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Instructions for filling online Application Form of Civil Services
(Preliminary) Examination 2024
 All Candidates are advised that before filling the CS(P)/IFoS (P) Examination, 2024
application, they must register themselves through ONE TIME REGISTRATION
(OTR) using the URL https://www.upsconline.nic.in
 Before applying for the CS(P)/IFoS (P) Examination, the candidates are requested to
check their eligibility (w.r.t. minimum educational qualification, age etc.) given in
the Notice of the Examination available on Commissions website.
 Candidate should have details of one Photo ID Card viz. Aadhaar Card/Voter Card/PAN
Card/Passport/Driving License/Any other Photo ID Card issued by the State/Central
Government. The details of this Photo ID Card will have to be provided by the candidate
while filling up the online application form. This Photo ID Card will be used for all
future referencing and the candidate is advised to carry this Photo ID Card while
appearing for Examination/Personality Test.
 The candidates who are required to pay the examination fee must ensure that the fee is
paid by them. The examination fees once paid, either for Civil Services Examination or
Indian Forest Service Examination will not be refunded under any circumstances. It may
also be noted that the fee once paid for one application is not allowed to be adjusted
against another application.
 Candidates appearing in CS(P) Examination, 2024/Indian Forest Service (P)
Examination, 2024 will be required to indicate information such as (a) detail of centers
for Civil Services (Main) Examination and Indian Forest Service (Main) Examination (if
opted) (b) Optional subject to be selected for the examination, (c) Medium of
Examination for Civil Services (Main) Examination, (d) Medium of Examination for
Optional Subject if he/she chooses any Indian Language as the Medium of Examination
for Civil Services (Main) Examination and (e) compulsory Indian Language for Civil
Services (Main) Examination at the time of the filling up online application itself.
 While filling in his/her Application Form, the candidate should carefully decide about
his/her choice of centre for the Examination. If any candidate appears at a centre other
than the one indicated by the Commission in his/her Admit Card, the papers of such a
candidate will not be evaluated and his/her candidature will liable to cancellation.
 Suitable provisions for information regarding use of scribes by the Candidates
(PwBD/PwD) who are eligible to avail the facility of scribe (as prescribed in the Rules)
have been made in the online application at the time of the initial online application
 Applicants are requested to note that before filling the online application they may have
a careful look on the common reasons where an applicants online application is being
rejected by the Commission. Applicants are therefore advised to be careful enough so
that chances of their applications being rejected are minimized to the best possible
extent and their effort is not lost due to the reasons which can be avoided by them if they
remain slightly more careful while submitting their application to the Commission.
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The Experience of Commission (UPSC) shows that major rejection happens due to the following
reasons: -
a) Application being rejected on the grounds of bad quality of submitted photograph.
b) Application being rejected on the grounds of bad quality of submitted signature.
c) Application being rejected on the grounds of swapping of photograph with that of
d) Only PART-I of the application is submitted to the Commission and thus their
application is incomplete because of non-submission of PART-II.
e) Fee Payment details against one application has been submitted to another application
ID (Fee once paid against one application, is not allowed to be adjusted against another
f) Applicant having submitted PART-I, but failing to complete Part-II registration.
Applicant must complete Part-II registrations by uploading appropriate photograph and
signature, paying admissible fee and giving his choice of examination centre for CSP.
g) Application being rejected on the grounds of non-submission of payment proof to the
Commission within specified time in case of fictitious payment
*cases (which are intimated to the applicant through e-mail as well as published on the
website of the Commission within 2 weeks after the last date of receipt of online
*Fictitious payment cases are those cases for which the Commission does not receive any
information from the bank authorities to which the applicant has claimed to have deposited
his/her fees.
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Instructions For Filling Online Application Form for
PRELIMINARY) Examination 2024
1. Applicants are advised to carefully go through the detailed Notice No 05/2024- CSP
& 06/2024-IFS, which can be viewed on the website of the Commission
(https://www.upsc.gov.in/) as well as on the website https://upsconline.nic.in/
2. Go to Website / URL https://upsconline.nic.in in your browser.
(Sample Image)
AND ONLINE APPLICATION link. This will take to the sample screen displayed
(Sample Image)
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4. If you have NOT registered, then go to the New Registration button and register yourself with
personal details & verify the same as given below:
4.1 Name as recorded in the Matriculation/Secondary Examination Certificate. Please do not use
any prefix such as Mr. or Ms. etc. unless it consists of only 3 letters as 4 letters are mandatory
for NAME field.
4.2 Have your ever changed name: If name changed after matriculation, then select Yes and new
column appear to write changed name.
