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NYC Housing Authority
Land Lease Comments
PO Box 3422
New York NY 10008
Editor's Notes
#2: Presenter Sheila Pinckney, Director, Manhattan Borough Property ManagementGood evening everyone and thank you for participating in this very important discussion today.This will be just one of many discussions that NYCHA and all of you-- will have in the coming weeks about a proposal to generate funding to Improve and Preserve Public Housing here at Meltzer. Many of you may have come to meetings NYCHA hosted in the last few months. I also know there has been a lot of misinformation or confusion out there about plans for this development and that is why it is so important that you have come here to get information, raise questions, give your opinion and offer ideas. I speak for everyone at NYCHA when I say we want to and willanswersall those questions, hear your comments and welcomeall of your suggestions and ideas. There are more meetings to come so this will not be the only chance to offer your opinion-- this is just the beginning of this multi-year process until 2015 to 2016.
#3: Presenter Sheila Pinckney, Director, Manhattan Borough Property Management 仆舒亟亠亠仄, 仂 从舒从 仄仂亢仆仂 弍仂仍亠 仍ミ莞黍 仗仂仍亳 于仂亰仄仂亢仆仂 于舒亰亳 于仂 仄仆亠仆亳亠. So before we begin, lets go over the following ground rules.I would like to go over some Ground Rules:We are here to listenThe passing out of materials, photo taking and video recordings are not allowedIf you would like to speak or ask a question we ask that you complete a speaker slip [Hold up a sample of speaker slip] We ask that you limit your comments/questions to 3 minutes This is a meeting for residents so we are going to take questions from residents first and then move on to other questions if time permits.We ask that your comments are respectful and that you be considerate of others and allow them time to share their questionsIf you have any personal and/or specific need or issue related to your apartment please raise your hand, NYCHA staff is here to assist you.We have General Information tables are available outside where leaflets and flyers may be displayed. Resource tables have been set up outside with information so that the end of the meeting you can pick-up information on that may be of interest to you on: Resident Economic Empowerment and Sustainability, Fair Housing, Social Services, Citywide Programs, and A Health Provider. Moderator to introduce Patricia Barrera, Senior Portfolio Manager for the Development Department
#4: Presenter Patricia Barrera, Senior Portfolio Manager for the Development DepartmentThis PLAN is ALOT to TAKE in. There is important information we want to share and importantly we want to hear what you think and answer your questions. Based on feedback we got from you and other residents when we had our first round of meetings, we have broken down the discussion today into five (5) parts.
#5: Presenter Patricia Barrera, Senior Portfolio Manager for the Development Department
#6: Presenter Patricia Barrera, Senior Portfolio Manager for the Development Department
#7: Presenter Patricia Barrera, Senior Portfolio Manager for the Development Department
#16: Presenter Patricia Barrera, Senior Portfolio Manager for the Development DepartmentReinforce the unmet need due to years of underfunding by the federal government $876 Million in Capital funding and $750 Million inOperating. NYCHA is not getting enough money to keep the buildings maintained.
#17: Presenter staff member from Development Department
#18: Presenter staff member from Development Department
#19: Presenter staff member from Development Department
#20: Presenter Sheila Pinckney, Director, Manhattan Borough Property ManagementAt this point the floor will be open for comments and questions. Moderator along with Development staff will field questions from the audience.Remind residents that we have copies of the presentation on the way out and also please visit the NYCHA website for updates.This is the continuation of many more conversations.