, and more!
Admission to a college in California is extremely competitive and preparing for college is a daunting task. It is no longer enough to obtain a college degree. Employees care about where you obtain your degree.
The document provides information on the following:
1) Scholarship opportunities at various universities including Georgia College, University of Wisconsin Eau Claire, Slippery Rock University, University of Nevada Reno, and College of Staten Island.
2) Campus news items from George Washington University, University of Colorado Denver, University of Nebraska, and advice for students waiting on college acceptance decisions.
3) Information on registering for webinars on financing studies in the United States.
College Transforms Your Goals Into Reality: How To Find The Right Goal and Th...Rebecca Joseph
This document discusses supporting students in accessing and succeeding in college. It outlines the need for college-educated workers in California and various types of college preparation support available to students in high school and college. It also describes different types of colleges, what colleges look for in applications, and resources to help students explore options, apply, afford college, and ensure success. The goal is to help all students "go and thrive" in their college pursuits.
The webinar provided best practices for colleges and community-based organizations (CBOs) to develop partnerships to support first-generation students. The panelists from various colleges and CBOs discussed finding and researching CBOs, developing communication systems, evaluating relationships, and lessons learned. They emphasized the importance of commitment, flexibility, transparency, and creating long-term relationships to improve college access and completion rates. Contact information was provided for representatives from Lawrence University, Holy Names University, College Track, and College Possible.
Reimagining Your Website: What are prospective students looking for and how a...Dave Olsen
Review insights from the 2016 Ruffalo Noel Levitz E-expectations Report and discover tips and tools for implementing these strategies across your websites.
2. 2
Table of Contents
02 03
Analysis Conclusions
? Carolina Housings
? Gathering Information
? Overview of Factors
? Cost
? Distance
? Advantage of
? Carolina Housing's
? Carolina Housing's
? Conclusions
? Recommendations
for Carolina Housing
Pages 5-6 Pages 15-16Pages 3-13
3. 12/18/2016 3
Executive Summary
Students are leaving university housing for off-campus alternatives at an alarming rate,
creating lost revenue and undesirable vacancies
Off-campus living has advantages in price, location and atmosphere. Carolina Housing is
finding creative ways to attract students to stay on-campus. We recommend the following to
improve their efforts:
Parking Availability
A Value Option
Develop better forms of
communication between
students and Carolina
Housing to better receive
and convey information
Provide more parking
options so on-campus
students can live a more
mobile lifestyle and keep
their car at college
Create a cheaper housing
option to appeal to more
students and their families
5. 12/18/2016 5
UNC students are choosing houses and apartments over on-campus housing
On-campus student housing is unable to fill up rooms as student preferences shift
Problems for UNC arise when on-
campus options arent fully utilized.
This results in empty dorms and lost
university revenue. The associate
director of Carolina Housing has
recognized the issue of operating with
vacancies in dorms.
We are opening at a little
over 90% occupancy. Our
awareness [of a change in
student preferences] has
been heightened.
Problems for students arise when
they dont always receive their
preferred housing option. Students
have to sign leases around mid-
October in order to secure ideal
housing, prompting students to
commit early to leaving campus.
dorms and
The Village
Sources: Rick Bradley, Daily Tar Heel
6. 12/18/2016 6
We researched reasons for the switch to off-campus housing
We used primary research to understand student motivations and apartment strategies
We conducted a survey targeted
towards students. This simple
questionnaire gave us insight on
the reasoning for choices in the
housing selection process, and
received 130 responses.
Questions included:
? What year are you?
? How many years did you live
on campus?
? Rank these factors in how
relevant they were in your
housing selection process
We discovered the main selling
points for individual apartment
complexes, through interviews
with representatives at each
table at the UNC Housing Fair.
We interviewed Rick Bradley,
Associate Director of DHRE,
and Joseph Vinar, former
Housing Advisory Board
member, for insights on what
UNC Housing has done to
increase occupancy.
We calculated and analyzed
housing costs pertaining to
single and double bedrooms, as
well as the distance to key
locations of various housing
8. 12/18/2016 8
Students consider many factors when deciding to move off-campus
Students ranked cost and distance as the two most important pieces of the puzzle
Cost of
Cost of
Number of
Kitchen &
Parking Services
Student Survey
Sources: Student Surveys
Students in our survey ranked the following factors, from most to least important when searching for housing options.