4.3 Gender: Select from Male/Female/Transgender.
4.4 Date of Birth: Date of Birth as recorded in the Matriculation/Secondary Examination
Certificate should be filled carefully.
Note: - Candidate should note that only the date of birth as recorded in the
Matriculation/Secondary Examination certificate or an equivalent certificate on the date of
submission of application will be accepted by the Commission, and no subsequent request for
its change will be considered or granted.
4.5 Fathers Name: Please do not use any prefix such as Shri or Dr. etc.
4.6 Mothers Name: Please do not use any prefix such as Smt or Dr. etc.
4.7 Primary and Alternate Mobile Number & E-Mail ID.
4.8 10th
Class Roll No. & Security Questions.
4.9 After Completion of registration, you will get One Time Registration (OTR)-ID on
your Mobile Number and E-Mail ID.
(Sample Image)
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5. If you are already registered then Login with given mode (E-Mail or Mobile with OTP /
OTR ID with Password) as displayed below:
(Sample Image)
6. After Login Successfully, Dashboard page will be displayed below:
(Sample Image)
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7. For apply examination of CSP, 2024 & IFoS, 2024, click on Latest Notification tab
displayed below:
(Sample Image)
8. Click Here for Part I registration given against Notice no 05/2024-CSP& 06/2024-IFS.
This will lead you to the Part-I Registration Form. The candidates must read the
instructions carefully and must agree that he/she has read them. The Part-I Registration is
done in 2 steps in which the applicants have to fill in the requisite information, particulars
and details asked for.
(Sample Image)
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The candidates will be taken to the next screen to fill up their personal details
when they have read the instructions to fill Online Application Form.
(Sample Image)
9. Applicant must fill all the required fields except OTR details. Fields with red STAR (*)
marks are mandatory and essential to be filled in by the applicant.
9.1 Nationality: Should opt from Indian/Others. Applicant should note
that only Indian citizens are eligible for Indian Administrative
Service/Indian Foreign Service/Indian Police Service.
9.2 Marital Status: Should choose from Unmarried /Married /Widow/
9.3 PwBD (Persons with Benchmark Disability): Applicant should indicate
by Yes/No.
9.4 PwBD Category: There are five categories i.e (a) blindness and low vision;
(b) deaf and hard of hearing; (c) locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured,
dwarfism, acid attack victims and muscular dystrophy; (d) autism, intellectual disability,
specific learning disability and mental illness; and (e) multiple disabilities from amongst
persons under clauses (a) to (d) including deaf- blindness.
Applicants with less than 40% disability will be considered as PWD candidates and are
not eligible for age relaxation and fee exemption under the rules. For other details, Applicant
may refer to the Detailed Notice of the Examination.
9.5 Certificate of Disability date: Date of issue of the Certificate.
9.6 Community: Fill the appropriate category
from EWS/General/OBC/SC/ST. Applicants who belongs to OBCs but come in the '
Creamy Layer are not entitled to OBC reservation as per rules. Such type of applicants
will be treated as unreserved.
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9.7 If you belong to Minority: In case of yes, must choose appropriate minority
9.8 Fee Remission Claimed: Fee exemption is admissible only to SC/ST, PwBD and Female
9.9 Educational Qualification: Applicant must fill the appropriate information.
9.10 Address: An applicant must fill the correct information regarding address.
10. Click on Continue button at bottom of the page to go to the next step. This
takes you page asking for claiming Age relaxation
(Sample Image)
11. Here the system asks if the candidate wishes to apply for Age Relaxation. The candidate
will be given the option to select the category under which he/she is applying for age relaxation.
(Candidates are advised to refer to the detailed Notice No. 05/2024-CSP & 06/2024-IFS which is
available in the website https://upsconline.nic.in/ as well as on the website of the Commission
12. After filling Claiming Age Relaxation, Applicant must click on Continue button at
bottom of the page to proceed to the next step. The candidate should provide the details
of Photo ID like Voter ID /Aadhaar /Driving License etc.
12.2 The candidate should provide Photo ID number and confirm it.
(Sample Image)
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13. Percentage at Graduate level must be filled correctly. The system asks for the % age of
marks obtained at the Graduation Level. This information is for statistical purposes only. In cases
where grades/CGPA is awarded by the University, the equivalent percentage of marks, as per
University guidelines, may be filled. In cases where thereare no guidelines on this issue, the
indicative percentage of marks may be calculated based on the CGPA. For example, if a candidate
obtained a CGPA of 7.0 out of 10, then the percentage may be filled as 70%.
