This document is a brochure for Carolyn Bennett's Liberal Party campaign that criticizes Stephen Harper and the Conservative government. It summarizes that federal spending and deficits have increased under Harper, and the Liberal Party will eliminate the deficit, pay down the debt, and focus on supporting families through priorities like education, pensions, health care, and care for seniors. It also argues that an election is necessary to hold the Conservatives accountable for actions like proroguing parliament and not being transparent.
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Carolyn Bennett - Leadership. Experience. Results
1. Bennett Brochure #1_Layout 1 11-04-07 5:30 PM Page 1
Stephen Harper cannot be trusted
with Canadas finances
SPENDING UP (billions)
2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10
SURPLUS GONE (billions)
Federal Surplus/Deficit
We want to set some goals for ourselves
10 ambitious ones to be the most democratic
0 society in the world, to be the most open
society, to be the greenest, the most
innovative, the best educated, the most
entrepreneurial. These are ambitious goals
but they all appeal to that hope in the
Canadian dream that we need to keep alive.
-50 I want to be part of that. I want to lead that. Leadership. Experience. Results.
2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Michael Ignatieff
The Liberal Party will bring back sound financial
management, eliminate the Harper deficit and pay
down the Harper debt.
A clear choice for Canadians 416.966.1762
1499 Yonge St., Toronto
Focus on families A country in debt Leadership. Experience. Results.
Learning Corporate tax breaks
Pensions Stealth fighter jets
Health care Prisons
Families Wasteful G8/G20 summit Authorized by the Official Agent for
the Carolyn Bennett Campaign
2. Bennett Brochure #1_Layout 1 11-04-07 5:30 PM Page 2
An Absolutely Necessary Election Liberals will Act for Defending Canadian Health
When a government is caught breaking the basic Canadian Families and Healthcare
rules of our democracy, it is the duty of every The Liberal Party will invest in the priorities of Carolyn Bennett is a leader on health and
Member of Parliament to end the abuse. The Canadian families established and new, healthcare in Canada. As the former family
Harper government is the first in Canadian traditional and non-traditional. Our Family Pack physician to so many citizens of St. Pauls, she
history to be cited for Contempt of Parliament. will bring vital reforms to Learning, Pensions and continues to be passionate advocate for better
Within the last year, senior Conservatives have Caregiving: healthcare, improved public health, and a
faced charges of election fraud and influence healthier Canada. Carolyn was Canadas first ever
peddling. The Harper government has tarnished OUR CANADIAN LEARNING STRATEGY will secure Minister of State for Public Health. She
Canadas Parliament, the Peoples House, by: early childhood development and care, aboriginal established the Public Health Agency of Canada
education, language training for New Canadians, and set up the Public Health Network for
Proroguing Parliament twice in order to avoid being
and access to higher education. Our Early Canada.
accountable for its actions
Childhood Learning and Care Fund will be $500 The Conservatives have failed to accept any
Firing and intimidating officers of Parliament for million in the first year, rising to $1 billion in the responsibility for health and health care. A Liberal
speaking against the government fourth. Our Learning Passport plan will provide government will be a real partner with the
Misleading Parliament and refusing to provide $1,000 per year over four years to every high provinces and territories to keep Canadians well
essential documents to Parliament school student for college and university; or and defend free, quality, timely medicare for all
$1,500 for low income families to make the most Canadians. Our priorities will include:
of their education. As Michael Ignatieff has said:
As the Critic for Democratic Renewal, Carolyn If you get the grades, you get to go! Ensuring quality homecare and prescription drug
Bennett has demanded the Conservatives be held coverage in the next Health Accord.
accountable for their repeated, secretive, under- A STRONGER PUBLIC PENSION SYSTEM will help A new Canadian Health Promotion Strategy to
handed actions: working families save for retirement. Liberals encourage healthy lifestyle including Canadas first
want to strengthen the core Canada Pension Plan National Food Policy
She challenged the governments decision to weaken
by gradually increasing benefits, and give families
the census by tabling a Private Members Bill to Our Canadian Brain Health Strategy will help us find
the option of topping-up their savings with a
amend the Statistics Act to make the long-form better ways to treat dementia and Alzheimers
voluntary supplement; the new Secure Retirement
census permanent. Disease.
Option. We will also boost the GIS by $700
She has worked with her colleagues to develop the million to protect the poorest seniors.
Liberal Party Open Government Initiative to make For more on these polices and for Liberal plans
government information more accessible useful to THE FAMILY CARE PLAN will enhance care for our for the Environment, the Economy, Personal and
Canadians. parents, grandparents and sick loved ones by National Security, International Relations,
reducing the pressure on thousands of struggling Overseas Development, Multiculturalism, and
families. The plan provides tax credits for Federal-Provincial Relations, please go to
caregivers and makes it possible for them to take
time away from work without losing their jobs.