Cost and distance were the most significant factors, by a large margin. This provided insights that influenced our
#1 #2 #3 #4
#5 #6 #7 #8
9. 12/18/2016 9
Dorm Rams Lux Ware-
House Town-
Quantitative analysis reveals off-campus housings advantage in cost
Cost is the most significant factor in students motivation to move off-campus
For single rooms, on-campus housing options range
from $943C$1002 per month, with off-campus ranging
from $611C$1079 per month. This wider price range
means that students can tailor their living situation to
their budget and preferences by moving off-campus.
Students often split a room to save money. On-
campus, a double ranges from $805C$930, while off-
campus options are as low as $335. Students are
leaving campus because they can save more than
50% on a double room by doing so.
For only $4 per month more than
an on-campus double, a student
can have their own single room in
an off-campus house.
Single Rooms Cost Less Off-campus
Rent Per Month, Single Room
Doubles Offer Even Greater Savings
Rent Per Month, Double Room
? On-Campus ? Off-Campus
Dorm Rams Lux Ware-
House Town-
? On-Campus ? Off-Campus
Sources: UNC Housing and Private Apartment Websites
10. 12/18/2016 10
Proximity to Franklin Streets amenities makes off-campus housing attractive
Off-campus housing is much closer to Franklin and only marginally farther from campus
Students in our survey cited location as the second-
most important factor when deciding where to live.
On-campus dorms offer the shortest walks to classes,
libraries, and dining halls. However, the walk to Franklin
Street can take more than 20 minutes.
Off-campus housing is slightly farther from campus,
averaging a 16-minute walk to The Pit compared to 12
minutes on-campus. However, it is much closer to the
restaurants, bars, and retail of Franklin Street.
Because off-campus housing is much
closer to Franklin Street and only
marginally farther from campus, many
students leave dorms sooner rather than
Off-Campus Is Farther From The Pit
Walking Time to To The Pit (minutes)
Off-Campus Is Closer To Franklin Street
Walking Time to Franklin Street (minutes)
? On-Campus ? Off-Campus
? On-Campus ? Off-Campus
Dorm Rams
Lux Ware-
House Town-
Dorm Rams
Lux Ware-
House Town-
Sources: Google Maps
11. 12/18/2016 11
Houses are the leading option for off-campus living, but apartments are on the rise
Apartment complexes compete in various ways to draw in potential tenants
Houses provide students with their own space and
essentially full-blown independence. Theyre commonly
the first choice for many students, but the tides are
turning towards apartment complexes.
Apartments provide the convenience of on-campus
housing without sacrificing the independence of living
Shortbread and Lux appeal to students with their high-
quality amenities including their gyms, coffee lounges,
furniture and exclusive building events.
All apartment complexes provide an option for parking
as well as closer access to the nightlife available on
Franklin Street and in Carrboro.0%
Lux Greek
Warehouse Other
1 out of every 5 Carolina
students lives in an
apartment complex
Sources: Student Surveys and Interviews with Apartment Managers
Most Popular Off-Campus Destinations
Percent of Students in Housing Option
12. 12/18/2016 12
Carolina Housing has already done a lot to improve living on campus
Housing has made changes during 2015 and 2016 to increase occupancy rates
The Housing Advisory Board, formed by student Community Governors, has played an instrumental role in providing
Carolina Housing with students opinions and feedback. Based on this advice, Carolina Housing began several initiatives in
hopes of improving on-campus living and increasing retention.
Renovated bathrooms and floors in Upper Quad and Lower Quad to compete with
modernized apartments
Converted 20% of Upper Quad and Spencer to single rooms to attract students
who want more privacy
Installed branding in first year communities to emphasize the Carolina Experience
Established Pride Place as a Living Learning Community to support LGBTQ
Added Maker Carts as enhancements to allow students to explore cooking,
sewing, robotics, web design, and 3D printing
Sources: Rick Bradley and Joseph Vinar
13. 12/18/2016 13
Carolina Housing will continue to improve on-campus living
It will launch new projects in 2016 and 2017 to keep more students on campus
Carolina Housing has taken on several exciting initiatives to provide better facilities and engage residents academically.