14. Number of Attempts already made in Civil Services Examination: Must be filled correctly.
15. Specific Details for Civil Services (Main) Examination, viz, (a) detail of
centers for Civil Services (Main) Examination and Indian Forest Service (Main)Examination (b)
Optional subject to be selected for the examination, (c) medium of examination for Civil
Services (Main) Examination, (d) Medium of Examination for Optional Subject if he/she
chooses any Indian Language as the Medium of Examination for Civil Services (Main)
Examination and (e) compulsory Indian Language for Civil Services (Main) Examination.
These fields must be filled carefully since No request for change will be
considered by the Commission at any later stage except during the
correction window
15.1 Centre for Civil Services (Main) Examination and Indian ForestService
(Main) Examination (if opted): To be selected from the given list in drop
down menu.
15.2 Optional Subject for Paper VI & VII (in case of CSE) and Paper III&IV (in case of IFoS
Examination): To be selected from the given list in dropdown menu.
15.3 Language Medium for CS(M) Examination for Paper I to Paper VII: To be selected from the
dropdown menu carefully. Also, the Medium of CS(M) Examination for Optional
Subject if he/she chooses any Indian Language as the Medium of
Examination for Civil Services (Main) Examination to be selected.
15.4 Information regarding hailing from Arunachal Pradesh/ Manipur /Meghalaya
/Mizoram/Nagaland /Sikkim and claiming exemption from appearing inINDIAN LANGUAGE FOR
PAPER A should be selected either Yes or No.
15.4.1 The paper A on Indian Language will not, however, be compulsory for candidates
of Persons with Benchmark Disability (only Hearing Impaired) provided that they
have been granted such exemption from 2nd or 3rd language courses by the concerned
education Board/University. The candidate needs to provide an undertaking/self-
declaration in this regard in order to claim such exemption.
15.5. Applicants selecting No in para 11.4, have to select the Language for
Paper A.
16. Specific Details for Indian Forest Services Examination: viz, Centre
for IFoS (Main) Examination, First Optional Subject and Second Optional Subject:
Applicants must fill these fields carefully since No request for
change in this information except during the correction window at
any later stage (i.e. DAF-I) will be considered.
16.1 Centre for IFoS (Main) Examination: To be selected from the
givenlist in Drop-down menu.
16.2 First Optional Subject: To be selected from the given list in dropdown
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16.3 Second Optional Subject: To be selected from the given list in drop
down menu. List of other optional subjects comprise only those subjects which are
permissible along with the optional subject already chosen.
16.4 Attempts Already made in IFoS Examination: To be filled correctly.
17. Click on Continue button at bottom of the page to proceed to the next step. Here
the system displays all the information provided by the candidate in the application form
for verification. Update button is also provided therein at the bottom of the Online
Application details to move back and make any correction in the information filled in. The
candidates are advised to check the filled in details and satisfy themselves that all
information is correctly filled up. No change in information filled in by the candidates
would be allowed at any subsequent stage of the examination process except during the
correction window.
(Sample Image)
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18. Declaration box: In case the candidate opts to I Do not Agree, the application
will be dropped and the procedure will be terminated. Accepting to I Agree
only will submit the candidates Online Application.
(Sample Image)
19. When an applicant clicks on I Agree button, his/her eligibility for
age relaxation and other criteria is automatically checked by the
system. With the correct eligibility, the system Displays the system generated
unique Registration ID along with the essential identification information about the
candidate viz. Name, Fathers Name, Mothers name, DOB, Address,
Examination Centre etc. opted by the candidate.
20. The candidate is also intimated that he has completed PART-I of the Registration of
Online Application procedure. The candidates may however note that
Application would be treated as incomplete and rejected unless
accompanied with Part-II Registration.
PART-II Registration:
22. Once PART-I of the Online Application procedure is completed, an
applicant has to complete the PART-II Registration by clicking on
the Latest Notification for submission of Online Application
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(Sample Image)
1. FEE PAYMENT (Female / SC, ST & PwBD Candidates are exempted from payment of fee)
23.1 Applicants have to upload images of their photograph and signature # in .jpg format.
Scanned Photograph should be in JPG format. The digital size should not exceed 300 KB each and must
not be less than 20 KB and resolution 550 pixels (Width) X 550 pixels (Height) minimum, 1000 pixels
(Width) X 1000 pixels (Height) maximum and Bit Depth of image file should be 24 bit.
The photograph should be clear with plain white background and 3/4 of photograph should present full
face (full head from top of hair to bottom of chin). The photograph should be latest (not older than 10
days for filling online application form) and at bottom of photograph name of candidate and date of
photo to be mentioned.
23.2 Scanned Signature should be in JPG format. The digital size should not exceed 300 KB
each and must not be less than 20 KB and resolution 350 pixels (Width) X 350 pixels (Height)
minimum, 550 pixels (Width) X 550 pixels (Height) maximum and Bit Depth of image file
should be 24 bit.
23.3 Photo identity card document in PDF format must be uploaded. The digital size of PDF
file should not exceed 300 KB and must not be less than 20 KB.
24. After uploading a fresh page shows the preview of the uploaded images by the
candidate. Here the candidate is advised to see his/her uploaded
photograph that the photograph is clearly visible/identifiable in the
upper row and the specimen signature in the lower row. In no case these
rows should be swapped and uploaded photograph and specimen signature must be
clearly identifiable / visible, otherwise the candidature of the candidate is liable to be
cancelled by the commission and no representation from the candidate will be
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entertained by the commission regarding any change for the wrong data uploaded /filled
up by the candidate. If the candidate is satisfied with the uploaded images, he may
CONFIRM the uploading of photograph and signature by clicking on Confirm Upload
button. If by any reason uploaded images are not up to the mark then
the candidate can RELOAD these images by clicking on the Reload
Photograph and/or Reload Signature button. They can view reloaded
Photograph/signature by clicking on Image refresh button. The software will not save
photograph and signature of the candidate unless he confirms the upload by clicking on
Confirm Upload button.
Note: Candidates should satisfy themselves about the quality of photograph &signature files
upload. Applications having poor quality photo or signature files are liable to be rejected.
25. At the bottom of the page there is a 'Declaration' for the candidates. Candidates are
advised to go through the contents of the Declaration carefully. Candidate has the option
to either agree or disagree with the contents of Declaration by clicking on I have read
Declaration & Agree or I Do Not Agree buttons. In-case the candidate opts to 'I
Do Not Agree', the application will be dropped and the procedure will be terminated.
Accepting to I have read Declaration & Agree only will submit the
candidate's Online Application Finally.
27. Applicants who opt for "Pay by Cash" mode should print the system generated Pay-in-
slip during part II registration and deposit the fee at the counter of SBI Branch on the next
working day only. "Pay by Cash mode will be deactivated at 11.59 P.M. of 04.03.2024 i.e.
one day before the closing date; however applicants who have generated their Pay-in- Slip
before it is deactivated may pay at the counter of SBI Branch during banking hours on the
closing date. After receipt of cash, the Bank would stamp the pay-in-slip and also provide a
TRANSACTION ID as indicated on the Challan Form as SBI Journal Number. After paying
fee through Cash Mode, the candidate would have to go to the website
(www.upsconline.nic.in)again and fill the transaction id and other details with PART-II
Registration process.
28. After filling fee details (in case of cash payment) or paying fee through other than Cash
mode, the application must click on the Continue button provided at the bottom of the page.
29. In next step, Applicant must fill in the Centre of Examination for Civil Services
(Prelims) and click on the submit button given at the bottom of the page.
30. In a next step, through a fresh page the applicant is intimated that their application has
been submitted successfully. This page has also a link to view the complete application.
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Applicants are advised to take printout of their completed application right after they have
completed the application process.
31. To view the application submitted by the candidate a link View/Print Application is also
given on the home page.
32. Candidates applying online need NOT send hard copy of the
Online Application filled by them online or any other
document/certificate/testimonial to the Union Public Service
Commission. However, they are advised to take printout of the
Online Application and retain it for further communication with
the Commission.
33. The Candidates applying for the examination should ensure that they fulfill all eligibility
conditions for admission to examination. Their admission at all the stages of the
examination will be purely provisional subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility
34. Mere issue of admission certificate to the candidate will not imply
that his candidature has been finally cleared by the Commission.
The Commission takes up verification of eligibility conditions with reference to
original documents at subsequent stages of examination process.
Online Application process must be completed (including filling up of
Part-I and Part-II of the Form) before 1800 HRS of 05 March, 2024.