Gourmet Kitchen
In Mangum
Maker Space
In Carmichael
Extra Lounges
In Grimes
Text Here Text Here
To meet student desire for
better kitchens and cooking
To provide a physical space
that facilitates
entrepreneurship and creativity
To encourage formation of
strong community among
Sources: Rick Bradley
15. Conclusion
Off-campus living has advantages in price, location, and atmosphere
Carolinas initiatives to combat these challenges have not been communicated effectively
Carolina Housing
Struggles to Retain
Students On-Campus
As most of us have experienced,
students at Carolina are required
to live in on-campus housing for
their first year (barring a few
However, seemingly no matter
how hard Carolina Housing and
RHA tries to keep students on-
campus, students end up leaving
after their freshman or sophomore
year. According to Rick Bradley,
the Associate Director of Carolina
Housing, students are leaving
campus housing at an increasing
rate every year.
Carolina Housing Faces
Many Obstacles in
Appealing to Students
Off-campus houses and
apartments hold an advantage in
most things that students deem
important. Living off-campus
caters to the priorities of many
students, as options are typically
cheaper, provide more
independence and are closer to
the rest of Chapel Hill.
Carolina Housing faces a lot of
unique difficulties due to the
nature of the department. They
lack state and university funding
and face stringent building
standards. Yet in the face of this
adversity, Carolina Housing has
begun to introduce initiatives to
combat students leaving campus
Carolina Housing Has
Implemented Initiatives
But Has Room to Grow
Carolina Housing has begun the
fight against off-campus housing
by selling an experience and
providing the students with what
they want. They have started
creating more single rooms and
enhancing some of the amenities
in some of the older dormitories.
They have created a cohesive
branding effort and have
introduced brand new program
initiatives to get students excited
about on-campus living. However,
the lack of communication to
students about these initiatives
remains an issue.
Sources: Rick Bradley, Daily Tar Heel
16. Conclusion
On-campus housing can make strides to attract student interest
Changes should be better communicated and accommodate factors of parking and cost
Two-Way Communication
Although Housing has done a lot to
improve on-campus living, many
students have never heard of
initiatives that might convince them
to stay on-campus.
Residents could benefit from an
increased social media presence
by Carolina Housing to
communicate changes and
renovations to on-campus housing.
Carolina Housing could also benefit
from student feedback to more
effectively tailor improvements to
student preferences.
Parking Availability
Students heavily weigh the
possibility of having a parking
spot at a convenient location
when considering various housing
Carolina Housing could provide
more student parking on campus.
This will make cars far more
accessible than the RR lot, which
is not within walking distance.
Students are more likely to stay
on campus if they have the
convenience of a car within
walking distance.
A Value Option
Cost is a large deterrent to staying
on campus for all four years, and
Carolina housing should make an
effort to combat this.
UNC could cut costs by repurposing
a portion of the residence halls to
only include basic amenities.
They could lower the cost of the
value dorms by converting shared
space into individual rooms,
eliminating the budget for individual
residence hall programming, and
limiting spending on community
17. 12/18/2016 17
Bradley, Rick. Carolina Housing. Personal interview. 26 Oct. 2016.
"Floor Plans & Rates." Townhouse Apartments. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2016.
"Google Maps." Google Maps. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2016.
Hussey, JP. "BUSI 401 Student Housing Survey." SurveyMonkey Inc. SurveyMonkey Inc., 19 Oct. 2016. Web. 19 Oct. 2016.
Kolstad, Erin. "More Students Turn to Off-campus Housing." The Daily Tar Heel. N.p., 28 Aug. 2015. Web. 21 Nov. 2016.
Kryzskoski, Brian. Chapel Ridge Apartments. Personal interview. 26 Oct. 2016.
"Our Floor Plans." Luxury 2, 3 & 4 Bedroom Student Apartments in Chapel Hill, NC. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2016.
"Our Floor Plans." The Warehouse. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2016.
"Our Floor Plans." Lux at Central Park. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2016.
Peterson, Billy. Shortbread Lofts. Personal interview. 26 Oct. 2016.
"Rates | UNC Chapel Hill Housing and Residential Education." UNC Chapel Hill Housing and Residential Education. N.p., n.d. Web.
25 Oct. 2016.
Vinar, Joseph. Housing Advisory Board. Personal interview. 26 Oct. 2016.
Williams, Anna. "University Closed Stacy and Everett Due to Low Housing Enrollment." The Daily Tar Heel. N.p., 16 Aug. 2015.
Web. 21 Nov. 2016. <
Works Cited