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  • 1. 1 | P a g e Instructions for filling online Application Form of Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination 2024 Important All Candidates are advised that before filling the CS(P)/IFoS (P) Examination, 2024 application, they must register themselves through ONE TIME REGISTRATION (OTR) using the URL https://www.upsconline.nic.in Before applying for the CS(P)/IFoS (P) Examination, the candidates are requested to check their eligibility (w.r.t. minimum educational qualification, age etc.) given in the Notice of the Examination available on Commissions website. Candidate should have details of one Photo ID Card viz. Aadhaar Card/Voter Card/PAN Card/Passport/Driving License/Any other Photo ID Card issued by the State/Central Government. The details of this Photo ID Card will have to be provided by the candidate while filling up the online application form. This Photo ID Card will be used for all future referencing and the candidate is advised to carry this Photo ID Card while appearing for Examination/Personality Test. The candidates who are required to pay the examination fee must ensure that the fee is paid by them. The examination fees once paid, either for Civil Services Examination or Indian Forest Service Examination will not be refunded under any circumstances. It may also be noted that the fee once paid for one application is not allowed to be adjusted against another application. Candidates appearing in CS(P) Examination, 2024/Indian Forest Service (P) Examination, 2024 will be required to indicate information such as (a) detail of centers for Civil Services (Main) Examination and Indian Forest Service (Main) Examination (if opted) (b) Optional subject to be selected for the examination, (c) Medium of Examination for Civil Services (Main) Examination, (d) Medium of Examination for Optional Subject if he/she chooses any Indian Language as the Medium of Examination for Civil Services (Main) Examination and (e) compulsory Indian Language for Civil Services (Main) Examination at the time of the filling up online application itself. While filling in his/her Application Form, the candidate should carefully decide about his/her choice of centre for the Examination. If any candidate appears at a centre other than the one indicated by the Commission in his/her Admit Card, the papers of such a candidate will not be evaluated and his/her candidature will liable to cancellation. Suitable provisions for information regarding use of scribes by the Candidates (PwBD/PwD) who are eligible to avail the facility of scribe (as prescribed in the Rules) have been made in the online application at the time of the initial online application itself. Applicants are requested to note that before filling the online application they may have a careful look on the common reasons where an applicants online application is being rejected by the Commission. Applicants are therefore advised to be careful enough so that chances of their applications being rejected are minimized to the best possible extent and their effort is not lost due to the reasons which can be avoided by them if they remain slightly more careful while submitting their application to the Commission.
  • 2. 2 | P a g e The Experience of Commission (UPSC) shows that major rejection happens due to the following reasons: - a) Application being rejected on the grounds of bad quality of submitted photograph. b) Application being rejected on the grounds of bad quality of submitted signature. c) Application being rejected on the grounds of swapping of photograph with that of signature. d) Only PART-I of the application is submitted to the Commission and thus their application is incomplete because of non-submission of PART-II. e) Fee Payment details against one application has been submitted to another application ID (Fee once paid against one application, is not allowed to be adjusted against another application*). f) Applicant having submitted PART-I, but failing to complete Part-II registration. Applicant must complete Part-II registrations by uploading appropriate photograph and signature, paying admissible fee and giving his choice of examination centre for CSP. g) Application being rejected on the grounds of non-submission of payment proof to the Commission within specified time in case of fictitious payment *cases (which are intimated to the applicant through e-mail as well as published on the website of the Commission within 2 weeks after the last date of receipt of online application). *Fictitious payment cases are those cases for which the Commission does not receive any information from the bank authorities to which the applicant has claimed to have deposited his/her fees.
  • 3. 3 | P a g e Instructions For Filling Online Application Form for CIVIL SERVICES ( PRELIMINARY) Examination 2024 1. Applicants are advised to carefully go through the detailed Notice No 05/2024- CSP & 06/2024-IFS, which can be viewed on the website of the Commission (https://www.upsc.gov.in/) as well as on the website https://upsconline.nic.in/ 2. Go to Website / URL https://upsconline.nic.in in your browser. (Sample Image) 3. Click on ONE-TIME REGISTRATION (OTR) FOR EXAMINATIONS OF UPSC AND ONLINE APPLICATION link. This will take to the sample screen displayed below: (Sample Image)
  • 4. 4 | P a g e 4. If you have NOT registered, then go to the New Registration button and register yourself with personal details & verify the same as given below: 4.1 Name as recorded in the Matriculation/Secondary Examination Certificate. Please do not use any prefix such as Mr. or Ms. etc. unless it consists of only 3 letters as 4 letters are mandatory for NAME field. 4.2 Have your ever changed name: If name changed after matriculation, then select Yes and new column appear to write changed name. 4.3 Gender: Select from Male/Female/Transgender. 4.4 Date of Birth: Date of Birth as recorded in the Matriculation/Secondary Examination Certificate should be filled carefully. Note: - Candidate should note that only the date of birth as recorded in the Matriculation/Secondary Examination certificate or an equivalent certificate on the date of submission of application will be accepted by the Commission, and no subsequent request for its change will be considered or granted. 4.5 Fathers Name: Please do not use any prefix such as Shri or Dr. etc. 4.6 Mothers Name: Please do not use any prefix such as Smt or Dr. etc. 4.7 Primary and Alternate Mobile Number & E-Mail ID. 4.8 10th Class Roll No. & Security Questions. 4.9 After Completion of registration, you will get One Time Registration (OTR)-ID on your Mobile Number and E-Mail ID. (Sample Image)
  • 5. 5 | P a g e 5. If you are already registered then Login with given mode (E-Mail or Mobile with OTP / OTR ID with Password) as displayed below: (Sample Image) 6. After Login Successfully, Dashboard page will be displayed below: (Sample Image)
  • 6. 6 | P a g e 7. For apply examination of CSP, 2024 & IFoS, 2024, click on Latest Notification tab displayed below: (Sample Image) 8. Click Here for Part I registration given against Notice no 05/2024-CSP& 06/2024-IFS. This will lead you to the Part-I Registration Form. The candidates must read the instructions carefully and must agree that he/she has read them. The Part-I Registration is done in 2 steps in which the applicants have to fill in the requisite information, particulars and details asked for. (Sample Image)
  • 7. 7 | P a g e The candidates will be taken to the next screen to fill up their personal details when they have read the instructions to fill Online Application Form. (Sample Image) 9. Applicant must fill all the required fields except OTR details. Fields with red STAR (*) marks are mandatory and essential to be filled in by the applicant. 9.1 Nationality: Should opt from Indian/Others. Applicant should note that only Indian citizens are eligible for Indian Administrative Service/Indian Foreign Service/Indian Police Service. 9.2 Marital Status: Should choose from Unmarried /Married /Widow/ Widower/Divorcee. 9.3 PwBD (Persons with Benchmark Disability): Applicant should indicate by Yes/No. 9.4 PwBD Category: There are five categories i.e (a) blindness and low vision; (b) deaf and hard of hearing; (c) locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims and muscular dystrophy; (d) autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness; and (e) multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clauses (a) to (d) including deaf- blindness. Applicants with less than 40% disability will be considered as PWD candidates and are not eligible for age relaxation and fee exemption under the rules. For other details, Applicant may refer to the Detailed Notice of the Examination. 9.5 Certificate of Disability date: Date of issue of the Certificate. 9.6 Community: Fill the appropriate category from EWS/General/OBC/SC/ST. Applicants who belongs to OBCs but come in the ' Creamy Layer are not entitled to OBC reservation as per rules. Such type of applicants will be treated as unreserved.
  • 8. 8 | P a g e 9.7 If you belong to Minority: In case of yes, must choose appropriate minority option. 9.8 Fee Remission Claimed: Fee exemption is admissible only to SC/ST, PwBD and Female candidates. 9.9 Educational Qualification: Applicant must fill the appropriate information. 9.10 Address: An applicant must fill the correct information regarding address. 10. Click on Continue button at bottom of the page to go to the next step. This takes you page asking for claiming Age relaxation (Sample Image) 11. Here the system asks if the candidate wishes to apply for Age Relaxation. The candidate will be given the option to select the category under which he/she is applying for age relaxation. (Candidates are advised to refer to the detailed Notice No. 05/2024-CSP & 06/2024-IFS which is available in the website https://upsconline.nic.in/ as well as on the website of the Commission https://upsc.gov.in 12. After filling Claiming Age Relaxation, Applicant must click on Continue button at bottom of the page to proceed to the next step. The candidate should provide the details of Photo ID like Voter ID /Aadhaar /Driving License etc. 12.2 The candidate should provide Photo ID number and confirm it. (Sample Image)
  • 9. 9 | P a g e 13. Percentage at Graduate level must be filled correctly. The system asks for the % age of marks obtained at the Graduation Level. This information is for statistical purposes only. In cases where grades/CGPA is awarded by the University, the equivalent percentage of marks, as per University guidelines, may be filled. In cases where thereare no guidelines on this issue, the indicative percentage of marks may be calculated based on the CGPA. For example, if a candidate obtained a CGPA of 7.0 out of 10, then the percentage may be filled as 70%. 14. Number of Attempts already made in Civil Services Examination: Must be filled correctly. 15. Specific Details for Civil Services (Main) Examination, viz, (a) detail of centers for Civil Services (Main) Examination and Indian Forest Service (Main)Examination (b) Optional subject to be selected for the examination, (c) medium of examination for Civil Services (Main) Examination, (d) Medium of Examination for Optional Subject if he/she chooses any Indian Language as the Medium of Examination for Civil Services (Main) Examination and (e) compulsory Indian Language for Civil Services (Main) Examination. These fields must be filled carefully since No request for change will be considered by the Commission at any later stage except during the correction window 15.1 Centre for Civil Services (Main) Examination and Indian ForestService (Main) Examination (if opted): To be selected from the given list in drop down menu. 15.2 Optional Subject for Paper VI & VII (in case of CSE) and Paper III&IV (in case of IFoS Examination): To be selected from the given list in dropdown menu. 15.3 Language Medium for CS(M) Examination for Paper I to Paper VII: To be selected from the dropdown menu carefully. Also, the Medium of CS(M) Examination for Optional Subject if he/she chooses any Indian Language as the Medium of Examination for Civil Services (Main) Examination to be selected. 15.4 Information regarding hailing from Arunachal Pradesh/ Manipur /Meghalaya /Mizoram/Nagaland /Sikkim and claiming exemption from appearing inINDIAN LANGUAGE FOR PAPER A should be selected either Yes or No. 15.4.1 The paper A on Indian Language will not, however, be compulsory for candidates of Persons with Benchmark Disability (only Hearing Impaired) provided that they have been granted such exemption from 2nd or 3rd language courses by the concerned education Board/University. The candidate needs to provide an undertaking/self- declaration in this regard in order to claim such exemption. 15.5. Applicants selecting No in para 11.4, have to select the Language for Paper A. 16. Specific Details for Indian Forest Services Examination: viz, Centre for IFoS (Main) Examination, First Optional Subject and Second Optional Subject: Applicants must fill these fields carefully since No request for change in this information except during the correction window at any later stage (i.e. DAF-I) will be considered. 16.1 Centre for IFoS (Main) Examination: To be selected from the givenlist in Drop-down menu. 16.2 First Optional Subject: To be selected from the given list in dropdown menu.
  • 10. 10 | P a g e 16.3 Second Optional Subject: To be selected from the given list in drop down menu. List of other optional subjects comprise only those subjects which are permissible along with the optional subject already chosen. 16.4 Attempts Already made in IFoS Examination: To be filled correctly. 17. Click on Continue button at bottom of the page to proceed to the next step. Here the system displays all the information provided by the candidate in the application form for verification. Update button is also provided therein at the bottom of the Online Application details to move back and make any correction in the information filled in. The candidates are advised to check the filled in details and satisfy themselves that all information is correctly filled up. No change in information filled in by the candidates would be allowed at any subsequent stage of the examination process except during the correction window. (Sample Image)
  • 11. 11 | P a g e 18. Declaration box: In case the candidate opts to I Do not Agree, the application will be dropped and the procedure will be terminated. Accepting to I Agree only will submit the candidates Online Application. (Sample Image) 19. When an applicant clicks on I Agree button, his/her eligibility for age relaxation and other criteria is automatically checked by the system. With the correct eligibility, the system Displays the system generated unique Registration ID along with the essential identification information about the candidate viz. Name, Fathers Name, Mothers name, DOB, Address, Examination Centre etc. opted by the candidate. 20. The candidate is also intimated that he has completed PART-I of the Registration of Online Application procedure. The candidates may however note that Application would be treated as incomplete and rejected unless accompanied with Part-II Registration. 21. CANDIDATES ARE ADVISED TO TAKE A PRINT OF THIS PAGE BY CLICKING ON THE Print Slip OPTION AVAILABLE BELOW THEREIN. PART-II Registration: 22. Once PART-I of the Online Application procedure is completed, an applicant has to complete the PART-II Registration by clicking on the Latest Notification for submission of Online Application successfully.
  • 12. 12 | P a g e (Sample Image) 23. PART-II REGISTRATION COMPRISES THREE STEPS: - 1. FEE PAYMENT (Female / SC, ST & PwBD Candidates are exempted from payment of fee) 2. EXAMINATION CENTRE for Civil Services (Prelims) HAS TO BE CHOSEN FROM THE AVAILABLE DROP-DOWN MENU. 3. UPLOADING OF PHOTOGRAPH, SIGNATURE, PHOTO ID and RELEVANT DOCUMENTS. 23.1 Applicants have to upload images of their photograph and signature # in .jpg format. Scanned Photograph should be in JPG format. The digital size should not exceed 300 KB each and must not be less than 20 KB and resolution 550 pixels (Width) X 550 pixels (Height) minimum, 1000 pixels (Width) X 1000 pixels (Height) maximum and Bit Depth of image file should be 24 bit. The photograph should be clear with plain white background and 3/4 of photograph should present full face (full head from top of hair to bottom of chin). The photograph should be latest (not older than 10 days for filling online application form) and at bottom of photograph name of candidate and date of photo to be mentioned. 23.2 Scanned Signature should be in JPG format. The digital size should not exceed 300 KB each and must not be less than 20 KB and resolution 350 pixels (Width) X 350 pixels (Height) minimum, 550 pixels (Width) X 550 pixels (Height) maximum and Bit Depth of image file should be 24 bit. 23.3 Photo identity card document in PDF format must be uploaded. The digital size of PDF file should not exceed 300 KB and must not be less than 20 KB. 24. After uploading a fresh page shows the preview of the uploaded images by the candidate. Here the candidate is advised to see his/her uploaded photograph that the photograph is clearly visible/identifiable in the upper row and the specimen signature in the lower row. In no case these rows should be swapped and uploaded photograph and specimen signature must be clearly identifiable / visible, otherwise the candidature of the candidate is liable to be cancelled by the commission and no representation from the candidate will be
  • 13. 13 | P a g e entertained by the commission regarding any change for the wrong data uploaded /filled up by the candidate. If the candidate is satisfied with the uploaded images, he may CONFIRM the uploading of photograph and signature by clicking on Confirm Upload button. If by any reason uploaded images are not up to the mark then the candidate can RELOAD these images by clicking on the Reload Photograph and/or Reload Signature button. They can view reloaded Photograph/signature by clicking on Image refresh button. The software will not save photograph and signature of the candidate unless he confirms the upload by clicking on Confirm Upload button. Note: Candidates should satisfy themselves about the quality of photograph &signature files upload. Applications having poor quality photo or signature files are liable to be rejected. 25. At the bottom of the page there is a 'Declaration' for the candidates. Candidates are advised to go through the contents of the Declaration carefully. Candidate has the option to either agree or disagree with the contents of Declaration by clicking on I have read Declaration & Agree or I Do Not Agree buttons. In-case the candidate opts to 'I Do Not Agree', the application will be dropped and the procedure will be terminated. Accepting to I have read Declaration & Agree only will submit the candidate's Online Application Finally. 26. FOR FEE PAYMENT CANDIDATES HAVE THREE OPTIONS: - 26.1 THEY CAN PAY CASH AT ANY BRANCH OF STATE BANK OF INDIATHROUGH THE PAY-IN-SLIP GENERATED BY THE ONLINE APPLICATIONPROCESS. 26.2 THEY CAN PAY ONLINE USING THE INTERNET BANKING FACILITY OF THE STATE BANK OF INDIA. 26.3 THEY CAN PAY ONLINE USING ANY VISA/MASTER CARD Debit OR Credit Card/UPI ISSUED BY ANYBANK/INSTITUTION. 27. Applicants who opt for "Pay by Cash" mode should print the system generated Pay-in- slip during part II registration and deposit the fee at the counter of SBI Branch on the next working day only. "Pay by Cash mode will be deactivated at 11.59 P.M. of 04.03.2024 i.e. one day before the closing date; however applicants who have generated their Pay-in- Slip before it is deactivated may pay at the counter of SBI Branch during banking hours on the closing date. After receipt of cash, the Bank would stamp the pay-in-slip and also provide a TRANSACTION ID as indicated on the Challan Form as SBI Journal Number. After paying fee through Cash Mode, the candidate would have to go to the website (www.upsconline.nic.in)again and fill the transaction id and other details with PART-II Registration process. 28. After filling fee details (in case of cash payment) or paying fee through other than Cash mode, the application must click on the Continue button provided at the bottom of the page. 29. In next step, Applicant must fill in the Centre of Examination for Civil Services (Prelims) and click on the submit button given at the bottom of the page. 30. In a next step, through a fresh page the applicant is intimated that their application has been submitted successfully. This page has also a link to view the complete application.
  • 14. 14 | P a g e Applicants are advised to take printout of their completed application right after they have completed the application process. 31. To view the application submitted by the candidate a link View/Print Application is also given on the home page. 32. Candidates applying online need NOT send hard copy of the Online Application filled by them online or any other document/certificate/testimonial to the Union Public Service Commission. However, they are advised to take printout of the Online Application and retain it for further communication with the Commission. 33. The Candidates applying for the examination should ensure that they fulfill all eligibility conditions for admission to examination. Their admission at all the stages of the examination will be purely provisional subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. 34. Mere issue of admission certificate to the candidate will not imply that his candidature has been finally cleared by the Commission. The Commission takes up verification of eligibility conditions with reference to original documents at subsequent stages of examination process. LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS: Online Application process must be completed (including filling up of Part-I and Part-II of the Form) before 1800 HRS of 05 March, 2024.